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February 12, 2020 17 mins

Scott Bogman recaps the night in Association, where Zion Williamson put up a career high 31 points. Bogs looks at a good and bad news scenario surrounding the Knicks an their front office.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Three, f F T, S Y and Sports brid Network
present all in his hands, but they know the hard
Hardwood Takeaways. It's Lord, Hello, and welcome to Hardwood Takeaways,

brought to you by the Sports Grid. Get on the Grid.
I'm your host, Scott Bogman. You can follow me on
the Twitter at Bogman Sports. And the Knicks were all
over the news today. We only had five actual games.
We'll get to those in a second, but the Knicks
were all over the news and they had good news
of bad news here. And the good news was that
Forbes came out with the estimated value of each NBA

franchise and the New York Knicks are number one. Four
point six billion dollars is their estimated value, followed up
by the Lakers at four point four, the Warriors at
four point three, Bulls drop it down to three point
to the Celtics are three point one, Clippers two point six,
Nets two point five, Rockets two point four, seven five,

MAVs two point four, and Raptors two point one, rounding
out your top ten NBA franchises, and it drops down
from two point one for the Raptors and the the
lowest rated team the are the Grizzlies at one point
three billion, so you know, only am easily seven million
dollars in estimation off. Obviously a lot of this has

to do with market size, because the Nicks have a
been good. They've been in this array for a little while.
A lot of the fans want James Dolan out as
the owner. He says he's going to refuse to sell
the team and we'll never do it. Don't really blame
him there, I mean, not everything is his fault. I mean,
he obviously has thrown gas on the fire on a

couple occasions. But you know, um, there have been worst
owners in the NBA, obviously Donald Sterling. But um, I
think that they were heading in the right direction. You know,
getting rid of Fisdale has helped the Knicks become a
better team. And you know, I'm not gonna sit here
and lie to you and tell you that they're in
a good spot, because I don't believe that. I mean,

the Knicks are, um, you know, the third worst team
in the East. There twenty games under five hundred. They
haven't had a winning season in forever. In fact, let
me look at it. Here was the last time they
were over five hundred and made the playoffs. So they
haven't won a championship. I believe that was seventy two

seventy three. It was. Um, the seventy two seventy three
season was the last time they won the finals and
the last time they were in the finals was against
the Spurs, and this uh strike shortened season when uh
they lost four to one, and before that it was
four when they lost to my Rockets in the finals. Uh.

Great series by the way, in that one, that was
Patrick Ewing and John's Darks and all those guys for
the Knicks. They were a great team at that point.
But um, they're worth a bunch of money. And James
Dolan knows that he has a bad image around New York. Now,
he does a lot of good. If you read stuff
off the court, you know that there's a lot of
good that James Dolan does within the community. And uh,

he's got to be praised with that. You take the
good with the bad, for sure. But he hired a
marketing agency. Uh and um it's a marketing agency called
Translation and Uh Steve Stouty, I believe is how you
say his name. Um. He went on ESPN's first take,
and um, he basically said that the Knicks are probably

going to part with their current coaching staff. Now, look,
there's just certain things this guy has control of and
anything within the team is not part of it. So
it raised a bunch of eyebrows. And then now the
Knicks are having to answer are questions based on the
guy that's supposed to be making it so they don't
have to answer questions. And there are a couple of

quotes here and Um, While Steve Saudi is a valued
contributor to the Knicks marketing and branding efforts, he does
not speak on behalf of the New York Knicks personnel
and basketball operations. Any decisions regarding the operations of the
team will be made by the new president of the
New York Knicks, which they haven't decided on yet. Um.

And then um, here's his quote. What he said on
the show was there had to be a change. The
change will bring a new coach, new coaches that are
going to develop these younger players. And they got some
young superstars you see Barrett and Mitch Robinson. They got
something to work with, and ultimately getting a coach and
coaching staff that's going to help develop the team that's

what I expect to happen, so that we can actually
get to what you expect from a New York team.
And then he went out and had to recant. He said,
in my excitement to defend the New York Knicks on
live TV today, I inadvertently insinuated about Knicks personnel. I
look forward to working with Knicks management to elevate the
great brand, the great Knicks brand moving forward. So you know,

it's just funny that the guy that is supposed to
be um shoving these stories away has caused one of them.
So I don't know. If I was seeing stolen, i'd
probably fire him immediately. I mean, it's just it's just
a bad look. You know. Get somebody else in there,
and maybe they want to keep going with them, maybe
they understand that this is a one time mistake or

something of that nature. But I don't think I would
be sitting for it. You know, you just got uh
appraised as the best team. Uh they're not the best team,
but the most valuable team in the NBA. That is
what the news should be today. I shouldn't be talking
about this clown. You know, this is a bad move.
So um, it's really weird when a marketing person puts

their foot in their mouth, but obviously it happens on occasion.
But let's get to the action that happened today. UH.
In the NBA, we started out with Philly getting another
win one ten, one oh three over the Clippers, bringing
their record up to thirty four and twenty one and
the Clippers down at thirty seven and seventeen. And even
though this game was tied at fifty four UH at halftime,

