All Episodes

April 17, 2024 75 mins
MORNING HACK: 3 foods you probably didn't know you can freeze...and 3 foods you definitely should not. MATTHEW HUSSEY - He's here to give us some dating advice plus his new book Love Life: How To Raise Your Standards, Find Your Person, And Live Happily (No Matter What) is out Tuesday!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
From Hollywood to you.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Thank you for listening to us.

Speaker 1 (00:03):
Ryan Air on Air with Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Ryan Seacrest with you this morning. Cisiny Tany in the backroom,
high backroom, good.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
Morning, good morning, good morning.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Was the most excited to be here on a Wednesday morning.
I like it. Downward slope, downward slope into the weekend.
It's gonna be nice. I see no rain in the forecast.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
Right, no rain.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
I didn't really check this morning.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
But I checked that Monday. Nada, nada. See.

Speaker 4 (00:39):
Yeah, it's beautiful, mid mid upper seventies eighties.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
Well, Sisney, what's going on? You said? I'm good, meaning
we should ask you how you're doing.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
Again, No, you don't have to ask me. I just
for I don't understand why my hands get cold?

Speaker 2 (00:53):
Your your extremities? Is that what they call why? I
get that too? Actually I got tingling finger every once
in a while too. You know, when I am at
the gym and I'm holding the bar like I'm doing
a I'm holding the pull up bar but I'm doing abs. Yeah,
and my elbows are in the hooks. Yes, my fingers
will fall asleep if I do twenty plus of those.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
Well, I mean I can see that happening.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
Yeah, it's a circulation.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
Whenever this happens, and sit on my hands and warm
them up. Then I feel funny doing it.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
Don't feel funny to feel Please feel funny about nothing
that we do together anymore. There's nothing that can embarrass
us here at this show. Tiny. Speaking of the gym, Wow,
I ran into the in the wild your best friend,
I know, I ran it to her best friend.

Speaker 5 (01:36):
Yes, literally, Paulina.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
How do you not know her best friend?

Speaker 4 (01:40):
She has a lot of best friends. I was like, that's.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
What I said, Tanya. She goes, you know, Tanya's best friend.
I said, well, does Tanya say that, because you're going
to say Brad and so my daughter was Becca. Yeah,
well you're not Becca. And she's like, I'm Pauline. Yeah,
and so it's so nice to meet you. Yeah, and
she said we've met uh.

Speaker 5 (02:05):
Yes, yeah, you know, you know Sophia Carson is her sister,
and so you've met them like around.

Speaker 4 (02:12):
Like hundreds of times from when you're in the gym.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
Right out of context for me, I can't remember that
this Sophia Carson's sister.

Speaker 3 (02:22):
Yeah, like carpet right, yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (02:25):
Mean, and I don't even know. It's me and the gym.
Sometimes when I look in the mirror. How many best
friends do you have? Sisney? It got me to thinking
about like best friends. You know I have think they
call someone a best friend, but do they say that?

Speaker 4 (02:36):
Yeah, the core besties six to eight probably lot.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
So if you tell one bestie one thing, do you
have to go to all of them where they get
rubbed the wrong way? If you don't tell them all?

Speaker 3 (02:46):
No, because everyone is like a different walks of life. Besties.
You know, there's some that I don't.

Speaker 4 (02:52):
Speak to for a long time, but then when we
do see each other, we pick up right where we
left off, et cetera.

Speaker 5 (02:57):
I get I get very territorial over Becca for some reason.
Why so strange?

Speaker 6 (03:05):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (03:06):
It's very like high school with me. But like I
get fomo if she's hanging out with her other best
friends and I'm not there.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
We need to work on that.

Speaker 5 (03:13):
I know, I know, I know, I know, Like what is.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
That about fomo? Or you get jealous that she's with
the other friends.

Speaker 5 (03:20):
It's a little bit of both. It's a little bit
of both.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
But you're good enough for her to hang out with
all the time. She just wants to spread her and
you have your own life.

Speaker 5 (03:27):
I know, I know, I know it's not rational.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
I want to stop the show and I want to
sit down, mark light a three wicked tangerine sentic candle,
and let's get into the root here.

Speaker 5 (03:38):
But it's funny because I have other best friends too,
and like Becca does not care.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
But now Paulina tells me she is your best friend. Yes?
Are you her best friend?

Speaker 6 (03:48):

Speaker 2 (03:48):
Is she your best friend? You say it, but I've
never heard you say that here, and I've known you.

Speaker 5 (03:52):
For fifty Yes, but I don't say her name.

Speaker 2 (03:56):
Yeah, you've never said Paulina my best friend.

Speaker 3 (04:00):
Feel like she's said it a few times.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
I mean, do you want to back me up on
this one?

Speaker 5 (04:05):
It's okay, Sistine knows the truth.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
Well, I just know that she's friends. I just know
that she's one of her best friends.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
Yeah, one of her great By the way, it's funny,
she's got a good voice. I don't. She got a
really great voice. I was thinking she could fill in
for you if you're never here, because she's your best friend.

Speaker 5 (04:20):
She does, she does have a really good voice. The
very funny thing is, like her and becha are like
dueling it out for made of honor?

Speaker 3 (04:28):
Oh, let me have you asked?

Speaker 5 (04:31):
I've only asked one of my bridesmaids so far, and she.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
Said, yeah, how did they duel it out? Like you're
gonna let them just get into the doyo and Thompson's
gonna referee and they're gonna fight for it.

Speaker 5 (04:39):
No, like there, it's like this like joke that they're
both fighting for it.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
For the one spot. Yeah, doesn't it come down to
America's vote?

Speaker 5 (04:48):
Comes down to my vote?

Speaker 2 (04:50):
After the nationwide vote, do the results?

Speaker 3 (04:52):
Slip it an idol next week and.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
Just Paulina Becca, Yeah, after the Now I could do
the results. If you tell me which one, We'll put
them both on the air right here and I'll read.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
The car Oh I love this. Why could you have two?

Speaker 5 (05:09):
I've already decided I already have. I have it all.
I think I'm actually going to ask them this weekend.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
So you're going to have both?

