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May 22, 2024 42 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Skinny scarny nothing. I know youlike no one day right now? Like
right? What damn the sticks?Right? I guess she's about to see
right now? Wake wake up,Wake up, Wake up on Chicago.
So then it's the DC I wantto show on sim Far the Gya.

You know, just shot the boypuppin art. Bet, it's the middle
of the week. It's time here, baby, we have way home.
It's the best damn morning show inChicago. Myself, the dust a legend,
Leon Rodgers, Zach buy what what'sup? Good morning Chicago. Hey
y'all. Yeah, white boy Ryanon the board. It's a lovely day
to day. The weather was beautifuloutside. Yes, yes, hey man,
I'm happy to say I didn't hearno humming last night. You got

rid of them, man, AndI don't I done set up a barrier
jack this boar with the cicado,And I'm telling you hit your boy up
in the d MS if you wantto know the solution. That's right.
No buzzing in my backyard. Yes, it's gonna be a cicado free summer.
You did, unless I want himto come out. You know what
I'm saying. I'm gonna control them, No, you talk to the cicadas.

Maybe, Hey man, we gota lot going on today, man,
and we glad you along with usfor the ride. We love your
Chicago, Northwest Indiana and everybody listeningto us on the island radio apples the
best damn morning show in Chicago.Let's get to it. It's GC I
higher seventy seven degrees tonight of lowersixty two right now Sunday Sky is a
sixty two degrees? Is get rightwith a stiff up with us? Wait?

GC, I want to show,I want to sippar the g one
fip hop and rb oh Man.It just keeps getting bad for Tahoe.
Tiffany coming up in the headlines.I'll tell you how she build wrong taxpayers
a bunch of money for her means. That's coming up. She shout here,

take the news, it's time forthe headlines, your news coverage from
Chicago to worldwide. But to WGCLmorning show, hey man, Mayor Tiffany
Henyard and Dalton is no stranger tobad publicity. She went to Washington not

too long ago. But who wasfooting the bill? Well? An investigation
found out that the south suburban politicianwent on a pricey political junket that got
built to the wrong taxpayers, andthat might be illegal. She was in
Washington, d c. Mad Januaryas a part of the US Conference of
Mayor's annual Winter Meeting, along withmayors from hundreds of communities across the country,

and she had a White House tourwith brief remarks from Joe Biden.
She live streamed part of her visiton her Facebook page, then publish a
produced music video showing highlights of hertour meeting with the President. So the
problem is that she built a tripto the wrong taxpayers. So municipal lawyer

Burt Odelson says these appropriations are misappropriations. Say they show credit card records obtained
showing expenditures for the Washington trip,including five thousand to the US Conference of
Mayors, playing tickets for Henyard andassistant Keith Freeman for seven eighteen apiece hotel
rooms at the Washington Hilton for overone thousand each, and six hundred and

twenty nine dollars a rental card.The total costs of taxpayers nine and sixty
seven. However, here's the catch. Those taxpayers don't live in Dalton,
where Henyard is the mayor, sothe township residents are paying for those for
those for those trips. I mean, watch wasn't partying or nothing, but

just you know, I guess it'smisappropriation of fun. Yeah, account that
sounds like, you know, whenyou're in the wrong account. You got
it, you got it. Thebills coming in, you'd be like,
hold on, let me move thisover. That's what she should have did.
She should have moved Hey man,Chicago. You know, Chicago is

dope as hell in the summertime.And uh, Chicago summers are perfect for
outdoor activities. And it's gonna belike street festivals everywhere, free concerts and
the Millennium Park. Dozens of festivalshappen every year. But here's something you
might want to check out. TheRavenea Festival. Of course, you know
we talked to the good brother fromRavenea. Also, you have the Chicago

Mayfest, which is off the chainWest Armitage Avenue from Sheffield Avenue to Racine.
It's good our food vendors, everythingblack. You know, you can't
turn down a good meal. RandolphStreet Market Festival, same thing, vintage
fashion, art, food, swanyos, reggae, throw on the Latin
Music Festivals celebrating this third year GrandPark. Uh, that's gonna be off

the chain. The Chicago Gospel MusicFestival for all my gospel lovers in the
Lineum Park in June June the first, the House Music Festival and the Millennium
Park Junior second. So you're gonnahave gospel, then come right back with
House with House music of course.The Chicago Blues Festival, which will be
at the Remover Theater shout out theChance the Rapper. That's June sixth,

and the Puerto Rican Fest will bethere. Yeah, June sixth through the
night will have a float. Youain't say nothing about the Wings, Yeah,
yeah, the Wings, the WindFestival, the Wind President is coming.
I just don't see it this week. I think it's this weekend.
Yeah, yeah, y'all go googlethat find that. Yeah, you're paying.
Just go and eat all the wingsyou can eat. Man, And

