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April 16, 2024 45 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Scary nothing. I know you're likeone day right now, like right,
but damnly sticks right stick, Iguess you's like to see right now,
Wake wake up, wake up,Wake up on Chicago. Soon then it
turned and to tell you CC,I want to show hold on seven five
CC, y'all. You know theshot stup boar fare popping artby Yes sir,

Good Tuesday morning on a Taco Tuesday. It's the best day of morning
show in Chicago myself. That's allegedLeon Rogerster might write Zach Buog and the
layde Bug, Good morning, whiteboy Ryan on the boards. Man,
great day to day. Oh mygod. The w NBA draft took place
crazy. It's up Chicago bulls gonnahave to play man, they got that

ain't the only game in town,no mo right, y'all, they gonna
have to play man. We'll getinto all that. Also, some breaking
news. If you didn't collect yourtax refund in twenty twenty, let me
tell you how you can go backand get your little money. You may
you may you may have qualified,you may have missed out. Let me

know about that. I'm gonna letyou know about that. And of course,
man, we got love and believerand everything else that you've grown to
love right here on one O sevenfive w GCR. So let's get to
it. Let's do it. Let'sit's Scotty Day today. It's all about
the scott It's up and mister wGC, I want to show on seven

FA to the g CR. Yes, sir, man coming up in the
headlines. Listen, man, taxday, you might have extra money out
there. I'll tell you how tofind out if you do. That's coming
up in the headlines this GCT oneO seven five w GCR shots number one
for hip hop and R and Bcoming up in the headlines. Man,
good news. You know. TaxDay just passed. But I got some

good news for y'all money procrastinating onyour standard nation getting your money right?
All right. I don't even knowwhat I said there. I just need
to get paid. Check the news. It's time for the headlines. Your
news coverage from Chicago, so worldwide. But to WGCL Morning Show. Now

far beer from the Irs to tellyou that you left some money on the
table. Usually ain't gonna say nothing. They're gonna try to get all they
can from you. Well, theIRS says there's one billion dollars on the
table, and there's refunds old topeople who never file a return in twenty
twenty. You can also cash infrom other recent tax years as well.
Come on, So nine hundred andforty thousand people who didn't file a federal

tax return in twenty twenty. Now, the deadline of file is May seventeenth
of this year. If you don'tfile by then, you're out of luck.
If you're not able to obtain yourtax refund, it becomes the property
of the IRS, the property ofthe federal government. So you do have
three years to claim that refund.After that time, you are no longer
able to claim it, said formerIRS criminal investigator and certified public accountant Kimberly

Washington, who is now a taxexpert at Forbes Advisor. So the money
is old from standard tax refunds,but you could collect even more because in
twenty twenty, many people were olderrecovery rebate credit if they qualified for COVID
nineteen stimulus check, but for somereason they didn't get it. So if
you didn't receive a full stimulus paymentor receive the partial credit, that money

is still on the table. Youcan grab that can go grab that,
okay, So you could be leavingtax returns behind from the twenty twenty one
tax year where there were more stimuluspayments you may have missed, meaning those
recovery rebate credits could be yours aswell. So that's two years that you
could collect. Now. I don'tknow. I don't know if I know,

I wasn't. I know I didn'tget stimulated, but that I'm trying
to figure out what you can callthem me saying you owe it. That
was stimulation, made your heart stop, other type of student pressure went up,
That was the stimulus. I aren'teven I don't know if I got
mine, though. I think inone of those years I qualified and then

the other year I didn't, Sotwenty twenty might have been the year that
I did qualify for it. Ithink I got all mine. So they're
saying, no matter which tax yearyou missed, you have three years to
file a tax return before your refundgoes back to the government. So the
twenty twenty deadline was extended to Mayseventeenth because that year's tax deadline was also

extended at the time. So Iain't been making money a long time,
so I'm thinking about twenty twenty.I think I was still Pope twenty nineteen.
Oh yeah, I was Pope po. I was still Paul Poor p
ou Are. Yeah, I needthat. So if you you know,
if you think, go back andcheck twenty twenty tax returns. If you

didn't file them, file them intwenty twenty one. You have some money
on the table. So don't bescared. And you know a lot of
people left that on the table becausethey was getting them just ten thousand and
them checks. Floyd Man, gocheck and see if you got it.
Going by hell Cats and BBL.You already know people still paying on their
booty right now. Coming up inthe leg Leon's locker room board, the

