All Episodes

December 18, 2024 136 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Ripped off, you need advice.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
You don't help, come running just as fast as you can.
Shooter's gonna help.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
Come, man, this is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez, welcome, Welcome,
my friends to the Only Shovin's Time. We're here to
solve problems, answer questions, take complaints. Our goal in life
is to make your life. That's right, your life just
a little bit better. You've been ripped off, maybe a
contractor showed up, decided not to do any work, or

did horrible work, and you need help. You need help
trying to recoup that money. You need help, maybe trying
to just find the guy to finish the job. That
is what we're here for. We use the power of
the media to go after well. I'll put it like this,
the scumbag said, don't do what's right. That's what we do,
and we do it every day, day in, day out.

Maybe you got a problem with the landlord, maybe you
just got a financial question. Maybe you've got something to
say about where we live, because I do. Right now,
what happened to Mike Kaufman and our governor saying that
this gang thing was just overrated? Remember when Trump was
here in town in Aurora, and there was about fifty

thousand people lined up to see him. Susanna and I
were there. In fact, we were the front of the
standing row. We did in line eight hours, absolutely amazing.
We listened to him talk about it. Then later on
the news we heard Kaufman, by the way, which is
a Republican, which is mind blowing. He might as well
be Liz Cheney actually, but what we had to hear

from him was, Oh, it's blown out of proportion. There's
nothing going on here, nothing at all. It's only a
handful of people, a couple people. Paulus said the same thing.
And now we find out fourteen of them or nineteen
suspects I'm reading now nineteen suspect Aurora home invasion stab
people pulled their fingernails off. Can you imagine, guys? Can

you imagine how that would feel? And of course these
were immigrants they were targeting, probably from the same country
they are. It's absolutely unbelievable what this town has become.
I don't understand why. I do think they are dealing
with ice right now. I think they are going to
allow ice in to remove these people. But would they

do that in Denver? This is Aurora, but Denver's still not.
I don't know what. I would love to know what
Polish thinks of that. So you apprehend nineteen gang members
that tortured illegal immigrants that are terrified to be here.
They were probably dropped off in that apartment complex by
our own government, probably by Polish. I mean, I don't

know by somebody think about that. Frank durand the real
estate man joins me, Frank, what do you think when
I start to show off with something like that?

Speaker 3 (03:01):
It's mind blowing, brother. You know, it's really tough to see.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
You know, we were told there's nothing going on. Don't
believe your lyon eyes. Look over here, and now once again,
national news across the entire country. Nineteen people, fingernails pulled out,
people tried to warn us, but nope, nothing here to see.
Don't worry about it. We're Denver, We're sanctuary city. I

realized this was Aurora, but same thing. Honest to goodness,
I just can't believe what this has become in this
doc any thoughts on the whole thing. You've lived in
Colorado about as long as I have.

Speaker 4 (03:37):
It's just it's mind boggling the minds of these liberal,
progressive people who don't understand the repercussions of what they're doing.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
I just can't understand it either, Suzanne, what are your
thoughts are?

Speaker 5 (03:49):
I think they need to turn the people over to ICE.

Speaker 1 (03:51):
Wat I'm out of here. I think they are turning
these people over. But I'd be really curious how Denver
would do this if this happened in Denver, I mean
I really would, would Denver actually turn him over to ICE?
How about New York City? I guess I guess he's
gonna be working with him.

Speaker 4 (04:08):
I would love to hear somebody, if they're listening in
the audience, why somebody who is here illegally and commits
a violent crime should not be deported.

Speaker 1 (04:19):
Now I have no idea why.

Speaker 4 (04:21):
Yeah, I would love to hear somebody who believes that.
I mean, we're not talking about Polish. I'm here, gets
a job and tries to raise a family.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
Polis is Mike, who's the Who's the mayor of Denver?

Speaker 6 (04:33):

Speaker 1 (04:33):
I forget his name? Johnson?

Speaker 7 (04:35):
Yeah, I would love to hear why should.

Speaker 1 (04:37):
He said he was going to fight it. He said
he's gonna get people to stand on the border and
fight Ice. Ah what kind of moron says that? Well,
and in no offense. I do watch Kyle Clark. I
watch that next, and Suzanne thinks it's funny. I watch
it because he always gets me in an uproar. I'm
always screaming at him. But I find the guy entertaining.

I think he's pretty good at doing a show, even
though I disagree with probably every bit of political blood
that runs through him. But he was one of the
locals that was saying, oh, there's nothing out there, there's
no gang members, it's just a couple people. He downplayed it,
just like everybody. That drives me crazy. And then that's

what people hear in Colorado. They hear this really didn't happen.
I mean, this is nuts. It's absolutely nuts. Go ahead, doctor,
I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (05:31):
It's just progressive bias. It's the news.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Yeah it is. It's crazy. Three h three, Martino, you've
got any comments on the non existent gangs right here
in Colorado that apparently, you know, we're torturing people, you know,
pulling off fingernails is absolutely insane. And then I think
the other ones were stabbed, they were all kidnapped, and
here we are again. Now I did listen to Kyle
Clark last night. I watched it and he basically told

the story. He of course didn't talk about the last
time you talked about it, where you know, nothing was
going on. It was all overblown and it was just
a handful of people. But now we're talking a lot
of people, kidnapping, torture. What else needs to happen here,
Frank Durant real quick, and we're going to go to
Rick by the way, we got some lines open. I
digress three oh three seven three eight two five five.

That's the phone number, three oh three Martino. I get
so worked up over this stuff. I need to start
calming down a little. In fact, Frank, I'll tell you
what got me worked up a little. In the last
few days. You were helping me with some negotiations.

Speaker 5 (06:37):

Speaker 1 (06:38):
Suzanne and I were in Nebraska talk about a small town,
my god, Scott's Bluff, trying to find a rental there,
trying to find some property to buy. So we found
a couple of duplexes. I never heard back from them.
Well can you believe that I made an offer? I
literally made a cash offer on two duplexes, probably about

twenty percent less. I'm trying to do the math here
about twenty percent less and what they were asking. Nothing
moves there. I mean, it's really crazy. I even reached
out to one of our experts when it comes to
investments in property, Barry over at vest Eira, and he said,
there's really no economy there. It's a very small town.

When you go to sell, it's going to be hard.
But what I couldn't believe is I didn't even get
a phone call. That's the part that's nuts.

Speaker 3 (07:33):
Well market, it always amazes me when I call certain
towns it's almost like this laid back town of Maybury.
This is like they're small, they just don't care. There's
so relaxed and there's no urgency whatsoever. And that's unfortunate
the town.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
Actually I found the people there pretty nice, but it
is a very small town. Man their industry. See, it's
going to be one of these towns where Walmart is probably,
if not the largest in employer, maybe the second. But
there's a big hospital. But the hospital, hey, doc, what
is this? So we were out there helping our son

find a place because he's in retail and he's moving there,
and he said, can you go out? I can't find
anything online, and sure enough, there is almost nothing online.
But when we did find him a nice apartment. Finally,
ninety percent of the people in the complex are short
term doctors and nurses that go through that hospital. Why
would people constantly come and go to a certain hospital

for a short amount of time. I don't understand.

Speaker 4 (08:34):
Because they get paid well. They do what's called locum tenants.
So locum tenens is when you go in and you
provide services for a hospital or a town or practice
that needs needs your help.

Speaker 7 (08:48):
So in other words, let's.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
Say that because no one wants to live there long term.

Speaker 7 (08:52):
Well, let's say there was an obgyn. Yeah, I was
in the town. I want to go on a vacation
for two or three weeks.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
You got to bring somebody in.

Speaker 4 (09:00):
Somebody through local tenons. The organization that supplies that pays
really well, and.

Speaker 7 (09:05):
So you do it for two or three weeks.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
I got you. That's interesting. So they have the hospital,
they have of course the walmart, and this walmart's so
busy it's nuts. It must pull from every small farming community.
It's bigger footprint than anything in Colorado, including d Ia
Aora everything. It's massive. It's just crazy. And then other
than that, there's a big sugar factory which I never

even thought of that it looks like a big cement
thing outside three O three seven one three A two
five five. Hey, Rick, what is going on here? It
says we didn't assign somebody. Get me up to speed, man,
I just got back in town. Are you talking to me, Rick,
I'm talking to you, Rick.

Speaker 6 (09:47):
Oh, yes, sir. I it's attempting to retrieve a security
video at a business idea business with last Wednesday, where
you know, KENNI had broke my steering column and I
just wanted to retrieve the video because he did it
right in the uh, in the in the yard right there.

He didn't put it in the garage.

Speaker 1 (10:11):
And well, I've got a couple quick questions here. I
assume you've asked for the video, right.

Speaker 6 (10:19):
No, I haven't.

Speaker 8 (10:21):
I know.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
Why wouldn't you work, for the life of me, explain
to me why you simply wouldn't ask. I assume they're
saying they didn't break it. It was already broken. I mean,
give me a little more. Why do you even want
the video.

Speaker 6 (10:35):
To show my points of how my steering column got broken?

Speaker 1 (10:42):
Okay? And you think what would show on the video
the guy took a sledgehammer to it. What happened to it?
What's wrong with it?

Speaker 6 (10:51):
Well, he turned it all the way too right, which,
of course, Uh, you know to do some work on
a right front marker light? Yeah, totally, you know not.
I mean I had the left one done a year ago.
They put it on the lift.

Speaker 8 (11:09):
Did it in five minutes?

Speaker 6 (11:10):
Okay, come back to right ones up? He turns a
wheel pop fish.

Speaker 9 (11:16):

Speaker 6 (11:16):
If I had the video, it would self explain everything.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
It would self explain that they did something wrong and
actually broke the column.

Speaker 6 (11:26):
It would it would show exactly now.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
You said before it took five minutes, so someone else
worked on it before. What was wrong with it?

Speaker 6 (11:35):
Then? I didn't say, I said I came in a
year earlier. Yeah, at the left, the left side marker done,
It took five minutes. You put the mechanic at the
same shop, not the same mechanics, but the same shot.
Hit it in five minutes.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
So when you went to pick it up and it
was messed up, what are they saying.

Speaker 6 (12:01):
I'm sitting right there watching him do it. I didn't
go anywhere to come back and pick it up. I'm
sitting there, and I go and I pay for the
labor that he charged me for the light forty bucks. Okay,
I go, get in the car. Your car. The motor
won't turn on nothing. The steering column is free. It

turns freely. Okay, it's a twenty eleven Alomobile.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
All right, Hold on, Rick, I'm starting to understand. And
you were there the whole time. Actually, I do want
to get Kevin on Kelly three oh three seven one
three eight two five five. We got a couple lines open.
You've been ripped off, taking advantage of You gotta scam
to tell us about you. Get the idea, everybody, hang tight.

Speaker 10 (12:51):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 11 (12:55):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 10 (13:00):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
All right, three oh three seven one, three eight two
five five over three hundred million dollars in cash, merchandise
exchanges and refunds. Now, Rick dropped off. So my understanding
was he was on before and basically he wants us
to call over and strong arm these people into getting
the video. He's convinced they did something wrong. Rick, I
have no idea if they did something wrong or not.

But I can tell you this, why you have not
asked them simply asked them for the video. I have
no idea. That's one of the first things I asked
you when you were on and you're like no. So
I personally, if I on the video, I would ask
them for the video or ask them to watch it
with you. If they don't want to give it to you,

they don't have to give it to you because it's
not your video. It's not yours. You could take them
to court, and by the time you get to Discovery
you could ask for it. It's going to cost you
a fortune, and on top of that, on top of that,
I bet the video would disappear. If you know what
I'm saying, these guys probably won't produce it. If they

had to if they really did something wrong, and they
don't want to acknowledge to you that they did do
something wrong and you ended up in this predicament, Well,
what makes you think they're ever going to show you
this video? We've already proven if both of those things
are correct, they messed up, they broke it. They don't
want to take responsibility. They're sure as hell not going

to give you a proof. They've already came out and
said we're scumbacks. You get what I'm saying, Rick, I mean, honestly,
I wouldn't mind having one of our people call over,
but I would still like to understand what the hell
the problem was. If you're saying, what were they Shannon,
you heard the original call, I guess or Kelly, what
were they originally saying?

Speaker 12 (15:12):
It was something with a steering column on a Mercedes?

Speaker 1 (15:15):
Yes, what was it in there?

Speaker 6 (15:16):

Speaker 1 (15:17):
A blinker? A tail light? What the hell were they
working on?

Speaker 5 (15:20):
Well, he's back on the phone online too.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
If you want to go, Rick, what were they actually
fixing on your vehicle?

Speaker 6 (15:28):
You're right, marker light?

Speaker 1 (15:32):
Okay, and what does that happen? For the life of me,
please explain to me what that has to do with
the steering column, because I'm lost right there.

Speaker 6 (15:43):
Okay, so I drove, I drove in there, and I
parted the guy. The guy got in and turned to
steering wheel, turned the car on, turned to steering wheel,
and he was attempting to put the bible in. Okay,
he made a The whole brench of popping noise is
when he's down there, attempted to unscrew it, but nevertheless. Anyway,

he turns the share and will a couple of times
he jumps out, he turns it off and then turns
it again. So after he finishes, I pay it what ap?
And I come out attempt to start my car?

Speaker 1 (16:21):
What kind of car?

Speaker 13 (16:22):
Is this happen?

Speaker 6 (16:24):
Twenty eleven Mercedes seventy thousand miles.

Speaker 1 (16:30):
I still don't understand the correlation. What do you think
he did? Do you think he went in there and
intentionally tried to break it? What do you think he did?

Speaker 14 (16:38):

Speaker 10 (16:38):

Speaker 6 (16:40):
No, I think he accidentally did it.

Speaker 1 (16:44):
Wait, but that's where I want to go. Rick, You've
got to explain this to me. How does one get
into your car and accidentally break your steering column? How
does one do.

Speaker 6 (16:54):
That by turning it by.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
Turning the wheel tearing on. So by turning your steering wheel,
it broke the it broke the column. Yes, okay, by
turning the steering wheel. Do you understand what you're saying.
You're saying someone went in there, turn your steering wheel
and it broke your car. Wouldn't you think your car
already had an issue at that.

Speaker 6 (17:17):
Point after I just started up five minutes ago and
he started it up to turn the Where's.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
What I want to do? No, no, no, here's what
I want to do. I'm going to put them on hold. Rick,
I'm going to try to help you. Here's what we're
gonna do, Kelly, I want you to call over and
see if this shop will come on. I would love
to talk to him about rick steering column that their
technician got in turned the wheel and it broke. I
would love to talk to him. So let's get the
number over there. Then I'll even assign it to a

deputy if they don't want to come on, and we'll
go down this this bunny hole. But Rick, they don't
have to give you the video that I can promise you.
But we're going to try to ask them what's going
on and we'll ask him if we can see the video.
But the whole story sounds absolutely insane, It really does.
I mean, Rick, do you understand if you let me

borrow your car, if you I'm going to put you
on hold again if you let me borrow your car?
And I got in there and I turned the steering
wheel and the whole thing broke. I don't think I
would be blame for your car. That's not a thing
a car does normally.

Speaker 6 (18:27):
I agree. Okay, he was watching him do it all
the time.

Speaker 1 (18:32):
And what did you you were there watching him, What
did you see? What did you see? What did they do?

Speaker 6 (18:39):
I seen him start my car up yep, turn the
wheel to the right, yep. Then out see if he
had asked us to the marker light, yep, then he's out.
Then he then he got back in the car. He
didn't start it up. He just cranked the wheel some more,

tore right. Uh, and then basically that's about it. I mean,
he started up, but when I.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
Got there, you're saying he broke it. Wait a minute,
are you alleging he broke it when he turned it
back and the power was not on the vehicle, It
wasn't turned on.

Speaker 6 (19:17):

Speaker 1 (19:18):
Okay, hold on, I do want to ask Kevin that question.
Let's get Kevin on.

Speaker 10 (19:27):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 11 (19:31):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 10 (19:36):
Time for an insurance check up free no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three O three seven
to seven to one.

