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May 21, 2024 41 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I know you like one day rightnow, like right, but then it
sticks right, I guess you'd liketo see you right now. Wake wake
up, wake up and wake upon Chicago. It's tother GCL boy to
show hold on se gcr you know, just shut up. Boys here pumping
arby. Yes, sir, yes, sir, Tuesday morning in the building

that you boy, that that's allegedLeon Rogers zach bug in the building.
One boy ran on the boards briefspecific that Brie specific is in the building
as well. We're gonna have agood time today, man, sunny day
to day. They're supposed to getup to damn near what eighty eighty eighty
plus we're talking about eighty three eightyfour eighty five. Get the little wade
and pool out and swim with thecicadas. Speaking of the cicado's, boy,

I got rid of a lot ofthem last night. Well, I
was on a cicado killing spree.You on the ease, k man.
I went to home depot, gotme some cutter, tied it up to
the holes where you just spread outthe whole Oh man, I lit the
treat. Day was all on up. Just watch that chirp and slowly go
away like noise they be making.They just started dying one by one.

Now they probably gonna come back.They come back with it. Well,
I'm gonna have some old form becauseyou're not gonna interrupt the barbecue this weekend,
No sir, No sir. That'sright. Hey man, let's get
to it. We got a lotgoing on today. Man, it's the
best damn morning to show in Chicago. Cheese, his name is Cheese.
They don't, but I say,chake the news. It's time for the

headlines your news coverag from Chicago,so worldwide but to w and gc IL
Morning Show Man Zach. Guys,y'all know AI is everywhere now, Like
you know, you can get appslike on your phone like chat GPT that
can write up letters for you thatcould yeah I mean now though, but

scammers are starting to use AI technologyon robo calls that could be used to
scam you. So it's a newtrend of AI phone scam calls. How
the technology is used to mimic familiarvoices to fool your family and friends,
and it may be hitting your phonesfrom so they're telling people to be wise.
All the scammer needs is a smallaudio clip of your voice and they

can create an AI robo call.So like, let's just say they record
you, a robo call calls youand you'll be like, hello, who
is this? Yeah, that's allthey need. And then they'll make a
call and then they'll call me orcall Ryan and say, hey, I'm
in trouble. I need five hundreddollars. Can you help me out?
And it sounds like you, andI'll be like, are you okay and
be like, man, no,can you help me out? Now?

I'm thinking it's you. You knowwhat I'm saying, And I shoot you
shoot them five hundred dollars? Now, you got to be in front of
me. That's crazy. You betterFaceTime me, bro. But I mean,
I mean probably me and Ryan probablyain't gonna have a five hundred to
get you out anywhere. I'm gonnacome down there and see you first.
I'm gonna come looking. I can'teven believe a phone call now, that's

crazy. Yeah yep, And hesaid, but but you know that person
never you never said those words.So you know, like it'll say something
like, hey, it's Zach,I'm over here. Let's just say you
go out of town. Man,I'm over here in Mexico. I just
had a carcident. Bro, I'mmessed up out here. They trying to
take me to jail. Can youwop the band? It's warm out there.

I'm gonna pray for you, brother. You got it. So,
the Federal Trade Commission says it's makingAI robocalls top priority and educating people on
the issue. And they say,and not only do you not have to
worry about them doing it via arobo call, they also can go to
your TikTok page, your Facebook pageor say, like, if you're doing
the you're talking about stuff and allthat, they could just take your voice

from that too. That's free.But I will say this, I think
that's limited because I don't think mostof the scammers that bright to operate their
yards. So it's probably a hugeevil. He says out there, the
average stammer. My man, that'swearing the Nike text suit. He ain't
he pronounced your name wrong. Hesounds like me. Leon, You be

like that, ain't Dan Leon?Right there? You're like, man,
if this is that? That?Alright? If this is that, tell
me when you see a lot offish, what you say? I see
a school of fish. This ain'tthat because say fishes back, say fishes.
You know that he'd be calling Me'sa hey man, this is that?

Who is that? Man? Dotcom for these stories and more coming
up Leon's locker room. Some mongBoughs flips out. Literally, that's dope.
Hey Jill, you know the oldsugar daddy. You trigging it to
them, girl. See inside Leon'slocker room on one of ser g Man.