Speaker 3 (05:15):
You can have both? Doesn't have I already know?

Speaker 5 (05:18):
I already know the answer is, haven't asked them, so
I don't want to like spill the beans.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
Oh my gosh, No, do you really have to ask them.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
Do you know who the bridesmaids are?

Speaker 5 (05:25):
Yes? I have them all?

Speaker 2 (05:26):
Are we so far?

Speaker 5 (05:28):
I've only asked one and she said yes, And it
was Sophia.

Speaker 2 (05:31):
Who's going to say no?

Speaker 5 (05:32):
Yeah, some people might say no.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
I know we've heard those stories right here.

Speaker 5 (05:37):
I don't have times too much.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
So Sophia Carson's going to be there.

Speaker 5 (05:41):
She's one of my bridesmaids.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
Yeah. Should I have her open up for me? Like
I got a performance? Should I have her open for me?

Speaker 5 (05:49):
Maybe she could walk you down the aisle?

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Do we get paired up?

Speaker 6 (05:53):

Speaker 2 (05:53):
Maybe her sister Paulina? Who else there?

Speaker 7 (05:56):

Speaker 2 (05:57):
We know three of the bridesmaids, isn't I can really Parlina?

Speaker 3 (06:00):
So if you at least three, how do you ask
your sister four?

Speaker 2 (06:05):
In my one? I'm not one. I could be one.
I was a maid of what was I? I was
a man of honor?

Speaker 5 (06:10):
Man of honor?

Speaker 2 (06:11):
But if you called, actually, I want to take a
break and come back. I want to hear how you ask?
What you say?

Speaker 8 (06:17):

Speaker 5 (06:18):
How you okay? How I did it?

Speaker 2 (06:19):
Yeah? How you asked? Then?

Speaker 3 (06:21):
How different ways you can do it?

Speaker 9 (06:23):

Speaker 5 (06:23):
There's no right or wrong.

Speaker 2 (06:24):
Well, I want to hear what you said. Okay, because
I know you said something. You didn't just send a text.
I know you. All right, we're gonna get to what
happened overnight in a second. Here, assistant stand by for that,
because we missed anything. Antony's getting ready for a wedding
us we know. So if you're Carson and Paulina sister
is going to be some bridesmaids there. We know Beca's
going to be one, sister's going to be one. How

are you going to have total?

Speaker 5 (06:46):
I have five total?

Speaker 2 (06:47):
Okay, there's no one we.

Speaker 3 (06:48):
Know four out of the five?

Speaker 2 (06:50):
Am I going to be a man of honor?

Speaker 1 (06:52):

Speaker 5 (06:52):
You're the officiant like I can't?

Speaker 2 (06:55):
Why can I play all panting to there?

Speaker 6 (06:59):
He wants to.

Speaker 2 (07:00):
I can multitask. I can do two shows in one day.

Speaker 5 (07:03):
Now you cannot.

Speaker 4 (07:05):
All right, I'm not submitted that there's multiples of you,
So maybe you could.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
That would be a little easier. Let me, let's assume
let's role play that I am a man of honor
as I was for my sister and her wedding, and
you're gonna ask me to be part of the bridesmaids.
What would you say?

Speaker 5 (07:21):
Okay? So what I did, call me No, I did
it in person, and I made a box bridesmaid box, huh.
And when you open the box, the first thing you
see is a candle that says will you be my bridesmaid?
On the candle, so.

Speaker 2 (07:38):
They know everything that's happening right there.

Speaker 5 (07:40):
Correct. So that was like the ask essentially. And then
there's like a little note on all these little trinkets
in there. So I got up like a planner and
I wrote, for all of our family meetings, you're going
to need this to stay organized. I put some liscerine
strips in there and said, because you know, I can
sometimes have dragon breath, so you're always ready. And then
I got them all matching sweatshirt.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
I love it so much, so cute, super cute.

Speaker 2 (08:03):
But I'm the only one that got a vinyl.

Speaker 5 (08:05):
Yeah that's just for the efficient.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
I got vinyl. My invitation came with vinyl.

Speaker 5 (08:10):
Yeah yeah, yeah, that was just for you.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
It's gonna be so exciting.

Speaker 6 (08:14):

Speaker 5 (08:14):
But the box was really cute, Sofia got emotional and
it was really sweet.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
Jen are you there, I'm here. Yeah. I'm always a
company man, you know that you are. And I'm hosting
the wedding, and I just had a great ideas or
Eureka moment for sales. I'm here for Listine. She's packing
Listerine streaks into these boxes, get Listerine to sponsors.

Speaker 4 (08:37):
And that's so much better than a mint, because I
almost choked on my mint going down the aisle.

Speaker 2 (08:42):
Don't you think Listine could sponsor the wedding. I gotta
do a you know, performance, I can work in a
live ad, yeah, I'll send it.

Speaker 5 (08:47):
You're not going to do a live ad in my wedding.

Speaker 10 (08:50):
You know.

Speaker 4 (08:50):
I was thinking about that driving in today and I
was just like, I wonder if you will like drop forward,
you know, because like you and Robbie both have forwards.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
Well, I'm gonna come into Bronco.

Speaker 4 (08:59):
She's gonna, He's gonna He's gonna slip at all the sponsorships.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
This is a sales department field day, Jennet is I know.

Speaker 9 (09:08):
I'm visualizing the photos.

Speaker 2 (09:10):
Yeah, and by the way, don't even worry if Tanya
and Robbie don't want, you know, the mentions while we're there.
I got I got a bunch of lead up programming
that I'm doing in the show show. I got to
count down afterwards. Are the best moments? Yeah yeah, yeah,
all brought to you by Listerine and Ford. Well that's

how I got there. I didn't I couldn't get there
any other way. Have you seen it on me like
a video? Oh yeah, yeah yeah, thank you, thank gosh,
sistany what happened overnight? What do we miss because I
was sleeping?