Chicago Sky's about them. Lick isexcited, and American basketball is gonna be
lit to this year in the Olympics. G yeah, one of seven five
w GC all the shows number onefor hip hop and R and B.
Coming up in Leon's locker room.The Olympic roster for the men have been

set. Yes, yeah, let'ssee who's on there, ballers, GC,
what's up? I'm about to pullup on your re quick you got
man? They got to do it. Meeting Oh, you need to do
in sports. I'm just here sowon't get fined. It's inside Leon's locker
room on one of sec all Right, the w NBA Draft took place last

night, and of course we knewKaitlyn Clark what's going number one. She
went to the Indiana Feaver, soit'll be her and Elijah Boston hooking up
down there in Indiana. They're gonnabe fun to watch. But I'm gonnaell
you's gonna be fun to watch theChicago Sky come on man now. With
the number three pick, we tookthe center from the champion South Carolina game

Cocks, Camilla Cardoso, And wecame right back with the seventh pick and
took the bail of the ball,the one that's gonna bring all the popularizzi
but she still got game. ThisAngel Reese will be in the building,
so that's a power forward and acenter. And we picked up a nice
little shooting guard later on too fromStanford. So I'm excited about Chicago Scott.

I did not know they had newhead coach. Teresa Weatherspoon also went
up point guard. Back in theday, she used to play for the
New York Liberty. She had thecorn rolls and the dreads. She was
stuck out. She was nice,hunt Don stated with my two favorite point
guard Cynthia Hooper and Cheryl Miller,my favorite women's players. So I'm excited,
man. We were looking at someof the we were looking at this

drafts effect on games. You can'teven get a ticket for the Indiana Fever
Chicago Sky game. No, it'salmost sold out, two hundred dollars to
get it, to just even getin the bid of the building. And
you know, I'm really excited aboutthese picks because one we went and got
the MVP of the champions Tournament,of the tournament in Camilla. Right then

we turned around and got angel Reesand you know, you got the box
office. You got the box office, and she could play, and she
elevated the game as far as people'sattention her. You know, Kaitlyn Clark
that that whole group we got oneof it's up. Angel is gonna be
in Bevy why by underground trying toget it. Look, my thing is,

though, I can't wait to seethe pro interaction between Kaitlyn and Angelies,
you know, because now ain't nobodydon't care about the hand waiving and
PA. This the pros. Thisis what we do. So it's just
gonna be great. I cannot waitfor the Chicago Scott to take that season
out. Also can't wait for theOlympic Games to start. The men's Olympic
basketball team is set. Yes,bam Adebayo, Devin Booker, Steph Curry,

Anthony Davis, Kevin Durant, JoelEmbiid, Anthony Edwards, Tyrese Halliburton,
Drew Holliday, Lebron James, JasonTatum, and a player to be
determined. Now they're saying Kawhi Leonardis the front runner for that spot.
We don't need you. We don'tneed Kawhi take the club because we already

got a lot of good defensive players. We got some size on the team.
We got defensive players. Need alittle bit man, got Cloud got
offense now that we need a littlebit more shooting. We got nice slashing
players. I mean we got Lebron, kd Booker, Curry and Durant,
dem you shooters and Tyree and Halliburtongive one more. I don't think Drew

Holliday these that's just me person.You know, you gotta have it through
because he's a. He's because he'sa defensive guy. So think about it.
If Steph is out there getting cooked, you put Drew Holliday out there
and you locking people down in oneof the young boy You got too many
ball handlers on this team. Wecan't use the point guard Excrews and just
get Defind me another young boy outthere, man, one of the youths

who you want out there? Imean, I like the kid. I
mean I think my man from Bostonshould win with his teammate H. That's
knocking down Brice Burgos. Yes,Jalen brown Dog both ways. Okay,
am I am I far fetched fromthat, That's not far fetched. But
if you're gonna send somebody else fromBoston, you sending the Batman and Robin

Man, not Alfred. I don'tthink he want to play. I don't
think he out here. Deliver Berdiceais something he like. Hey man,
I'm gonna miss the summer game dotcom for these stories and more. Man,
what's coming up in the ease spot? Hey man, Gunna getting ready
drive a new album on y'all asson the way? Yeah, that's on
the way. Cry Disguise at fiftyfour degrees. It gc I, What's

fun bet once it's the w gC I on the show Let's Go g
is No More hip Hop and RB. Yes, sir, listen to
w g C I via the iHeartRadioapp for one hour for your chance to
win tickets to the sold out midof No Stallion concert and you can take
w gc IR with you everywhere.Listen to one O seven five w g
C I on iHeartRadio or your smartdevice. All right, zach Book was