Remember the Pittsburgh Steeler slash Tampa BayBucks receiver and Tonio Brown who towards
the end of his career. Firstof all, I think he top five
receiver that ever played the game.Antonio Brown was cold. Yeah, but
he got a little bit out ofhis body, you know what I'm saying.
When he left Pittsburgh and then wentto Tampa Bay. He went crazy,
won a Super Bowl, and thenjust lost his mind. Man,

even to the point of talking abouthim and Giselle. You know, he
was trying to knock Giselle down.Tom Brady his wife, man, then
you know, talking crazy Tom Bradytalking crazy to a lot of people that
they tried to wrap thing. Youhung out with Kanye for a while,
Well, he's filed. Uh.He claimed that he's filing bankruptcy and uh.

He did so while continuing to pumphis own self up, saying he's
the first ballot Hall of Fame,at which I do agree, and the
founder of the most trusted source inall of sports. So he's been trying
to stay relevant. But that's likefalling flat. He's burned a lot of
bridges. He the founder of ESPN, no himself. When you won't what

does he mean when you won't likewhen you want the best of sports talk,
come see him? Because he gotall the team basics. Hit him.
Whether he to touch your kbs?Okay, all right, you got
it? So volatile off the fieldpersonality, Oh a lot of people money,
from jewelers to chefs to massusas.So hopefully it'll work out for that
brother. But I do think withall that being said, if we keep

it just football, AB was abad dude. Man, AaB was a
bad dude. So I hope hegets some help. Speaking of somebody who
didn't need no help, Simone Biles. You know, after winning the Gymnastics
Classic, she won another title offifty nine out of five hundred, which
was higher than her previous year,you know, people went online and was

trolling her marriage to her spouse,Jonathan Owens, who plays for the Bears.
You know he just so bears beardown. Well, she said this
to the troll. She said,I'm going to quickly address this. The
joke was never a joke. Y'allare blatantly being distri respectful to my relationship
and my husband. So I'm gonnago ahead and say this one time respectfully,
f off and and if you keepcoming on tweeting me, I'm just

gonna block you, simple as that. And no, I don't need to
touch grass or whatever y'all suggests everyoneelse that supports us. We love y'all
so much. So y'all gonna quitplaying with I tell you that right now.
She ain't going the bow, ain'tgoing man. She's like, I'm
not playing with you holes. Y'allkeep talking crazy about my man, my
man, my man, and somethingman. You brought it up, Zach,

and it's been weighing on me,and now it might really be true.
Of course, we were talking aboutthe NBC has gained the rights to
uh the NBA. Now what Ilike about that? My theme song get
to Come Back? Dinner NBC hadthe coldest theme sound. But with that
being said, the TNT Show withKenny Charles, Ernie and Shaq might be

over. Yeah. Well, Shaqkind of put up a cryptic message and
he was missing from the recent episodewhen the crew covered the Game seven between
Minnesota and Denver, Vince Carter wasthere instead of SHS. Carter was there,
so fans was like, hey,what's going on, and Shaq said,
look, I can't be replaced.He put up a crypt cryptic message
on Instagram. So, man,hopefully they bring Hopefully they do something where

they bring T and T on.Ernie already said that if they don't and
everybody decides to go to NBC,he's not going exactly. So it's over.
It's over. Man, it's arap. It's not gonna be the
same without and that's one of thegreatest shows. Yep. Ever, Man,
go to w GCI dot com forthese stories and more. What's coming
up uh this spot? Man,We're getting ready to talk Man Diddy and

Cassie more. It's on the wayLeon's Locker Room. It's sponsored by Hellsburg
Diamondsterfic everyone, Chicago's only local hiphop on the show its the w GC.
I more the show. I wantto sell a fa to the g
Yah Zach what we got coming upto the Z spot? Man? Did

he can't catch or break that's comingup? That's in a Z spot?
Yeah, that was Glowriller, Yeah, glow right here one O seven five
w GC Zach Bug Z Spot popper. Yeah. Man, did he might
have something happened to him that ain'tnever happened to nobody before. That's on

no ash spot one O seven fiveto be GC e the shots number one
for hip hop and R and Bboy Zach Bug and yes it is time
for it your Z spot Entertainment Report. Let's talk about it. Man.
Did he? Now you know,there was a lot of reasons. I
ain't gonna lie to drag. Didhe about his apology video? Okay,