I like food food based festivals.You love a good music festival, don't
get me wrong. I do lovea good music festival, but a good
walk around, yes, who Ican eat standing there, drink and drink,
get your little drink on and thelyrical lemonade Summer Smash Festival June fourteenth
through the sixteenth. Chicago Pride Fest. We probably hat floats and that again

this year. I ain't gonna lie. Our Pride Fest was funny and hilarious.
I'm telling last year it was.It was fun. Man. Bits
hadn't acting back at seeing all thecostumes and the NASCAR Chicago Street Race July
that's a brother Birthday weekend July sixand again. Yeah, yeah, So,
I mean you've got a lot ofstuff. Pitch Fork, Chicago Food

Truck Festival, Taste the Lincoln,all the stuff you like. Yeah,
so just go check it out.Man. Lollapalooza in AUGUSTGCI dot Com.
Man, we're gonna put a listup, man show y'all we can hang
out and have a good time.Chicago summers are unmatched, I'm telling you
all right. Coming up Man,Leon's locker Room Game one Indiana Boston,
who had went down to the wiresjust yet one O seven five w GCI

the shots number one for hip hopand R and B. Coming up Leon's
locker Room. Caitlin Clark doing somethingreal big in the w NBA gc Oh
you need to know in sports,I'm just here so I won't get found.
It's inside Leon's locker room on oneof seven five CCI. Alright,
last night the NBA action was fantastic. Round one of the Eastern Conference Finals

had the Pacers going into Boston andalmost pulling off the upset. Boston had
to go to overtime, last secondshot by Jaylen Brown to get them in
the overtime, and then Jason Tatumand crew took it home one thirty three
to one twenty eight Boston over Indiana'sone zip. In that series, that
looks like it's gonna be a goodseries. Yeah, that they went down

to the wire. I think theIndiana should have filed though. Yeah,
well you know, hey you filedgive him two points over the over the
three and yeah, but I meanthat three that he took. Man,
if he hit that, I meanyou gotta live with that dog, because
that was that That three was.I mean, my man was standing there,
he didn't put his hands up.I mean that was I'm not gonna
say it was luck. It wasa little bit of God kissed that three

too. Yeah, it wasn't noluck at all, skilled for sure.
No, it was a little bitof God kissed that now I'm saying,
I'm not gonna say outright it wasluck, it was skilled. But God
kissed that that jumper and he ain'thit a shot at God kissed that jumper
on the way down. Listen,man. Caitlyn Clark may not be doing
so well in the w NBA asfar as getting wins for a team.

They are oer and four right now, but the spotlight has been on her
since she's been in the league.But she signed a cooperation agreement with Wilson
Basketball. The story sporting goods firmand has influenced baseball, football, basketball,
many other sports. It was madepublic on Tuesday morning, and she
all and Wilson also provides the wNBA with its official ball. As part

of her contract, Kaitlyn will representthe brand as an ambassador and she will
shortly release a signature basketball collection.Now up until the evening of May twenty
seven, fans can join the drawto purchase any one of the three unique
basketballs in the collection, and shewill also test and evaluate some basketball equipment
and provide comments. The only otherperson to ever do this was Michael Jordan.

She's getting so much paper, man, she gets so many areas man
from Wilson to Nike to the icecube at off of the five meal.
So let's so let's but let's butlet's let's let's talk about the elephant in
the room. When is she gonnahave to start producing wins or people gonna
start looking at her crazy? BecauseI feel like the w NBA is doing

this wrong. Like I know,I know she was dope in college and
they're putting all the spotlight in thepressure on her kind of but I think
they should spread it out. Yougot a lot of talent in the league.
The league is real diverse. LikeI said, we got ade Reese
and Cardoza here in the sky,you got young Lady, the Young Lady
Cameron Brinkley with the sparks, Likeit's a lot of talent everywhere now.

