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February 21, 2020 18 mins

Scott Bogman recaps the first night back in the NBA from the All-Star break, where we saw Trae Young go off for 50 points. Bogs talks about how the Nets will move forward without Kyrie Irving, who will miss the season after opting for surgery.

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
F T s Y and Sports Grid Network present all
in his hands, but the hard Hardwood Takeaways. It's Lord, Lord, Hello,

and welcome to Hardwood Takeaways, brought to you by the
Sports Grid. Get on the Grid. I'm your host, Scott Bogman.
You can follow me on the Twitter at Bogman Sports
and six games today. But we had some bigger news
to start the day than the game's Kyrie, like the
Welsh and I talked about yesterday, has opted to have surgery.
I think that's the very, very smart move for this guy.

I mean, look, the Nuts aren't going to win anything
this year. I mean, you know, making it to the
second round of the playoffs would be a gigantic get
for them this season. Knowing that Katie wasn't gonna play
at all. Uh, Kyrie got ing up in the middle
of the season there, so it's just a smart move
for Kyrie to go ahead, get this surgery, get it

over with, recover all the way and come back next
season with a clean bill of health and with him
and Durant coming back. And of course there's really no
way for us to know what Katie's level is going
to be. I mean, we'll obviously get a better shot
at seeing him play some live ball, um, you know,

in the in preseason and stuff like that. But I
think that Katie is taking all this time off because
he wants to come back as close to that all
world player that we saw in Oklahoma City and Golden State.
So um, I think that this is a smart idea
for Kyrie, and I'm glad he's doing it. The other

thing that we had going on today was some stuff
with the Warriors. The Warriors today came out and said that, uh,
Clayton Upson is going to miss the whole season. I mean,
they're not going to the playoffs anyway. Once again, just
no reason to run him out there, and um, to
run him out there and risk him for a future season.

And I think the same thing it should go on
with Steph Curry. Now. I don't know that Curry's injury
is really something that should keep him out for much
longer than he's already been out. I think if the
Warriors were in the middle of a playoff run right now,
they probably would activated Curry a while ago. But they're
not making the playoffs, so take it easy with him.

They say they're gonna reevaluate him in a couple of
weeks and then the plan is for him to come back.
I just don't know why. I don't know why you
would risk putting your m v P caliber player out
there to play in meaningless games and you know he's
gonna get rested and back to backs too, So I just, uh,
I guess it's to sell tickets. I guess it's for

Curry because he wants to play, and um, you know,
maybe just to make sure that he's good to go
for next season two. But I don't see much reason.
I mean, he's gonna be It's a finger injury. You know,
it's nothing crazy structural. Um, you know, if it was
that bad, they could cut the finger off. I think
he'd still be a pretty good shooter, uh, missing a finger. So, UM,

I think he's gonna be fine. He probably would have
been back earlier if they weren't contention, but they're not,
so he isn't and I don't think he should come
back either. So uh, we'll see what ends up happening there.
But how about some action. We'll start out here with
the Bucks going on the road to Detroit and beating
the Pistons one to one oh six and a really
wasn't this close. Now coming in to UH the All

Star Break, the Bucks have to go twenty four and
four down the stretch now twenty three and four after
this win to get to the seventy wins marker. I
don't think that's really their goal. Coach Bud has repeatedly
said that's not our goal. We just want to get
the number one seed and go to the finals. So UH.
They had um uh and Coach Bud in this game said,

that was a really impressive first half, and I thought
we did a lot of good things in the second half.
To our energy has been good the last two days,
but that doesn't always equate too good play. There was
a lot of positives for the first game after the break.
They were up fourteen at the end of the first
quarter and twenty nine going and a half time. And
that's five losses in a row for the Pistons. UH.

And that's five straight losses since they've traded Andre Drummond
as well. UH. For whatever reason, they had time Maker
start and Christian would come off the bench. Wood did
play nine more minutes than Maker twenty seven minutes for him,
but it was just kind of weird to see but
on the buck side g a obviously with a huge
game here thirty two minutes, thirty three points, sixteen rebounds,

four assists, three steals and a block In this one,
he shot thirteen and twenty three, seven of eleven from
the line oh for three from downtown though Chris Middleton
twenty eight, eight and three with a steel on eleven
and eighteen, shooting four or five from deep Brook Lopez
eighteen two and one, Eric Bledso nineteen four and six
assists with two steals and a block on eight of

fourteen shooting with two triples for him, just didn't take
a lot from UH Milwaukee to beat Detroit here. Detroit
was just kind of miserable, and they didn't shoot terribly either,
not all of them. I mean, Derek Rose was six
and fifteen, McCulloch was three of nine, but Brown was
seven of ten. Christian Wood was only four of ten

with eighteen eleven one one and one double double from
Brown sixteen ten and seven. Uh Ros scored twelve on
Maker eleven six and two with two blocks. Uh Tony
Snell in the starting line up here ten points to
assist in a steel and say Coo eight five and
three Uh, just not a lot of scoring. Um. The

