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July 23, 2024 11 mins
Pebbling and Delta problems
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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In between watching the Reds work theirmagic finally they get off the schneid.
Last night, but in between,I was, you know, flipping through
the phone and was watching a liveperformance of pound Cake from back in the
day. I think it was whatwould that have been? Uh? Man,
it was a while ago. ButI was just sitting there smiling,

just watching it, and my wife'slike trying to talk to me, and
I was just like, you know, kept looking over at her and then
just not really acknowledging, and andthen I at the very end of it,
I just go, I can't believehe's gone about Eddie. I'm just
like, I'm so sad. I'mlike, Eddie's gone nowhere. Nobody could

do it like him, man,nobody, you know, nobody. Let's
see what was I watching last night? I was watching Daniel Tiger with my
two year old. Oh, Danielty his neighborhood. Oh boy, yeah,
it's it's it's a great show fortoddlers. I'll put it that way.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. AlexStone ABC News joining us now and
Alex, have you heard the thenew dating term? None of us needed
pebbling? Do you know what pebbling? Me? What does that mean,
I know, I was just like, why why do these? Is that?
Like? Is that like Cleveland steaming? Oh? Good lord? No,

okay, I was just a second. No not, oh god,
not even close. No. Whatis pebbling? Pebbling like from the word
pebble? You know, pebbling?Okay, So it's it's the sharing of
memes, videos, or links tosomeone to show your thinking of them.

So let's say, on your phoneit popped up and I just sent a
meme that somehow represented hey, Ihaven't heard from you and the wire,
I haven't talked to you in awhile, you know, And it's a
meme that basically so that's pebbling thetext you, Yeah, that's it.
This is my buddies and I apparentlypebble each other because yes, you guys

shallow before me and the boys listen, there's a there's a four person group
text that I'm involved in. Thegood lord, multiple pebbling, Yes,
it's there's multiple pebler group pebbling grouppebbling. But I tell you what if
any of any of our memes andinappropriate, terrible, awful jokes that will

send us to hell ever got out, I wouldn't have a job here,
I promise. Oh, I'm sureof it. Look, yeah, I
think there are a lot of peoplewho probably subscribe to what you just said.
Everything is encrypted, right, sono, we don't send it on
WhatsApp that's the problem. Yeah,yeah, apparently. So here's this is

that the nucleus of this whole thing. It's been likened to how penguins bring
pebbles back to their little penguin lovedones. Seriously, that's where it comes
from that I learned about that.They got to go out and find these
pebbles. They just go into theirimages on their I Messenger, their messenger
app, whatever they're using is andsend it that way. It's not there's

no work like what goes through thepenguins going out. I watched. I
love how you're like, there's noway. That's not even close to comparing
the same way I watched. Ithink it was one of the Planet Earth.
I don't know if it was one, two or three, but they
were you know, The Antarctica wasan episode and basically the way the females

decide who's the better males who bringsher more pebbles, No kidding, that's
where that So that concept now makestotal sense. But I had forgotten about
that. You know, David Attenbrough, the mool pebbals she has, the
more likely she used to choose mate, you know, the more memes that
he can send the memes, themore chance he has of getting it into

pens. It's just like, oh, that's all it took. Huh.
Geez, I've been going about thisthe whole wrong way. I don't think
long ones have pants. Oh you'reright, I guess they don't. They
have tuxedos, what do you?Yeah? Right? Do they they mate
for life? Don't they? Yes? What, they have one partner that
they will and unless that partner passes, and in which case their instinct to

breed on will that. They're kindof like ducks, you know, Mallard
ducks have the same partner for life. Yep. And the beautiful ones are
the males, the real colorful ones. Yeah, what do you say,
Alex? I said, just likehumans, the beautiful ones are the male.
Yes, exactly, flipped, totallyflipped in our species, right,

I know in my marriage did.Because I'm telling you people, go,
man, you know, kicked yourcoverage. I hear that constantly. I'm
like, geez, man, peopleare so brutal. People ask me if
I'm holding her hostage. We allgot very lucky. Yes, they walk
up to you two at the storeand they look at her and go blink
twice if you need help, right, too funny. What's not very funny,

though, is what's going on withDelta Airlines. You know, Alex,
We had you on yesterday to kindof talk about this and it was
I don't know, starting to kindof where there's smoke, there's fire kind
of a thing. I guess,So here it is. The Department of
Transportation is now getting involved, right, Yeah, they're launching an official investigation.
And yesterday it was bad and todayit is again. Almost five hundred