all right? It was a lotof people outraged saying it was, you
know, too soon. He didn'the didn't say Cassie's name. Well,
there's a reason he did not sayCassie's name in that video because he legally
couldn't. All right, as youknow, Diddy and Cassie they had reached
the settlement, you know, oneday after she had filed the sexual assault
lawsuit where she paid them. Butin that there's a very strict NDA which

prevents both of them from speaking abouteach other in public. Okay, So
Diddy couldn't say Cassie when he madethat apology, and Cassie as well cannot
say Diddy's name in public either.Okay, that's part of the that was
part of the agree so that that'swhy he didn't say her name. Also,

this has never happened before, butNew York City Mayor Eric Adams is
considering taking Diddy's key to the city. You know, he got awarded a
key to the city, and it'sall because of the footage that came out
of him beating up Cassie in thathotel. And this has never happened before.
Like, I don't think anybody's keyto the city has ever been vote

revoked. Like we get ready totake the key, the locks to the
city. That's crazy, Hey,we gonna need that key back to getting
kicked out. Yo. Well,I mean, you know, do you
do you? I mean, whatdo they gave me? It's tough because,
like I said, did he isa great businessman, entrepreneur, one
of the greatest to ever do itin hip hop kind of change the face

the way we look at hip hop, farts, entertainment, big productions and
everything else. Uh, do youseparate the artists from the personal life?
You know what I mean? Andthat's that's what it comes down to.
Did he get the key to thecity for you know, he got the
key to the city for representing NewYork in the music game and what he
did musically, you know? So, I don't know. It's it's the

mayor's right to do so though ifhe, if he wants to, he
has every right to do so.But that's where you come with artists.
You separate. Do you separate themusic from the person? You know what
I mean? Same way go forr Kelly, Say we'll go for Michael
Jackson. Anybody's ever been accused ofanything? Do you separate their artistry from
them as a person. Yeah,well it was I don't know, you

know what I mean. He gotthe key. Thing is he just got
the keys. He just got itkeys still shining. You got the key
last year, inceptring. It's asingle key. He just got a single
kre his power. He did putit on the key. Give me that
back. He let me got that. Yeah, so he getting ready get
that key, switching the electronic locks. Yeah that's great. Hey. Yeah,

like I said, I ain't madif they take it from him.
But I also like, you know, did you give him the key for
being the greatest boyfriend or husband?No? I guess it's just a bad
look on the city. You knowwhat I'm saying. You know, you
you you honoring this guy who gotthis video out of beating women, you
know, and it's just a terriblelook. So you know what I'm saying.
Can see why the key get tookyou know. So there it is.
These stories and more head over thew g c I dot com.

You can follow me on Instagram Zachbook c A C H B O O
G. Why cow that she touchyour toes? If you're a freak name,

don't run, don't do it allaround? We ain't you like that
kicking those kicking in those that youlike this. The twenty twenty four Chicago
Puerto Rican People's Day Festival in Paradegoes down Thursday, June sixth through Sunday,
June night that Humbo Park. Bringthe whole family. The festival will
have carnival rides, fairst Will,Puerto Rican food and drinks, pop up

shops and so much more. Saturday, June eighth is the parade day on
Division Street. Look out for thew GC I flow. We'll be out
there thanks to Jewel Osco for ticketsand express entry. Visit w w W.
What's up? Off? So son? You wasn't one of TEPN five
w g C the shots Number onefor hip hop and R and B.

That was Chief Keith Love Sosa.Hey, coming up, man, we
got loving a leaf. That's right, man, love him to leave him
is on the way. And thetitle letter I got is my wife listened
to her pastor more than me.Damn's on the way. Hey, it
up your boy talking Paul here afternoonstwo to six right here on g C.
I you know I got my girlAmy for one eight hundred truck wreck?

Now Amy, everybody knows I hada hip replacement? Yep, what
does that mean if I'm in acar wreck or truck wreck? Let me
be shides Number one for hip hopand R and B. Turn me on,
trying to w I on the show. Let's go no more hip hop
and R and B. Yes,sir, coming up man, We got

that love of believer. Man,is the Lord involved? My wife listened
to her past the more than me. Well that's on the way, hey
man, geez five GC shines numberone for hip hop, for R and
B ladies and gentlemen, boys andgirls, children of them all ages.
It's time for love the believing withthe best day of morning show in Chicago.