Bucks had ten more possessions then Detroit did too, so
it just wasn't really hard to see. This game wants
a slaughter wire to wire um h Atlanta with a
big win over Miami. One brings Miami down to thirty
five and twenty and the sixteenth victory only of the
year four the Hawks there ste career high fifty for

trade in this one. The Heat have lost five of
the last six games. The Hawks were down one at half,
and they were down seven at ninety seven ninety going
into the fourth quarter. The Hawks tied it at ninety
seven early in the fourth on a seven oh run obviously,
and then took the lead late at one with thirty
one seconds left. Uh and um, you know that was

all she wrote. They want up making a couple of
free throws after that your final here and that we
have we have Twitter beef apparently, And I don't remember
this game that maybe this was a night that I
wasn't recording the show so I just didn't pick it
up for whatever reason. But I guess the last time
Miami played UH Atlanta, Butler made fun of Trey Young

because he said the game was over at one point,
Miami came back in one and so uh he went
on Twitter or Instagram or one of them and said, uh,
you know, he look, Trey Young is a profit. He
knew that game was over. It was just over for us,
and uh so he went back, uh like a petulant
child and made fun of Jimmy Butler. I just don't

get any of this stuff, and I did, like, Uh,
Trey Young tweeted uh or as hashtag was, I don't
like Twitter beefc either, but and I thought that was
pretty funny. So at least it was in a funny realm.
Now for the Hawks to Clint Capella is going to
be reevaluated in two weeks. He still hasn't played for

the Hawkston's getting traded because he has planner fasciitis. But
obviously the big blow here came from fifty points for
Trey Young to rebounds, eight assists, two steals in a
block as well, twelve five shooting eighteen of nineteen from
the line with eight triples eight to fifteen as well.
They didn't need much after that. Hunter seventeen six and

two with a steel, Collins twelve seven or one with
two steals and three blocks. Duyne Deadman didn't score point
in twenty minutes, only had eight rebounds and uh five fouls,
so he was just hacking there Um sixteen four and
one with two steals and two blocks from Reddish Antigue
off the bench had twelve points as well. On the

Miami side, bam At a bio coming off his skills
competition win almost had here twenty eight nineteen and seven
with three steals in a block on nine and twenty
shooting ten of twelve from the line for him. None
had fourteen, Butler had almost a triple double seventeen eight
and nine with two steals and a block on six
of eighteen shootings only thirty five or six from the line.

Though Jake Crowder starting in this whe he did foull
out but fourteen points, four rebounds and assist in two blocks.
Robinson ten points. Tragic off the bench had nineteen, but
the was all all all a Trey Young game. Moving
down to this was a weird game too, because Charlotte
isn't good and Chicago isn't good. But Charlotte winds up

winning this game by ten one oh three to ninety three,
bringing them up to nineteen and thirty six, Chicago down
to nineteen and thirty seven, and the Hornets led wire
to wire. They were up sixteen at half. They led
by as much as twenty one points in this game,
So this almost looked like the Pistons and the Bucks.
But um hits between two teams with the same nineteen

wins post All Star break, which is no good. So
very very weird to see the Horness just come out
and dominate this one. Now, the Bulls did pull it
within too late, but um, they just couldn't They couldn't close.
They still lost by ten. Daniel Gafford came back for
the Bulls for the first time since January fifteen. He

played uh sixteen minutes off the bench. He did fell
out a lot of hacking five points, four boards and
assistant steal for him on the winning side for the Hornets.
Monk off the bench twenty five point six rebounds, three
assists on seven or thirteen shooting with two triples. Bridges
twenty eight with two assists, two seals on nine of

twenty three shootings only thirty nine percent, but two triples
as well. Pha Washington seventeen five and four with two steals,
on a block. Cody Zeller sixteen eight two steals, to
assist and a block in this one. Tavanta Graham no
points over seven just a terrible, terrible shooting I O
for five from deep. Uh two rebounds and seven assists

and two steals and no points. What are you doing? Uh, Chicago? Uh?
Daddy is Young twenty two, eleven and one with four
steals and a block. Grade game for him ten of
eighteen shooting with two triples. UH. Zach Lavine nineteen seven
and seven with three steals and a block. UH eight
of twenty two shootings. There's just thirty six percent for him.
White twelve points, Harrison thirteen points as well. Then we

go over to Brooklyn and Philly, Philly winning this game
in overtime one twelve to one oh four. Ben Simmons
set out this game with lower back tightness. There are
crazy spurts in this one. The Sixers started out on
a two to six run, then the Nets took a
ten point lead at half thanks to a forty four
to eight run at one point in the first half here,
but then Mbat start dominating in the third quarter and

the Sixers took the lead again in seventy eight to
seventy seven UM, and then it was kind of a
back and forth affair there didn't what he knocked down
a shot uh to put the Nets up one oh three,
one on one with thirty seconds left. But on the
other end he hacked him Bead and and Bead made
both of his free throws and they went into overtime
tied at a hundred and three, and um din Wody

made one of two free throws to start overtime and
the Nets didn't score again. A nine oh run for
Philly ended this game one twelve, one oh four and um,
like I said, bumping them up to thirty five and
twenty one, and just a huge game from m Bead
with no sim ends UM forty one minutes here thirty
nine points, sixteen rebounds to assist, two steals, two blocks