But I kind of feel like theythrowing the well. I think she's just
getting the headline right now, youknow what I'm saying. And WNBA needs
to become a star driven league likethe NBA. You know what I'm saying.
You sell your stars, and rightnow she's the hottest start. They
got a bad start, they havinga bad start season wise, but she's
on a bad team. That's whythey had the number one. But that's
why I said, like and theso it's the same thing. It's like,

you know what I'm saying, everybodywas going to see Winby. You
know what I'm saying when he cameout, I mean when but Winby was
doing ridiculously. Yeah, but theSpurs steal was sucking. I know what
I'm saying. But my point isthat's the trade off. The Spurs sucked,
but you know you could you willprobably see Weinby break some type of
record that night the thirty and twenty. She just had like a fifty point
game, didn't she just she justdropped fifty. I think her last game,

she was balling, but they lost, you know what I'm saying.
So, I mean, you can'thold that against her. I'm not holding
it against her, But I meanit comes to something like when Kyrie was
number one in Cleveland, Like weweren't saying, hey, it was Cavaliers,
you know, look promised because theywas trash even though Kyrie was doing
this thing. But I think,like what the NBA does well, they

they highlight, try to highlight allthe stars. They try to get you
to see like Okay, that's thechanging of the guard, like the whole
changing of the guard. And letyou see ten people, man, but
that those ten people are part ofit, part of the changing of the
guard. But you got to thinkabout it. If it's ten people and
they got thirty something teams, it'sdamn near the same percentages. They got
twelve teams and one person and aboutthree people. They do you know what

Andrew Reese and Kim Cardoz is doingfor the sky right now? Yes,
Andrew Reese has been hooping, butthat hasn't been getting highlights. It has
now. They just showed her likeshe was just all over. She just
it was just headlines and she signedwith the DC. She just bought no,
just about the soccer team aout lines. Okay, all right, so
now we're gonna split hairs and jumpto I'm talking about bad I said.

The question I asked you was arethey doing a good job marketing? I
said, when does it become?She has to start winning on the court
before people get tired of all theother stuff. That was the question I
asked, So when do people what'sthe question? The question I asked,
Kayln Clark is getting the exposure Yeah, is the play on the court meeting

up to the exposure that she's getting. Now, I'll break it down like
that. Her play has been good. Her team is sucked, right,
She's on a bad team. Theyhad the number one I'm saying, I
think the w n b A isputting all of the emphasis on her instead
of being smart and spreading it out. And then if Kaitlyn is doing great,
fine, but spread it out amongstall of the new players. Early.

I just think it's early. We'refour games in. You know what
I'm saying. She just got drafted. Give it a little time. Okay,
she just she literally just got drafted. She's played four games. But
but but do you understand what I'msaying. You presented her like she's gonna
come right in and get down.That's how getting down? Which one?
Which you know what I'm saying,Which one is it? You said this

early? But she's getting down?Yeah? I like, so you won't
want the NBA to talk about thefact that she just she's the first part
she's breaking Rogers like this is greatfor the NBA. I'm not talking about
Zach. You're acting like I'm admonishingthe fact that what she's doing outside of
the basketball court. That's not whatI'm talking about. Deals and those are
great. I'm talking about on thecourt. How how long does she have

before people be like, all right, man, and I'm on nine at
least drafted number one, at leastthe season. Okay, at least the
seats. All right? Go togo to w GCI dot com. Uh
for these stories and more. Youcan follow me on social media at Leon
Rodgers. Coming up in this easpytwhat we got ow Diddy update? Man?
Uh, he got hit with anotherlawsuit. It's on the way wonderful

Wednesday. Let's look at travel times, shall we. One O seven five
w g SHO number one for hippat R and B Coming up. We

got bro getting ready to talk Diddyin this new lawsuit he just got damn
can't win. Wait till I getmy money. One O seven five w
G C shows number one thing BobAn RnB, she Boy, Zach Bug
and it's time for r Z spotreport. Another lawsuit has been filed against