Speaker 1 (19:46):

Speaker 10 (19:47):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 15 (19:57):
Hey, don't forget.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
You can go to YouTube. I'm typing Troubleshooter Network watches live.
During the breaks, we were talking about the drones. We
were talking about all different kinds of things. Hey, Kevin Colkin,
I do want to ask you this before I bring
break back up. First of all, Hey, what's going on?

Speaker 14 (20:13):

Speaker 1 (20:13):
You doing all right?

Speaker 9 (20:14):
Okay? Yeah, they're good.

Speaker 1 (20:16):
Did you smoke any meat during the weekend? Huh?

Speaker 9 (20:19):
We we did a ham? Oh nice, all right, think
spiral ham double smoke it and yeah.

Speaker 1 (20:27):
I love him Susanna always gets one of those honey
baked tam. I think she overspends on it. You can
go to Costco get the same thing for half the price.

Speaker 9 (20:34):
Twenty bucks, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
Twenty bucks. Yeah, she's over here shaking her head like now,
there's nothing like that.

Speaker 15 (20:39):
There's nothing like a honey baked Tam from the Honey
Baked Tam company.

Speaker 6 (20:43):
Mark you haven't had my ham there you go?

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Hey, So Kevin, if I hop in a Mercedes twenty
eleven Mercedes something or other, and I want to do
the right front tail light or on the tail light,
the right front marker light or headlight assembly, whatever. So
I get in, I turned the vehicle on. I cocked
the wheel over to the right or left so I
have more access up under the fender. You follow right, yep, yep.

Then I swap out the light. I'm all done. I
get back in. I decide, for whatever reason, not to
turn the vehicle back on, but just to crank the
wheel straight. What damage would that do? Is that even feasible?

Speaker 9 (21:23):
Well, with a lot of force, yeah, you could break
the steering lock mechanism.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
Sure, So that's what Rick is saying happened.

Speaker 9 (21:31):
That's a lot of fun. I mean, that's not just
to grab the wheel and turn. That's that's a big
boy with two hands on the wheel cranking.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
I mean you're doing I mean you've got it. You
know you're going to break it. Would you agree with that?

Speaker 9 (21:43):
Yes? Absolutely?

Speaker 15 (21:44):

Speaker 1 (21:44):
Now Rick, just hearing what Kevin said, why would this
guy get back in and use every bit of force
he has to break your steering column? Why would he
do that?

Speaker 6 (21:56):
Okay, Well, I'll tell you what. Two seconds or he
turned it on, the power steering turned it on, turned
the wheel. Now he can ask you wanted to start
your car up? Okay? And then when I get in
it to go, the steering columns broke, their car won't
turn on or nothing else. So I mean, what other

and what.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
Did they say at this point? Rick?

Speaker 15 (22:21):

Speaker 1 (22:21):
What did they say? At this point you go to
get in, nothing's working.

Speaker 6 (22:25):
What do they say, Oh, he does a diagnostic on it. Okay, Hey,
the steering wheels broke, the steering wheel columns broke, and
the module in it or whatever, all the all the
things that pertains to a steering wheel.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
Low, Well what what what? What's the module? If they did, Rick,
for the life of me, please just some of these questions.
Just answer if they gave you or if they did
a diagnostic on it and then handed you something like what, Kevin,
what kind of module would that possibly be?

Speaker 9 (22:55):
I want something with the airbag, like clock spring or something.
I'm not sure what you know.

Speaker 1 (22:59):
What they're talking about. But Rick, didn't you say, hey,
this thing was working fine till I dropped it off,
and now it doesn't work. And I've been here the
whole time. What's going on? Guys? What do they say?

Speaker 9 (23:12):
That's weird?

Speaker 14 (23:13):

Speaker 6 (23:14):
He says those So first she says that it might
be the battery. Now light mind, dude, you've just seen them.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
Wait wait, we're talking just about the wheel not turning anymore.
Forget about the reason it's not starting. I mean, that
could be a battery. It could be the ignition got
broke while and all this happened. I mean, there's like
every problem in the world right now. But what did
they say when you drove in and everything's fine, you
go to put in a marker light and now it

doesn't start, it doesn't turn, and it's got a million problems.
Do they go, oh, well, we didn't do anything. What
do they say?

Speaker 14 (23:51):

Speaker 6 (23:51):
They diagnosed. It told me it cost me sixteen dollars.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
Hold On, So, Kelly, did we try reaching out to
these people? And what's the name of this place? Rick?

Speaker 6 (24:03):
Auto House?

Speaker 8 (24:04):
No auto house?

Speaker 1 (24:05):
What is it?

Speaker 6 (24:10):
I R O Howe Auto House, f I.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
R O fire Row Auto House. Hold on, Yeah, I don't.
I don't care about the address. Give Kelly, do you
have the phone number to this place and make sure
it's the right place? Can you do that for me?
And I want to call over there see if we
can't get them on. Look, I can't imagine someone would

get in, not turn the car on, and put the
kind of force Kevin's talking about in order to break it. Kevin,
once again, I mean we're talking. You would know, you
would simply know not to do it right.

Speaker 9 (24:47):
No, you got to put two feet up against the
you know, like the firewall and really tug.

Speaker 1 (24:51):
Yeah, I mean you're trying to break it at that point.
And why would they do that? That makes no sense
to me. My guess is more of something like this.
They did the headlight, they get back in and the
car won't start. No idea why it won't start. But
something something went awry when they were working on the vehicle,
but I'm not sure what they could have done wrong

from the caller's description, I mean, what do you think?

Speaker 9 (25:16):
So? I don't know. He what I remember from the
earlier call is that he went to Mercedes with the vehicle,
and that's what I told him, get them to report
on it, that it's got damaged. You know, did he
do that? You know? That's what I understood.

Speaker 1 (25:31):
Wait a minute, Okay, hold on, I'm just gonna go
nuts here. We're going to try to call over there
because i'd like to hear from the shop. Kevin. I
appreciate it, and I'm going to ask him that if
he ever brought it over there, and then, if so,
what did Mercedes say? Is that something? If he brought
it to you, you could look at and see what
the hell happened. I mean, you would never know how
it broke, though, I guess you could tell if they

tugged on the wheel so hard it broke, compared to
if something broke internally that was old.

Speaker 9 (25:59):
Yeah, if you have friends as opposed to worn out parts,
it could be pretty obvious.

Speaker 1 (26:03):
Yeah, all right, thanks Kevin. Kevin talk and shared in
Auto Tech Home of the three Year. Listen to this
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save some money, or just need a place to maintain
your car that's reputable and honest and just a good value.
At Shardanauto tech dot Com, we're trying to get that

shop on. We're dealing with that in the background. Mary,
what is this problem with your apartment? And then Alton
Richmond America Man, we used to get a lot of
calls on them. When I'm done with Mary, I'll come
to you. Mary, what's going on with this apartment?

Speaker 15 (26:44):
Hi? Sorry?

Speaker 12 (26:45):
How to take it off hole?

Speaker 1 (26:46):
No problem?

Speaker 12 (26:47):
So apparently are you can you hear me?

Speaker 13 (26:49):
All right?

Speaker 1 (26:49):
I can hear you perfectly?

Speaker 12 (26:51):
Oh great, great, okay. So I'm over here at the
Ventana at Colorado Station by there are a nine to
five East Donald, it's off.

Speaker 6 (27:02):
The twenty five and Evans.

Speaker 12 (27:03):
Apparently there was a water main break on Sunday night,
and of course all of us were sleeping, so nobody
reported it until Monday morning. We have no water at all,
and it's Wednesday. This is day three. And this company
called Burge and Held, which is out of Indiana, doesn't

care and they will not put us up.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
You're saying, they're the property management, the.

Speaker 12 (27:31):
Company that the Nationwide company that owns this property got it.

Speaker 1 (27:36):
So they're saying that they can't put you in another place.
What are they giving you as far as an eta,
Are they offering you bottled water? Are they offering you anything?
I realized you can't take a shower with bottled water?
But what are they saying?

Speaker 12 (27:50):
They're giving everybody bottled water, but they're not giving us
a like water truck. I call a water truck company that,
like you know, you can buckets of water with, and
it's called Fusion. They said that they'll call my property
manager and see if they can.

Speaker 1 (28:06):
You know, how long are they talking about this is
gonna take?

Speaker 12 (28:11):
They don't know, because what happened was yesterday when they
finally found the leak. It took Monday until Tuesday afternoon
to finally find me.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
Hey, Doc, you want to make a call over there.

Speaker 7 (28:21):
I'll tell you what I think.

Speaker 4 (28:22):
I think all she needs to do is get a
room and then we'll go to small claims court.

Speaker 7 (28:27):
It's a slam dunk.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
Well yeah, but I mean that's a pain in the ass.
Plus I hear she's got a baby in the background.
Now you're talking, Do I assume I'm hearing that right?

Speaker 12 (28:36):
Yeah, I've got three children under it.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
It's not right. Okay, Yeah, hold on. Doc's gonna call
for you during break and we're going to see. I'd
like to know when it's going to be done. And
if it's not going to be done, Doc's one hundred
percent right, you know, not having water, you could go somewhere.
Most likely they would just reimburse you. Anyhow. I don't
think you'd have to take them the small claims court, because,

I mean, is an essential thing to.

Speaker 7 (29:01):
Have unless.

Speaker 12 (29:03):
Yeah, this has aft of being terrible and not giving
a damn about the people that are are living here.

Speaker 1 (29:11):
Let's shake let's shake them up. We're gonna have dot call. Yeah,
hold tight, Hold tight, I'll come back to you and
he's gonna call right now. In fact, Kelly, make sure
we get that information. And what did Rick have to say?
Did he give you the phone number over there to
the uh Phearah Auto house? Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Okay, hold tight.

Speaker 10 (29:37):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel roofing
dot com.

Speaker 11 (29:41):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 10 (29:47):
Time for an insurance checkup free no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three oh three seven seven
one help. You'll think you're his only customer when you
it was Frank durand the real estate man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliance three all three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
I just got a call out of the blue from somebody.
You ever get a call from somebody who thought was dead?
I mean, I know that sounds odd, but here's the
guy I've been trying to trace down ghost from the
parts calling Yeah. So during the break, I looked down
and says Ken Roady. I'm like, oh my god, I
thought he was dead. And when I answered the phone,

I literally said, hey man, I thought you were dead.
And he laughed and said, well, I tried a few times,
but I'll catch up with him. But have you ever
received a call from someone you legitimately thought was no
longer with us? Frank Duran, I.

Speaker 3 (30:45):
Can't thank you any Mark, but I do remember a
comedian one time. He says, if only if my grandmother
were here, today, I say, hey, Grandma, what are you
doing here?

Speaker 1 (30:52):
You've been dead for ten years? Dunn all right, folks.
Three L three seven one three eight two five. Deputy
Doc found out a few things going on. Deputy Doc.
She's headed over. They're scheduling showers at an off site location.

Speaker 7 (31:07):
I don't know where. She's just had them on my
way to.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
Get a shower and stuff.

Speaker 7 (31:10):
Just clean up of three kids, yep.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
And she's gonna call me as soon as they get
back cool, and then I'll take it from there.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
Yeah, we're gonna try to at least figure out a timeline. Unfortunately,
there's not much you're gonna do when it's only been
a few days. I mean, it's horrible. I would guess
the apartment complex probably didn't even break the main line.
This probably has something to do with Denver Water at
this point, needing to get in there and fix it something.
I assume it was Denver based on the address. Now

three oh three seven one three A two five five, Kelly,
did we reach out to that shop? In fact, my
notes are gone on it here. It is Fierau Auto House. Kelly.
She's reaching out to him right now, so hopefully she
can get yeah, Alton, what's going on with you? Alton?

Are you there?

Speaker 16 (32:02):
Take six?

Speaker 14 (32:03):
Yeah, I'm here.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
What's going on?

Speaker 9 (32:05):

Speaker 1 (32:05):
It says you got a problem with Richmond?

Speaker 14 (32:08):
Yeah, I do.

Speaker 15 (32:09):
Hold le okay, speaker, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (32:16):
Oh, Miguel, hold on a second. I'm sorry. Think you
got to put him on. Alton. I got to put
you on hold because I have a business we've been
talking about on the air right now that I need
to talk to. I promised right after the big break
I'll get back to you. I think we have an
angel over at Richmond too, So depending on the problem,
you might have called the right people. So hold on alright, Alton.
I hate to do that to you, but I've got

Miguel on. Miguel. You're the owner of Phiro's Auto House.
Is that correct?

Speaker 17 (32:41):

Speaker 18 (32:42):
Absolutely, I'm the owner.

Speaker 1 (32:44):
So I want to ask your side to this story.
It's pretty simple. Rick said he brought his Mercedes over
there twenty eleven. Your guy hopped in. He had to
turn the steering wheel to get access to the front
marker light. They turned it. I guess they put the
new marker light in. Then, according to Rick the caller,
your tech got back in instead of turning the car on,

put a hot just put a ton of pressure on
it and actually broke the steering column. Now the vehicle
won't start, and there's other issues. What happened over there? Man?

Speaker 18 (33:16):
All right, let me explain to you. It's something easy.
I mean when when he telling you my tech, I
was the only one person working in his car, because
it was a simple job, just as the light bulb,
the sign market light bulb. And yeah, sure absolutely. I
turned the stating wheel because it's having access to the

light bulb. We need to turn the wheel all the
way to the left, I'm sorry, to the right, and
we have access there.

Speaker 15 (33:44):
You know.

Speaker 18 (33:45):
I get on the car and turned on the car
and I did my job and I went turned it
off and I'm you know, I just straight straight the
wheel back on their normal position.

Speaker 7 (33:57):

Speaker 18 (33:57):
And I came to my office and I handle the
key to my assistant, which is the one take care
of the office, saying, you know, a charge of the
suprimeplace a light ball and give it the key to him.
And so he was inside of the car and he said, well,
the car won't start. I said, well, hold on, you know,

I mean it's the cold weather.

Speaker 15 (34:22):
I check it.

Speaker 14 (34:23):
You know how long ago?

Speaker 1 (34:24):
How long did it take for you guys to pull
it in when he showed up? How long was it
turned off.

Speaker 18 (34:31):
When the turn off probably was I mean just like
five minutes the most, No more than that.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
All right, hold on, Michuel. I hate to do this year,
but we're up against a heartbreak and I really want
to get your side of the story out there, because
I figured there was a whole different side of the
story and it sounded like it. Let's make sure he
understands we got to go to break. He'll be the
first back up after it, but I'm dying to hear
the rest of the story. Five minutes later, the car
won't start. Rick says. If he sees the video, it's

going to be evident that they tried to crank the
wheel and broke something. Man, we've got a mystery going on.
Hang tight, another hour coming.

Speaker 10 (35:07):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel roofing
dot com.

Speaker 11 (35:11):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 10 (35:14):
Leave time for an insurance check up free no obligation
comparison call Compass insurance. Pay too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh three
seven seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 2 (35:44):
News you need so you don't have run Inoussas as
we can, Shooter's gonna help. Come man, this is.

Speaker 1 (35:57):
The Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez, Welcome, Welcome my friends
to the Only SHOWVI. It's kind of here to solve problems,
answer questions, take complaints. We're here to go after the
bad guys. We have a business owner on who I've
got to get right back to really quick. But I've
got to recap. Rick brought his vehicle over to Firo's
auto house. All they were doing was a marker light,

so basically up by the headlight, I think it was
front right. So they get in, they had to turn
the wheel, they turned the car on. They turned the
wheel so they can have access with the tired angle.
So they go up there, they replace it, They put
the car back the way it was park it. Whatever
they do, go inside right up the ticket and basically
charge them. And Miguel how much did you charge him

for that? Like, what fifty bucks?

Speaker 18 (36:44):
Ten buckss thirty bucks because he brings his own life back.

Speaker 1 (36:47):
Yeah, so thirty bucks. They charge him thirty bucks. He
goes out to the car and now the car doesn't start,
and it had been offered, like you said, five or
ten minutes. When you looked at the car after he
came back in and said it didn't start, what did
you find wrong with the car?