Man, Yeah, that was don'tbe ratchet. What happened? It's
zacky chair? What he got onthe round floor? Wren? Who is
it? Job or zaki cha?And what he got on in the round
floor? Rn, Let's chop chopchop, chop, chop chop chop.
Hit him with the hogsy chop chopchop chop cho Gotta give it to you

like this, you know, talkingon your podcast, chop chopping it up,
chopping it up. Hey, onyour way to school, chopping it
up, chop chopping it up.You brought back memories shop chopping it up?
Chop. Oh man, inside jokehappened? It was somebody I could

tell y'all. I wish I couldtell you. We will one day,
Oh my god. All right,So let's get straight to the letter.
This one is kind of long.Dear Leanna and Zach. My wife is
a church going woman. She's heavenlyinvolved in the church and never misses a

Sunday meet. On the other hand, I have a relationship with God,
but I really go to church.I usually go on the holidays from time
to time or to support my wife. So lately, I've noticed that my
wife listens to the pastor more thanshe listens to me. It seems like
when I say something, she alwaysgot to challenge it or tell me why
she thinks the opposite of what I'msaying. This is just a quick example.

I was telling her we need tostart saving more money and that we
were gonna both start taking twenty percentof our checks. She gave me the
hardest time, talking about twenty percentwas too much and how we gonna survive.
But as soon as they had asavings challenge at the church, she
came to me talking about past tosay it we need to start saving.
I told her, I've been toldyou that. That was a light example,

but she does it all the time. So I got fed up and
I moved in with my brother fora little while, and I told my
wife either it's the church or me, because I can't keep coming second in
my household. She got mad andsaid you got me picking God or you?
And I basically said, yeah,either stopped going to church or I'm
getting a divorce. Should I loveor leave this situation? MM, that's

tough. I feel him, butthat's tough. A sixty six eight A
five When I'm seventy five, hitus up, man, this GC I
he knowing one? Hi, justsee out who is where you call him

from? Shod I'm calling from Oakland. Check it in from oak Line.
Man, So what do you thinkthis brother should do? Is it is
it? Is it an ultimatum inplace? Or should he think of another
way out? First of all,I want to say, let the church
say amen amen a man? Whenit like that got do we can't do

it? She says something that say, man, what the path to say?
Okay, yeah, to say,dude, you know what I'm saying?
What man? What the path tosay? That's what you're doing?
That what we're doing, that's whatyou're doing. I feel that, man,
Thanks for your call. A sixtysix eight A five one O seven

five continue to hit the sympast onew g C shows number one for him
pop and R n B. Weare talking today. Love them or leave
him a battle with the battle withthe Lord. Yeah. Guy Guy wrote
in said his wife is very veryreligious, go to church every Sunday,

and he believes that she listened tothe pastor more than him. One of
the examples he gave he said hebeen trying to get his wife to save
money, and then he said,the pastor said that y'all need to save
money. Then she came home actinglike it was a new idea, like,
hey, yeah, we need tosay, pastor said, we need
to say. He got fed upwith with, like, you know,
her to keep listening to the pastmore than him, so much so that
he moved in forwards with his brotherfor a little while, and he gave

his wife an ultimatum. He said, Hey, either it's the church of
me, either you stopped going tochurch or or I'm divorced. And that
was that was the situation. Wow, Yeah, let's go to the fall
lines eighty six six, eight Afive one seventy five. Who is where'd
you call him from? This isrobo calling from the website. Man.
Look, I realized everybody may notbe the business, but I don't think

that's for us. The made agift. That's something that they can work
out. That's not something that thatthey should be at the forecourt with or
separated with. She's just gonna haveto learn how to balance to both her
husband and God. The Bible said, you know, she she's supposed to
follow her husband, so she's notif she want to be churchy, she
needs to be churchy the right way, because what she's doing is not right.