Diddy. Okay, a young ladyby the name of Crystal McKinley. Okay.
She claimed that she was sexually assaultedby Diddy back in two thousand and
three. Now, according to thislawsuit, here's what happened. Diddy was
making a number flirtationous and sexual subjectivesuggestive remarks about McKinley's appearance in front of

other dinner guests, including a designer. Right, he said she said that
Combs did he invited her to arecording studio where he was drinking alcohol and
smoking the marriage Jauanna with several malecompanions. Right, Okay, So now
the lawsuit says that did he passedher to joint, was like, you

ain't never had weed like this before, oh lord? And you know she
interpreted that meaning that you know itwas laced with some other drug, all
right. And then although that they'resaying that in the lawsuit, they're saying,
although McKinley was like, hey,I had enough, did he pressured
her into more alcohol and to keepsmoking the marijuana, basically telling her,
hey, you acting too uptight?You're acting too uptight? How to keep

going? All right? Well,she said after she became very oxicated.
This lawsuit is saying that did heled her to the bathroom and forced her
to perform or on him, Andthen she said afterwards she alleges that she
lost consciousness and woke up in acab. Yeah, yeah, this is

back in US. Tough man,it's back in two thousand. He's gonna
hear read, You're gonna hear moreof these stories. You know what I'm
saying. That's tough. That's toughfor the young lady. Yes, it's
tough for Diddy too. But Imean, you know, with that video
coming out, I can't say Idon't believe you know what I'm saying,
Like the video that's crazy. Yeah, that's gonna hurt. That video is

gonna hurt his credibility about anything dealingwith women and the misogynistic man handling way.
It's not gonna help him at ourSo you know, if he if
he is not guilty of this,if it is a money graph for old
girl, I can't say that Ibelieve that. It's hard to believe.
And this was stile under the NewYork City you know, they got the

New York City Gender Motivated Violence Act. So this gives victims the chance to
foul against their abusers for things thattook place behind. But you know this
ends. This expires in twenty twentyfive. So people like Oh, it's
gonna bring more thout. Yeah,people are bringing stuff out. So yeah,
you know you got heard that.The producer got that said did that

at the same way, D Dotor whatever his name, I don't know
his name, but it just itdon't look good for Puff, and I
think Puff is doing the right thingby just being quiet, standing out of
the spotlight. I mean, otherthan the apology apologies, we hadn't heard
from him. He's literally been layinglow. But I know what I said,
Seal everything and move to Thailand likeRussell did, and go do yoga.

Be right next to Russell doing yoga. You praying because there ain't no
experts. They can't expedite you atThailand. Have you paid enough? Puff
got enough money? Pay live overthere? And they in the rumor is
more charges on the way. Youknow what I'm saying that what happens bad
boy Asia, We'll see what happens. Uh these stories and more head to
Wake. You can follow you onInstagram. Zach looks a C h V

O O. Joe. Yeah,Yes, sir man. A brilliantly Black

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at ticketmaster dot com. That's ShyCityfest. Huge shout out to BMN Entertainment.

Now I'm gonna tell you love themto leave him. It's on the
way Chicago. Oh my god.We cousins in the worst way. That's
on the way. Don't move.I'm Inmbre Payton. Here's number one for
hip hop and R and B.Turn me on, waking up, Wake
up. This Chicago's only local hiphop on the show. It's the w

GC. I want the show.I want a summer far to the GC
yard. Yes, sir, comingup, love them leaving where we got
cookings at my cousins, our cousins. Oh, I don't know how to
explain. It's not that's not enough. You see it is my cousin in
the worst way. This is abad letter, like it's on the way.
See what that's going one of summerfive. W GC shot is number

one for hip hop and R andB, ladies and gentlemen, boys and
girls, children of full ladies,this time for love of my leaving them
with the best damn morning show inChicago. And yet no, it's gonna
be wretched leon. What happened?It's Zacki Chackler, Who is Ja Zacky

Jack on the ravelerrin not chop shopchop chop chop chop chop shop chop hut
him with the hocks eat chop chopchop chop chop. It's the middle of
the week. Chop one, middleof the wheat. CHOP's the only way
to work. Chop one, middleof the wheat. Chop. If it's

your birthday, get your chop one, middle of the wheat shop. It's
the only way to school. Gityour chop one. It's the middle of
the week. Chop everybody, Justchump chop, chop, chop, chop,
chop chop. Hit him with talks, eat chop chop. Jimmy's voice,
Yeah, Okay, here we go. I got an email today,

says dear leon Is Zach. Thisis really embarrassing to say, but I
think I may have married my cousinon my dad's side. Wow. So
me and my husband have been togetherfor two years. I am now pregnant
with our first child. I don'teven know what we have in yet.
So I took one of those ancestryancestry tests and I found out that my

husband is actually my fourth cousin.I did some research and found that we
have the say, the same greatgreat great grandparents. That's not that bad,
right, I don't even think wehave the same DNA. I haven't
told my husband. Should I tellhim. Should we get divorced? Should
I just ignore this? I don'tknow what to do. Please help.