Speaker 11 (09:45):

Speaker 4 (09:45):
Anaheim City Council voted last night to approve Disneyland Forward,
a plan to allow a new theme park, hotel, entertainment,
and retail development around its existing theme parks. The Lakers
beat New Orleans last night in the NBA's play in Tournament.
They will now take on Denver Nuggets in the first
round of playoffs.

Speaker 3 (10:05):
Game one is Saturday in Denver.

Speaker 4 (10:08):
And Ariana Grande's grandmother, Marjorie Grande, who was featured on
Ariana's song Ordinary Things, made history as the oldest artist
ever on the Billboard Hot one hundred chart.

Speaker 3 (10:18):
She is ninety eight. And that's what happened overnight.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
I feel like this move was just yesterday that you
and Michael and the family moved into your new place.
And now is this the first warm weather season they
experienced in the new place. Yeah, I feel like you've
lived there for a long time.

Speaker 4 (10:32):
Well, we closed Escrow right towards the end of summer.
It was like September fifteenth, and then it just went
straight into the holidays. It was like Halloween and we
got the big twelve foot skeleton and Christmas. And so
now here we are in spring, and I'm starting to
realize that we have a fly problem.

Speaker 3 (10:49):
Zip it up, like major ill, zip it up? What
do you mean, like, zip them up in the bags?

Speaker 2 (10:54):
Got it? Fly problem for me is matter of fact,
someone told me yesterday my flyers sounds great.

Speaker 6 (10:59):
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
I was down a Coachella, so I didn't even know
how long.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
And I was like, oh no, hot, Like I'm really
good at the checkless things and I had a checklist.

Speaker 3 (11:06):
It happens.

Speaker 2 (11:08):
It happens anyway. So these are flies. These are the
big flies. They just get in your face, they get
that food. They're not good on my watermelon, they're not
good on my fruits.

Speaker 4 (11:15):
And they're just like hovering in my outdoor patio area.
And I we thought maybe it was because we had
like we used to have, like it was a cover
trash can.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
So we're like, okay, let's get that out of the way.
That's not doing the trick.

Speaker 4 (11:25):
And when we moved in, you know, we have two
avocado trees and one of them had a fly bag
thing hanging from it when we first moved in, and
I was like, oh my god, that thing. So I
told Michael to get rid of it, and he did.
But there was a reason why that was probably there.
And so I'm doing all this research and this is

almost like a help to anybody that can call me
and help me with this, because I know that we've
had callers call in like that have all vocados? Yeah,
or they like are they have like horses and stuff
in their back of caddies, Like how do you get
rid of flies? Because I'm buying this stuff off Amazon,
and I don't know if it's gonna work.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
Well, a couple of things here. Number one, at least
it's not mosquitos. Those will come to those.

Speaker 4 (12:08):
Number two, but I've bought these little like mosquito things.

Speaker 3 (12:11):
Hopefully that works.

Speaker 2 (12:12):
Well, let's see. But those are worse. Those get in
my they get somehow mosquitoes. No what time I'm going
to bed, and they are waiting for me to tuck
me in.

Speaker 3 (12:21):
This there was one in my room last night.

Speaker 2 (12:23):
Number two, Wait till you get all the ants coming
out of the counter.

Speaker 6 (12:26):
In the wall.

Speaker 3 (12:26):
Oh, we've dealt with that already.

Speaker 2 (12:28):
When it gets hot. I mean I live in an
ant farm.

Speaker 4 (12:30):
Yeah, we've dealt with that. It's so crazy kind of
just discovering.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
How well it's the heat the heat brings out. I mean,
there are so many ants marching coming out of walls,
cracked everywhere when the heat comes out. But if you
are a solutions oriented person in the department of Fly,
please call us because or reach out to somehow Sisney
would love exactly to get a solution on that. Well,

it's gonna be a hot one. It's gonna be a
warm one today, It's gonna be hot summer probably, so
get ready for it.

Speaker 4 (13:00):
Always is.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
Your morning hack is next. I think you know these
things are maybe random, but I think applicable. That's a
hard one.

Speaker 5 (13:10):
Is it applicable?

Speaker 3 (13:11):
No, it's applica applicable.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
I don't know. Actually, whatever came out is what it is,
because that's a hard one for me to get out.

Speaker 3 (13:19):
Applicable applicable, applicable.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
Mark you and a wayan I believe both are acceptable
but the first one listed on Google is applicable. And
what did I say? That's that's what you said, Yes, applicable.
I can't remember. I can't barely say it. I'm so
nervous when I say it. I can't hear myself say it.

Speaker 3 (13:37):
I can words like that compartmentalize.

Speaker 7 (13:40):

Speaker 2 (13:40):
You ever have to give a speech or you have
a presentation, you know there's a word in there that
you you're definitely gonna fumble, and all you can do
is see it coming.

Speaker 5 (13:49):
I try and just change those words.

Speaker 3 (13:50):
Try ones it's in the teleprompter. Might be too late,
all right.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
So anyway, there's a freezer expert on Instagram. Freezer Expert's
very famous. Got a lot of great tips on freezing food.
The goal of wasting less, right, that's what we're that's
a premise. So these are three foods you probably didn't
know you could freeze, and three you should definitely not
freeze eggs, freeze potato chips, and freeze cooked pasta. It's
all good stuff to freeze. Do not freeze hard boiled eggs, Tanya,

you make them all the time.

Speaker 4 (14:20):
Freeze the egg it's like already like whisking it and
having egga ready, like, so you can make little egg bites.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
Right, the exact crack whist and frozen. Yes, hardboll don't salad.
Don't freeze your salad.

Speaker 4 (14:33):
You think you'd want to because it goes so bad
so fast now, and I would, I could see that freeze.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
This is a big headline. Do not freeze take out food.
I can't tell you why, but there's something in there
you do not want to freeze.

Speaker 5 (14:49):
Apparently, maybe like the plastic that they send it home.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
I think it's things that are inside the takeout food.
Today's quote, stop being okay with everything you deserve to
be treated. Fine, I'll handle it. Yeah, got everybody here
except for Mikayla is very tired this morning. Michayla, why
why are you yawning so big? Over there?