Thank you, ma, brother,thank you Deacon man. We're to
break that word down for g C. I who is where you call him
from? This? KR call himfrom Hyde Park. First, I think
that the wife is being a littlebit of manipulator because she know that that
men don't mean choose God over him. He's saying, don't choose the pastor
over him, and he can't thinkdon't stop going to church. But he

can't ask her take his side overthe past or. Sometimes hmmm, uh,
I ain't gonna lie. I'm gonnahandler like buddy, you know what
I'm saying. I ain't gonna moveout. I ain't gonna give him ultimatus.
Keep going to church because that's whatyou do. Ain't nothing wrong with
her going to church, per se. But you putting more faith in the
word of a man that don't livein your household than the man that you

married. I got a problem withthat. So for then on out,
like I said, let the pastto handle it. Something wrong with the
kitchen sick? What the pastor say? Do? Tell the pastor recommend us
a good plumb or come over hereand fix it. Because you, obviously
I would let us see you putmore emphasis in his word than you do
mine. So okay, let's gowith whatever he said. I'll be on
that you go to church. Ain'tgonna be petty. I'm gonna be super

petty because at the end of theday, when a person is that much
into the past and all that,ain't no really changing now, they gonna
be that way. So let's gowhatever the past to say, we're gonna
do and on his time too.Not No, I'm not gonna do it.
He gonna come do it to helpa save us. Lord. No,
I don't want him come here,because he might really come to it.
I come out. I would rather. I would rather just I ain't

gonna lie to you. I don'tmind what he did. I don't mind
him moving like Hey, like,look, I'm not saying that he can.
But what he's saying is I can'tcontinue to go with this. So
but to tell her not to goto church, I wouldn't tell her to
not stop going to church. Churchis not the problem. I just don't
like to walk around with attitude inmy house either, like, oh,
well, tell the pastor to doit. I ain't gonna be talking like
that. I'm just gonna be like, look, I'm out of here,

man, I'm gonna have no attitude. If I want the peace, I'm
gonna be pleasant. Ain't come up. But you know that's gonna cause I
don't care what it calls. Iobviously don't care. She don't care what
is causing me. And I doneasked you several times, or I done
expressed you several times that when Isay something that falls on death, and
I think all married couples go throughthis because I've been through it with my

wife, I'm like, oh,yeah, they change of oil every month
on this day. Well, myfriend, that will tell your friend at
work to come get you in thecar when they fix it when it breaks.
Hey, listen, and I keepon going with my day just like
you know what I'm saying. Imaginehow that will feel. Every time you
mentioned something, they always talking about. What's one on seven five w GC

shows number one for Hip Hoop andR and B coming up. Leon's goofy
ass person of the day? Howyou lose that key? Thogy Mike Chat
one soofy as pore? Oh man, it's that time of the day that

everybody loves. One person's gonna beabsolutely pissed. It's Leon scoofy as person
over there was and I can't believegonna do these two days in a row
for it's low hanging fruit. Igot to I got to take it because
the news didn't come out till afterthe fact. Okay, I gave it
to Diddy yesterday for that crazy tapethat came out and that apology that came
out. Now we know now I'lltake back. We know now why you

didn't say her name. I getit, you know what I'm saying.
But at the end of the day, Bro, if this tape hadn't came
out, would you just ever cameand told the truth about what you did?
You kept that on the lo loOkay we passed that now, man,
you done done. It so wrongman, that they trying that they
might take back your key to thecity. This is a key that doesn't
even really exist. It's an imagineevery key. It's something else given to

you to say, hey, look, we're proud of you, and any
time you want to come through NewYork, come on through because you got
the key to the city. Butnow they're finna changed the knocks. It's
gonna be like a good The cribon Good Time had thirteen different boks.
They had nothing like they trying tolock you out. Diddy. Come on,
man, it's an imaginary key.How do you lose an imaginary key?

He ain't even rial real key.You about to lose it? Damn,
that's tough, bro. I wishyou well, but Lord have mercy
to lose the imaginary key to yourcity, yo, city that you put
on the map. Man, Damn, I rather Chicago. Just lead a
dove for me. Don't need akey, just lead a do that way.