coming up in the Z spot.My hem, man Gunna broke his silence
and spoke on his reputation out herein these streets. I'll tell you all
about it. It's coming up inthe Z spot one on seven five w
g C shows number one for hiphop and R and B. Exach Book,

what we got coming up in theZ spot. In the Z spot,
Man Gunna is coming out of hissilence. Okay, he's getting ready
to drop some new I gotta,I Gotta rap with you. He finally
is speaking out. It's on theway on w gc of shahs number one
for hip hop and R and B. Boy, Zach Bug and let's jump

into this Z spot. All right. So Gunna, you know, has
finally broke his silence. As youknow, Gunna was arrested back with the
twenty eight YSL members back in twentytwenty two with the Rico charges. Actually,
the YSL case is still currently goingon right now. Since then,
you know, since being arrested.You know, Gunna was in exchange for

a guilty plea, he didn't haveto serve any time in prison. Basically,
the plea deal sends him to fiveyears with one year to serve in
prison, and then he had todo like community service and like speak to
the community about the dangers of gangsand gang violence. You know what I'm
saying. A lot of people consideredthat snitching, you know what I'm saying,

and it really ruined Gunner's reputation.So he's kind of been quiet other
than just putting out an album sincehe's been since he's been released. Okay,
so recently he sat down with DoubleXL. He's got a new album
coming out. It's called One ofOne one being spelled w u N.

You know, he calls himself Wanner, and basically he was saying about his
reputation on the case. He said, I definitely feel like everybody's been misled,
and like, you know, whenyou're being misled, you got a
choice to follow or make your owndecisions. Basically, he said, you're
being either a follower or you're beingneutral and be like, I don't know

what their business is or what theyreally got going on. So I wonder
did his lawyers or people advise himnot to say nothing until now? Because
why why say this now? Whynot say this before you put your first
album out? Well, I mean, I guess it's been two years,
it's been two years since he's gottenout now an album. The first album

was crazy, Yeah, I thoughtit could be considered our money. Yeah,
to be honest, but I'm excitedfor this one one on one and
then basically he spoke about his relationshipwith Little Baby, twenty one, Savage,
and Dirk. He said, noneof those rappers, they're not on
the case. They don't know legallywhat's going on. And then he said,
I talked to like maybe like twoor three of those guys. I

talked to him on the phone.And then he asked He was asked about
his relationship with Young Thug, andbasically he said, it's the same,
it's love always. Our relationship isour relationship. But I mean, I
wouldn't expect him to say nothing elsebut that. But I haven't also heard
the same guys that he said he'stalking about reciprocate that love. So there's

still some tension there. I justI don't know, man, I just
you know, when keeping it thatcould have been a case when keeping it
real goes wrong, like if hejust yeah, I'm gonna stand on this,
and now you in jail too.But when you face I tell everybody
you shock all that tough stuff youwant you when you looking down the barrel
twenty five thirty years, Listen,you don't know what you'll do. Listen.

This is why I'm a Seville.I know I am not built man.
Listen, jail. I've been offered, I've been offered opportunities to use
Target and Walmart cas. I'm like, no, no, no time I
do it. It. Come topolice off the ceiling, man, I
have seen. The most I've doneis the little gas. You know what
I'm saying, Hey, I'll fillup your take. Most I did was

I extorted Columbia House. Remember whenthey used to have twelve CDs for ninety
nine cent. Yeah, A fewpeople in my family got them subscriptions that
ain't here no more. I gota couple of CDs off that say that's
it. Yeah, I ain't doingnothing else man. Yeah, it's a
few Lake cards off Lake, butI want you to check out definitely buying

link. I'm still personally, butyeah, I do want to let y'all
know, go check out the fulland if you will, throw it up
on WGCI dot com. And Ido look forward to this new album dropping
one oh one, all right,these stories and more WGCI dot com.
I'll be back. Don't move Oneof five. W GCI and BMN Entertainment

presents Shy City Fest featuring Polo,gg Herbo, Rob four nine Skill,
A, Baby Hunt Show, fortytwo, Doug, Big Boogie, Mellow
Bucks, and JT. It goesdown Saturday, June first at the United
Center and it's hosted by Little Cuzwith DJ Sean Mack in the building.
Tickets on sale now at ticketmaster dotcom and you can get more details at

WGCI. Yo. It's time toget to the bag and win one thousand
dollars. Check in weekdays eight amto eight pm at eleven after each hour
for the correct keyword, and thenyou enter that correct keyword at w GCI
dot com for your chance at onethousand dollars. Secure that bag. People,
man, what we got coming up? And love them? Believing Zach