Speaker 3 (15:10):
I went to a concert, so hey, listen.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
I was at the Tortured Poet's Book pop up at
the grove. Okay, and look at me?

Speaker 5 (15:19):
Wow, I did not.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
I'm impressed the Tortured Poet's Department pop up at the grove.
Like I got a little color out there, got some son.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
Yeah, did you see you went out there?

Speaker 5 (15:30):
What was there?

Speaker 2 (15:31):

Speaker 5 (15:32):
What else?

Speaker 3 (15:33):
Literature that inspired her.

Speaker 2 (15:34):
Inspired her album which is coming, and a lot of fans.

Speaker 4 (15:39):
Is that when you were jaywalking and that's old boss
Julian Pilots.

Speaker 2 (15:44):
Let's get into that.

Speaker 8 (15:45):

Speaker 2 (15:46):
We'll do that after seven o'clock. I get these texts
that almost got hit by our old music director in
a van, and I'm like, that wasn't me, guys, Sorry,
I think jaywalk anywhere today. Turns out I did, but
I forgot Okay, So first sisany let's get to the headlines.
We'll come back FM headlines with sisiny well.

Speaker 4 (16:06):
The Lakers beat New Orleans last night in the NBA's
play in Tournament. They will now take on Denver Nuggets
in the first round of playoffs.

Speaker 3 (16:12):
Game one is Saturday in Denver.

Speaker 4 (16:15):
California lawmakers are considering a bill that would require tortillas
and other foods made with corn massa flower to include
the ingredient folic acid. The vitamin reportedly reduces the likelihood
of birth defects. Anaheim's City council voted last night to
approve Disneyland Forward, that is a plan to allow new

theme park, hotel, entertainment, and retail development around its existing
theme parks and Travis Kelcey has officially been named host
of Are You Smarter Than a Celebrity? Kelsey will emc
twenty episodes of the Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

Speaker 3 (16:51):
Spinoff on air with Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 2 (16:56):
All right, want to stop for a second, and trying
to help out La talk just the taco Tuesday. Think
about all the great places to get tacos in southern California.
It's unlike any place house in the States. And La
Taco dot Com we talked to them throughout the years.
We have a food obsession here on the show. The
editor in chief is Javier Xavier has been the editor

in chief for a long time independent local food news
and culture site. That's what this thing is, Lataco dot Com.
And we're gonna talk to you about taco madness, as
we have done over the years. But it turns out,
he says to me, I gotta talk about a bigger issue.
If we don't get five thousand more subscribers to La
Taco dot Com, then we're going under rebelly up, so

it won't matter about this other stuff that we normally
talk about. It's like, really, that's maybe we can help.
That's crazy. They gotta get five thousand more subscribers by
April twenty six. It's a week from Friday, so let
me grab Javier Cabral in Highland Park. Javier, welcome back
to the show. We've done it for years where you've
come on and talk about taco madness. I always say

that someday I would love to work for you.

Speaker 7 (18:06):
Well, we can definitely arrange that.

Speaker 2 (18:07):
Well, can we. I don't know. You're telling me you
guys are going belly up if you don't have five
thousand more subscribers. What's up?

Speaker 7 (18:13):
Well, you know it's tough times for.

Speaker 12 (18:15):
Independent local media, right, Thank you so much for having
me on. By the way, of course, we want to
hell know, we're thank you so much. You know, we're
fighting it out. We're fighting it out. We're not gonna
go down without a fight. You know, We're going down swinging.

Speaker 7 (18:26):
And the good news is that as of today, as
of right now, we've already reached.

Speaker 12 (18:30):
Half of or more than half of what are of
what our five thousand count is. So we are at
twenty eight fifty right now. So we have some good momentum.

Speaker 2 (18:41):
So we need to get you a little over two
thousand more subscribers. If we can to save Lataco dot Com.
I can't imagine you guys not being there. You can
subscribe for six bucks. All right, I'm in the car.
I'm listening like I'm a taco lover. I love what
La Taco dot Com stands for. I love the fact
that it's this in the Pennet media cultural site. Jabier.

What do I get for my six bucks?

Speaker 12 (19:05):
For your six bucks, you get free tacos and and
free like Awa frescas, and free beverages and free even
a wall hawk in restaurant yesterday announced that if you join,
it's called mandre. If you join, uh, if you join
our membership, you get fifteen dollars off your bill, which
is insane.

Speaker 2 (19:22):
So you gotta in space.

Speaker 12 (19:23):
Yeah, I mean you know.

Speaker 7 (19:26):
I'll give you.

Speaker 12 (19:27):
My favorite personal perk is you get a free shrimp
taco Dolorado from Marisco to Jalisco, which is arguably LA's
best daytime taco. And you just go there and you
show them your membership. You are app and you get
a free from taco.

Speaker 2 (19:40):
Okay, l a Taco dot com and taco man is
what it got rained out last weekend?

Speaker 7 (19:45):
Right, yeah right, just our luck. Uh, you know this
was supposed to be our biggest year.

Speaker 12 (19:50):
Yeah, our fiftieth anniversary, our Queen Sangana year. We actually
had a promotion if you showed up in a Kennana dress,
you will.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
Eat for free. Amazing. So are they rescheduling Taco Madas,
Yes we are.

Speaker 12 (20:01):
We are working twenty four hours to find the new
data and time. We haven't confirmed the venue just yet,
but please stay tuned to La Taco dot com and
follow us on socials to see when we have our
postpone Taco Minus, bigger and better than ever.

Speaker 2 (20:15):
So you're listening to Javier Cabral. He is the editor
in chief of La Taco dot com. They need twenty
two hundred plus subscribers to stay in business for some
of California. And you heard of all the benefits you
get if you're an Lataco dot com subscriber. I think
just this morning we could probably get enough people to
motivate themselves, their friends, their family to keep you on business.