the Sixers biggest lead was twelve early in the second quarter.
The Sixers started the second half on a sixteen to
five run, and in the fourth quarter they took a
double digit lead with just over a minute left in
and a winning by seven. And when we're looking at
the stats and stuff in this game, before we get there, UM,
it was just strange to see Al Horford come off

the bench because it was the first time he's done
it since his rookie season in UH two thousand seven.
Josh Richardson started his first game back. He came back
on the seventh of February. This is his third game
back and his first time back in the starting lineup.
But they put Cork Moss in instead of him and

cork Mos In twenty three minutes of starting, UH scored
zero points and it was um they just didn't need
much from him. And you know, if he's gonna be starting,
he's not gonna be getting a lot of looks, that's
for sure. No points on oh of five, shooting oh
for four from deep, one rebound, one steel for cork Mos. UH.

This was a huge game from Ben Simmons. He had
a triple double twenty six points, twelve boards, tenn assist
a steel, Josh Richardson five and one with two blocks,
Joel emb twenty six points, nine rebounds to assist in
a block, and Toby Harris as a starter double double
UH seventeen and twelve and five coming off the bench.
Al Horford did play twenty minutes, got nine points, six rebounds,

three assists in two blocks on three or four shooting
two of two from the line, and a triple for him,
but no bench scores were in double figures. On the
Clippers side, we had Kawhi Leonard thirty points, four rebounds,
nine assist a steel in two blocks. Um Samette was
the UH second highest scorer off the bench with thirty
six minutes nineteen points and one rebound on seven of

eleven shooting, with five triples UM. Lou Williams had thirteen
two and six. He started in this game as Patrick
Beverley missed his third straight game. Marcus Morris thirteen five
and one with a block, and Paul George eleven twelve
with five assist and a block on three of fifteen
shooting for him and one triple UM in this game,

though Joel Embi did see his fair share of booze
after that whole cryptic tweet thing that the Welsh and
I discussed on yesterday's episode. But all it took for
the Philly crowd to get back in it with him
was a shoving match with Marcus Morris. I believe that
was late in the game, in the fourth quarter, and
then he you know, was throwing his arms up and

got a nice cheer. So seems like the Sixers are gonna,
you know, um forgive him, or I guess at least
the Philly crowd is gonna forgive him here. But that's
gonna be interesting because it looks like him, Beat and
Simmons are having a hard time. I'm playing together and
we'll see what the future holds. With that relationship. The
next game was the Wizards won six over the Bulls

one fourteen. The Bulls went into the fourth quarter here
down eighteen and actually got the lead down to UH
six points with just under two minutes left, but couldn't
close it out. And um If Smith said, I thought
we kept the pace up defensively. We did a great job.
Zach went a little crazy towards the end, but we
did a great job on both ends. And Zach Lavine

did have forty one points in this game, and nineteen
were in the fourth quarter. He led that charge to
get them within six and um Scotty Brooks said, Levine
made big shots. He made shots that were contested. We
tried to take it out of his hands, but he'll
see it still able to shoot between two defenders, but
that's what he does. Zach Levine said, we just gave
them everything they wanted the third quarter, in transition, they

exploited our defense, played it well and they got second
chance points to you can't keep up with that. And
the third quarter the Wizards did win by eleven points.
Um looking at the stats for the Wizards here thirty points,
four rebounds, seven assist and his steel for Bradley Beal.
Uh Ruey Haschimura twenty points, four boards, three assists, two steals,

two blocks on seven and twelve shooting for him, and
I believe that's his fourth game with twenty points in
the last six games. Is Smith ten five and nine
assists with a steal on a block on four of
eight shooting, Mahemi fifteen and six. Mo Wagner off the
bench had twenty seven minutes, twelve points, three boards to
assist a steal in a block, ten for Britons and

fifteen for Napier off the bench as well. Outside of Levine,
satur Ranski had nineteen points, two rebounds, eight assists, and
outside of the forty one points for Levin nine rebounds,
four assists, two steals, and eight triples eight triples, I
think the I think the Sixers hit eight triples in
their game. Uh Young had ten, five, one one and

two blocks, and uh Kobe White have to manage fourteen,
five and seven with four steve eels four or fourteen
shooting though in two triples. Going over to the Pelicans
and the Blazers, I mean this game was a Pelicans
route one to one seventeen, but they actually started this
game at a whole thirty one fifteen in the first quarter,

and UM wound up going into the second quarter only
down nine thirty six twenty seven, but in the second
half they outscored the Blazers seventy five to fifty two.
Was a career high thirty one points for Williamson and uh.
Damian Lillard had been on an unbelievable streak scoring the
last ten games before this game, he averaged forty points.