Delta flights canceled the day, thirteenhundred delayed, and the numbers are going
up by the minute. So we'reso many days into this and they haven't
been able to figure it out,and there have been so many complaints from
passengers saying that they'd had to waitin line six hundred people deep hours and
hours of the Delta app. Theyhaven't been able to rebook on there,
and Delta says, well, Imean it's upholding the lawns rebooking passengers,

offering refunds, paying for hotels andfood. But the DOT is saying it's
getting inundated with these complaints of peoplewho are saying they have not been taken
care of, that they've been stranded, that they can't get a human and
anybody to even give them anything fora hotel or get them to where they
need to go. And I mean, this has kind of been the overall

theme all week, passengers like these, It's been a mess. It's been
a nightmare. It's got delayed fourtimes for three and one eight hourlyover eight
LA over. I was supposed tobe home around ten am yesterday and people
are saying instead they're just stuck atthe airport. So they're opening this investigation
now to figure out if Delta's followingthe law of what they have to do
for passengers. The DOT is sayingcustomer service isn't the right thing to do,

it is the law and that's whatDelta has to do, and that
the DOT is going to enforce thelaw and investigate this now. We talked
to Brian Summer's, founder of theAirline Observer, an airline industry analysts.
He says Delta is really failing heretelling us this four or five days later,
Delta cannot still be blaming one ofits tech vendors. All of its

competitors have caught up right now,Delta is still in trouble. Yeah,
and I mean he says communication isthe big thing here, that Delta is
not explaining what is wrong, isnot saying how it's going to fix it,
is not saying when it plans toget things back on track, and
that the lack of communication, thelack of explaining wearing from pilots today saying

they can't get answers where they're supposedto be and get orders of what they
need to do. That the systemhas crumbled and we're now five days into
it and still a lot of peopleare stranded. Man, these poor people.
They they should try pebbling Delta andsee if a couple of memes and
maybe they'll help you out. Seriously, though, this is affecting like tens

of thousands of people, correct,I mean, if you think of all
the flight that have been canceled of, like thirteen hundred one day and then
five hundred to day. I thinkit was around seven hundred yesterday. That
every one of those planes. Thosepeople didn't go anywhere, and they're stuck.
I is it all still the bluescreens of death? Is that what
you know? Well, I mean, that's what it goes back to.
They've been fixing those. But theysay on Friday they had their busiest day

of the year or right around thattime of ninety percent of all seats on
Delta were full. So that daythat they canceled much of their schedule,
all of those planes were full.And so you know, you say you're
going to Orlando, Well every planegoing out is full. So where do
you put those people? And youdon't have extra planes and pilots just to

say, you know what, We'llfly another flight or two on that same
route. And they got to figureit out, put people on other airlines,
put people on their own airline.That it's taking a long time,
but they're still in the thick ofit right now. Chances are there are
people listening who are either affected directlyor they have family men members that are
affected by this. A lot ofpeople and Atlanta's a mess, the big

Delta Hub, New York, LaGuardia, Minneapolis all really impacted. So with
the people that I was kind ofreferencing there should they contact Alex the Department
of Transportation in order to try tohave a complaint if they think that the
Delta has done something illegal under therules. Dot is saying they want to
hear it that they want to knowwhat it is and document what it is

alleged that has gone on wrong.Because the law is in place, they
do have to take care of you. Yeah, no, Alex, I
just like I made a joke earlier, but to Mark, I said,
how many people are dying to geton a Delta Boeing seven thirty seven to
eight max right now? Flight?But in all serious snys, Delta used

to be the gold standard of airlines. I mean if you were a Delta
Diamond member, I mean you youhad perks and privileges and all this stuff
that they offer, and it wasseen as a clean fly, you know,
good service, all of this.What I feel like Delta has just
been taken it on the chin overthe past six to eight months. I

mean, it's not been a goodyear for Delta. No, but that
they do really try to differentiate themselvesas being the higher end airline. If
you've been in a Delta club,it's all you know, very hotel like,
very bougies of music and higher endfood, and you know, the
smell like a Weston lobby, andthat their uniforms they're on board service.

They've really created this image of beingthe higher class airline United was at at
one point. Now it's very muchthe celebrity crowd wants to go in Delta
one and they have special check inareas and everything that they have created this
image. But they're gonna pay forthis right now, for what they're dealing

with that any airline that goes throughit, they pay the price for quite
a while. This is crazy.Hopefully they get it fixed because let me
tell you, I mean, youknow, you travel a lot, I
do a little, and it's there'snothing more frustrating than and I've never dealt
with anything like this. I can'timagine what these poor people. And one
of my best friends, him andhis family, they their flight to Miami

got canceled and they had a cruisethey had to be for. They left
in the middle of the night anddrove non stop all the way to Miami
and the cruise they got there checkedin with a half hour to go by
the hair of their chinting chin chin, Oh my god, no sleep,
no sleep, nothing. Yeah,they'll pull right out of they'll they'll pull

right out of dock without you.They were too tired to even pebble By
guys, Bye,
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