That's tricky. We gotta handle thisone. Tricky. This is tricky because
she could give him an A sixsix A six six eight A five one
o seven five. Hit us up. We want to know what y'all think
fourth cousins. I didn't even knowthat was a thing. Let's see it's
it's ax, I will see rightand gangre's where you call it? From

Brian from the west side, Britney, from the west side to ninety checking
in. What do you think thisyoung lady should do? Should she tell
her husband who doesn't know he isher cousin? Or should she just be
quiet and ride the wave? Wellthis might be because my family is from
down south, but my Franma toldme after her cousin, that's not her
family no more so if that's herfourth cousin, it really it's too far

down the lad they already had thebaby. Unless you don't get a worse
I mean, they married. Maybeyou could tell them, but you don't.
I don't feel like it changes anyday anything at the meet the meat
huh, she said, my grandmasaid anything I was sitting count don't even
matter mind your her granny said thateating greens with her fingers. You know,

anything after three, anything after threeand meet the meat man having them
that moment. We are ladies,some kind of white y'all? What too?
Really? You caught us, ma'ama six six eight eight five one
o seven five hit us up?She seat you feel mind FADDI only you

feel hermine? ADDI one on someother five w GC shows number one for
hip hop and R and B withsmack Dad in the middle. I love
him or leave him? Got somekissing cousins stuff going on? Yeah,
man, got an email today Itsays, dear Leon and Zach, this
is really embarrassing to say, butI think I may have married my cousin
on my dad's side. So meand my husband been together two years.
I am now pregnant with our firstchild. I don't even know what I'm

having yet. So I took oneof those ancestry tests and I found out
that my husband is actually my fourthcousin. I did some research and found
that we have the same great greatgreat grandparents. That's not that bad,
right, I don't even think wehave the same DNA. Should I tell
him? Should we get divorced?Ignore this? I don't know what to
do. Please help. That's tough. A sixty six eight A five one

o seven five. Let's go tothe phone line. Who this where you
call him from? Hey? IsNikki from Cree? Nikki from Creek?
Checking there South suburbs holding it down? So what do you think about this
situation? Should should she tell herhusband that they related or just ride the
way? She should tell him thatthey are related. That is growth and
because you know that you're related,you should definitely tell him and get a

divorced. But they fourth cousins,though they might not even have the same
DNA. According to the last caller, Oh, I've never heard of that.
I don't know cousins just down closeto mesh. I think she she
I think like if she tell him, and as a man, how sometimes
our men think she gonna be like, oh, we cousins. You know

that's messed up, But I stilllove you, but we fourth cousin.
He's gonna be like, we can'tbe together. So he get back out
here in these streets. They'll usethat as an excuse way out. I
just I just say, man,the wave. Fourth cousins, if it
don't matter when if he found out, let on down the line. They
don't saying, don't tell him.Yeah, I just keep that one.
Take that to the grave, that'sme. Fourth cousins, Just take it

to the grave. I don't know. I think you gotta tell him,
because who're gonna come say something offthe fourth Cousins than yeah, they they
probably I mean, being that theymarried, I assume that they have been
around. Ain't nobody saying, don'tnobody know until you meet that old uncle.
Let me see you, let melook at your No, you gotta

you got it, Jimmy Dean,you better tell him before damn I knew
it partly letting them be. Yeah, that's Craig right, that's gonna be
what you're doing. Why you knowthis show cousin? What kind of nasty
freak? And he gonna tell everybodythe old old reunion? Yeah they nas
you know, So you tell himbefore Uncle Charlie get hold of the kids

out here, go and meet themeeting. Y'all sitting around and eating off
the same four. Wonder that littleboy eyed one gonna be one one of
that boy eyes hide another look it'sgonna be bad. We helped you,
we didn't. We never do.Hey, what up your boy? Talking?
Paul here with my girl? Amy? For what eight hundred truck wreck?