If you do something wrong, wecould close it and lick. But
to give you a key then comeback and say hey, hey, hey,
I'm gonna need that kid, andI'm gonna change to lie just in
case. You know, somebody howto get him up here. I'm sorry,
Diddy man, but this is whatI need you to do. Go
down to the rental office, turnthat damn key in and sit your goof

fast down scoopy. Yes, people, gu hey man, check out my
man attorney Howard Anchor at three onetwo six million. That's three one two
six million all the stription on sevenfive w GC out the shots number one

for here popping rn B. Isthat book? What we got coming up
in this spot? Man, Cameronis hilarious. That's on the way man,
don't move h one on seven fivew GC out of shots number one

fifth pp and RNBS. Boy's thatbook and it is time for it.
He's the spot Entertainment Report. Man, Let's get into it. Man.
Cameron Killer Killer. He was onCNN and was asked about the whole Diddy
situation. One thing about Cameron,Man, he's hilarious. You know he
got the show on YouTube. Itis what it is with Mace. Yeah,
yeah, yeah. So when hewas on CNN and they asked him

about the whole Diddy situation, listento this. Can you tell us a
little bit more about that? Imean, is there is there something you
know in the industry about how didhe treated his artists. So I'm gonna
get some cheeks after this horse Powerjoint. I'm just gonna for ma,
say, MA said a biggin Idon't really know Puffer's like make so pop,

so I appreciate what they said.And of course that's my brother,
so he felt that way. Thathe felt that way, But my show
does come on at eight am,he said on YouTube discord. It is
what it is, y'all. Makesure y'all check it out and I might
get some more information out of makesfrom that. But for me to tell
you how I know what a signshow man, then I don't know asks
me that. No, I'm finnago get some cheeks after this on live

TV, well, you know heused that and he could he sells that
enhancement call Horsepower, so he washe was promoting that did it is what
it is? And then later aninterview he said, hey man, they
asked him something else about did heHe just stopped and he was like,
hey man, who who booked thisman? And they was like, Okay,
that's enough. He's like, yeah, we're gone. He was sick
of it. I was gonna goget some cheeks. That's crazy. After

when's new Horsepower? See any camerasWI But you know that ain't the first
child. Remember he was on sixtyMinutes and he was like you mad?
It was a mean he's like whatyou mad for? When they was asking
him about this stuff. So theyshould have known, like from then,
bring Cameron on. You can't puthim on TV ready for whatever, not

on news channels. Also, doyou remember the show bell Air, the
remake it was it was like aremake of the First Prince A little bit
edge year way ed year. Yeah, Carlton was doing cocaine. It's about
a little bit edgy. The originalCarlton wasn't doing Okay, they got it
the wold so was Will was hiding? Yeah, Will had, but it's

a little edgy. No, it'sa different show, all right. So
you know when Will Smith got intoall the trouble with Chris Rock, remember
he smacked Chris Rock. All ofhis projects or things affiliated with him kind
of went to hawt. You knowwhat I'm saying, They've been ceased,
But we just got worried that belAir is returning for season three. I
liked it on Peacock I loved it. Shout out the Coco Jones. I

mean, I like the show.The show was a good show. What's
the name is? Like James Bond, Jeffrey, Jeffrey the Butler, Jeffrey
ol Wow. Yeah, Zachy wasa little bit edging was doing cocaine.
Cocaine, that's cool. Carpton wason that powder. They don't get edgy

and Cromson old powder. The oldCrompton was. It's not unusual up.
He loved up your wou o powder. Any show that you do on powder.
Anybody doing powdered on the New Cauturewas a stepper. Yeah man,
yeahs it was wild. It's crazy. Like when he was playing lacrosse and

his family wasn't there. They wasall watching Will play basketball. Went to
the locker room and he did theline right in his locker did some powders
A wild show. Season three onthe way August fifteenth. These stories and
more over at w gc I dotcom. You can follow me on Instagram
Zach bugs a c h b ohO g man. Hey, I'm a

kid. One On seventy five wg c I has your chance to win
one thousand dollars just entered this nationwidekeyword on our website wins that's wind.
Enter it now at w g cI dot com w C cargo stress it
s tressed morning. If you guysare planning on taking the inbound Ryan,

it's packed from sixty third into downtownand the locals and Express sixty to the
bridges. GYA, So sock whatside nor sid GC. I don't want
to show. I want to searthe g R B. Hey coming out
man Chicago, We're gonna siund off. We want to know you X is
an X for a reason, Butwhat was the best quality about your ex?