Speaker 18 (37:03):
Well, first of all, you know, I had to check
the battery on the key. That's the first thing, you know, those.

Speaker 1 (37:09):
Electronic Yeah, I got you.

Speaker 18 (37:10):
Yeah, and I noticed was working fine. So I plugged
the scan tool, which is a diagnostic tool we have
and should or now it came out we called it
says that steading module feil got it. So uh at
this point, you know, I just want to go a
little We're working on Mercedes for so many years and

we have those problems with the C class see okay class. Uh,
it's a common issue. And you know, as you you
can go and check the reviews about Mercedes.

Speaker 1 (37:42):
Once I'll find out this module went bad.

Speaker 18 (37:46):
But it's not something we made. It's just you know,
on the edge of the car. Anything can be happened anything,
and it's a common issue of common failure on the Mercedes,
that steading.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
Yeah, I get it. It just went out. It was
a coincidence, Yes, I get it. So how much is
that module in the programming it for it?

Speaker 18 (38:07):
Well, you know our cause because we had to sign
up in our nastaff program we were members and NaSTA
NaSTA is a national and all the service stuff for
oh that's fine, and we had to go with them.
Fill another application, go to the dealer. But the whole
repair because we give it. The price to mister Rick,

it was sixteen.

Speaker 1 (38:32):
Okay, Now I want to ask you some miguel. The
only thing wrong with it was a module. The steering
column itself wasn't broken, just the module for the ignition, correct,
that's it. Okay, hold on one second, if you'd be
that gracious now I want to go back to Rick.

Speaker 9 (38:48):

Speaker 1 (38:48):
It's just that module that's bad. The actual steering column
isn't broke, and that module can go out. I mean,
there's nothing they did by broke to say it again broke.

Speaker 6 (39:00):
The all I need is a video. The lock on
the steering column is broke. I just need the video.
That's all. I need to ten minutes the video that
he did the work on. That's all I need.

Speaker 1 (39:11):
Tom, Okay, hold on, man, Miguel, do you have video
of this being done? Is that something.

Speaker 18 (39:19):
We never recorded our jobs like, I mean, especially the
site marked light bulb. I mean, we don't recorder. Yeah,
I gots and for the experience I have, I mean,
it's a you know, this can be happens.

Speaker 1 (39:32):
Any moment I get listen, man, I get it, I
get it. What I would like to know, though, Kelly,
can we get I'd like to get Sheridan on one
more time, please? What I do want to just absolutely
understand though, the only problem right now is that module.

Speaker 18 (39:47):
Yes, actually I can give you hold on, let me
go to them row wheel right around for him. And
I was telling you exactly which part because you know it's.

Speaker 1 (39:58):
A people listening. Ro O writers their software that they.

Speaker 18 (40:03):
Give and you know what if somebody and your audiences
a Mercedes expert, they can they can confirm where I say.

Speaker 1 (40:10):
What I'm saying though, is the you do not have
to replace the steering column right, not.

Speaker 18 (40:16):
The seating column, but yeah, the steading module, which is
one cylinder or one solinoid attached with the stealing column.

Speaker 1 (40:28):
So yeah, that is the you have to answer Rick's
question though you have no video of it, right.

Speaker 18 (40:35):
No, I don't have a video because you know, we
just put I mean I had a rapport for the
diagnos we did after the car is filmed. Or don't start,
I can provide you with the COLDE came up, which
is the.

Speaker 1 (40:49):
Stealing the vehicles still there?

Speaker 18 (40:52):
No, he took it, he told it. We offered to
do the repairs, you know, and I went to the fair.

Speaker 1 (41:00):
Hold on one second, Miguel, you just made me think
of something. I want to ask him another question. I'm
going to have you both on for a second. Hey, Rick,
did you bring it somewhere else to get it looked
at and verify what's wrong with it?

Speaker 7 (41:12):

Speaker 6 (41:12):
I said, Mercedes is gonna be ready to day?

Speaker 1 (41:15):
And what did they do at Mercedes?

Speaker 8 (41:19):

Speaker 6 (41:20):
And it was when mcguil looked at.

Speaker 7 (41:22):
It and Rick?

Speaker 19 (41:23):

Speaker 14 (41:24):

Speaker 9 (41:25):

Speaker 1 (41:25):
What did they repair at Mercedes? Do you have the
estimate I can look.

Speaker 6 (41:29):
At I will pick it up today is three thousand
dollars stops?

Speaker 9 (41:35):

Speaker 15 (41:35):

Speaker 1 (41:36):
But what did they repair? What did they do.

Speaker 6 (41:39):
The steering module? Okay, lot steering lock in everything that
intels it.

Speaker 1 (41:47):
Did they say that it was the other shop's fault?
Did you tell him what happened? Did they have an
opinion on that?

Speaker 6 (41:54):
Absolutely? I told him what happened.

Speaker 1 (41:56):
And what did they say. Did they say, yes, they
could have done it, or did they say this is
a common problem that can happen. What did they share
with you?

Speaker 16 (42:05):
They shid it was forced U you know, some kind
of force broke the steering column the wheel.

Speaker 6 (42:12):
Was saying, or does not luck?

Speaker 16 (42:15):
After I when I got in my car, after McGill
had started up, turned the wheel, put in the light,
the steering wheel was not rick.

Speaker 1 (42:26):
You're kind of making my own argument in Miguel's when
you say that, because what what do you think he
possibly did wrong by turning it on and turning the wheel?
I mean, do you understand that a car that doesn't
have any problems that wouldn't break?

Speaker 6 (42:43):
Okay, Well that's why Tom, Okay, the car was in
the front of the building when he did the work. Yeah,
it should be on video.

Speaker 1 (42:52):
He's saying, there's no video. Miguel, I'm gonna ask you
for the fourth time, is there a video that we
could look at? There no there's no video.

Speaker 6 (43:01):
Well, I was there all the time.

Speaker 9 (43:03):
Miguel was banging on something, making.

Speaker 6 (43:06):
Up uh you know, on my finger. I guess. I
don't know how come you had to bang under defender
to get.

Speaker 9 (43:14):
A screw looser words?

Speaker 1 (43:16):
Who fixed it? Who fixed it?

Speaker 9 (43:18):

Speaker 1 (43:18):
Who ultimately fixed it? Mercedes who?

Speaker 9 (43:22):

Speaker 1 (43:22):
Mercedes? What Mercedes Dealership?

Speaker 6 (43:28):
Go ahead, Merd.

Speaker 1 (43:32):
I'm going to put them both on hold. Scott, I
want you to get involved here. I want you to
call Mercedes of Denver, okay, and if you need Rick's permission,
maybe do a three way call. I want you to
talk to them, and I want to know if they
think that Miguel or whatever shop or what happened. That's
what I want to know. I want to know if
they think that I have no idea what happened here.

I don't understand how Miguel could get in there and
turn the wheel and the whole thing breaks in it
his fault. I have no idea how that could happen
in any normal car. We had our expert on that
said you would have to get in there and basically
yank on that wheel and put your feet up against
the door in order to break something like that. The
other thing I need to know, Scott, is what did

they do? What did they do? Did they do just
the module? Because if this is just the module and
the steering column itself wasn't broken, I don't know what
I once again I don't what Miguel could have possibly
have done wrong. We've got to get to the bottom
of this before my head blows up. That's what I
want to know, honest to God, I want to know

what they did and do they have an opinion? So Rick,
Scott's gonna call you right now. We've got your info.
Scott's gonna call you off air, and you guys are
gonna call over and talk to the service manager together. Okay, okay,
all right, that's what we're gonna do. Everybody hold tight,

my God, and then Alton we're going to go back
with Richmond and mar American after this. We do have
two lines, opener. We will three zero three seven one
three A two five five. Any technicians out there, mechanics,
you heard that story. If you heard it, I want
you to give me a call and give me your opinion.
I honestly do am I missing something here. We're going
to find out when we talk to Mercedes of Denver,

but I would love to know your thoughts on it
right now. If you have dealt with the twenty eleven
Mercedes or something in that error that had this same
type of issue, they bring it in, they turn the wheel,
next thing you know, they've got to replace this module.
Three zero three Martino, go with a sure.

Speaker 10 (45:41):
Thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't
pay a cent until you're content. Time for an insurance
check up free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance.
Pay too much your coverage at dozens of insurance companies
find out now three oh three seven seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank

durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance. Three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. All right, three oh three seven one
three A two five five.

Speaker 1 (46:14):
I sure hope Deputy Dollar gets to talk to somebody
over at Mercedes of Denver. I want to figure out
what they did and jump into that meantime. Three oh
three Martino, we got a couple lines open. Three oh
three seven one three A two five five don't forget
Frank Duran, the real estate man in studio with us.
And then we've got a referral list member coming in,
Ryan Herbig. He's with American Liberty Mortgage. He's going to

be talking rates and what these guys think. You know,
really quick, Frank, where are rates right now? If you
closed anything in the last couple weeks? Of course you
have Yeah, are they closing at six and a half
right around there?

Speaker 3 (46:49):
And we're hearing the rates are going to hover around
six point three four and twenty twenty five. They're gonna
see pretty much over here, a pretty steady which is
actually a good thing because with increasing way that's going
to get people more disposable income, we expect values to
go up.

Speaker 1 (47:03):
We're gonna we're gonna dive into that with you and
Ryan shortly. But I've got a lot of questions when
it comes to rates. You know, people have such short
term memories. You talk about two three percent, which a
lot of people were in and now you start talking six.
They think it's crazy, but the reality is five and
a half to six and a half has been the
norm forever. But we'll get into that. Alton, your issue

with Richmond First of all, I appreciate you holding so long.
So what happened? Is it a new build? What's going
on with Richmond homes?

Speaker 14 (47:34):
Okay? I purchased his home May of twenty twenty two,
and my driveway.

Speaker 1 (47:42):
Was it brand new? Alton?

Speaker 14 (47:44):
Yeah, it was brand new, okay.

Speaker 1 (47:45):
And they generally give you a one year warranty. Did
you have that? I know it's May of twenty two,
but did you have a one year warranty?

Speaker 14 (47:52):
I did?

Speaker 9 (47:53):

Speaker 14 (47:53):
And uh and I really thought maybe with something, you know,
it's just the year was up. I was going to
be able to just replace it myself. But after noticing
the neighborhood and my neighbor across the street from me
his house is thinking they improperly compacted the soil.

Speaker 15 (48:13):
Oh wow, and you got you got hey.

Speaker 1 (48:17):
Alton, that's Alton. That's a big thing to say. I mean,
typically when you're doing a foundation, you're you're you're compacting
that to like ninety nine and a half percent. I mean,
it's absolutely insane. And then they actually have well hold
on here because when you when you say they didn't
do it right, the problem with saying that is the

inspectors come out and literally bore holes and then sign
off on the compaction. So it sounds like, what are
you saying that that possibly the inspector was in cahoots.

Speaker 14 (48:51):
I have no idea, but I know there's approximately five
driveways that are either coming up, they're they're bulging up.
Uh they have holes in them, you know, big big
gaping holes in What.

Speaker 1 (49:02):
Do you mean by big gaping holes on you know?

Speaker 14 (49:05):
You la, you lay the concrete down, and then in
between the concrete and the soil of the big caping hole,
you can you can you can actually, Oh.

Speaker 1 (49:13):
I see, so you can you can look under there. Well,
that could have been movement in any direction just when
you go why did you even say they didn't compact
it right then?

Speaker 14 (49:24):
Because Uh, like I said, everyone in the neighborhood is
cracking out.

Speaker 1 (49:31):
There's gonna be the so a couple of things to
do real quick.

Speaker 10 (49:34):

Speaker 14 (49:35):
But but but the one more thing, Uh, everybody else
on the other side, whoever built the other side, No
one on their side. Uh another manufactured builds on the
other side, and their driveways are perfect. Ours is buckling.
I don't understand.

Speaker 1 (49:51):
I get that there's a problem with the driveway. I
understand that, but I don't know if that leads back
to compaction. Your house. You mentioned one of the homes
is moving. Is that true?

Speaker 14 (50:03):
That's true?

Speaker 7 (50:03):

Speaker 1 (50:04):
And is it sinking or is it up?

Speaker 15 (50:06):
Or what is sinking?

Speaker 14 (50:08):
Because he can't set his well they still have come
out in his whole backyard, saint and then well no.

Speaker 1 (50:16):
But I'm talking about the house itself on the foundation.
Did it sink or is it straight?

Speaker 14 (50:20):
He's unable to shut some of his doors in his house.

Speaker 1 (50:23):
Yeah, okay, so so where the driveway and stuff is
not the actual garage or anything. But I mean, I
don't even know what the compaction rate would have to
be there. But if it's outside of warranty, you said
there's five homes that are affected. How many homes are
in that section of the neighborhood altogether?

Speaker 14 (50:41):
It's just it's just with then walking to the mailbox.
So from my house to the mailbox there's approximately five houses.

Speaker 1 (50:48):
So but but hold on, Alton. What I'm saying is
is there only five homes in that that Richmond neighborhood?

Speaker 14 (50:56):
Yeah, yeah, probably about five. I haven't seen anyone else,
you know, in my neighborhood where I live it. Yeah,
welcoming down the street and there's proximately five homes that
are in my neighbor. He had his done because historian
was thinking they did it. He caught it right at
the one year mark.

Speaker 1 (51:15):
Well have you had an expert come out and look
at it.

Speaker 14 (51:19):
No, I haven't.

Speaker 1 (51:20):
Well you said you were thinking you were going to
get it done, but then you saw other people at issues.
I'm just trying to think. I'm just trying to think
your best way. I mean, have you even called Richmond.
Have you talked to them and said, I've five and
what did they say? You're out a warranty.

Speaker 14 (51:37):
You're out a warranty and all they do is send
me the information about the warranty.

Speaker 1 (51:43):
Do you have pictures of this?

Speaker 8 (51:45):

Speaker 14 (51:46):
I don't, but I can get some.

Speaker 1 (51:47):
I would like some pictures of yours, and then maybe
a couple of your neighbors, whoever's closed. I can send
them out to an expert. But I can't imagine. When
I first started thinking of paction, I was thinking more
of the foundation in the house going up or down.
I don't I don't know what you're possibly going to
do there. If it's just the driveway now, the one

house that's shifting quite a bit. It'd be curious to
see what's going on there. But then you started talking
about it like it was the backyard, not the house.

Speaker 8 (52:19):
It is the backyard in the house.

Speaker 1 (52:22):
So the whole house is crooked the one guys, Well
it's not.

Speaker 14 (52:25):
It's not noticeably. They did they actually sent an engineer
out there, though, And what did.

Speaker 1 (52:31):
The engineer come up with? What did the report say?

Speaker 14 (52:33):
I didn't, I didn't. I haven't talked to him yet.

Speaker 1 (52:36):
Well, that would be very curious. What they what the
engineer finds. Is Richmond working with him at all?

Speaker 14 (52:42):
Or no? Yeah, the Richmond's actually working with him, and
he's going to they're going to replace his.

Speaker 1 (52:49):
Driveway also, see he might have had an issue. Hey guys,
you're both in the home business here and I'm talking
to Ryan and Frank, these new builders. What is typically
have you done? Ryan her Big, he's with American Liberty Mortgage.
I assume you guys have done some loans with new builders, right,
like Richmond or Lamar or Leonar or any of them.

Speaker 5 (53:08):
Yeah, yeah, we've done a few.

Speaker 1 (53:09):
So what typically do you know off the top of
your head or Frank, do you know there's a different
a couple of different warranties. Usual, Usually the structure itself,
for the foundation, might have a longer warranty than of
course a driveway or something. Is this correct.

Speaker 3 (53:25):
Yeah, they'll typically have the structural warranty, and then they'll
have a lot like Lennard for instance, they had a
warranty that lasts for a year. If anything breaks within
the interior of the property, yeah, you can call them
out and they'll take care of it, you know.

Speaker 1 (53:35):
Yeah, and then a lot of stuff. Even when it
comes to the structural it's got to move enough to
actually trigger in that warranty. So it's very possible that
the neighbor did have a problem with the foundation itself,
maybe it wasn't done right, maybe there was a compaction
problem there. But you don't have that exact same issue,
so it might be a different kind of warranty. You

follow what I'm saying, Alton, Oh.