uh eighteen of nineteen from the line, including those two
big ones UH to send it to overtime, and a
triple for him. Toby Harris a double double as well,
UH twenty two points, twelve rebounds, six assists, two steals
on ten of twenty shooting over four from deep. Glenn
Robinson did start this game, only played fourteen minutes though
four points, two boards and a steel. Josh Richardson thirty

nine minutes seven points, seven rebounds, three assist, three steals
and a block three of twelve shooting, real bad shooting
for him on the bench players al horfor only nineteen
minutes and this one six points, three boards to assist
a steal in two blocks on um two of five shooting,
but Alec Burke's had a big game off the bench

nineteen four and one for him six of eleven shooting
with two triples on the Brooklyn side in witty pretty
good game here twenty five and eight with a block
on seven and nineteen shootings only thirty seven percent, but
he did score a lot twenty five six and five
with a steal for Caris Lavert nine of twenty nine
thirty one percent shooting. DeAndre Jordan with a double double

fourteen fifteen rebounds, four assists on five of eleven shooting
for him, and then uh Harris had twelve points. Chandler
had twelve points. Nobody else in double digits for the
Nets going over to Memphis losing a road game to
Sacramento one one five for the Kings in this one

weird ending to this one. The Kings led most of
the way through UH and they were up fifteen points
at one point in the fourth, but the Grizzlies rallied
back to pull within one late at one five to
one four and um Melton got hacked on a three
point attempt. He made all of his threes to put
it within one point with seven and a half seconds left.

They found old Buddy Healed. He made both of his
free throws after that, and um John Morant went to
the line. He missed the first one and then purposely
missed the second one to try to get the rebound,
but they called him for a lane violation, so the
King's got the ball back and held on to win.
But the Kings in this game, I mean, this was

a huge Harrison Barnes game. Harrison Barnes thirty two points,
are rebound and assist in a steel eleven of ten
of seventeen shooting seven triples for him as well. UH
Dearon Fox was in double digits twenty six, two and
four with a steal on nine of sixteen shooting and

four triples for him, but a Healed Nice came off
the bench twenty points, three rebounds, four assists in three
steals on five of twelve shooting with two triples. Bayze
More eighteen points, three rebounds and a steel for him
on the Memphis side. Uh. John Morant nineteen points, a
rebound to assist in this game. Seven well shooting. UM d'

Anthony Melton off the bench, great game for him twenty
four point, six rebounds, three assists, stealing the block on
five of ten shooting, and four triples for him in
this game. Jaren Jackson Jr. Thirty three a minute, sixteen points,
two boards to assist, twelve five to and two steals
for Kyle Anderson. And then we go on to the
last game of the day, one thirty five one oh five.

My Rockets over the Warriors in this game. And this
was not close. I mean the Rockets were up thirty
eight seventeen after the first quarter, uh, and they just
stepped on the next of the Warriors. After that. They
only won the second point quarter by one point, but
they won the third by ten. And uh, this was
just I mean, they made twenty five threes to seven

for Golden State, and at one point in this game
they had already made The Rockets made thirteen threes I
believe before the Warriors made their first and I watched
a lot of this game. Obviously the fourth quarter kind
of boring a blowout game like this. I mean, even
Kenny the Jets Smith said, um, you know, they were
asking h for some screen grabs and usually he runs

up to that big uh you know TV they have
at the back of the studio, and he said, I
don't run for blowouts. So, um, this was the dominant game.
The Rockets get a little bit of revenge for going
to Golden State and losing on Christmas Day. Uh, there
was a little chippiness at the end of Russell Westbrook
getting in a little bit of a tussle and then
you know, yelling some stuff back and forth with the bench.

And he's just got to be better than that. He's
got too many technical fouls and this is just the
dumb kind of pride that happens, uh, you know, to
to a guy that's an m VP candidate when he
gets frustrated. So he's got to be smarter that, he's
got to be better than that. But this weekend has
got a ton of good games. I mean, just look
at Friday Night. We've got the Lakers and the Grizzlies.

That should be a great game. Uh. The Jazz and
the Spurs should be a good one too. Thundering the
Nuggets is an Austin game. UH. Raptors in some Uns
should be fun. Nicks and Pacers on Friday. Going over
to Saturday, Jazz are hosting the Rockets. I love that
when the Bucks and Sixers, we'll see if Ben Simmons

can get that back straightened out enough to play in
that one. Miami losing five of their last six could
really use a win, and they play Cleveland Hawks and
Mavericks should be good. Clippers and Kings. And then on
Sunday to round it out for your weekend, you've got
the Thunder and the Spurs, the Warriors and the Pelicans,
Bulls and Wizards, Raptors and Pacers. Should be a great
one at Lakers and the Celtics. So a lot of

great games this weekend. And be sure to check out
the sports grid. They've got you cover on all your
bets and all that stuff. And you can follow me
on Twitter at bogon Sports and I'll talk to you
guys on Monday. Take it easy
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