Bug? Should I follow my heart? Or am I moving too fast?
That sounds like a slow song?It doth that's on. It's one of
the shows. Number one for hiphop and R and B. Turn me
Ron, Wait wait, it's thew GC. I want to show.
I want the ghos number one hipHop and R and B. Zach Bud

the ratchetness continues. What we gotgoing on? And love them, believe
them. Should I follow my heart? Or am I moving too fast?
Shy? I need to turn thatinto a good R and B said that
would be one. That's only theway. Love Malaga is coming up one
O seven five w GC shows numberone for hip hop and R and B,

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. It's
time for Love of moleavem with thebest damn morning show in Chicago, and
your nervous gonna be wratchet Leon Whathab it's Zack Yes in the reveler Zac
Yeah. And when he got onthe reveler r nut jopp trap trap trap

trap hit him? What the househe jump jump jump jump Jo. I'm
chopping baby. I just wanted toknow jo Jo Jo and where up been?
Chop, Chop chop. I'm aboutto go jumping up and I just
want to chop you be who amon this? Cash taken forgetting to man?

Not chop for me? Don't talk? Yeah, yeah, Okay,
here we go, dear lean exact. I can't lie. I'm kind of

embarrassed to say this, but Imet a guy literally two months ago.
We hit off and had an instantconnection. Since we met, we have
spent every single day with each other. We talk all the time, and
I can tell he's my person.Well. At the beginning of this month,
he asked me to be his wife, and of course I said yes.

I know it seems soon, butI'm thirty and not getting any younger,
and he is forty five and knowswhat he wants. When I told
my mom I was getting married,at first, she was happy for me
until she found out his age.Now she's saying he's trying to take advantage
of me, and it's going totry to control me because he's fifteen years

older than me, and I haven'tknown him that long. I think she's
saying that because my dad was twentyyears older than her and it didn't work
out. Now she got me confusedon what should I do? Should I
marry this man or should I listento my mom and wake A six six
eight A five one seven five Hitus up? Man is GC? What's

I said? Gciut? Who iswhere you call him from? Mike from
the south side, Mike from thesouth side. What should this young lady
do? I think that she shouldgo ahead and do what she wants.
And to day she got a guythat wants to marry her with that two
months. It's not a lot ofmen that's willing to do that these days.
But nonetheless, the mom should projecther experience on those daughter because at
the end of the day, thisman may be very genuine to the white,

to his fiance. And she madethis office on live. She passes
it up. Okay, thanks whatyou call man? All right? A
six six eight a five one ohseven five. Continue to hit us up.
She's to be with riting my dadin the middle of a loving,
believing zach. Motherly advice is notbeing received. Well, no, well,
basically, young lady wrote in basicallysays she's been dating a guy two

months and he already proposed, andthen she told her mom, like mom
getting married and said, at first, my mama was excited until she found
out his age. They got afifteen year age gap. She's thirty,
he's forty five. And basically shesaying, Hey, I don't think you
should do this. You moving toofast. He may try to take advantage
of you, and he may becontrolling. Now the daughter is thinking that.

She's saying that because her dad,her dad was twenty years older than
her mom and that didn't work out. Okay, Now she confused on what
to do. She wants to knowshe she married this man or should she
listened to her mama? A sixsix eight five one seventy five. Let's
go to the phone lines. Whothis where you call him from? Hey?
What are boys and robbing from thesouth side? All right? Man?

So I say she needs to usethe stirn and pray about it.
But honestly, do two years engagement, get marriage counseling. But baby,
you got to live your own life, you said two years? Yeah,
because he ain't be able to fakethat long you ain't. Yeah, just
do two years, two and ahalf your engagement, get the marriage counsel,

pray about it to keep people outyour business there it is all right,
facts, bro? All right,GCI who is where you call him
from? This? Let's go throughtwo point zero yeah, check in,
check back and then on the iHeartRadioapp Jerome all the way from the what's
going on? Bro? For Ifeel like she should marry that man because
you never know if the mama tryingto marry that man. Look, you

do never know, you just soyou don't think that the mom might be
actually trying to look out for thebest interest of her daughter, right,
she'd probably be trying to marry herman. Okay, all right, I
just ignore what the hell I justsaid. All right, appreciate that brother,
Yeah, listen to nothing he showdid. It's tough in that situation.