All right, that's coming up oneseven five gas number one for hippop
and R and B. We wastalking off Mike Xacton. Yeah, so
this topic of the day. Uh, we talked about exes. X is
O X yes for reasons? Yes, since yes, but you know everything
ain't all bad about it X.If it is, that just means you

was terrible choice affection choice, YourX had some good quality. So we
want to know show your ex somelove, show your ex and love.
What was a good quality about yourX? Now, I don't we don't
want you to get your head bustedby you new currents, safe state.
It's dangerous walking into land. Butwe want to know, man, it

was a good quite good thing,A good quality about your ex. I
wouldn't be the person to ask thatquestion because you would probably have to ask
my ex was a good quality aboutme? Because I was the reason.
That was the reason for the breakup. So what's a good quality about leon?
That's why I sent them on hisway? I would say. I

would say nurturing. Yes, yes, it's good. It's a good call.
That's that's a good thing because alot of people underrate nurturing. Yeah,
you know, come home, youknow, had a bad day from
work. You need somebody to tellyou I lay it tomorrow, even though
you know it won't, even thoughyou know you still don't be in the
same job dealing with the same vs. But that person telling you it is

gonna be okay make you feel alittle bit better about getting up, going
here and doing the same thing againthe next thing. What would you say
when you got one, Oh myex, don't get your hair bust you.
No no no no no no nono no no no no no no
no no no no no. Thoughtful, like like really thoughtful of other people,

their situations and you know their lives, like how they're going, like
almost too helpful, you know whatI'm saying, Like would pour out so
much of their energy to help people, and other people wouldn't do the same
for her. But yeah, yeah, I would have to say that.
But like I said, I wasthe reason for Yeah, it was a
breakup, so you that'd be aquestion to ask us. He probably be

like, you get a crack ajokers make me laugh. He was funny,
That's about it. When it wasn'tA five one o seven five,
I do want to one y'all.I'm gonna ask you more questions. We're
gonna go in theren. It ain'tjust simple as as lest to it.
This ain't Thursday A six six eightA five one oh seven five hit.

This's up? See how gen seehow who this where you call him from?
Joe? This Derek from the Southside of Chicago. Dah from the
South side of Chicago. Man,give me a good quality about your ex

all right, man, my exright? Only thing I can say that
I'm not in a relationship on onething I can say I messed about my
ex is. Man, she gotsome good Oh my god, I the
only thing, man, the onlything I've been with them getting up that
gotten compared not to wait. Calmdown a little bit. I need you

to calm down. You mean totell me how to all the stuff from
this woman? Oh guy, Idon't know which one what it is the
only thing was her mouth gang mouthgang. You make it up for fine
gamezy man, I'm telling you besidesnumber one, the hip hop and R

and B turn mean yeah, everybody, it's time for your weather report from
the w gc I Weather Center.All right, today we're looking at a
high of about eighty three degrees tonightof low sixty one right now, partly
cloudy sky's sixty three degrees. GcI wake up, Waking up. This
Chicago's only local hip hop on theshow. It's the w gc I want

the show. Want on seven Flockto the g CR. Yes, sir,
w gc I is celebrating Black ownedbusiness. If you know a black
owned business, submit it at WGCIdot com. Slash Brilliant and a Brilliantly
Black Business Award is mom Care Oasisintroducing the Mommy Needs a Minute packaged by
mom Care Oasis. This emotional selfcare kit is your sanctuary in a box

packed with wellness tools and resources.Is your instant escape from the chaos.
Take a breath, recharge and reclaimyour peace. Visit the website momcare oasis
dot com to get your kit today. Zach Bug, my brother, you
will be leading us in prayer today, will you not? Yes? Yes,
yes, I have to pray forthose who must wait. You got

everybody going down, your special actormay We went on seven five to BGC
out of shots number one for hippopping R and B. It's me Boyzach
Bug and dear Lord, Dear Lord, dear Lord, it is time for
the prayer of the day. AllI ask is that everyone please buy your
head unless you're driving. We wantyou to be out here safe. Amen,
Dear Lord, I want to taketime to pray for faster wait time.

Saymen, okay, when something isgetting installed. I'm just talking off
Mike to brother Leon Rodgers. Hetold me how long he has to wait,
Lord, and I realized that weas a people, Lord, need
to be delivered from this pandemic initself. Okay. Now, usually when
you have someone come to the house, a maintenance man, or you're getting
something delivered for some reason, theydon't believe in the rules of the world.