Speaker 13 (20:38):

Speaker 2 (20:39):
I mean, it's like, in this world of so much
stuff is not good, tacos are good. Like tacos never
hurt anybody, you know, they never hurt anyone. They didn't
do any saying and have an opinion. They just made
you feel good. Yeah, viscerally good. They just satisfy. They tingle. Right,
you bite into a taco, you feel a tingle. Who

doesn't who doesn't like tacos? I'll tell you something of you?
Or you meet somebody doesn't like tacos, I don't like them? Oh,
bold met someone doesn't like a taco?

Speaker 5 (21:08):
Well, yeah, and there's like so many different tacos that
you could get, so it's like, how do you not
have like one of those flavors.

Speaker 12 (21:14):
Yeah, it's definitely a red flag if you meet someone
who does not like tacos, and bro.

Speaker 2 (21:18):
You won me over ever since I saw you on
Netflix Taco Chronicles.

Speaker 12 (21:23):
Yeah, you know, we did three seasons with that. Uh
and you know, yeah, we're still keeping the taco dream going.
You know, we're fighting our way, We're gonna we're gonna
make it happen. And yes, we like to say that
it doesn't matter how much money you make in Los Angeles,
everyone is drawn to a good taco. That's its official
food of Los Angeles because there's one in every other corner,
and these they represent so much.

Speaker 2 (21:42):
I've got an idea, Kanya. Yeah, Ruby. Yes, you guys
are playing some big events coming up. Yes, why shouldn't
we have tacos at your weddings?

Speaker 3 (21:54):
I did think about it, for like the late night
munchie snack.

Speaker 2 (21:58):
Okay, give tacos a prime time slow.

Speaker 3 (22:00):
No, I'm down for prime time too, but you know
I feel like that everyone loves the late night talk.

Speaker 2 (22:05):
Yes, thank you for late night taco. But I'm just
saying like we could get some tacos for your event.
You're gonna are you gonna serve banquet chicken? I'm so bored.

Speaker 5 (22:16):
First of all, No, we are not chicken lovers. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (22:20):
What are we gonna have?

Speaker 5 (22:21):
I don't know. Not there yet?

Speaker 2 (22:24):
All right, Javier, do me a favorite Javier la taco
dot com. They need a few thousand subscribers here, just
over a couple of thousands right now. If you could
do it, they stay in business. Why are you check
in in twenty four hours? Mark twenty four hour check
in with Javier. Let's see where they are. Great? All right, well, buddy,
thank you for I'm glad we could be here. Well,

beacon of help. Hopefully we'll get some people on.

Speaker 7 (22:48):
There and uh so much man.

Speaker 2 (22:51):
His business cards says Taco scout. That's what his business
cards are.

Speaker 7 (22:55):
Okay, buddy, you take care, Thank you four hours.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
Twenty four hopefully with some good news. It's just like
one of the good things in life. Can I that
go away? Hey? Look at the sunshine this morning? Oh
I love it. High's in the mid seventies, mid eighties Inland.
We're paying your bills at KISSFM. It is National cheese
Ball Day. Did not know they had a day for me.
I'm very happy that they're celebrating people like me. Proud cheeseball. Tubs.

I think you are too. I mean, I don't want
to call you out. I think you're one of them.

Speaker 5 (23:34):
I don't think Tubbs is a cheeseball, but.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
You didn't stand up for my defense.

Speaker 3 (23:39):
Well, I think we're all cheeseballs.

Speaker 2 (23:41):
I love being a cheese for me too. I find
it so easy, you know. It's like if I had
to not, if I had to be Tubbs, not a
cheese ball'd be so much work.

Speaker 5 (23:48):
That's so nice, just nice, natural, right, just naturally cozy.

Speaker 2 (23:53):
Right. Okay, So I got a text from all you guys, Hey,
why are you jaywalking? Almost got hit by a van.
Julie Pilot was driving her mother's van.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
No, she's a mom, she's a mom of three.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
I misread the text. Then, yeah, typical on.

Speaker 7 (24:12):

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Yeah, I thought the text said, hey, Julie Pilot, who
used to work with us at Kiss is driving her
mother's van and almost hit you across the street. I'm like, okay,
a lot of wrong things.

Speaker 3 (24:23):
Definitely was not that at all. I just said you.

Speaker 4 (24:25):
A screenshot of what she sent me said, dude, I
literally almost ran over Ryan with my mom Vannah.

Speaker 2 (24:36):
Yeah, I'm like, first of all wrong, was it me?
No chance? And then it dawned on me, Oh, yeah,
I had to park. When we shoot American Idol, we
park across the street, we have to walk across the
street to the studio set. And sure enough, that was
me crossing the street.

Speaker 5 (24:52):
You gotta be careful out there.

Speaker 2 (24:53):
Well, did she really almost hit me? I didn't realize.
I didn't see her.

Speaker 3 (24:57):
I mean, maybe she hit her brakes and you didn't
even realize as you're.

Speaker 2 (24:59):
Just ja, what a crazy story that would have been
run over and killed by former music director Kiss FM Right,
but if that could have been a whole like revenge conspiracy,
that's so crazy? Was coming after me. Yeah, she doesn't
work here anymore, although she left us? Is that right?

Speaker 14 (25:17):

Speaker 2 (25:17):
Right? I know exactly what happened.

Speaker 3 (25:20):
But also, jaywalking is legal.

Speaker 2 (25:23):
Jaywalking is legal.

Speaker 4 (25:24):
Yes, it's legal as long as you do it safely.
But it's not about being who decides it was the
law that passed like two years ago. But how who
decides if jaywalking is safe or not? It can be
always unsafe.

Speaker 5 (25:34):
I know, if there's not a car in sight, I
would say, am I right?

Speaker 3 (25:42):
I can tell you Mark's eyebrows. But I'm like, he's like, no,
that's not right.

Speaker 4 (25:47):
I could have sworn there was a lot that passed
like a few years inside jaywalking is allowed.

Speaker 2 (25:51):
Now you are dreaming because it didn't happen.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
Was the one that reported it.

Speaker 2 (25:55):
Anyway, Julie Pilot and your mother's van, thank you for
not running me over.