This is one of the things asa parent sometimes you gotta let them
learn tough love, like go aheadexperiences, you know, because it does
seem like the mom is projecting whathappened to her on her and you don't
know, it may not go thatway. He could be good for you.
I mean I would love to talkto the mama because I think this
the girl who wrote this is sayingthat, but I don't know. I

I'm weary of anybody who's trying toget married in two months. You know
what I'm saying. I would Iwould bet this guy out a little bit
longer because it's only too much.People can fake it, you know what
I'm saying. They say they takeninety days. They have get you know
what I'm saying, to get thereal them. Have a show out called
love is Blind where people ask peopleto marryland without even seeing them, and

you know how, and some ofthem work like some of them as stood
together. My thing is this.I would just say, like, this
is one of those moments, iswhere you have to let your child grow
up. You know what I'm saying. You're still there hovering in the wings.
You know, they ain't putting hishand on or nothing like that,
and you can tell them to besmart, but sometimes you know, you
gotta learn. Take that knock,that bump on the forehead. Ain't nothing

wrong with listening to your mother.Listen. I'm not saying don't get married
to him. I'm just saying thatis got to slow things down a bit,
y'all on this y'all on the speedboatright now. So you're st so
you're saying, do to Steve Hart, what's what's the ninety days and all
that? You know the vetting process? Now what if you do in them?
And nobody what I'm saying thirty daywhat if you do all that vetting

and then after all this vetting andstuff, it's still still go crazy.
We could at least get out ofat least you find out early. That's
the possible. That is a possibility. But guess what that vet over thirty
days? Run that credit report?Come on, man, get your been
verified to count y'all been y'all beentogether two pay periods and now you want
to talk about getting married. Hellno, and one of them was short.

No. Man, I'm just saying, hey, man, we hope
we have We hope we helped you, but if we didn't, we never
do more. Futher on, beallright, coming out Leon's goofy ass person
of the day. Man, makesure it's not you we're gonna talk about
it. Shall one of other fiveg shot is number one for hip hop

and RMB Coming up. Leon's goofyass person of today. Y'all gonna stop
trying to buy for JJ and notpay for it. What Yeah, I'll
tell you who that's coming up?She said, what's up there, Wan,
I'm about to pull up on yourright quick mike chat one so one.

So it's a goofy as people.All right, it's that time of
the day that everybody loves. Oneperson's gonna be absolutely pissed. It's Leon's
goofy ass person of the day,and today I'm talking about uh famous YouTuber,
a streamer. I don't know whatyou call him, consonant, he's
a streamer. The guy that starteda riot in New York giving away PS

fives in the middle of the TimesSquare had everybody going crazy. I almost
faced some time for that, rightYeah, Well listen, man, I
just don't understand how you're making allthis money and you got to buy a
poom poom. That's one thing youshould be able to scratch off your list
of not having to pay for itand just being able to have a few

dinners or pop a bottle and getthat. But nope, he went online
and met this beautiful little honey namedLaila Red from right hand in the city.
So you know, she hit usright, and he told her,
Hey, I guess they had alittle deal. You slide on out here.
Let me do what I do.You know I'm gonna hit you with

the five kpiece. They just saycool. She say, we get there,
do what we do. She gothalf but up front deposit. I
get it. You know you rena car deposit. But she said she
didn't get the other half after theygot finished. So now she's on the
exposed tour twenty twenty four. Godpictures laying down in the bed with him.

He sleep knocked out. Listen,happens to the best of us.
But if you just gave her themoney, dog, you got it.
If you're gonna try to finesse it, try to finesse without giving up nothing.
You already gave him twenty five.Just get it other twenty five,
go stream for thirty minutes and getit back, okay, because I don't

heard like you didn't pay guys liketwenty one, savaging them twenty thirty thousand
just to be on your stream.Yeah, so if you're gonna buy it
bye, at least have a goodstanding with the you know, or a
community. I don't know whatever youcall it, Okay, I'm just saying,
if you're gonna pay, pay,pay like you wait, don't try

to finesse after it's over. Now, you know, at the end of
the day, I don't know howthat's gonna turn out. Is he gonna
get her to be quiet? Isit? There? Do not? You
know? The what do they callit? Yeah? So what do they
call them? Things? Were you'renot supposed to talk about it? Y'all
have to sign them? Yeah,to be quiet paper, Yeah, to
be quiet. You should have gota stack of them by your bed,
bro NDAs. But now you're justout here bad arguing with somebody over failure

to pay for Poom poom cat's andthat brother stick to streaming and not leasing
with the option divide and sit yourgoofast down its scoof yes people more five
g cr hey man, listen,call my friend Howard anchor three one two

six million. That's three one twosix million, one on seven five w
GCU shots number one for Hippopinard andb zach Buog. What we got coming
up in the z spoting come?Oh J family said no, Oh J
family said no, that's coming upin the Z Spot one on seven five