Amy? You always tell people thatget credit for that, and then
not to mention on the one fewtimes when we go into a red lobster.
Come on, man, a twentydollars aless shrimp. Come on now,
how did y'all go back? Well, what are y'all doing with the
money? Now? A suitable seafoodreplacement is going to be gone. Now

you gotta go to the Charles Crafthouse. Now you got Well, it's
gonna go you know, Wes,what was the other what was the other
seafood place that was fast food thatonce in a while you could go by
and get that overbreaded fish file atyou're talking about Kem Deane or along John?
You know, ain't no more docks. The docs is disappearing. Yeah,
red lobster with the Chetna biscuits goneon. It is a sad day

in America. How do you showwhen you're young, how do you show
the woman that you love that youcare about her? Red lobster? Let
her look at the tank in thefront. Come on that we not getting
them. I got you twenty dollarsin the shrimp Baby Fried, this Ca'py
grilled Rockefeller Red Lobster. I'm gonnamiss you. You took the Chetta biscuits

away from us until the CEO isof Red Lobster. For that, I
say, sit your go fast down, Scooby, Yes, pore GC up,
Hey man, check out my manattorney Hogward anchor, give him a
call. Three one two six million, that's three one two six million.

Fill a bend over with best,get a little road in with job.
You can come get rich with us. You're gonna eat it. You're gonna
shop, keep a certified You're tostin up. Tell him not the rock.
By about twenty twenty, coloring inon running in the spot, those
people hay that I'm on. Youknow you find one on seventy five w

GC out of shots number one fifth, Hop and R and B. It's
your boy, Zack Bug and it'stime for it, is he Spot Entertainment
Report. Now, According to reports, fifty Cent has sold his Diddy documentary
the Netflix. Now, at firstI thought this was a joke. You
know what I'm saying. You rememberhe was. He was when did he
first got into the trouble? Hewas like teasing something called uh did he
do it? Like? Did hespelt didd? He? Like? Did

he do it? And that wasactually a real documentary that he was working
on the troll. No, hewasn't trolling. I thought it was a
troll thing. And it's gotten pickedup by Netflix. They said it was
a bidding war for this documentary andit got sold to Netflix. Now I
wonder what the documentary is going tobe about did he I know it's gonna
be about Diddy, but in whatyou know, like aspect, because he

hasn't been charge with anything, right, and if let's just say this documentary
come out, I'm just looking atboth sides of the coin and they just
say did he never get charged?Or he goes to court and he beats
it? That lawsuit is gonna becrazy. But why is it a lawsuit?
Because you tried to defame my characterand everything else and none of this
was true. Well, because I'mpretty sure in the documentary they're gonna talk

about the what ifs or what didhe do? So well, I think
what it would be is the waythey gonna protect themselves. It's gonna be
all accusations. You can build adocumentary off accusations. This person in this
lawsuit said you did this, this, and this. Then you interview people
who have their own experiences with himthat kind of go around it without saying
he did it. So you'll interviewformer bad Boy artists they probably interviewed.

Maybe interview the girl from day twentysix, who'll be talking, what was
your experience? Oh, he wouldget angry, he would do this.
You see what I'm saying. Andthen that way, I didn't say that
you did an exact crime, butit's kind of like creating that. That's
the way you can stay to dois make sure he'll get suit. I
think I think was the name.Lawyer will say, yeah, you you

tried to put it on the peoplethat was talking on the thing, but
you created this whole thing to tryto shame my client. I'm just I
just I'm just looking like you know, because when you start getting that money
like that, your lawyers is ona different level as far as talking that
talk walk that work. Well,Well you did settle the suit and I
did see this video. You knowsome stuff you can Yeah, well that

that's fine if it's about that,can't argue that that happened this other stuff.
Though, if I beat it,I'll be back to see y'all.
But I mean, I, likeyou said, fifty is smart. I
just you know, you know,because like with the whole r Kelly documentary,
that's how they his lawyers tried togo. But they was like,
nah, bro, you like youyou really wilding out after the whole fact.

You wouldn't let these girls go home. You wouldn't tell these girls to
go home. But it was theactor and all that, and he went
under the act of we didn't sayyou did it with this is these are
other people's real I kiss what they'resaying they experienced. I understand that one
hundred percent. That still don't stophis lawyer from saying, that's fine,
but you made it with the intentto try to shame my client. That

that's gonna say that if they,if they, if he beats it,
we don't know that. All thissudden and he ain't even been charged with
nothing. So let's just watch thedocumentary and even see what this is about.
Yeah, on top, I thoughtfifty was trolling when when he first
put that out I thought it wastoo It's a real thing. But to
be on that another check yep,and Young Miami has officially unfollowed Diddy on
I G Yep that that went down. Yeah, everybody jumping ship. Only

people hanging out with him as akid. Yep. It's tough, man,
it's tough sell the bad Boy catalogand moved to Thailand. Diddy also,
I want to talk on this thisreal quick. Cameron addressed his viral
moment on CNN where back and forthwe have audio with that. Well,
basically, Cameron basically said that thereason he acted he acted like that on