Speaker 20 (53:59):
Yeah, from what I've seen, the builders typically have a
ten year structural warranty.

Speaker 1 (54:05):
Yeah, so that's probably kicking in on this guy if
they're actually helping them.

Speaker 14 (54:09):

Speaker 1 (54:09):
Where this other one is just the driveway and that
would probably fall under the one year. I think that's
exactly what's going on in your case, Salton. And if
the other guy's house is literally shifting, that would be
a foundation problem and that would fall under that five
or ten year structural. Does that make sense?

Speaker 14 (54:28):

Speaker 1 (54:29):
When can you send those pictures over? I'd be curious
to see him.

Speaker 14 (54:33):
I live in Pueblo, but I'm in the Springs today. Okay,
just have them send me the information and well.

Speaker 1 (54:40):
I'm going to put you on hold. Kelly's gonna pick up.
Here's what I want from you. Some of those pictures,
nothing crazy, but you I want you to take some
from Afar too. Just don't take a picture of a
big crevice up close. I basically need to understand the
gravity of it, even from a distance. Does that make
sense to you?

Speaker 14 (54:58):

Speaker 1 (54:58):
Yeah, So send a couple of those and then talk
to your neighbor too. I would absolutely love if he
would share. He might have signed a release or something
at this point, I don't know, but I would love
if he would share that structural. What do you call it?
The report? Okay, I would love to see that and
see why he's getting covered and you're not, and then

we can send Wow, man, you're pretty far up in Pueblo.
I've got a cement guy down here that's awesome, but
he's not going to go to Pueblo. It's just not
gonna happen.

Speaker 14 (55:31):
I no, I got I got a couple guys I
can call to have it done. But it's just it's just,
you know, I just feel like I shouldn't have to
pay sport it.

Speaker 1 (55:40):
Yeah, no, I get you, man. I mean you're only talking.
You bought a brand new home. It's two years later,
and your driveway sounds like, Hey, we'll get us those
pictures and we'll assign someone to it based on those pictures.
I'm gonna have one of our experts look at it
down here, and maybe we can reach out to them
when we have a little when we have a few
arrows in our quiver, and maybe pull some strings and

get something done for you. I can't make any promises
because these new home builders, let me tell you, man,
they're about as cut and dry as I've seen. It's
either under warranty or not. Although I will say in
the past we have had a few things work out
in the caller's favor. So hold tight, Kelly, get all
of his information please, three oh three seven one three talk.

Speaker 10 (56:25):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 11 (56:29):
You don't pay a cent until you're content than.

Speaker 10 (56:34):
Time for an insurance check up free no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three, seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 1 (56:56):
All right, three O three seven one three eight two
five five. Scott's back in the room. We're gonna have
an update. I'm not gonna do it right now because
we're gonna go to this comment on that driveway and
back to Alton. But here's the uh, here's the deal.
Check this out. Scott actually talked to Mercedes of Denver.
They're the ones that actually fix the problem with the

steering wheel or the the no start, all these other problems.
We're gonna figure out exactly what happened. We're gonna dig through, Scott,
and then should we get the caller back up or
no need to do that, Scott, Well, you can decide
over break. What do you think?

Speaker 21 (57:30):
Yeah, he was on with you, and I don't think
there's any reason to get get him back on.

Speaker 1 (57:37):
Okay, I am dying to hear what Mercedes and you
did ask him if they thought the other shop was responsible. Oh,
he's got all the info. He's got all the info.
We're gonna find out. But you're gonna have to just wait.
You're gonna have to wait to find out. Now, Alton,
Dave's got a comment on your driveway. Go ahead, Dave,
what's your comment, sir?

Speaker 17 (57:57):
Yeah, I've been doing utility for OBUs fifty years and
I'm from Pleublo and I bet he lives over by
the college or on the north side of town. And
that stuff over by the college is expansive shell like
that night.

Speaker 1 (58:11):
What is it?

Speaker 17 (58:12):
Well, I wouldn't say. I'm no engineer.

Speaker 22 (58:14):
I just did hold, but.

Speaker 17 (58:17):
It's just expansive.

Speaker 1 (58:18):
Clay, Hey, what area of town are you in? Alton?

Speaker 14 (58:23):
Oh? Hello?

Speaker 1 (58:26):
Yeah, what area of town?

Speaker 14 (58:29):

Speaker 1 (58:31):
Is that where you're talking about, David? That's I I'm sorry,
I already forgot. I thought you said southside.

Speaker 15 (58:37):
On the north side.

Speaker 17 (58:37):
Yeah, if over by the college.

Speaker 18 (58:39):
It's pretty bad.

Speaker 17 (58:41):
And over on the north side is really bad.

Speaker 14 (58:43):
I won't even do any.

Speaker 17 (58:45):
Work over there because you can't do anything about that stuff.

Speaker 1 (58:48):
It sounds like that's probably what's going on Alton. But
let's stick to the exact same game plan we talked about.
So make sure you give Kelly your information. Kelly grab
Alton's info so we can reach back out to him
after he sends us the pictures and hopefully the report
from the neighbor. Then we're kind of dig back into there.

Three oh three seven, one, three eight, two five five.
We have a couple of lines opener. We will in
a second. Three oh three Martino, Gary, this sounds horrible.
What's going on with you?

Speaker 18 (59:19):

Speaker 7 (59:24):

Speaker 15 (59:24):
Are you talking to me?

Speaker 1 (59:25):
Yes? Gary, I'm talking to you.

Speaker 15 (59:27):
Oh okay, yeah, Mark, Yeah, it is pretty horrible.

Speaker 1 (59:30):
What happened, man? I mean, I'm gonna just I'm going
to share with everybody what's on my screen. It says
you're having an issue with Weld County and your daughter
was killed. Correct, what happened to your daughter?

Speaker 15 (59:42):
And when she at the gas station on the north
side of None, a nineteen year old kid come pulling
in there, and so right over with pick up with
left front wheel.

Speaker 1 (59:54):
Oh my god, where was she? I'm sorry? Where was
your daughter? What like? Is this a parking lot?

Speaker 15 (59:59):
Is walk right into the store, right right in front
of the store, have none right in front of the
gas station there and pulling in there? Run over? She
was three months pregnant. Kill her and the baby right
on the spot.

Speaker 1 (01:00:13):
Oh my god, Jarry, I am so sorry. When did
this happen.

Speaker 6 (01:00:19):

Speaker 15 (01:00:20):
Oh four weeks ago Monday?

Speaker 1 (01:00:23):
Oh my god, this is such a new wound for you.

Speaker 15 (01:00:27):
Oh god, star staring my family all the pieces I.

Speaker 1 (01:00:30):
Can't even imagine. Now was the driver caught? I mean,
for lack of a better words, which.

Speaker 15 (01:00:38):
I stirred up a hornet's nest? I didn't a little
tongue like none. You know, it's one hundred two hundred people,
whatever the population is. The police chief up there is
the one that did the investigation.

Speaker 1 (01:00:56):
And what did the police chief.

Speaker 15 (01:00:58):
Conflict of interest? There a little town like that or
a good possibility, you know, you know, you know most
of the people are owned I have.

Speaker 1 (01:01:07):
I'm looking up the town now, My goodness, man, it.

Speaker 15 (01:01:11):
Is it's flad On got right up towards Wyoming line.
My daughter. I'm from don Colorado. I sold my home
and I moved my corporation up to the Colorado I'm
looking at it.

Speaker 1 (01:01:20):
It's like a population of five hundred people. It's right
up by the border. It is a tiny town. What
did what did the what did the sheriff or what
did the police chief? What did they find in the office?

Speaker 15 (01:01:32):
And I had been talking to the district attorney. I
couldn't get no satisfaction from the police chief up and none.
They got their own police department.

Speaker 1 (01:01:40):
But hold on, Gary, Gary, I just I don't want
to glance over some of this. I'd like to know
what the police chief had to say. What did his
investigation find. It's a parent you don't agree with it,
But what did they find.

Speaker 15 (01:01:54):
That it was just airless driving? And but she was
walking into the store right know, twenty feet or so
in front of the building, and he was pulling into
a parking spot and he run over with the left
front wheel of the pickup and trust her.

Speaker 1 (01:02:13):
Oh my god, was he was here? Was he drinking?

Speaker 16 (01:02:16):
He don't know?

Speaker 15 (01:02:19):
He never no drugs or alcohol testing. This is what's
seven o'clock in the morning. He never got his phone
records or his cell phone stuff. I talked to mister
Rourke DA up in will County yesterday and said, well,
I don't think cell phone records will make any difference anyway.
But they charged him with careless careless driving resulting in death.

It's just a misdemeanor.

Speaker 1 (01:02:47):
Did you hear about that when you talked to the
what DA did you talk to after you heard all
of this from the police chiefs?

Speaker 15 (01:02:55):
Mister mister Rorke called me yesterday and and said, nope,
evidence shows it was careless driving. And I asked him,
you know, did anybody look at sophone record jets and
that stuff for any drug or alcohol testing or anything.
And he just said, well, no, you know, but I

don't think that'd make any difference in only.

Speaker 1 (01:03:20):
God, this is horrible, man. Here's what I'd like to
Oh God, it just it's I just I can't imagine. Gary.
Here's what I'd like to do, though.

Speaker 15 (01:03:29):
I can I throw in another one, you can, but
hold on here, hold on one second.

Speaker 1 (01:03:34):
I want to hear the rest of the story, but
I've got to take this break. I promise I'll come
back to you next And the other thing I'd like
to do Kelly, if we could reach out to Joe Lazara.
I want to see if those kind of charges is
that the norm for what we're hearing, or if this
happened in say, Douglas County, if this happened in Denver.

I realize every circumstance is different, but I would like
Joe Lazara to give us his opinion on it.

Speaker 10 (01:04:02):
After this, go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer
Excel Roofing dot com.

Speaker 11 (01:04:12):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 10 (01:04:17):
Time for an insurance checkup free no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three oh three seven to
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank Durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 1 (01:04:42):
All right three O three seven one three A two
five five. We have Joseph Alasara on He's on our
referral list at referral list dot com. Of course he's
a He is an attorney at law that specializes in
criminal activity. Now that sounds weird right now, that that
didn't sound great for Joe. But Joseph criminal defense attorney,

And Joe, I've got a question for you. This is
so serious, it's it's nuts, man. I just don't know
if it's normal or not. So Gary, and I'll bring
Gary up if you have any questions for him in general.
So Gary, E're up as well. But Joe, his great Gary,
I'm sorry. It was your granddaughter, right, No, my daughter,

your daughter and Susanne. I think found the article.

Speaker 15 (01:05:27):
But she was twenty nine, right, twenty nine years old,
but they put in the paper isn't correct. She's she's
got two boys at home. I won't say their names,
are five and six years old. And then you're three
months pregnant.

Speaker 1 (01:05:41):
Yeah, I got you. I just I wanted to make
sure the article was, you know, somewhat correct. So Joe,
here's what happened. I mean, basically, she was walking into
a gas station in Non Colorado. It's a little town,
like five hundred people. Is that kind of like a
convenience store slash gas station? Gary, I just don't know.
And she was actually in like the parking lot, not

like on the street.

Speaker 15 (01:06:05):
No, no, no, this she was right in front of
the building. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:06:09):
Right, So she's walking into this, Joe, and this car
comes in and basically runs over, crushes her, kills her
and the baby. The chief of police, of course, is
on the investigation, and ultimately they charge the guy with
what Gary.

Speaker 15 (01:06:27):
Careless driving resulting in death and stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:06:31):
Careless driving resulting in death. They didn't do any kind
of toxicology according to Gary, but it did happen at
seven am in the morning, So I'm not exactly sure
what that generally looks like, but that careless driving.

Speaker 15 (01:06:44):
They never got the cell phone records either. That's one
of the biggest things.

Speaker 1 (01:06:48):
Well, that's the other thing, Joe. He's saying, maybe this
guy was like staring at his phone. But let's kind
of say, regardless of what they didn't do, from your experience,
what would typically be done Joe.

Speaker 8 (01:07:04):
Yeah, I mean, as far as the investigation, usually police
officers are trying to determine the why and is a
person not paying attention, is the person on the phone?
Is the sun blocking them? But careless driving resulting in
death sounds kind of trivial, But at the same time,
a lot of times accents just happen, and that's the

charge for when accents happen and people unfortunately are killed
in these types of cases, Well, you can upgrade the
charge if obviously alcohol is involved or something they believe
that he's intoxicated or impaired by alcohol or drugs, or
if the person's driving, you know, in a reckless manner.

Speaker 7 (01:07:44):
But usually if.

Speaker 8 (01:07:45):
It's simply hey that I didn't see that person crossing
sons in my eyes, something of that sort, it's careless
driving resulting in death, which could you know, wine carry jail,
to carry the potential loss of license. Usually people are
playing some probation and have a ton of community service.
Those are generally standard penalties for that type of charge.

Speaker 1 (01:08:08):
Joe, when he talks about they didn't pull any text records,
I understand where he's coming to. He's basically saying, Hey,
this guy could have been texting or for that matter,
you know, watching a YouTube video on the phone or something,
and that distracted him and that caused it. Let's say
that was the case, and they did the research, they
pulled the records, and somehow they could prove that he
was texting at that exact time. How that's actually done?

I don't know, but let's say it could be would
that actually change the charge or most likely not because
Gary seems to be kind of fixated on that, Or
would the charge even if he was doing that still
be most likely the careless driving.

Speaker 8 (01:08:46):
In all likelihood, it'd probably still be the careless driving.
And I let's say he's hot rotting dude going through
the parking lot at one hundred miles an hour, big difference,
you might not upgrade that, or if he's intoxkidd and
you'd be able to upgrade it. But a lot of
these cases it seems like it's not enough for the
family who just lost. Of course you loved ones, but generally,

more often than not, that's the charge, and it's hard.
So you know, the charges aren't serious enough on the
criminal side, and you have that civil recovery and that's
not even enough.

Speaker 1 (01:09:20):
Hey, Joe, I have got this break coming up, but
I'd like to hold you over if Gary's got any
questions or Kelly can call you back. Is that cool?

Speaker 7 (01:09:28):

Speaker 1 (01:09:28):
Absolutely, And I also want to talk to you. We
were Susanna and I were helping our son out in Nebraska,
and I notice these signs everywhere in the state of Colorado.
That basically say, you can get pulled over now or
get into a lot of trouble if your phone's in
your hand. And I'm curious if this happened next year,

if there would have been as of January first, I guess,
but I'm curious if this happened next year, if it
would be different. So please give me that favor and
hold on. Kelly see what he wants to do, but
he'll hold with us. Everybody else just hang tight. Do
you have a couple of lines open? Gary, I'm gonna
let you talk to Joe when we get back.

Speaker 10 (01:10:05):
With any questions you have, go with a sure thing
Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.

Speaker 11 (01:10:17):
You don't pay a.

Speaker 10 (01:10:18):
Cent until you're content. Leave time for an insurance check
up free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance. Pay
too much your coverage at dozens of insurance companies find
out now three O three seven to seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your

home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 2 (01:10:53):
So you don't have runs. Can the shooter's gonna help
coming this?

Speaker 1 (01:11:04):
He is the Troubleshooter Show. No, Tom Martinez, Welcome to
the show, the only show of It's gotten. We're here
to south problems, answer questions, take complaints, try to make
your life a little bit better. In the case of
this poor guy we got on the phone now lost
his daughter four weeks ago up in Weld County, Non Colorado.

She was hit and killed by a car in the
parking lot. It's absolutely a horrible story. And we have
one of our attorneys on who's an expert at referrals
dot com. Joe is there a criminal attorney? And basically
what I asked Joe in general, if something like this happens,
and by the way, Joe, this happened at seven am

in the morning. He said, there was no toxicology. Would
that be pretty typical if an officer shows up, the
ambulance shows up, and there's no signs of intoxication, would
it be normal even in a death like this there
would be no toxicology.

Speaker 8 (01:12:03):
Unfortunately, it is kind of normal. Okay, if they don't
have any indicators, they won't do it.