to be GC out of Shots numberone, fifth R and B. Let's
jump into the Z Spot Entertainment Report. Now listen. Man O J.
Simpson family gave a hard no whenasked if scientists could study his brain for
CTE. They said absolutely not.His family is not going as you know,
a lot of NFL players end updiagnosed with CTE and a lot of

them have violent backgrounds. You knowpeople who suffered from CTE. One of
the most notable ones, what's myman name, who was out of He
played for the Patriots. He wasa tight end, Hendez, Yeah,
Hernandez had when they studied his brainand you know, he murdered people and
was convicted of murder murdering people,was in jail when he passed away and

they tested his brain. They saidhis CTE levels were crazy. That's just
like you know, some NFL playershave actually committed suicide and not like a
Dave Dorson played for the Chicago Bears, shot himself in the chest and told
in the suicide I know, pleasecheck my brain so can help somebody else,
Junior sayout Junior, right, Soc T is a crazy thing,

man, And they still have noYeah, you can't even find out about
it until that person has passed away, you know what I'm saying. But
they really wanted to check. Ofcourse, they wanted to, you know,
check Ojay's brain. But it's familylike. They're not going on that.
Man. Also, I'm excited aboutthis man. Tims announced her debut
album, Born in the wilds.She put up a snippet on her Instagram.

Yes, her debut album now,but we were listening to had stuff
like ice Tea and those songs.Yeah, that was That was kind of
like an EP. I considered theEP. It was like seven eight songs.
They were fired but it was likeseven a songs. So her debut
album is gonna come out, andshe said it's gonna come out May twenty
twenty four. We haven't got anexact date on it, but it'll be

out. Like I like Tims,I do like Tims. Man. She's
gorgeous too. She's dope. Yeah, she's dope, all right. These
stories are more manhead over to theWGCI dot com and why you had it?
Follow you boy, Zach bugs ac hb oh gie hip hopping down

dude. That was glowriller with yeahglow coming up. Man, we sounded
off. Have you what's the worstthing you ever found when looking through somebody's
phone? The worst thing you've everfound? You know, you didn't have
no business and no business whatsoever youdone, went through that phone and and
something hits you. It made madeyou know anybody's phone, you know,

it didn't hit your way, andit hurts your heart. Ain't necessarily have
to be your your girl phone oryour guy phone. You could have been
in your friend phone. That's true. That's seeing a picture of yo girl,
yeah in this phone. And nowyou're sick as a dog. As
a dog, you are really reallyready to kill everybody in the room.
But you got to be cool becauseyou weren't supposed to be going through the

phone. Now you gotta act likeyou didn't see it. And it hurts,
yeah so bad. I want toget home. You get home,
you want to say something to hub, but you like, I can't say
that because I was doing something Iwas had no business do it. Man.
I found out man one of myhomeboys, he was my frat brothers.
Actually, I hope this story don'tget back to him. It is

six million listeners. Okay, wellhe I don't even think he knows this
radio this story. But all right, So one day we had something I
forgot. It was one of wewas over one of our frat brother's house
and his phone was out and hewas showing us pictures and he was sliding.

He tried to go absolutely fast,you've seen it, and he slid.
I don't know, I don't think. I can't even say this on
the radio. He slid to apicture of Berrion. He slid to an
inappropriate picture of himself. Yees withsomebody. Yes, he had to slide
real quick. He tried to slidereal quick. So we all saw and

we nope, nope, we didn'tsay nothing because it was one of those
pictures where you was like, ohmy god, and you didn't say nothing
because of like, dude, isthat you and I did? Basically it
was it was basically none of thatsituation, dude. And he was like
a like, I can't I don'twant to say what city, bro,

He's from a city in Tennessee whereyou where you know, it'd be like
gangster dude, And I want totell you. Yeah, it was crazy.
It was crazy. So something likethat happened with one of the guys
and he denied it, but wewere like, that was all this,
We saw it. Yeah, theone dude we know in the military took
he took his homie phone and senta girl a picture of his homie junk

but said it was him. That'sweird, though, that's just so weird
thing to do. Why would youdo that, guy, that's crazy?
And the girl was you know,I was like, that's just straight.
And so when the dude was like, why is my junking your phone?
Yeah, he had to come cleanwith the story. He was like,

man, trying to get it over. He said, so you set a
picture of me that. I don'tknow how I feel about that, but
I feel a lot of ways Ido. You know how you went in
my phone and found that invited tothe parties. Well, back then they
didn't have you know, these werethe phones that didn't have password locked for
hitting photos and stuff. It wasjust in your camera roll. Yeah,