CNN is because you know, Ididn't come here for Diddy questions. He
said, y'all didn't ask me anythingabout the positive things that we do.
You ain't ask me nothing about theshow I'm on. You ask me nothing,
But I'm on CNN to talk BS. He said, since you won't
BS, I'm gonna give you.And they did it before sixty minutes.
He did it before like he's notnew to this, but like I knew
it was. He was irritated aboutthem. He was irritated. Yeah,
A six, six eight, Afive What am I college? You know

you do radio a long time.I just solicit calls. No damn reason,
just say get your own number oneall right to follow? Follow me
on Instagram, Zach blook these storiesand more w gc I dot com.
We'll be back. Hey, I'ma kid. One on seven five,
w gc I has your chance towin one thousand dollars. Just enter this

nationwide keyword on our website. Bankthat's bank. Enter it now at w
g c I dot com. Oneon seven five, w gc got of
shots number one for hip hop andbe Chicago. We're gonna sound off.

Man, we're talking about it.Yes, Now, what was the thing
we said, Zach about the holidays? Yeah? Man, if you could
invent a new holiday, what wouldit be and how would you celebrate it?
Okay, if you could invent anew holiday yourself, what would it
be and how would you celebrate it? I got several Okay, I mean
I want he don't want to.This one would be a Can a holiday

be more than just one day?It's a new holiday? Can it be
a week? How you gonna starta week? No wife week, no
wife week? Like this is awhole week? You just whatever you say
goes in the house. You don'thave to listen to nothing your wife says.
So if she say, hey,I was fixing uh chicken to night,

you'd be like, nope, youfix a state boom. What she
says no wife, no wife weekas wild? Well, well, if
it's no wife week, she wouldno. No, that means I don't
have no wife week. I don'thave to listen. I don't have to
get all that listener do that?Can you put that patio furniture? No?
Yeah, no wife week for me, Give me a week and then

we'll go back to the normal.Why I do everything you said in the
house that one and child support dayswhen you off. When you find out
child support day, you celebrate howeveryou want you But that's like a different
holiday for each guy. Okay,your baby might only be sixteen. Be
like, if you marketing on yourcalendar, they go my child support day
date, I don't have to goto work. You know what I'm saying?

On bills and nothing for that?I got a day. It's called
steal someday. Okay, steal somethingday. You get to steal something without
the repercussions of of Now, ifyou get is there a limit? If
you get caught. No, it'sno limit. If you get caught,
you're in trouble. But usually no, no on. Yeah, the holiday

is steal some Day, so youget to steal something, but you have
to steal it though, that's thekey, So no limit. How about
steal someday, but you have tocap it because still someday and somebody you
know, got the means and theintelligence to hacking to the banking system and
drain your bank account too. Yougot God, you got that on steal

Somethingday, you should have protected.I would say, like if you can
get into a grocery store and andflip the things on it, but it's
national steal something that everybody knows,that's the purd Well hopefully it's not like
you just created the purge. Ididn't want it to be cyber crimes.
I'm thinking of more like from businesses, from brick and mortar businesses, Like
you could walk into a dealership andbe like, hey, you know what

I'm saying, I'm steal in aferrarity day. They're like, oh,
it is steal something Day with thepistol and the face. You have your
national steal Someday sell You know that'sthe purge, Zach, you just created
the purge. You made crime legalfor a day. That's the purge are
going to get hurt. Okay,maybe the price is maybe the price is
so good it's like still. Soinstead of the Lamborghini Bend twuring fifty thousand,

it's fifty, it's fifty thousand.You grab it for fifty some day.
But you know they gonna if it'sif it's regulated, they're gonna be
We're only doing one, so it'sgonna be like a long line like that
here on Friday and you can't financeand you gotta cash out fifty on stell
somethday. Yeah, you did whatyou had, man. That was the
bird that's gonna be killing killing eachother. Sixty If you yo, if

you can invent a new holiday,what would know what it mean and how
you're gonna celebrate a sixty six eighteight five one on seventy five it's gc
yeah, big g checking our wayin from the state's capital, sir uh.