Speaker 1 (01:12:08):
It's seven am too I mean, I'm not saying people
aren't drunk at seven am. My god, if you've ever
been to a Mexican resort or if you've ever been
to Las Vegas, you know there's a lot of holes
in that one. But absolutely positively at seven am, in general,
they don't smell alcohol anything like that. You're saying, typically
it doesn't matter where it happens, or at least in Colorado,

there probably is not going to be toxicology.

Speaker 8 (01:12:32):
Yeah, unfortunately. I mean I think the better practices they should,
but more often than not, it's just not done.

Speaker 1 (01:12:37):
And then what do they what does someone face as
far as I don't know, jail time, I guess I
doubt they'd go to prison for careless driving creating death.
Is what is a typical sentence if there is such
a thing, or what is the statute read? As far
as what a judge can sentence.

Speaker 8 (01:12:56):
Yeah, I mean, realistically, they're probably looking at probation, core cost,
potential fine, community service, maybe some classes like defense of
driving or victim empathy or something of that sort. But
it does carry a potential jail sentence. I believe it's
up to a year, and it could affect their license

as well, you know, but more often than not, and
we've unfortunately have handled several of these cases, we're able
to negotiate it down to something where it doesn't affect
a license. There's no jail, it's just you know, a
lot of times they're looking at significant communities. Serves like
one hundred hours in probation.

Speaker 1 (01:13:32):
Well, like you said, though, I mean basically what this
charge is for is for an accident. I mean, you know,
a simple as that, without other circumstances tying into it. Now, Gary,
hearing all that, and I know I can just tell
in my heart you didn't want to hear this kind
of information because I'd be with you. Man, if this
was my daughter, I would think this is such a

travesty of justice and all that. But that's just not
the way our system works. But I do have Joe
on right now. You have any follow up questions for him? Gary, No,
it just sucks.

Speaker 7 (01:14:08):

Speaker 15 (01:14:09):
Yeah, it's Karen with family, little pieces.

Speaker 1 (01:14:12):
I can't even imagine Garry.

Speaker 15 (01:14:14):
Two little boy. She's got two little boys at home,
five six years old and had the whole world by
the ass everything was going her away.

Speaker 1 (01:14:22):
And Gary, I don't mean to switch the conversation into
this because it might seem heartless for some people listening.
But have you talked to a personal injury attorney because
regardless of the criminal aspect in this, there is liability.

Speaker 9 (01:14:37):

Speaker 15 (01:14:38):
No, we I've got somebody looking into it. And that's
just in the early stages.

Speaker 1 (01:14:43):
Did he have I mean, did the guy have insurance?
You don't even know.

Speaker 15 (01:14:48):
They haven't even given us this insurance information. Well that's it,
but you have have you engaged guy's namely, Gary?

Speaker 1 (01:14:56):
This is very important. Have you engaged with an attorney?
You have an attorney looking into it?

Speaker 7 (01:15:03):

Speaker 1 (01:15:04):
Okay, good, good, good good, because that's what those kids
are gonna need is whatever compensation you can get out
of it. I mean, they still need to be fed.
You get all that, and I'm sure you and your
wife are significant other or whomever will do it. But
you know that money helps for the kids big time.

Speaker 2 (01:15:24):

Speaker 1 (01:15:25):
It sucks man, So so Gary.

Speaker 15 (01:15:28):
I I guess it's it's it's it's wrong. You know,
whether it's a law or not, it's it's it's just
plain wrong.

Speaker 1 (01:15:36):
Out of curiosity, if you could, if you could wave
the magic wand in your eyes, what would be fair
let's say he wasn't drunk, and I don't think he
was because of the timing and because of the police
didn't do anything. But who knows. It's we'll never know,
no matter what, we'll never know. And let's say he
I guess, Let's say he was looking at his phone

or he was distracted, because it's in possible, it's impossible
to believe he wasn't distracted because he ran over and
killed her. So we know he was distracted. So if
you had a magic wand and you were the judge
and you could sentence anything, what do you think would be.

Speaker 15 (01:16:14):
Fair involuntary manslaughter?

Speaker 1 (01:16:19):
Well, punishment wise.

Speaker 15 (01:16:21):
Punishment wise, I'd like to see him do a minimum
of a year.

Speaker 1 (01:16:32):
The one thing that hold on, go ahead, Joe, Yeah.

Speaker 8 (01:16:35):
The one thing I'll tell Garry is he has an
absolute right to participate in the criminal case. So the
defendant would have been charged with this careless driving resulting
in death, he has a right to not only let
the court know, but also the DA know his position
what he thinks is an appropriate sentence, and they must
take that into consideration. That doesn't mean they'll always go

so on with it, but he has a right to participate, so.

Speaker 15 (01:17:01):
I'm getting any cooperation with the DA.

Speaker 1 (01:17:03):
Yeah, that's what I was gonna. I forgot to kind
of tell Joe that. So he did not like the
charges brought, of course by the police, and then he
reached out to the DA and the DA's office I
guess said they looked into it whatever and got back
to him and said, yeah, these charges are correct in
this circumstance. So he has kind of went down that route.
But Joe, I guess what, I guess really, what you're saying, though,

is he has a right to be just notified of
all the court dates and everything else as well.

Speaker 8 (01:17:31):
Absolutely, he has a right to appear in court, he
has a right to object to any potential plea bargains,
and he has a right to make a statement at
sentencing and ask the court to impose whatever he seems
appropriate in a case like.

Speaker 1 (01:17:47):
That, Gary, you should be you should stay diligent and
do that. You should, you know, basically make yourself known.

Speaker 14 (01:17:54):

Speaker 15 (01:17:55):
Absolutely, it's I plan on being fall in the very
step of this. I got you, and I think it's
I think it's truly an injustice.

Speaker 1 (01:18:06):
I trust me, man, I get where you're coming from.

Speaker 15 (01:18:10):
Gary, I learned me the most is he run over
with the left front wheel of the pickup. He turned,
he had the driver right around her to hit her.
He was making a left into the Perking lot or
into the Perkin spot right there, and he run over
with the left front you know, she was right in
his face. Something something's missing in this whole puzzle.

Speaker 1 (01:18:33):
Yeah, Gary, we feel for you here on the show.
Big time man Kelly did me a favor. Let's make
sure we have his info just so we can follow
up in the future. I just I there's there's nothing
anybody's going to do at this point. But if you
stay diligent and stay on top of it, Gary, and
you know, hold the DA's feet to the fire, hold

the judge's fee to the fire. Least make your feelings.

Speaker 7 (01:18:59):
Know and Colorado or Toney General step in.

Speaker 1 (01:19:04):
I don't think so Joe is at even a possibility.
I mean to me, this sounds Joe like everything's being
done normal.

Speaker 8 (01:19:11):
Yeah, unfortunately, And Gary's welcome to call my office. I
me more now I've we talk to them.

Speaker 1 (01:19:16):
I appreciate that. So anyhow, let's let's go there. Gary,
We're gonna grab your information. Joe doesn't mind talking to you, Joe.
I want to switch gears a little here. This new
law coming in to effect. Everybody sees these signs everywhere.
What do you know about it? It basically says, if
you have your phone in your hand, you're going to
get a ticket.

Speaker 21 (01:19:36):
Correct, and you're painting on a first offense, twenty five
dollars fine, two points against your license.

Speaker 1 (01:19:43):
Oh my god, two point Wait a minute, two points
against your license.

Speaker 9 (01:19:48):

Speaker 8 (01:19:49):
So basically, penalties for violating the new law start with
a seventy five dollars fine, two point license suspension points
for the first defense, and then first time violators and
have the charge to smith if they provide proof of
purchasing a hands free accessory.

Speaker 14 (01:20:05):
Oh my god.

Speaker 21 (01:20:06):
Obviously, repeat offenders facing more fine and more points off
their license.

Speaker 1 (01:20:11):
You know, I'm going to say Devil's advocate here. I
hate this law. I think it's dumb, and I'm going
to tell you why. You know how many times I
look over and some ladies putting on makeup in the car.
She doesn't get the two points for doing that. She
would only get in trouble for doing that if it
created an accident or it created her to weave out
of the line. I find it crazy if I'm holding

a phone and I'm driving the speed limit and I'm
doing everything correctly, that I could now be punished by
two points in the fine. But other people can be
shoving a big Mac down their pie hole and run
into somebody, but they don't get that extra two points, right, Absolutely,
wouldn't you call that a victimless crime if there was

no victim. I mean, if we've ever heard of a
victimless crime before, it would be the fact I have
my phone in my hand while I'm in the car.
I can have a banana in my hand, I can
have well, I'm not even going to say I can
have anything else in my hand. But my god, if
you have your phone you're in trouble. How's that possible
that you could have some PERV I'm not even going

to go there. I think people know what I'm going
to say. They wouldn't get in trouble, would they. They
wouldn't get the extra two points if they're following the
road rules.

Speaker 9 (01:21:23):
I agree with you.

Speaker 21 (01:21:24):
I think the most frustrating thing is we drive down
the road every single day. How many people are eating
a hamburger or French Frise or whatever, and they're more
dangerous than me talking on my phone driving does well.

Speaker 1 (01:21:35):
I think the biggest thing is people putting on makeup
guy or a girl these days. But whatever. So here's
the other thing I want people to know. Then I
appreciate you coming on, but I always tell people this
if they're coming up on a road sobriety checkpoint. A
couple things. One what we understand from talking to you
all the time is they have to give you an
option to turn off and not participate. So there'll be

plenty of right Joe saying hey, sobriety checkpoint ahead, and
they have to give you a place to not participate
in turn and go a different way. Yes, period, end
of story. Now, if they ask you at the sobriety
checkpoint have you been drinking? Your best scenario, whether you've
been drinking or not, is not even to answer or

to say no, because if you do admit to drinking,
then all of a sudden they can pull you. You're
giving them probable cause to do a lot of other stuff.
Is that correct?

Speaker 8 (01:22:32):
Yeah, Once you admit drinking or they detect alcohol, they're
going to move into the next phase. Have you pull
over and they're going to have you do voluntary roasters.

Speaker 1 (01:22:39):
So typically, let's say you just left Applebee's and you
had one beer and you were there for an hour,
and you know you're not intoxicated, and they you hit
one of these checkpoints, or you get pulled over just
by yourself and they say have you been drinking? And
you say, yeah, I had one beer at Applebee's. That
within itself basically opens you up to everything when it

comes to drinking.

Speaker 8 (01:23:01):
Right, and it opens up the door to the next
part of the investigation out.

Speaker 1 (01:23:05):
So what would you tell people typically to do in
a scenario like that? Do you just not say anything? Because,
let's face it, how awkward would that be. The cop
says have you been drinking? And you go, I'm not
going to tell you. I mean that that within itself
is crazy, but they're not supposed to do anything at
that point, right, Yeah.

Speaker 8 (01:23:25):
I would always tell somebody to say no. And then
the next step is the officer either has to let
you go on your merry way, or if they have
enough that information, they.

Speaker 15 (01:23:35):
Could proceed to the next place.

Speaker 1 (01:23:36):
And then if they ask you, let's say they they
say they smell alcohol and you haven't been drinking but whatever.
So at that point, because they say they can smell alcohol,
can you decline to take the roadside breathalyzer or you
get in big trouble for that? And then can you
decline to where you touch your nose and hop up
and down on your toes and all that stuff.

Speaker 8 (01:23:58):
So all roads maneuvers, including the portable breast test on
the scene, are voluntary.

Speaker 15 (01:24:05):
You do not have to do those.

Speaker 8 (01:24:06):
Those are used to help them establish problem cause, to
determine whether or not you're intoxicated or impaired. Now, where
I run into people that have problems is they'll refuse
the chemical test once they've been arrested.

Speaker 1 (01:24:20):
And that could be a blood test. That's typically a
blood test.

Speaker 8 (01:24:25):
It could be blood or breath. And what's interesting is
Douglas County is now taking the approach that if you refuse, fine,
they'll mark you as a refusal. You're potentially losing your
license for at least a year.

Speaker 7 (01:24:38):

Speaker 8 (01:24:39):
No, by the way, we're going to get a warrant
and we're going to seize your blood anyway, and we're
going to use your blood result against you.

Speaker 1 (01:24:45):
Oh so if you do refuse, no matter what, you're
going to lose. In fact, that's not actual criminal is it.
At that point? That's DMV re revoking your right to
drive because you agreed in the state of Colorado when
you got a license you would submit or you would
lose your license. But that's not getting a dui. So
what you're saying is not only do you lose it

for that year, which is more of what an administrative hearing.

Speaker 8 (01:25:11):
Yes, it's administrative civil hearing.

Speaker 1 (01:25:13):
Now, then they'll come after you get get they'll get
your blood and then they'll go after the dui.

Speaker 7 (01:25:21):

Speaker 1 (01:25:22):
Hey, odd of curiosity if that happened to somebody, And
tell me if you've run into this with any clients
they do pull it and there is no alcohol, do
they still lose their license for a year. How strange
would that be? But they probably do because of the
refusal right they do. And it's it's scary.

Speaker 4 (01:25:43):
You would you recommend somebody who does who hasn't had
any alcohol to do a roadside bread.

Speaker 1 (01:25:51):
Test just a safe topic.

Speaker 8 (01:25:54):
Yeah, if you haven't been drinking, absolutely, I do a
portable bread TSK. And if for some reason you got arrested,
I would to a chemical test whether that's but or
breath because you don't want to go through the hassle,
and that's the one piece of evidence that will prove
your innocence.

Speaker 7 (01:26:09):

Speaker 1 (01:26:10):
But if you're okay, Joe, then I'm going to ask you.
I got to take this great, but I'm gonna ask
you one more question then I'll give your info out.
But if someone has been drinking and they is there
any time you would ever say you shouldn't have taken
the chemical test, the one you.

Speaker 5 (01:26:27):
Have to.

Speaker 15 (01:26:30):
Yeah, we do.

Speaker 8 (01:26:31):
I mean everything you do is evidence that's used against you.
So if you have, if you've been drinking, you're highly intoxicated,
and you have multiple priors, Yeah, that evidence is just
going to hang in.

Speaker 1 (01:26:43):
It's going to hang you because it could be it
could be a felony at that point, you could be
facing ten years or whatever.

Speaker 8 (01:26:50):
Yeah, a lot of times you're better off not giving
the state evidence to convict you got it.

Speaker 1 (01:26:56):
But like you said, Douglas County, now they're gonna they're
gonna grab it anyhow. And you know, I don't have
a problem with that. But you know what this guy
everybody listening, Joe knows the system inside. Now he does
flat rate pricing, at least on DUIs, but pretty much
anything criminal Joe can handle. He's a great guy. And
the reason I tell you this is I want you
to put his phone number in your phone right now,

because when something happens, you need that number. You don't
want to be googling some clown's number. You want Joe Lazera.
He knows the judges, he knows the das. If you're guilty,
he's going to get you the best deal possible out there.
And if you're innocent, he's going to get up and
convince a jury you didn't do anything wrong. Joe Lazzara
three oh three, four to two nine sixty two hundred

three zero three four nine sixty two hundred. I got
to take a break. I promise. We've got a question
on a home edition. We've got a couple questions by
text on loans, and then Cheryl has a question or
a problem with a landlord. One line open, three zero
three Martino, three oh three Martino, Go.

Speaker 11 (01:28:03):
With a sure thing.

Speaker 10 (01:28:04):
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Alliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 1 (01:28:35):
Okay, so a little bit of good news out there,
but it's going to be shocking what it means to
homeownership in refinancing getting cash out. By the way, Frank Duran,
the real estate man in with me, and then Ryan Herbig,
he's been on a referral list or referral list dot com.
Welcome into studio, by the way, Ryan, and I'm hoping
to see more of you here. But here's the bottom line,

American Liberty Mortgage. You guys do about every kind of
loan known demand. You guys, reverses of course, fifteen thirties, twenties,
really whatever people need. As far as lending cash outs.
You even do helock loans if they just want to
tap in and maybe update that kitchen or whatever.