okay, And then I got anothertime I went through a phone and hurt
my heart. I think this wasthe last time I started not to go
through phones. I was dating thisgirl in college and I went through her
phone and found out. She toldme she was in Miami with her with
her cousins or something. Yeah,she was in Miami with some dude in
the military. And I remember Ihad went. I saw I went there,
I saw the picture. I said, broke my heart. I went

through I went through a phone andyep, and clicked on the video and
he was getting destroyed, and Ijust I just in your heart, just
I just heart. With the phonedown and stuff. I never called hers.
He's like, why he came backover no marros because I've never heard
those noises before. Jesus Christy,don't believe you go you go stay with

mule man. I don't know whatwhat's happening to you in that video,
but it was. I actually enjoyedit better than times with me. So
just keep the keep the keep thekneeche jogging suit and the baby fat.
I'm not coming back. I'm notcoming back more. All the story is,
don't go through the phone. What'sthe worst thing you found going through

somebody's phone? A sixty six eightA five one O seven five it up?
GC I GC I. Who iswhat you calling from? Hey?
This is Sean call her full ofson. What's up? Brother? Hey
man, what's the one craziest thingyou ever found going through somebody's phone?
I'm going through my ex wife phoneand she was getting the guy fula show?

Oh wow, what it is?It is? That was? That?
Was it? Oh? She wasokay? She wasn't your ax wife?
Then she was? That started theprocess absolutely okay. Now was you
mad that she had that video savedin her phone? Or were you mad
that her skill set was better onhim? Maybe than what you will receive,
because you know we think different.I was mad because I had any

of that skill set in the lastmonth. I tell you, dudes,
think he's like, I ain't okay, she doing it, but she ain't
doing it to me. That's theproblem. That's the problem, because I
already know you're a good skill set. Like where it's for your come A

sixty six A A five well Oseven five tall? You hit us up?
G C who that's where you callher from? From my weapon gem
and I from out West. What'sthe worst thing you found going through uh,
somebody's phone? Man? Listen.A couple of years ago, I

was dating this girl and I couldnever understand why she didn't take her socks
off, like never never seen herfeet right? Man, was going through
this girl phone one day exactly Leon, When I tell you the coins on
this girl's feet, you would havemade to drop everything garage. Oh dang,
what they look like? Man?They was big and just just nasty.

I could never understand why she neverwant to take a docs off.
Well, and going through the phone, I saw her real seat. I
just I couldn't do it no more. I ended the relationship. Lord,
have mercy. Now. That gottabe some terrible feet man. And I'm
a guy, so you know,I was like, whoa, You're a

bad human man. You could havehad that could have been the woman of
your dreams. Man, you gonnadie. Let it all go for some
feet, not them feet of thedoctor feet going from me. That's what
you called you? All right?Go on? GC I who this is

where you call him from? Thisis Helen from Chicago, Helen from Chicago.
What's the worst thing you ever foundgoing through somebody's phone. I'm dealing
with my ex. He had tooka picture of my car with him on
it and said it to another female. Oh so he was standing in front
of Yoka, yes, and madeit seem like that was his What kind

of whip was it? It wasat the time, it was a twenty
eighteen Dodge Journey. Mmm, he'sstanding in front of that. I want
to know what the chick looked likewhen he sent it to nothing? Yeah,
so impressed. I gotta know whatwas the context in this, Like

why was he sitting in his picturepretty much to let her know that that
was his car and he was gonnacome and pick her up. So and
y, I'm pretty sure you thatyou're not worried about that loss right there?
She probably Yeah, yeah, becauseI mean anytime you if somebody is
just overly pressed with a Dodge Journey, you let him have that one.

And this was brand new. Joywas it was clean? It was black?
One't was it was shining. Shejust got that more bean, I
know it was clean. Oh mygod, thanks for your call, baby,
all right, thank you got shotsnumber one for him popping on be

It's the Taco Tuesday and my man, Shine Mack is holding us down.
Listen, we want to hold youdown by giving you a pair of tickets
to twenty one Savage on the AmericanDream Tour. He'll be at the Credit
Union one Amphitheater May twenty first,with j I d Nardo Wick and twenty
one Little Herald will be joining him. Tickets are already on sale at ticketmaster
dot com has brought you by LiveNation. We're gonna give somebody a chance

to win him right now, Asix, six eight, A five,
one oh seventy five. Be thetenth caller you get these tickets. Let's
get back to the mix with myman, Sean Mack, the heavy hitter
right here. I want them Sullerfive gc I, it's one of yeah,
besides number one for hip hop andR and V. Turn me on.