In this game, he only wound up scoring twenty and
he shot six of sixteen. But on the Pelican side,
with that thirty one points for Zion, he had nine rebounds,
five assists and a steel on ten of seventeen shooting
and eleven or fourteen from the line. That's excellent because
he has not been great from the line yet this year.
Josh Hart's second scoring or third and scoring excuse me,

seventeen six and three with a steel on seven ten
shooting with two triples. Jj Reddick twenty one UH twenty
one minutes, twenty points, two rebounds to assist for him,
and he had um four triples himself. For Jackson had three,
Mellie had two, drew Holiday sixteen four and ten launch

of ball nine six and ten on the Portland side.
Outside of the twenty points, five rebounds, six assists for Lillard,
twenty points from a column with a rebound and three assist,
seventeen points, fourteen boards, three assists and a block for
Hassan Whiteside going over to the Spurs getting a win finally,

I've been concerned about them on this UH eight game
road streak, but they gotta win on the road against
the Thunder. Twenty three thirty one is their record now,
one fourteen, one oh six. They won over the Thunder,
and they were without the rosen in this one, and
they took an eleven point lead after the first, but
the Thunder crawled all the way back to tie it
in the fourth. That's seventy nine all right. After that,

the Spurs went on a nine oh run and didn't
give UH the lead up after that. Pop said, great
effort on their part. I'm happy for them. It's been
tough so far this first half, and they've been in
a lot of games and we just haven't finished them.
But tonight we did, so they deserve a lot of credits.
So he was very proud of his guys. You know,
Pop doesn't pull punches, he doesn't keep secrets. You know

how he feels. And this one was big for Murray
and LaMarcus Aldridge fourteen and three with a steal on
a block for Aldridge on UM nine of twenty shooting
seven and eight from the line, and Murray nine and
three with a steel White had seventeen four and eight
with a steal on a block on six of nine,

shooting with a triple. Patty Mills chipped in twenty points
and three triples as well. On the thunderside, uh S
g a seventeen five and two with a steel UH
two assist and a steel uh Steven Adams double double
ten ten two with four steals in a block, thirty
two and seven with the stealing a block for Chris
Paul as well. And then the last game of the night,

the Rockets. My Rockets beat the Celtics won sixteen to
one oh five, snaps the seven game win streak for
the Celtics and brings the Rockets up to thirty four
and twenty and the Celtics down to thirty seven and
sixteen UM. This game was decided in the third quarter
of the Rockets were down two going into the second
half and won the third quarter by nine, and that

was a lot of hard and he had nineteen straight
for the Rockets in the third, and they went on
a fifteen to two run late in the fourth to
make it one sixteen and ninety eight with about two
minutes left and the Celtics wave the white flag and
all the bench players. Uh came in for both the
Rockets and the Celtics, but Um in this game UH

forty two, eight and seven with a steal in a
block for Hardened nine of nineteen, seventeen of eighteen from
the line and seven triples for him. Russell Westbrook thirty
six points, ten rebounds, five assists to steals on thirteen
of twenty three, shooting ten of thirteen from the line
as well over two from deep. But after that they

didn't need much. Danielle House seventeen nine and one, twelve
seven and three with three steals and four blocks for
Robert Covington, but he did shoot three of eleven and
he had two triples. H P. J. Tucker four six
and two steals as a starter and Um. Other than that,
Rivers had two and McLamore had three. So UH you know,
when you get seventy eight points had a two guys,

usually you're gonna win that game. On the Boston side,
they spread the scoring around twenty eight and six for
Gordon Hayward, fourteen four and four with a steal for
Kemba Walker on five and seventeen Daniel Tyson eleven nine
and one with a steel, nineteen three when an assist
a steel in a block for Jalen Brown. He also
left this game with an injured knee. I believe it

was seven or twelve for him and four triples. Jason
Tatum not a great night. Stats weren't bad fifteen nine
and four with four steals in a block, five or
fifteen and over seven from deep for him. Looking at
tomorrow schedule, big big ten game schedule, here we got
the Calves and the Hawks. Give me the Hawks and
that one the Magic or seven a half point favorites

against Detroit. Um, I'm gonna take Detroit in that one.
Pacers and Bucks no line there. Give me the Bucks,
uh Nets and Raptors. Raptors on that street. Give me
the raptors, uh Nicks and Wizards have no line. Give
me the whizz uh Timberwold and you know what, No,
give me the Knicks. Nicks are not on the backpack,
and the Wizards are Wolves seven and a half point

favorites over the Hornets in Minnesota. Give me the Wolves. Uh,
four and a half point favorites from Memphis over the
Blazers in Memphis. Give me Memphis, Dallas and Sacramento. I
will not take Sacramento. Give me Dallas. Uh. The Sons
and Warriors. Yee um, give me the Sons in that one.
They're at home. Jazz and Heat. The Jazz are four
and a half point favorites. No way, give me the

Heat and that one and the Nuggets in Lay curse.
I will take the Nuggets at home in that one.
But that's all I got for you guys today. Stick
around and we will see me and the Welsh will
probably be back tomorrow. I'm maybe on that show or
I'm a way. You can follow me on the Twitter
at avoge in sports And now I'll see you guys later.
I'll take it easier, ye
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