Speaker 20 (01:29:13):
Yeah, yeah, we do he loocks. We do all the
traditional stuff. Conventional fhava. We got outside of the box loans.
We can use bank statements to qualify. We have very
very good programs for it.

Speaker 7 (01:29:25):
What does that mean?

Speaker 1 (01:29:26):
You can use bank statement so instead of like having
to talk about your job history, you can go off
of basically just assets. Yeah. So an asset based loan,
whether it's cash or whatever, well, it's it's a bank statement.

Speaker 20 (01:29:40):
Loon is typically going to be for a self employed
person that doesn't claim enough income on their taxes qualify.

Speaker 1 (01:29:45):
Because they're trying to save money on their taxes. Correct,
and a lot probably every contractor in the world falls
into that, a lot.

Speaker 5 (01:29:52):
Of self employed people do.

Speaker 20 (01:29:53):
So we can actually take twelve months of their bank
statements and they will add that income up and depending
on the type of business, they'll take any expense ratio
off of that and we can use that as qualifying income.

Speaker 5 (01:30:03):
I'm actually working on one right now.

Speaker 1 (01:30:04):
Oh, that's really cool. And the success rate is fine.
I mean, it all comes down to numbers.

Speaker 9 (01:30:09):

Speaker 20 (01:30:09):
We can actually submit the bank statements to any of
our investors that do them, and they'll calculate the income.
In about a day, we'll have the income and then
we know exactly how much we can use.

Speaker 1 (01:30:18):
So about two minutes ago, interest rates just drapped a
quarter Is that what the FED did?

Speaker 5 (01:30:23):
The FED funds rate dropped a quarter percent?

Speaker 1 (01:30:25):
Yeah, which, so think about this. This is amazing to me.
So what that means in general, that's the money the
banks borrow from the FEDS, from the government exactly. So
they are now borrowing. All these banks around are literally borrowing.
You got to remember they borrow money every night basically
depending on where they are. I mean, this money moves
around so quick it's crazy. But right now the banks

are borrowing at a quarter point less. Correct. But interest
rates have reacted for homes like a thirty year fix
has reacted. How in the last ten minutes or whatever.

Speaker 5 (01:30:59):
Mortgage rates are actually going up now explain that.

Speaker 1 (01:31:02):
I mean, it's not the first time it happens, and
I don't mean get into a crazy story about it,
but eventually it should catch up. Yeah.

Speaker 20 (01:31:11):
So the FED funds rate, as you mentioned, is the
rate that banks borrow money. So that's going to affect
your auto loans, your home equity lines of credit, bank
specific loans. Mortgage loans are driven by mortgage backed securities YEP,
which are traded a little bit differently. Also, they's somewhat
tied to the ten year note. But what we're seeing

is so the Fed dropped a quarter today. However, in
the last couple of months, we've had some higher inflation
numbers than what the Fed wants to see. Yeah, of course,
So what's moving mortgage rates in a bad direction is
we believe the Fed next year is only going to
lower once or twice instead of they were talking about
four to five quarter point drops.

Speaker 1 (01:31:53):
So it was a conversation afterwards. They weren't talking four
or five total points. Now they're only talking.

Speaker 20 (01:31:58):
We're talking twenty five or fifty bait points or a
quarter or a half percent instead of one to one
and a half percent that was expected next year.

Speaker 7 (01:32:05):

Speaker 1 (01:32:05):
Hey, both of you been in the business a long time.
Frank Dran the real estate man, Ryan, So looking back
in your careers, either lending or selling homes, what would
you say the average or medium median? I don't even
know if I want to put it that way. I
want to go back to average. Now that's not fair.
It's not fair in either way. The median interest rates

on a thirty year market because people got really used
to two and three percent. I know people that were
doing cash outs because in Colorado the equity was going
up so quick they could do a cash out every
six or eight months and basically, well they're basically selling
their house the slow way, but they were pulling cash
out constantly. What would you say in your careers the average.

Speaker 5 (01:32:49):
Was I would say mid fives, the mid sixes.

Speaker 1 (01:32:54):
Five and a half to six and a half.

Speaker 3 (01:32:56):
Frank, that sounds about right, I say, yeah, between four five,
maybe in the sixes.

Speaker 1 (01:33:01):
But boy, I've done it for thirty years.

Speaker 3 (01:33:03):
I remember when the rates were a lot higher too,
and then they went really low, and then I remember
we purchased I think at a four percent interest rate.
There they're down there around four percent for a while.

Speaker 1 (01:33:11):
So our first house, Suzanna and I bought from US
Homes in Parker, Colorado, Clark Farms. The house was brand new,
one hundred and ten thousand, nineteen ninety three, babe as
Ra nineteen ninety three. The interest rate was basically seven
percent six ' nine and that was just the going
rate at the time. So that's nineteen ninety three, but

the house was only one hundred and ten That house
probably right now sells. I would assume four hundred thousand,
I mean maybe, but crazy amounts or way more.

Speaker 20 (01:33:41):
We got very spoiled after the mortgage meltdown because between
twenty ten and twenty twenty two, interest rates were being
artificially held low by the Fed.

Speaker 1 (01:33:52):
Yeah, of course, so that was that was an unusual
What's really strange about that is the people in their
twenties are the people that were first time home buyers
in that period of time. Now look at the rates
now like they're insane, and they're not. I mean, six
and a half percent is not insane by any means.
You could go talk to my dad during Jimmy Carter
that had a thirteen percent mortgage all day long. You

can go back to where Susanna and I bought our
first now in the early nineties, and seven percent was average. So,
I mean, where we're sitting right now is not crazy.
But if you came up in the last if you
were twenty five years old in twenty ten, you thought
interest rates were always as slow. Yeah, you guys do
VA too, right, Yes, a lot of a ton of VA.

Speaker 8 (01:34:36):

Speaker 1 (01:34:36):
It's about half of my business, half of your business, yea.
And what's the biggest deal of VA. You can get
one hundred percent loan to value. Yep, yeah, you can
borrow a hundred percent and then how about cash out?
You can go up to one hundred percent cast percent
even on a cash out, and the rates are typically
going to be a little bit lower than a conventional loan.
The qualifications are typically going to be a little bit easier.

We can go to lower credit scores. They're just they're
a little they're a little more friendly to get qualified.
But obviously you've got to be a veteran. All right,
real quick, Cheryl, what's going on with you?

Speaker 4 (01:35:10):

Speaker 13 (01:35:10):
Thank you for taking my call for love your show,
real cook, I'm a landlord. The way you worded it,
I think you thought I always had a problem with
the landlord. But I am the landlord.

Speaker 1 (01:35:21):
Oh okay, so you've got a problem with a tenant.

Speaker 13 (01:35:25):
Great tennis. But I just keep hanging in there with them.

Speaker 1 (01:35:30):
What are they always late? I mean, give me an idea,
always late, always late.

Speaker 14 (01:35:34):
They eventually did.

Speaker 13 (01:35:35):
Pay up, and then they're back to being late again.

Speaker 1 (01:35:38):
They just drag it on. Okay, hold tight. I want
to do a couple of things. One I would like, well,
I want to find out exactly what your question is.
But I think we'd probably like to get on our
real estate attorney, and I like having experts on whenever,
So Kelly, maybe we reach out to Brad O'Brien. Jan's
got a problem with a dentist. There is nothing like
having trouble with the dentist. We had one dentist years ago,

got I say years five, six years ago. The kid
had braces orthodonists. He had braces, and the mother wasn't
making the one hundred dollars a month's payments, and the
kid was in pain because of the they needed to
be adjusted and they started digging into his guns. You
know that bastard wouldn't adjust the braces and that kid
was in pain because the mother couldn't pay until we

got involved.

Speaker 10 (01:36:30):
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Speaker 1 (01:37:00):
You know, we were talking during the break and Ryan
was telling me a couple of weeks ago he actually
locked a couple people in on what'd you say, a
VA loan? Were they good?

Speaker 5 (01:37:10):
VA streamline refinancial?

Speaker 1 (01:37:11):
Oh, streamline five and a half percent? And I started thinking,
you know, it would be cool people that want to actually,
you know, they either need cash out or they're moving,
they have to do it if they contact you. I
don't know if you do this service or not, but
they can kind of eyeball or you can keep an
eyeball and then when different rates depending on the product
they want, hit around that area, boom, you can pull

the trigger. So you're kind of doing all the research
for him, because that's what you do for a living,
and have everything ready to go to be able to
lock them in. I mean, do you guys do anything
like that?

Speaker 20 (01:37:43):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've got a whole all of my clients.
I've got a list and we have target interest rates
and when they hit there, I get alert.

Speaker 1 (01:37:49):
They're right there. But at five and a half. People
would kill for that streamline two weeks ago at five
and a half. That's nuts. Yeah, And streamline means there's
no appraisal. They're basically doing a quick cash out, just
a quick refin.

Speaker 20 (01:38:01):
Well, you're actually on a streamline, you cannot pull cash out,
no cash Yeah, So it's just lowering interest rates.

Speaker 1 (01:38:06):
They lower an interest rate or term or term. Yes,
you can go from a thirty to a fifteen, pay
that thing off and twice the twice the speed. And
then Frank brought something up. And then Cheryl, I'm gonna
come right back to you. But Frank, you brought up
people waiting for interest rates to go down, or they're
sitting on the fence selling their house. Explain what your
point is and I get it because while they're waiting

for interest rates to go down, which can happen or
not happen, the value of their house is going up.

Speaker 3 (01:38:34):
So go ahead, Yeah, Mark, think about this. When rates
were down to three and four percent, people were paying
through the roof. There was hardly any inventory out there.
They're paying sometimes forty fifty eighty one hundred grand over
asking yep. So they had the lower interest rate, they
were paying more for real estate. And now watch this
last month. Statistically, fifty percent of the homes before they
sold how to do a price reduction before they went
under come price reduct price reduction.

Speaker 1 (01:38:55):
So by waiting for interest rates to come down, by
giving people looking a better opportunity to buy more house, yes,
they're actually not doing anything because the home itself is
coming down.

Speaker 3 (01:39:07):
They're getting better deals. And on top of that, six
percent of those homes they gave the sellers paid concessions
towards interest, straight buydowns or fix ups on the home.
So buyers actually are getting better deals.

Speaker 15 (01:39:17):

Speaker 3 (01:39:17):
Now maybe the rates are a bit higher. You can
always refinance down the stretch.

Speaker 7 (01:39:20):
What did you guys?

Speaker 1 (01:39:21):
You know you can always refine? What did you guys say?
You said, marry the interest rate, But now I marry
the house date the rate. Marry the house date the rate. Interesting?

Speaker 14 (01:39:30):
I like that.

Speaker 1 (01:39:31):
Three O three seven one three eight two five five.
Hey Cheryl, so what is going on with your tenant?
We know they're not paying you, but then they get
caught up. What's the question.

Speaker 13 (01:39:41):
Okay, it's I don't want to go into anything they
don't need, but let me just give you some pros
and cons real quickly about this particular tenant, which is
why I'm so twisted on my decision to a victim.

Speaker 1 (01:39:53):
Yeah, but I don't even know if you can a
victim if they're caught up.

Speaker 13 (01:39:57):
Yeah, well they're not caught up for this.

Speaker 7 (01:39:59):

Speaker 13 (01:39:59):
This is happened countless time.

Speaker 1 (01:40:01):
All right, So go ahead, tell me about these people
real quick.

Speaker 13 (01:40:05):
He has remodeled the house, okay, since he's been there
off and on. Okay, and there's not nearly enough communication
on doing it with trips me. He's got five kids. Yeah,
it's Christmas time, and those are the things keeping me
from following through on this.

Speaker 1 (01:40:25):
Well, Cheryl, you can't. You couldn't kick him out that
quick right now. Anyhow, I guaranteed be in that house
for Christmas. I think you got to figure out if
you want him long term. When's the lease up?

Speaker 13 (01:40:35):
It is le up in February. I was going to
continue it.

Speaker 9 (01:40:39):
Yeah, I came through with the rent.

Speaker 13 (01:40:41):
I was going to lease it to him by the month. Yeah,
after February.

Speaker 1 (01:40:46):
It's pretty hard just to get rid of someone if
they're caught up. I understand you're saying they always get behind,
but when you show up for an eviction hearing. If
you start the eviction process and give the notice, if
you do everything right, you show up and they cure
the debt right then and there, they're back in the game.
There's nothing you're going to do about it. In the
state of Colorado. In fact, it's worse than that, Cheryl.

I don't know if you know this, but if you're
not going to move into that property now, or if
you're not going to sell that property, and there's some
other events that you can get rid of them. But
in general, if you just want to get rid of
them for anything besides nonpayment, you can't even cancel a
lease on them anymore. Well, then I'd be silent too

if I was a landlord here in that for the
first time. I mean, but that's what we get for
voting for who we voted for. So I mean that's that.

Speaker 13 (01:41:39):
I mean, yeah, very very well aware of that one.

Speaker 1 (01:41:44):
So I don't I mean, I can't make a moral
I'm not going to help you make a moral decision
on your tenants. But what I do want you to
know is I don't know how much of a choice
you have. I mean, if you figure out if you
want to get rid of them. What I can do
is tomorrow I can get Brad O'Brien on he's in
court today, and we can talk to Brad about different
ways you could literally get rid of these people. But

in general, if they cure the debt, even if they're late,
you're not gonna get rid of them in Colorado anymore
unless you're gonna move back into the property or sell
the property. That's just the way it is. People think
I have a one year lease with Joe Blow. When
the one year lease is up, I don't have to
rent to him anymore. That is not the case in Colorado.

I don't know how else to put it. It's simply
not the case. And I'm not going to argue if
it's right or not. I think it's horrible. I think
it's gonna ultimately make it to where there's less properties
to rent, which means they're going to be more expensive.
I think it's gonna have a negative effect than what
the liberals thought it was gonna have. But none of
that matters because it's the rules now. David and jan

you hold tight.

Speaker 10 (01:42:56):
Go with a sure thing. Denver's best roofer excelroofing dot
Com you don't pay a cent until you're contenth time
for an insurance check up free no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies.

Speaker 11 (01:43:13):
Find out now three all three seven to seven to
one help.

Speaker 10 (01:43:16):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 2 (01:43:26):
Yeah, ripped.

Speaker 1 (01:43:33):
News. So you don't have.

Speaker 2 (01:43:38):
Come run anxious fast as you can. Shooter's gonna help.

Speaker 1 (01:43:44):
Come man, This is the Troubleshooter Show. Now, Tom Martinez, Welcome,
Welcome my friends to the only show of its kind.
We're here to south Fromise, answer questions, take complaints. Over
three hundred million dollars say it with me, three hundred
million dollars in cash, merchandice exchanges, refunds services directly due

to the show. And it's actually quite a bit more
than that. That's what we can track over a forty
five year period. By the way, the longest running show
in the country with the same host, the longest running show.
I love when people try to find one that's run
longer with the same host. Tom has been in Colorado
forty five years. Forty five years. He was doing something

similar prior to this, But right here in Colorado forty
five years, there's nothing else. The closest would be the
Grand Old Opera, which is still on, but it's had
numerous different hosts over the years, numerous. The only other
one close would be Howard Stern, but not quite very close,
though very very close. How long Stern been on Dragon?

Do you know it's been a while?

Speaker 9 (01:44:49):
Not sure, but I would think even Rick Lewis in
this building might be able to give Tom a run
for money.

Speaker 1 (01:44:55):
But I think even Ricks only thirty years. Yeah, forty
five years, can you believe it? Forty five years? J COR,
I don't know who he was. Oh, actually he told
me this. It was owned by Prior to j COR,
it was owned by like General Electric, I mean, some
weird conglomeration like that. Then it was j Core. Then
of course Clear Channel bought out j Core, and then eventually,

you know, j COR sold off all the radio stations
to iheard. I think they kept the billboards, which they
probably still own and Ryan Herbig. You have offices in
Colorado Springs and Denver and Colorado Springs. You guys have
billboards everywhere out here. You don't see billboards, no, Yeah,
isn't that weird. Our rules on billboards in Denver are crazy, good, bad,

are indifferent. But it's funny. When I go down to
our affiliate in the Springs KRDO, Holy moly, man, there's
billboards every ten feet. I'd say it's a little overkill.