If you could create a holiday,what would it be and why?
It'll be real? Father's Day?Let's be real. Father's Day is a
joke. I got a thousand,I got a thousand clothes that I don't
never wear and five days a joke. The real Father's Day, right for
real, right, real gifts,real, whatever you want. Okay,

Hey, I'm with you on thatone. Matt, I signed off on
that one. We got Father's Day, y'all. No, he said,
real Father's Day. You know themgifts you be getting on Father's Day from
you care? How many wiles you'regonna get? Yeah, but how many
ties you're gonna get? Now,bring the same thing to a mama on
Mother's Day. Yeah, watch whatI get it. Because we have terrible
gift givers. We need new giftgifts. That's why I say real Father's

Day. They should be penalized.For you, a real gift on your
birthday. I'm gonna give you backthe spatula set you gave me A six
six eight, A five one oseven five Hit us up as GC got
learnt that GCI? Who is whereyou calling from? What side Chicago?

What's your name? Baby? JohnNat checking in from the West side.
If you had that holiday that youcould create, what would it be?
And why I say Teethday because alot of people we move around for other
people and we don't take time forourselves. We just moved. Yes,
yes, yes, so I say, Jay, say a little bit of
massage. Yeah, just like aself care day. Yeah, basically like

self care day. Get a massage, go see to you. Oh they
got them already. They called sickdays at you. So here's what you
do. You start a call,you gotta kind of have a sniff leaning
up. Okay, you can't justdo it out right now Wednesday, start

sniffling. Then when Friday get here. Oh man, I had a full
blown COVID. Thanks, so youcalled it a six six eight A five
one seven five hit us up,gcre it is and it is? It
is? Yes, it is?And I mean yeah, I've been moving
con trouble with me, trying tokeep it peaceful. Its a struggle for

me. Don't pull it up atsix am, a cut over me,
you know how like when you loveand on me. I don't want the
got MS. Man. That's abaseball game this weekend. Man, We
really should we really should own youthough, Okay, I got it.
I mean here because I mean ifwe go to Middle of Life Baseball and
bruise one ticket to BIGS, that'snineteen dollars. Man, starting at nineteen

dollars a person. I got you, brother, I have four business man.
I'm in there. I'm in therewith that. I'm with that.
Listen, we're gonna ride up herethe White Sox Park. We're gonna go
check out a game. Uh,south Side Monday is looking real nice too.
Yeah, but I really like thefive dollar Tuesdays where you can take
advantage. You know, when Igo to baseball game, it's all about

food, you know. I liketo eat spy in the stadium. Man,
I love to eat five dollar menuitems. Man, five dollar concession,
a whole five dollar concession menu,twenty dollars. You up. Yeah,
you can't at the concession you can'tbeat that. And this Friday Reggae
Throne and post game the fireworks alwaysbe lit. Yeah. I cannot tell

you how many times I've almost hadan accident driving when somebody hit the home
run. I'm like, somebody justhit a home run. Hole, Slow
down leon your own expressway actually thirtyfift But you could be there for Reggaetne
night. And then of course FamilySunday is presented by Coke. Zero Sugar
took a start at ten dollars inGame Day includes family friendly activities. Kids
run the basis, post game characterartists, and more. I would like

to run the basis though before you'renot a kid. I would like to
challenge the children and running the basis. I smoked some kids. Man,
I think this is a good weekend. And do that too, because you
know it's for more of the day. So to be lit. I just
thought about that. That's gonna belit. I just thought about that.
And then that on South Side Mondayspresented by United Airlines, you get twenty

dollars in concessions credit. There yougo. Come on, now that's my
that's my type of I'm telling you. Look, can we talk about the
five dollar concession menu again? Lookbacklogs or the polishes. You can get
them, biggest pizza, them nachos. Come on, man, Gary popcorn.
You know what, I'll take oneof all of them, the buttery
Garrett popcorn. I'll take one ofall of them. There it is is

gonna be fire. Hey listen,man, we're gonna give somebody a chance
to experience one of these days.You can win a four pack of tickets
to a future White Sox game.You can get tickets today at mlb dot
Com backslash White Sox so you canwin them now A six six eight,
A five one O seven five tenthcall you going to White Sox games?
Gee I yeah yeah yeah. Twoshots on
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