Yeah, everybody, just flitt.It's time for your weather reports from
the w gc I Weather Center.All right, today we're looking at a
high sixty nine degrees tonight of lowsixty two right now, sunny skies at
fifty five degrees it gc I,what's one back? Once out, it's
the w gc IM on the show. Let's go some w gc becides number

one hip hop at R B,hey Man, w G see I and
one eight hundred truck Wreck celebrate Mother'sDay. They're giving away one thousand dollars
to ten mothers. All you gotto do is go to w GCI dot
com right now and tell us whythe mom in your life is great and
it's all thanks to our friend Amywith a wright and one eight hundred truck
wreck. All right, brother boog, where we're getting our daily bread from

today? Well, you know wehad some we made some big moves in
the w man draft and we needto pray for these sisters mass getting ready
to come to this city. Wemust cover the dolls on the way.
You know one whos number one hiphop and R and B is thatch book.

What we got coming up in ourprayer of the day. Oh,
we need to pray for sister AngelRees that's on the way. I would
really really trying to keep it piggyhere it is. Thank you, Thank
you really Drake for that. Heand b selection amen at this time for

the prayer of the day. Ryan, what happened to the organ? Beamrth
The organ be back tomorrow. Okay, I'll get your le all right,
Well yeah, okay, it's inthe shop. That's what it is.
The organ. The organs in theshop is getting tuned up. Need to
get the oil change on the organ. But we still have something important to
very very pray about everybody. Pleasebuy your heads unless you're driving. Dear

Lord, I want to take thistime to pray for sister Angel Reese and
Sister Camilla Cardoso. They were bothdrafted by the Chicago Sky yesterday. And
you know these girls are you know, country girls, you know, and
getting ready to go into the fastcity. One played in South Carolina,

one from Louisiana and now begging readyto be in Chicago. So I want
to cover them before they get here. Dear Lord, I want you to
keep them out of tribe on Friday. Keep them out a wide bar.
Lord, don't take no let themknow, don't take no Hennessy from tombon
anywhere. Okay, keep them Chicagoplayers off, these two sisters Bacon.

Yeah, stay away from all ofthem because they gonna get you, all
right. I don't want to see, Lord, I don't want to be
walking outside and I see Angel Reesand uh and them on thirty first Street
Beach, Yeah, on Thursday,on Thursday night, and I know that
they need to get prepared for thisgame. They don't need to be on
the west side of the Madison plasson. You know what I'm saying. It's

just just Lord, cover them.You know it's gonna be a lot.
You don't need to be a bureauball on Wednesday night. Come on,
man, talk about this lady's night. Let's go. No, they we
need you focused. We gonna seeyou too, because one six seven and
one six three. Okay, youstand y'all gonna stand out. Okay.
I just want to cover these ladiesas they come to the city. You

know what I'm saying, eating herotall Hey, hey, hey, you
gotta relax, Make you strict,stay strict to your diet. This city
can swallow you up if you ain'tfocused. Don't let Uncle Remus get your
trouble. No, don't let ItalianFiesta said, come on, it's gonna
be good. Italian be kept.Keep them away from Lord. This is

gonna be a tough time. Thentest. This is gonna be a test.
It's gonna be a test. ButI want them to be covered before
they get here, the patience ofJoe. Come on now, I don't
want no one of these dough boysgetting one of them pregnant. No,
no, we gotta keep that awayfrom all right, this we has in
your name. Protect Angel Reese andSister Camilla Cardozo before they get to the

city. Ru aymen, amen ayman one O seven five w GC shot
is number one for hip hop andR and B. That's gonna do it

for us today, Man, greatday outside today, man, So Taco
Tuesday. Make sure you get yourtaco game up if you're out there.
I gotta give a special shout outto the homie Rail little Reil. He's
in town doing a premiere for hismovie We Grown Now. Yeah, make
sure y'all go check that out.Man. It's dope movie. Man.
It's about Cabrini Green, So yeah, a lot of people will be able

to relate to this movie. Andalso got to give a shout out to
the two young men that's starting themovie with him, Blake Cameron James and
my man Gion Ramirez, who's abig fan of the Morning Show. He's
from Chicago. Little homie from Chicago. He's like, hey, man,
I'll be listening out with the Chopin the morning. Man, shout your
boy out. And of course thedirector men Hall Bang so great movie about

Chicago. Man, check it out. If you get a chess man.
One of our own, Little Railis so Angela Yee's up next. We
will be back tomorrow morning, sixam to ten am with your chance to
win one thousand dollars and maybe sometickets to go see a contract something who
knows. Only way you find outis if you tune in see you fly

early in the morning. It don'tgive no matter what time is it
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