Speaker 5 (01:45:47):
They have a lot of billboards, a lot of electronic
billboards now a ton.

Speaker 1 (01:45:51):
Yeah, that's if you own the proper space, that's the
way to do it. Absolutely. Hey, we were talking different mortgages.
American Liberty Mortgage. Ryan her Big is one of the owners.
He's been with us on referral list dot com for
years and years and years. I do commercials for you
down in Colorado Springs. People when it comes to interst
rates right now, people think they're high, but honestly, I

don't think they're that high. If you do the math,
if you have a lot of credit card debt, that
could be twenty seven percent. If you have a card
debt that you're in at ten to thirteen percent and
you can REFI get some cash out and pay off
that debt. If you crunch the numbers for people, you
can save a ton. I mean, even if you perceive
interst rates is a little high, they're probably more in

line right now than they have been in twenty years.
Would you agree with that?

Speaker 5 (01:46:40):
Yeah, I would totally agree with that.

Speaker 20 (01:46:41):
And if you've got not only credit card debt, but
a lot of people have taken out personal loans.

Speaker 5 (01:46:45):
I've secured those are fifteen to twenty percent.

Speaker 1 (01:46:48):
Oh, I'll tell you a big one. We get calls
on the these weird loans where like you can either
go on a vacation and pay for it over time,
or you go buy an appliance or a set of
tires or have a car repay. You get six months
with no payments, no interest. But the second that becomes due,
not only in a lot of people don't realize this,

not only does that money do right then in the
interest kicks in, but all the interest for that free
amount of time kicks in. So you could literally double
what you owe just by going over that period of time.

Speaker 5 (01:47:21):
Yeah, this pay as you go programs, you got to
be very careful with them.

Speaker 7 (01:47:24):

Speaker 1 (01:47:24):
So when you talk streamline, we talked about this a
streamline right now. A couple of weeks ago, you had
a couple you locked in at five point five. That
means you go in. There's no cash out, but you
can either change the term from like a thirty to
fifteen or just to a refinance. But you don't have
to pull an appraisal. What else don't you have to do.

Speaker 20 (01:47:43):
There's no income documentation, there's no debt to income ratio requirements.

Speaker 1 (01:47:46):
So basically you pull a credit report.

Speaker 20 (01:47:49):
Yeah, yeah, it is based on a credit score, and
you cannot be late on your mortgage, so as long
as you've made twelve payments on time, or you can streamline.
You can streamline and literally like snapping your fingers, and it's.

Speaker 1 (01:48:02):
Cheap because you're not paying for the appraisal and all
this other stuff. And then you talked about contractors, Frank,
how often will you have someone that has a business
like a contractor and you know, come the end of
the year, it doesn't look that good, but you actually
made a lot more money. You don't want to give
Uncle Sam everything. I'm not saying they're lying on their taxes,

but you know they might be playing the game. Right,
let's put it that way. How many times does that
happen and it becomes an issue with your buyers. Frank,
like a contractor or a small business owner has a
few issues or a few hurdles to go over for
the financing part, compared to someone that's just on a
W two mark. I rarely ran into that, Okay, I

mean once in a while, you do.

Speaker 3 (01:48:47):
But the great news is, before we even get them
out there looking at properties, we get them very well prepared.
We'll have a do an initial prequell. If they're not
quite there, we get them on a roadmap to get
them ready to help them. Oh yeah, yeah, So we
don't just rush them in there, get them out there.

Speaker 20 (01:49:00):
Do you guys do the same thing, Ryan, Yeah. But
this time of year is really advantageous for self employed people.
So if I'm working with somebody and they didn't claim
enough income in twenty twenty three, what I like to
do is set an appointment with them in late January
or early February and look at their year end numbers
and we can literally go down and show them what

kind of income they need to claim for twenty twenty four.

Speaker 1 (01:49:25):
You can help them correct so they'll qualify for the loan. Yeah,
now you see it a lot because you're on the
loan side.

Speaker 20 (01:49:31):
Yeah, so this this is a good time of year
to do that because January February you can actually plan
what they're going to do.

Speaker 1 (01:49:36):
And what is that kind of loan called? Is that
just a traditional thirty year what is it?

Speaker 22 (01:49:40):

Speaker 1 (01:49:41):
Is it non convent?

Speaker 5 (01:49:42):
No, it would be a conventional loan.

Speaker 20 (01:49:43):
So let's say I'm qualifying somebody and they didn't claim
much income last year in twenty twenty three. Yeah, we
can plan in January February for their twenty twenty four
income tax return. Once they file that return, then we
can use that. How about qualifying income?

Speaker 1 (01:49:57):
How about someone that's either retired or they I took
time off I don't know, for whatever reason, they haven't
worked for a year, but they have plenty of cash
on the bank on hand, either in the bank or wherever.
I mean, how do you guys look at that? Is
there loans out there for people like that or refinance
option for people that you know, basically have money but
want to get a better interest rate.

Speaker 20 (01:50:18):
Yeah, there's there's asset depletion loans. There's quite a few
different programs for that. Fany and Freddie have one.

Speaker 1 (01:50:24):
And you guys look at all this stuff.

Speaker 20 (01:50:25):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we can deplete assets as income to qualify.
Another thing is if they have a four toh one
K or an ira and they're over fifty nine and
a half, they can literally set up a withdrawal distribution
and I can use that amount immediately as qualifying income immediately,
oh as qualifying inca as long as they have a
three year continuance.

Speaker 1 (01:50:44):
And that you can also, speaking of people in that
age range, you can also go in and do a
reverse mortgage, or you.

Speaker 5 (01:50:50):
Could do a reverse mortgage in that case too, okay, yep.

Speaker 1 (01:50:52):
And then usually a reverse mortgage they can tap into
what fifty percent of the equity depending on.

Speaker 20 (01:50:57):
Age thirty to sixty depending on age Oh yeah, sixties.

Speaker 5 (01:51:01):
Think he's going to be way older.

Speaker 1 (01:51:03):
Yeah, and you're not going to have a way younger
spouse or anything like that. But you can answer all
the questions on that stuff. That's what I love about
these guys. American Liberty Mortgage. If you give them a call,
the bottom line is they'll find the right loan for you.
I mean, that's really the way to say it. Yeah,
how about if they're a first time home buyer. Do
you guys have options like where you only have to
put ten percent down, or you know where you get

grant money or things like that.

Speaker 5 (01:51:26):
Yeah, there's a lot of programs.

Speaker 20 (01:51:28):
CHAFF is probably the most popular one Coloradousing Finance authority,
and you know the in and out.

Speaker 5 (01:51:33):
They'll do one thousand dollars down.

Speaker 1 (01:51:35):
We have a one thousand dollars down.

Speaker 20 (01:51:37):
Yeah, you can do as little as one thousand dollars down.
Structure the contract correctly.

Speaker 4 (01:51:41):
Yeah, Is that going to lead to a lot of
foreclosures one thousand dollars down.

Speaker 20 (01:51:45):
CHAFF has been around for a very long time, so
it's been successful. It's been a pretty successful program. They
do require a first time home buyer class to be taken,
which hopefully alleviate some of that post for contact.

Speaker 1 (01:51:57):
Don't you think they should have a first time credit card?

Speaker 6 (01:52:00):

Speaker 1 (01:52:00):
Ass, I mean, I like in high school they do.

Speaker 4 (01:52:03):
You can have a prepaid credit card and have a
limit on it and you can get your credit school.

Speaker 1 (01:52:09):
No, but I'm saying, just even in high school, explain
to these kids how the hell you know eventually all
you're paying is interest for the rest of your life.

Speaker 4 (01:52:17):
They've got to have some kind of life lesson in
high school so kids can balance the checkbook, know about.

Speaker 7 (01:52:24):
Credit, know what to buy, how to buy a car
or lease all of it. What to do with renting
an apartment. That stuff needs to be taught.

Speaker 1 (01:52:31):
How many first time homeowners do you get, Frank boy,
I'd say mark for us, that makes it.

Speaker 3 (01:52:37):
But maybe about twenty percent of the buyers they are
first time buyer. Yeah, they're first time buyers, but a
lot of those are referrals of clients we've held for
years where now their kids are growing up, they're ready
to buy a house now.

Speaker 1 (01:52:47):
So hey, you just ryan if someone is either a
first time buyer and maybe they're going through a different lender,
but they haven't signed any agreements yet, how do you
shop for a mortgage? Honest to god, like some people
go years and years ago. I remember going to Rocket
Mortgage or Quickened Loans or something and I filled out

stuff online. I must have had ten thousand people call me.
It was the worst thing I ever did. I ended
up not going with any of them. How is a
way to shop if someone's got a quote from you know,
somebody else in town and they call you up. I mean,
how does one shop for a loan. Is there a
chance your interest rates are going to be lower? Or
if we don't even care about interest rates, you're looking

at the total costs going to be lower.

Speaker 20 (01:53:31):
Yeah, there's typically working with a real estate agent, you know,
like Frank, They're typically the best way is to have
them refer people. Yeah, because usually working by referral is
the best way to do it. Most of the time referrals.
We get people through referrals as well.

Speaker 1 (01:53:49):
Well, I guess what I'm asking is, are you, actually,
I'll put it this way, cheaper In other words, are
you going to be cheaper than some Joe Blow that
calls you off of a Quicken loans or a Rocket
Mortgage or whatever's out there.

Speaker 9 (01:54:01):

Speaker 20 (01:54:02):
I mean there's thousands of mortgage companies, but I would
say we're on the cheaper lower rates.

Speaker 1 (01:54:08):
As you're aggressive, let's aggress what it is. Yeah, you
want the business.

Speaker 20 (01:54:12):
If you're gonna call one hundred lenders, you'll probably find
somebody that may have a better rate. But we're gonna
beat USAA, typically Rocket Mortgage and all the big boxes.

Speaker 1 (01:54:20):
You're gonna beat all them. That's I love the show and.

Speaker 20 (01:54:23):
Most important on service because I think Frank would agree.
Working with the local lenders is the way to go. Oh,
you're gonna hold your hand and make sure they get
to that table.

Speaker 3 (01:54:32):
To Ryan's point, let me tell you how many times
I've had a listing buyer comes in with an out
of state lender. The headaches that causes the lack of communication.
I mean, great, great point.

Speaker 1 (01:54:43):
Hey David, what's going on? Oh, by the way, I've
been asked four times now American Liberty Mortgage. Is this
your direct number?

Speaker 9 (01:54:50):

Speaker 5 (01:54:50):
That is my mobile number?

Speaker 1 (01:54:51):
All right, listen, I'm gonna give you a cell number.
So he's here for another forty minutes, but after the show,
any questions if you need to cash out, I'm being
honest to god, I've known this guy forever. We probably
talk once a month. I end up reaching out here
for some form of a question. But American Liberty Mortgage,
right down, Ryan, he's one of the owners. Seven nine
six nine zero zero four to three. Any questions you have,

maybe you're thinking of that reverse mortgage. You'll be honest
with people if it's right for him too, right, I
mean there's reverse mortgages can be the worst thing for
some people. Yeah, I mean absolutely the worst thing. But
other people, if they want to stay in that house,
it might be the only option. Exactly six nine zero
zero four to three. And of course, Frank Deran, the

real estate man, I've said this one hundred times, Frank,
you saved me so much money buying our house in
frank Town. It's crazy. I had one lady call years
ago arguing with how much you saved me. I'll never
forget that. I was so mad at her. You saved
me basically one hundred thousand bucks. He walked in with
the negotiations. He said, Mark, what's the most maximum we
can throw in this guy's face and the quickest we

can close, and let's let's knock him over the head.
And that's literally what you did. In fact, Ryan, it
was so crazy he accepted it because I think Frank,
he only gave him like twelve or twenty four hours.
You gave him almost a tight timeframe.

Speaker 5 (01:56:10):
I remember that, a.

Speaker 1 (01:56:11):
Very tight time frame. And what happened a couple of
days after that, he wanted out, after all the paperwork
was signed. He had second thoughts, but Frank found out
he had two mortgages. The one on this he hadn't
lived there for almost a year and the mortgage was
like eight hundred thousand or whatever it was. And then
the guy had another mortgage in Georgia or Tennessee wherever

he was. This guy's debt service was insane, so we
knew he talked. But that's the value that Frank brings.
And that's the reason Frank Duran, like it or not,
sells more homes than the average realtor sells in a year.
In one month, you literally sell more in a month
than Joe Blow and almost all the other realtors selling

a year. That's incredible.

Speaker 3 (01:56:57):
Well, thank god it didn't happen overnight. Mark, But I'll
tell you remember when we were doing that Franktown deal. Yeah,
some of our great conversation we'd have what member one
two in the morning sometimes, oh my, we had a
lot of fun.

Speaker 1 (01:57:06):
Though we got it done. If we did get it done,
that guy was going crazy towards the end. He wanted
out of that deal. Frank knows how to he knows
how to negotiate. That's the best way to put it all, right, Listen,
I promised David and jan I promise I'll come to
you when we have guests in especially interesting stuff. I
love talking money, honestly. People always need loans and people
need to know where to go and how to do things,

and that's one of the things this show does. But
we're going to jump into a problem with a dentist
and then a question on a mobile home edition right
after this, go.

Speaker 10 (01:57:42):
With a sure thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you're content. Time for
an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison, call
Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies out now three three seven to seven to
one help. You'll think you're his only customer when you

choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot com to
list your home with Remax Alliance three three nine two
zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 1 (01:58:15):
Boy, if you could hear our conversations off air, a
way you can. You can go to YouTube dot com
type in Troubleshooter network. If I even told you what
my idea was during the break, you would just scratch
your head and go, no, we do not need to
hear that, mark, We do not need to hear it.
That's the most I'll say about it. You can go
back and listen anytime on our YouTube channel. Now, David,

what's going on with this mobile home edition? By the way,
I do want to tell you about waterpros dot Net.
Waterpros dot Net. The owner's Paul the Waterman. He came
out to our house installed a water softener for half
the price of the competition. It's got a better warranty
than the competition, and we have been so happy with it.
It's crazy. He can treat any water problem you have.

He'll do a free water test. But my favorite part
is their warranty, their service, and half the price of
the other guys. Half the price go to waterpros dot Net. Now,
what in the heck is going on with this mobile
home edition? David?

Speaker 14 (01:59:17):
Okay, I got a.

Speaker 15 (01:59:17):
Question for you.

Speaker 19 (01:59:18):
So my son has a mobile home double wide up
in Dylan, and so you want to put a sixteen
by twenty four edition on.

Speaker 14 (01:59:28):
The mobile parts.

Speaker 9 (01:59:29):
Well, and then we went to the town of Dillon.

Speaker 19 (01:59:33):
They said, well you need plat lot plats and all
the rest of that good stuff. And I'm just wondering
any idea who's cut the overriding authority on that.

Speaker 1 (01:59:43):
I would think nobody. I would think if he's in
a park and it is not his own property, I mean,
none of it's going to matter. It's going to come
down to the park more than anything. If he did
own his own property, it's going to come down to
the city. It's going to be whatever they allow, or
the municipality or whatever it is the county. I mean
the override. I mean, I don't even know what you

mean by an override.

Speaker 15 (02:00:04):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (02:00:05):
I just don't see that happening.

Speaker 19 (02:00:08):
Well, they we went and you know, and put those
put a bug in the city's ear and they said,
well we need to you know, certified plans and all
the rest.

Speaker 1 (02:00:16):
Well, yeah, you got to pull They're basically saying, you
need to go through the permitting process. You've got to
make sure you build it safe to where when the
neighbors come over for a barbecue they don't end up dead.

Speaker 19 (02:00:27):
Okay, So that they are the overriding authority, then.