Speaker 11 (26:01):

Speaker 2 (26:01):
Haime's gonna read a text fast very you. You know
his picture in the van, I'm like, well, you know
what kind of one? If it's one of those old
bands with like the lazy boy chairs in the back.

Speaker 3 (26:10):
Oh wow, those are throwbacks.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
Back in the day.

Speaker 3 (26:13):
Yeah a dodge, Yeah there was a cream colored.

Speaker 2 (26:16):
Let's get to it. So the husband's eating challenge, boyfriend's
eating challenges on TikTok, isn't he.

Speaker 4 (26:22):
It's all over TikTok. And so it's basically the fact
that men eat way faster than women usually. So what
you're supposed to do is get your plates. Let's say
it's like this. You probably better if you have the
same exact meals, maybe like burritos or a cheeseburger or
something like that, and you sit down like I just
know that in my household, Michael can take down his

plate second's thirds all before I'm even barely even denting
my plate. So you're supposed to go bite for bite.
As soon as they take a bite, you take a bite,
as they take another bite, you take a bite, and
you keep going. But these videos are hysterical because you
just see how much faster guys eat and then swallow,
and then eat and swallow.

Speaker 2 (27:02):
It's just, yeah, we kind of don't look up at times.
I'm the curve. I'm a very fast eater, and I
read things that say slow down, it's better for your digestion.
You won't eat as much my dad eats. So you
have to understand something. Usually I just want to I
want to enjoy it. But the sooner we finish, the
more time in life there is, Oh, my god, my gosh.

And so one night with my family, my father, he's
very slow. I mean, we are done and we are yawning,
're nodding with our heads, and he's still taking his
fork through his scampy.

Speaker 5 (27:37):
But it's not about that. It's not about shoveling food
down so you can leave. It's about enjoying your meal
and sitting there and having conversations.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
Who's a happier foodie than I? No, no one, no
one here, No one enjoys food more than I.

Speaker 5 (27:52):
But it's not about the food, It's about the experience.

Speaker 4 (27:57):
This is the difference. This is the debate. Guys just
like eat it super fast. Like Michael won't even clean
his hands in the middle of like you know, I
will like take my and if I get like my
hands are, y'all clean them and then start again.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
Then a process.

Speaker 3 (28:13):
See he doesn't even use a napkin.

Speaker 2 (28:18):
As sometimes I stand up and eat, like very many
days during the week where I get home and I
just stand in the kitchen and I eat something out
of the fridge and I'm done, and then I put together.
You know, my my treat, my bowl of berries and
almond butter and milk.

Speaker 4 (28:30):
Yeah, those days are over, family dinner every day on
air with the Ryan Seacrest, still a.

Speaker 6 (28:51):
Fin even though salty.

Speaker 1 (28:52):
I hate to see you with some other button.

Speaker 6 (28:54):
You're heavy.

Speaker 9 (28:55):
They had to see you.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
Have you have a math dragon. I'm so sure.

Speaker 6 (28:59):
I'm sure. I'm so much sure.

Speaker 9 (29:01):
Got me in there to tell me the other man.

Speaker 2 (29:04):
I one man.

Speaker 15 (29:05):
Now, I just want you if I can help you
know what should I mine?

Speaker 10 (29:11):
Like my my best Yeah this new girlfriends say.

Speaker 6 (29:18):
So I get I'm like.

Speaker 15 (29:22):
My foster bat Be, I get this in inser, this
is the last cause I get the sense that you
might really love it, says to be your minist sex
is evidence a try direction with you know, murders, the
parma pature, but down, who's out of reach? Who's at

the farmer's marget with your perfect peace.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
Now I'm in the base man planning on the base here.

Speaker 9 (29:48):
Now you're laying face down.

Speaker 1 (29:49):
I say, you know, by be, You're so much sure, I'm.

Speaker 15 (29:52):
So much to tell me this night one man manager want,
I can't.

Speaker 6 (30:00):
I even know one well, I'm.

Speaker 15 (30:04):
Like ideas no golfstis sound again. I like modes, I
said the medal beat.

Speaker 6 (30:24):
I did not feel I didn't. I did know. There's
somebody I didn't know. Well I did it.

Speaker 10 (30:37):
I did so I didn't just say.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Don't you know, I get it out.

Speaker 16 (30:44):
For I.

Speaker 6 (30:47):
Just my ask.

Speaker 15 (30:49):
Don't go best idea, just girlfriend, study out gad.

Speaker 6 (30:57):
I just my text.

Speaker 2 (31:06):
So I'm gonna spin the wheel of games. Let's give
away the Brno Mar's tickets by playing a game. Here
here it is. We've got match games. Celebrity shoe sizes
named that so Cal City, Top five Popular sodas Dodger
or Biblical King and it is Biblical King.

Speaker 3 (31:24):
Wow, that one seems tough.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
These games rotate, guys. It's a hot wheel.

Speaker 3 (31:34):
Celebrity shoes, Cebrity shoe sizes.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
All right, if you want to play celebrity shoe sizes.

Speaker 5 (31:39):
I've never seen Mark laugh like this like in my life.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
Actually, you're a kiss sheep.

Speaker 9 (32:00):
I can't figure it out?

Speaker 6 (32:02):
Something better?

Speaker 9 (32:05):
Said, who is something about good woman?

Speaker 6 (32:08):
Won't you?

Speaker 9 (32:09):
But dona need you can't figure it out? Something better?
She walk like.

Speaker 6 (32:17):
The box sounds like the box.

Speaker 13 (32:19):
Mediculan tails to something better cure box she's like that
pend listie.

Speaker 6 (32:27):
She moved like a box do all.

Speaker 9 (32:30):
About do she gonna be figuring about getting any ball.

Speaker 6 (32:34):
That's the kind of girl. Lovedy. She got her room thing.
That's why I love her, he said it.

Speaker 9 (32:46):
Want to comment spedally.

Speaker 6 (32:48):
So if she got her room thing.

Speaker 9 (32:51):
That's why I love her, he said it, move it
and show you see.

Speaker 13 (33:00):
And oh there's something about count homing back and do
for herself.

Speaker 9 (33:17):
I look at her and it makes me proud. And
something about her.