They say stuff like, oh,we'll be there between nine am and
six pm to help. What amI supposed to do? Now? I
gotta take a day off work,lord, just to get there, just
for you to take a water hereSpcabiley and something that ain't even a necessity.
Amen. Amen, I know I'mpreaching. You know what I'm saying.
Oh, I got I gotta calloff work just to get this done,

okay, because y'all ain't coming outon the weekend, So now just
Thursday, I'm off just so Ican sit in the house for such a
long time. And that's not fair. I need the organ come on now,
That's how the prayer goes. Thankyou, thank you, thank you.
Let me tell you something, Nothingin life takes that longing. Nothing
else in life. Std results arequick. Seeing babies born quick. Babies

are born quick. Why do ivery, I mean, why do maintenance people
and people bringing you stuff to yourhouse living in this false reality? This
is not real. Let me tellyou something, brother. If you what
if you ordered door dash for itand they was like, you know what,
leam, We're gonna get your pizzabetween eleven thirty and five o'clock.
You're gonna be like, the hellwith it because I'm hungry now, because

I don't want it. I don'twant it no way. Okay, heymen,
man, you what if you boughta plane ticket and they said,
hey, hey, we'll get youto La between. Hey, am,
when was stopping seven thirty? What'sto stop? Why? In life?
There's nothing else in life where youcan just Man, it's long, long

wait period. I got turnites andbrooches now, but looking we'll get there
between. Get to take it tobe thirsty. Meanwhile, they're going crazy
now they're eating all your food.What am I supposed to do? Now?
I got food out the refrigerating,the ice cream melted. Come on
now, dear Lord, help us. Come on. Please get get the

people that install a maintenance men orsomething. Lord, please get them in
touch with what's going on top.We like precise give him, just give
me the time. I'll be there. But this long gap, like I
ain't got nothing to do in life. It's the work of the death.
It is this. We're asking yourname, amen, Amen, a man,

Come on, just catched out onanother down at the battle one on
summer five w g shows number onefor hippopping R and B. Is time
for the best part of the show, where we talk about what we learned
today. I learned that, youknow, did Diddy's apology that you know

you brought You brought it to ourYou brought it to our attention, attention
that he can't say her name.You know, even if he was trying
to apologize to her, it wouldjust have to be a given that she
understood that and received that because theycan't say each other's name or speak each
other's name. You know what Ilearned about today, I learned a lot

about you. Okay, I learnedtoday that you is a little edgy for
you, It's not that much.So we were talking about we were talking
about bel Air. Yeah, theshow is coming back and back to Peacock
on August fifteenth, right, andthen Leon Hunt says, you know,
it was a little edgier than FreshPrince the French was was a show that

you could play on reg and watchingyour kids. And what he don't realize
is Carlton was doing powder on belAir. That's a lot more than a
little. I did never get aboutto do cocaine and will with pistols at
the beginning, because they never Theyjust said he got jumped on and Philly
in the original one and he hadto move. Yeah, that was it.

This one he hides the straps,got people looking for him, embezzlement,
going on sex your wild show jobright, Yeah, Coco was a
cooking influenza and the panties you got, my man, Jeoffrey is a killer,
is a killer. He he's aboutthis just a little bit. It

was just a little achie. Yeah, he did cocaine out of Little Cross.
I still mad. So I learnedtoday something about you. I may
have my son with me, like, yeah, just just a little achy
fine, anything on TV. Lethim see the gunplayer watch Power. All
right, good kid, this islife. This is what this is like.

This is what ourse friends is afan bel air is life. This
is real. Hilarious. Man,Hey, what up your boy? Talking?
Capaon here with my girl Amy forone eight hundred truck wreck. Amy.
You always tell people they have totake pictures as soon as it happened.
Yeah, one O, who isnumber one for hip hop and R

and B. That's gonna do itfor us today. Angela years up.
Next, it's hot outside outside,Hey, Chicago, hold on, I
do want to say this before weget hyped. Don't y'all act the fool
out there today. Yeah, we'rea good warm weather. Let people enjoy
the weather man. I don't wantto hear about no crazy. Yeah yeah.
And with that being said, getoutside and have yourself cocktail or to
enjoy his son. Soak up someson, man. It's no draws.

We find a rooftop. Come onnow and sit on it and enjoy yourself,
man, and we'll see y'all tomorrowsix am to ten am. Man,
all right, Gat
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