Speaker 1 (02:00:30):
Yeah, I mean that's it. Though they would come out,
they would look at the plans. Typically how a building goes,
Like if you're building an exterior building or an outbuilding
on your property somewhere, you go to the city, you
pull the permit, You give them the the you know,
the the idea of what you're going to do, and
then basically you go through the engineering. You got to
go through the mechanical engineering if you're going to have HVAC,

the electrical engineering. And then when these things are done,
is they're going, they send an inspector out to sign
off to make sure they're done right. If you're doing
a foundation, the same thing. In fact, they'll even make
sure the hole you doug was doug right and sign
off on the whole. I mean, it's an entire thing
you've got to go through. And the good news is,
I know people don't like hearing this. It's his own

well in this case it's not its own property, but
if it was your own property. They really do do
it for safety. I do agree. They go way overboard,
there's no doubt, but they really do it for safety,
so you know someone doesn't get hurt.

Speaker 15 (02:01:32):
Okay, that's that, Well, all right, we'll do it.

Speaker 1 (02:01:36):
You know what you could do, Yeah, you could do that.
You know the other thing you could do. I don't
know how this would work, but I wonder if you
could buy one of those nice sheds and I mean
it like tough shed. They build some stuff that's crazy.
They almost look like tiny homes and then attach something
like that. But that's just an idea. I don't know.
I don't know the logistics of that. But that's something
where you might not have to pull a permit. You

can put it on a slab. I don't know what
you're going to use it for. He's probably going to
rent it out to people.

Speaker 7 (02:02:03):
I mean, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (02:02:04):
Hey, you guys, Ryan her Big. With American Liberty, you
can't anything that's got a vin like a trailer. You're
not going to do anything traditional on whatsoever. Right, We
only lend on real property that's attached to a foundation.
But there are loans called chattel loans that are specifically
for mobile homes, and they probably suck in general right,
high interest, the higher interest rate, a little platory, almost

more down payment.

Speaker 5 (02:02:28):
I don't know enough about them to say they're predatory.

Speaker 20 (02:02:31):
We don't do them, but I had a couple of
had somebody called me about a month ago and asked
about it, and I gave them a couple of names
that I found online.

Speaker 1 (02:02:39):
So long as if if they do like a barn, dominium.
If it's literally livable and it's on a foundation, that
would be more of a traditional mortgage, depending on the
lender you found.

Speaker 5 (02:02:51):
Correct, So some might do it, some might not. Yeah, yeah, correct.

Speaker 20 (02:02:54):
If it has a lot and block on the legal
description and it's real property, then we can typically lend on.

Speaker 1 (02:03:00):
So typically a modular home would be no problem long
since on foundation.

Speaker 5 (02:03:03):
Yeah, manufactured modular yep.

Speaker 1 (02:03:05):
And then they're looking roughly the same interest rates, yes, exactly?
All right, all right? Three oh three seven one three
eight two five five? Hey, Jan, what's going on with
this dentist?

Speaker 14 (02:03:15):

Speaker 22 (02:03:16):
And Mark, I'm just boarded a plane, soovin so a
little I'm not just in the background.

Speaker 14 (02:03:20):
Let me know what? What?

Speaker 9 (02:03:22):

Speaker 14 (02:03:22):
What? Uh?

Speaker 4 (02:03:22):

Speaker 15 (02:03:23):

Speaker 1 (02:03:23):
I want to know what airline you're on? Okay, go ahead, Jan?

Speaker 7 (02:03:28):
What's up?

Speaker 14 (02:03:30):

Speaker 22 (02:03:30):
My question is should I take my dentist a small
plans court?

Speaker 1 (02:03:34):
What's it over.

Speaker 22 (02:03:37):
A crown that didn't come out?

Speaker 1 (02:03:39):
Well, it would cost it would cost you a fortune.

Speaker 22 (02:03:44):
Well, I asked them to refund the money to my
medicare plans so I can get it redone because they
only allowed one every five years.

Speaker 1 (02:03:51):
Well, you can ask them and you can ask them
to play the digerido and do a tap dance for you.
That's not going to matter if you ask them, But
whether or not they're going to do anything, I mean,
I don't mind assigning a deputy to it. But let's
just talk really quick. Even small claims court, if you're
suing a professional, even in small claims court, you have
to have another professional or another dentist say what he

did was grossly negligent. I mean, it's just like it's
it's very expensive. In small claims court, it would make
absolutely zero sense because you're never going to get an
expert for less than seventy five hundred dollars, which is
where it is now. If they had a clerical error,
or you had a slip and fall in the building,

or if the dentist stole your wallet with seventy five
hundred in it, you could sue him for those reasons
without having to go through getting an expert. You follow
what I'm saying, So small claims might make sense to
sue a dentist, but not if it's a problem with
the work he did to your mouth.

Speaker 22 (02:04:51):
Yeah, it was the problem with the work he did,
and they said, well, come on, back and we'll fix
it him. I'm like going back to you. You know,
you get one shot.

Speaker 1 (02:04:58):
How do you even know it's wrong? Do you we
even know it's wrong?

Speaker 19 (02:05:00):

Speaker 1 (02:05:01):
Out of curiosity, did you go to another dentist? I did,
and the other dentist said, this guy really messed it up.

Speaker 22 (02:05:09):
Then it's messed up.

Speaker 1 (02:05:11):
No, but he didn't say did he say it was
the other doctor's fault or the dentist's fault?

Speaker 22 (02:05:18):

Speaker 1 (02:05:18):
Yes, Well, okay, I know what that means. I'm looking
at doctor. That means no, he didn't because people don't
want to knock on the same people. I mean, I
get it, So I mean, really, hold on, Jan, I
got to take this break. You got another question, no problem,
And if you want deputy doc, I'll sign him to
the case. He can call over. He's got to get
more information from you. Maybe I can have a conversation

with the dentist. But that first call basically is going
to have to be with you, or we've got to
get a hippoform sign But you make the decision. And
then we've got a problem with a rental car in
Europe that can be a nightmare.

Speaker 10 (02:05:58):
Go with a sure thing best rufer Excel roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you're content. Time for
an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance.
Pay too much your coverage at dozens of insurance companies
find out now three oh three seven to seven to
one help. You'll think you're his only customer when you

choose Frank Durand The real Estate Man dot com to
list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine
two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 1 (02:06:31):
All right, folks, Trio three seven one three A two
five five, don't forget YouTube dot com hit Troubleshooter Network.
You can watch this show that way or of course,
on the podcast. Over fifty thousand people a month listening
to us on podcasts, So if you miss something in studio,
once again, Frank Duran, the real Estate Man. If you
want the best, I'm gonna give you the number out

three oh three nine twenty sixteen twenty two. Ryan Herbig.
Any questions you have on refinancing or a new purchase,
you want one of the best lenders out there, in fact,
arguably the best around. They have every product out there too.
They do reverse mortgages, you can do a fifteen, a twenty,
a thirty. In fact, a lot of these banks and

loans you work with now you can pretty much set
turns if you want, can't you. Yeah, if someone wants
a thirteen year alone, you can do it.

Speaker 9 (02:07:21):

Speaker 5 (02:07:21):
You can amortize it over pretty much any period.

Speaker 1 (02:07:23):
Yeah, and you can crunch numbers directly. If someone called
you up for a REFI like, typically how longs it
take you ryan to figure out if they're going to
qualify for how much? I mean the basic stuff.

Speaker 5 (02:07:34):
If it's a refire purchase, I mean typically within a day,
within a day, they can figure out where they sometime sooner. Yeah, wow, Yeah,
it doesn't take too much.

Speaker 1 (02:07:42):
You set a streamline is pretty much instant. Yeah.

Speaker 20 (02:07:44):
Streamlines are basically guaranteed unless there they've been laid on
their mortgage payments. But if it's a if it's a
traditional purchase or a full full doc refinance, typically within
about twenty four hours.

Speaker 1 (02:07:56):
And I love what you were talking about with contractors
or I want to say contractors, because we deal with
a lot of contractors self employed, but self employed people
that you know they don't want to pay the most
taxes in the world. So you guys can go in
and kind of look at it and make the decision
based upon more of the bank account pository accounts than
the taxes. Yes, I mean that's just the bottom line.

Speaker 9 (02:08:17):

Speaker 1 (02:08:17):
So you can reach him. This is your you don't
mind me giving your sellout?

Speaker 5 (02:08:20):
No, that's fine.

Speaker 1 (02:08:21):
Seven six five nine zero zero four to three seven
one nine six five nine zero zero four to three.
What's the average home sale right now, Frank?

Speaker 3 (02:08:32):
So here's the deal. The median price right now is
five seventy eight.

Speaker 1 (02:08:37):
Wow, and uh, that's hard to believe.

Speaker 3 (02:08:39):
Oh yeah, it's but you know it went up a
little bit because of the rate drop in October, and
then it dropped a little bit in November.

Speaker 1 (02:08:45):
So that's that's still crazy. How about in Colorado spreads?

Speaker 3 (02:08:48):
I'm sorry five eighty five, Mark, I said wrong, five
eighty five.

Speaker 1 (02:08:51):
Well you had to correct that.

Speaker 7 (02:08:52):
I heard correct.

Speaker 1 (02:08:54):
Frank wouldn't have been able to slept sleep tonight.

Speaker 3 (02:08:56):
If he didn't bother me all night, man. Frank, tell
people what the media and me so in other words,
that's you have so many above and so many below that.

Speaker 1 (02:09:05):
You throw out the three million, and you throw out
to thirty thousand, yeah, more or less? Yeah, well, whatever
it is, whatever the median is. Yeah, and then what
would you say the average loan is ryan? Right now,
what's the average new purchase loan? We know the average
home in Denver's five whatever. What are they coming to
the table with.

Speaker 5 (02:09:24):
I would say the average person has five to ten
percent down?

Speaker 1 (02:09:29):
Okay, but what what does that leave the loan at?
So around four to fifty five hundred.

Speaker 20 (02:09:34):
Yeah, four fifty to five hundred for a five eighty
five house, actually five, you know, five twenty to five fifty.

Speaker 1 (02:09:40):
I honestly don't know how kids in Colorado do it,
these twenty somethings, even if they saved up money. I mean,
to come up with what's the average down? Now? Twenty percent?

Speaker 20 (02:09:51):
No, I mean you can do as little as I
mean Chaffo allows for one thousand dollars down. I mean
a non first time home.

Speaker 7 (02:09:58):
Loan arms chipping.

Speaker 1 (02:10:01):
Well, that's true, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (02:10:02):
We get that, Doc, Yeah, yeah, God is your minimum.

Speaker 1 (02:10:07):
Yeah that's still a ton of money. But you know what,
but with don is six hundred thousand dollars home? Think
about that. They got to come to the table with
thirty But.

Speaker 3 (02:10:15):
Like Doc, said, we get a lot of these where
the parents are actually helping their children to.

Speaker 1 (02:10:20):
Yeah, so they come up with it, and then on
the landing side, that's no big deal. They just signed
basically a gift letter.

Speaker 5 (02:10:25):
Correct, Yeah, absolutely loud.

Speaker 1 (02:10:27):
And then they can start building equity. And you know,
it's really a good gift if you can afford to
do it, there's no doubt. So Jan, I'm not sure
where we left off with him, But Jan, you're not
going to be suing that dentis in small claims court. Nancy,
what's going on with you?

Speaker 14 (02:10:43):

Speaker 23 (02:10:44):
Hi, Mark, I'm calling on behalf of my son. And
he rented a car from six rent a car.

Speaker 1 (02:10:53):
I have never heard, Nancy, I have never heard anything
good about that rental car company.

Speaker 23 (02:10:59):
I have never No, we look on the internet.

Speaker 21 (02:11:02):
We see that too.

Speaker 1 (02:11:03):
So what happened? What happened? And he said, you got
it in Europe?

Speaker 23 (02:11:08):
Yes, he went. He picked up the car in Munich
on September eighth this year and there was no real
damage to the car at all when he rented it.
He had he lifted a couple of scratches on the
rental agreement and he took some pictures of any of

those little scratches that were there when he rented the car.
Then he returned it to the Stix rental in a
Zurich airport on September twentieth, and then, let.

Speaker 1 (02:11:43):
Me guess, Hold on, I've got a crystal ball here.
Over a month. Over a month goes by and you
get a call saying there was damage to the car.

Speaker 15 (02:11:52):
Absolutely, this story.

Speaker 1 (02:11:53):
Is now with this company sixth rent a car. We
have now had this probably five to six times in
a very short amount of time. It's their moo, that's
what they do. You return it and they say, they
act like it's fine. You don't hear anything. Then all
of a sudden they reach out, how did he pay
for it?

Speaker 23 (02:12:11):
Exactly? Are he paid for it with his credit?

Speaker 1 (02:12:15):
Can you call the credit card company up?

Speaker 23 (02:12:17):
No, he didn't the first thing.

Speaker 1 (02:12:19):
How much are they trying to ding him for?

Speaker 23 (02:12:22):
Well, they claim that the extensive damage, of course, which
wasn't there, and bills him for a three thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (02:12:32):
On the credit card.

Speaker 23 (02:12:34):
I know they did not charge his credit Well how
the hell did Oh?

Speaker 1 (02:12:37):
So he hasn't paid it?

Speaker 23 (02:12:39):
No, he hasn't.

Speaker 1 (02:12:40):
I wouldn't do a damn thing. I'd let him sue me.
I wouldn't do a damn thing with them. Nothing. Don't
do anything until they knock on his door and serve them.
If they try to go after his credit, we'll go
that route with them. But I'm telling you I wouldn't
do anything.

Speaker 23 (02:12:57):
Okay, they have us, So he called them, of course,
and they said, no, we're not dealing with you. We
have sent this claim to River Key Collections.

Speaker 1 (02:13:09):
I tell Liberty to assue me, okay, Yeah, I wouldn't
do anything. I'd make them bring me to court. Then
when he gets to go in front of the judge,
he can explain what happened and how there was no damage.
He can explain to the judge what Lion Conniven little
bastards they are. Because six rent a car. That's all
they do, is this. I promise you, we have gotten

this car, and it's always the same. I've never heard
of a rental car company waiting one or two months
to report the damage. It's ridiculous in my opinion. They're
the worst piece of crap out there in the rental
car business. Okay, And I'm sure.

Speaker 23 (02:13:47):
Now even though they say we're going to come after.

Speaker 1 (02:13:52):
You, I'm telling you I would. First of all, I
wouldn't I tell your son, don't talk to him anymore.
Have your son called me. I wouldn't talk to the
collection company. I wouldn't talk to six. I wouldn't talk
to any of these people. They need to find them,
they need to file a lawsuit, they need to serve them,
and they need to bring them in front of the
judge so he can have his side of the story.

Make them do all the work. Then you guys proved
to the judge he did nothing. I would love to
know how he goes too, because he's going to say,
you're on her. Look when they notified me six weeks later,
two months later, whatever it is, this is the most
ridiculous thing ever.

Speaker 11 (02:14:28):
You're on her.

Speaker 1 (02:14:28):
When I returned it, it was fine. There was no
more damage. The only damage on there is you can
see in the pictures that I took were prior to
me picking it up.

Speaker 23 (02:14:38):
Okay, so they can't garnish his wages, No, they.

Speaker 1 (02:14:41):
Got to get a judgment to do that. They can't
do a damn thing until they get a judgment in
front of a judge. And I wouldn't put it past them.
If they call up and want to settle for five
hundred bucks. I tell him to pound sand, don't pay
him one nickel. Make them bring you to court. You
get it very good, and I want you to be
as aggressive with your son as I'm being with you

when it comes to this. Don't let them settle for
one hundred dollars because their next move is going to
be to try to squeeze them for five hundred bucks.
And he doesn't even owe that in my opinion, Yes.

Speaker 23 (02:15:11):
And they've already done that. They've already lowered the number
two one thousand.

Speaker 1 (02:15:16):
Of course they have. Yeah, you let them sue them,
you know what. It's a shakedown. These guys are like
the mafia in my opinion, Nancy, if you want him
to call me, you tell him to call me, and
I'll be hard on him like I was on you,
because I don't want you guys getting ripped off by
these people. I can't stand six ran a car. It's
a scam out there. In my opinion, it's one hundred

percent a scam.

Speaker 10 (02:15:39):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up. Free no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out Now three oh three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only

customer when you choose Frank durand the Realestateman dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two

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