Speaker 13 (33:22):
Something nor so taxy about count woman. They don't need
a needs by help.

Speaker 9 (33:28):
She said she got she caught Joe shot.

Speaker 13 (33:30):
It's something about her about her she worked like the
box play like the box car.

Speaker 6 (33:37):
Ready dream.

Speaker 9 (33:37):
If she got to pay your both.

Speaker 6 (33:39):
Ball and bills and paid a time.

Speaker 13 (33:44):
She made for about fully bots anything that she's telling
them to.

Speaker 17 (33:49):
Game loss, that's the girl.

Speaker 6 (33:52):
Some mind she got up me.

Speaker 4 (33:57):
That's why I love her.

Speaker 13 (34:00):
They said it, indeed, want to come and spending side.

Speaker 6 (34:06):
She got, That's why they said it. Indeed save the saying.

Speaker 14 (34:17):
To me.

Speaker 13 (34:20):
Of everything said, don't worry, I got it and everything
she got best believe she body she goes steal my
heart ain't no care about it.

Speaker 6 (34:34):

Speaker 9 (34:35):
You everything on me, said, you everything on me?

Speaker 6 (34:43):
Feeling but she got.

Speaker 16 (34:52):
That's why.

Speaker 18 (34:55):
Of pleasing.

Speaker 17 (34:57):
Quickness spin, that's why illo.

Speaker 2 (35:17):
Okay, guys, gott you're a good time If you want
to win or play along with our game, we just
spun the wheel of games. Lots of games on there.
Taller or shorter high school mascot or Breakfast Cereal name
that tat or we're gonna play atlanted on celebrity shoe sizes.
So let's see who we've got on this Wednesday morning.
It is Audrey and Whittier. Audrey, good morning. How you feeling.

Speaker 19 (35:37):
Oh I'm feeling good. How about you?

Speaker 2 (35:39):
Ryan, I'm actually feeling pretty great.

Speaker 19 (35:43):
Good Spiffy Year.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
Torture Poets Department is out tomorrow nine o'clock. What are
you going to be doing? Oh?

Speaker 7 (35:51):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (35:56):
Yeah, people don't know what to do. All right, let's
play the game for Brinda mar tickets. It's very simple.
It's called.

Speaker 16 (36:11):

Speaker 2 (36:14):
That's actually one of my favorite songs that we just
butchered there month original. Anyway, we're playing celebrity shoe size
is I'll give you a celebrity. You tell me if
their shoe size is bigger or smaller than a size eight.
So for example, uh me, Ryan, bigger, smaller than eight?

Speaker 19 (36:32):
Bigger, yeah, bigger?

Speaker 5 (36:35):
Yeah, you're nine, right, nine and a half? Oh no,
you're not a ten?

Speaker 2 (36:41):
Okay, take my shoe off. But am I confusing you?

Speaker 5 (36:49):
No, you're not. It's nine and a half, sorry, Audrey?

Speaker 2 (36:52):
Hold on, Okay, what does it say? Can you can
you read? It's on the ton it says forty two? Exactly?
What's that mean? Can you google it?

Speaker 8 (37:09):

Speaker 5 (37:10):
In sign?

Speaker 2 (37:12):
That is eight and a half.

Speaker 4 (37:13):
It's eight and a half. That's wrong, it's a nine
anywhere I can. Oh, these are women's sizes.

Speaker 3 (37:21):
Thank you get it.

Speaker 2 (37:23):
You're gonna play here in a second.

Speaker 3 (37:25):
All right, Well, if you're forty two it says nine.

Speaker 2 (37:27):
What's wrong? Let me it's not.

Speaker 3 (37:31):
If you're forty two and a half, it's a nine
and a half. You're forty three, it's a ten.

Speaker 2 (37:36):
Hey, Belinda, I'm so validated in this many Nikes in
the office. Just go look at my office and keep
me fine.

Speaker 3 (37:43):
I mean the scavengers say ten. Can you go to
the store and get some tents?

Speaker 6 (37:48):

Speaker 2 (37:49):
Can you can you stop? Hey? Can you stop? By
the Port Rocker.

Speaker 5 (37:53):
There's no judgment.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
We're just saying it's all congratulations. You want to know, Okay,
we didn't play all right. Here, you gotta get three
right before you get three wrong. Are you ready?

Speaker 19 (38:04):

Speaker 2 (38:05):
Okay, Selena gomes bigger, smaller than an eight.

Speaker 19 (38:11):

Speaker 2 (38:12):
No, she's a smaller size seven? Wow, Taylor Swift bigger,
smaller than an eight cebody shoes eight and a half.
Content with that answer. Are you in a grande bigger,
smaller than an eight?

Speaker 19 (38:29):

Speaker 2 (38:29):
Six? You're right? Imagination? Did you work on a shoe store?

Speaker 11 (38:34):

Speaker 2 (38:35):
Right, I counted Selena Taylor are in a grande?

Speaker 3 (38:40):
She got Selena wrong, but that's okay, she got me right.

Speaker 2 (38:44):
So three congratulations. You want the Bruno Mars tickets.

Speaker 19 (38:49):
Oh my god, I'm so excited.

Speaker 11 (38:51):
Thank you, Thank you for listenings.

Speaker 20 (38:53):

Speaker 2 (38:54):
We appreciate you. Hold on one second. It's a kiss.

Speaker 13 (38:57):
I find a ways to articulate, and I'm coming to
I just can't say I don't.

Speaker 21 (39:04):
Love you, because I love you. It's hard for me
to communicate the thoughts it out.

Speaker 9 (39:15):
But tonight I'm gonna let you know. Let me tell
the truth.

Speaker 6 (39:21):
Can you let me tell the truth.

Speaker 17 (39:22):

Speaker 9 (39:24):
Yeah, you know what I'm thinking.

Speaker 6 (39:27):
See it in your eyes. You hear it that you
want me.

Speaker 22 (39:30):
Hate it when you cry, you're scared if you're no need,
especially in the night. I'm scared that I'm this uit
happens every time I don't on the Spayland, I can't
fall in love. I try to find it out to
pull us apart. It ain't working because you're perfect and
I know that you're worth it.

Speaker 10 (39:49):
I can't walk away.

Speaker 6 (39:53):
Heed it.

Speaker 9 (39:55):
God, I.

Speaker 23 (40:07):
Guess I'm finding process to concentrate all what i gotta do. Baby,

it's so hard on you, and you're blame you, and
you know I kept taking now than ever and you'll
say you wait and that you think we might be
better than to me.

Speaker 14 (40:43):
You I know you do.

Speaker 6 (40:49):
You don't want than say it that you right, you
hate that you want me?

Speaker 14 (40:55):
Hate it?

Speaker 6 (40:56):
Your God, it.

Speaker 23 (40:57):
Ain't work it because you're verything, and I know I'll
give it is again on the.

Speaker 6 (41:02):
D advancing, not just.

Speaker 8 (41:18):
The tests, desires, sat chatting.

Speaker 6 (41:34):
I'm alive, keep alive to.

Speaker 20 (41:37):
The care, the pain, how it's off, I'm alive, keep
your love, you the cal looking little pay.

Speaker 6 (41:55):
Back, not a.

Speaker 2 (42:28):
Why don't two point seven. It's kiss FM, Ryan Seacrest
with you sorry grand In the weekend show. A week
from tomorrow, we are riding from OC to l a
our twentieth anniversary tour. The list of stops is up
at KISSFM dot com. Come see us in person, be fun,
kiss everybody, Nikki losy and can you let fly?

Speaker 24 (42:51):
And bet you gotta by big guns and a lot
of zip passed so.

Speaker 5 (42:55):
She looked like me quit last.

Speaker 6 (42:57):
Stop stop stop, stop stop start.

Speaker 24 (43:02):
We don't spending kill here every far deeper, every part
and pretelling, not telling.

Speaker 6 (43:07):
Now we's gonna kill here, every far deeper, every fat.

Speaker 24 (43:13):
And pretelling now telling. Now on my fat, put another
bag on my fat. No the new bar everywhere you
on it bar because you no fat? Pretty face for
a Bobby Da Another year another prince.

Speaker 11 (43:27):
Lump, fire stop fire stop, fire.

Speaker 24 (43:41):
Fires, gonna kill here, every far deeper, every part.

Speaker 6 (43:47):
And pretelling, now telling.

Speaker 3 (43:48):
Now we's gonna.

Speaker 24 (43:51):
Kill here, every far deeper, every far and pretelling now telling.
Now I'm trying to be very fat. I'm a mussy
knowella home Hello Poyson and go to your washing the
bad find back, give you kissing all over, mah get slipping.

Speaker 3 (44:07):
In a rowbo another year, another fence, lumpo.

Speaker 14 (44:18):
Fi, fire by fire, fire fire fire, fire by fires,
going to.

Speaker 24 (44:25):
Kill street, theatres street and tell now, tell now, we's
gonna kill street treetop and tell.

Speaker 16 (44:36):
No better than my feeling is catch you tell me
no good to get cho videos for the once threefol
five just on my so hard my.

Speaker 6 (45:00):
We're gonna.

Speaker 16 (45:03):
Kill get your she got the drink and the truck's.

Speaker 24 (45:13):
Gonna kill every deep every and no telling. Now that's
gonna kill every deeper every and tell now till now.

Speaker 2 (45:32):
All right, it's about everybody because if m and tomorrow
night Taylor is back with the torture Poet's Department Tomorrow night,
nine o'clock, if I'm gonna play the new album and
it's entirety, and guess who's gonna host it? Not me,
not you, but Taylor.

Speaker 3 (45:44):
Swift people dream high in the quiet of the night,
and all that I cut it.

Speaker 1 (45:50):
Bad back boys, sunny toy with a brace, and all that.

Speaker 13 (45:54):
I caught it with me.

Speaker 3 (45:56):
So the window was waiting for you to be waiting.

Speaker 1 (46:01):
Devil's roll the dice as roll their eyes.

Speaker 3 (46:03):
It doesn't kill me, makes me want you more?

Speaker 10 (46:07):
And she picked up bodies, So I don't tell no, pop.

Speaker 6 (46:32):
Your head low in the.

Speaker 1 (46:34):
Glow of the burting machine. I'm not diding say that.
We'll just throw it up in these trying times. We're
not shying to cut the hair ice summers and nights.
I'm always waiting for you just to get to the moon.
Devil's roll the dice anders roll their eyes head bob plea,
it will be the last.

Speaker 10 (46:56):
She picked up bodies. And it's a boob.

Speaker 6 (47:07):
That's let that telling boom having its boom.

Speaker 25 (47:17):
Jump in the back of the car and croup like
a baby coming off from the boat. But I'm going
body who wasn't a true came saying, but just the
came games not getting boy guy the gate every night.
That's somebody is still on face the.

Speaker 6 (47:34):
N stream board. Whatever is.

Speaker 19 (47:37):
That the boy stay.

Speaker 6 (47:43):
Shaping. Your body's got a food. It's a boom. It's good.
That's let that tello having.

Speaker 2 (48:29):
Taylor Swift there. Yeah, it's gonna be exciting. Tortured Poet
Department is out tomorrow at nine and Taylor is going
to host the debut right here on Kiss FM. Let's
get into the headlines. Isn't Kiss FM headlines with well.

Speaker 4 (48:45):
Anaheim City Council voted last night to approve Disneyland Forward.
That's a plan to allow new theme park, hotel, entertainment,
and retail development around its existing theme parks. The Lakers
beat New Orleans last night in the NBA's play In Tournament.
They will now take on the Denver Nuggets in the
first round of playoffs. Game one is Saturday in Denver.
Shakira is hitting the road later this year for her

Las muhides Ya No Joran World Tour. She'll kick it
off in Palm Desert on November two and then make
her way to the Kia Form in Inglewood on November ninth.
California lawmakers are considering a new bill that would require
torthias and other foods that are made with like the
corn massa flour, to include the ingredient fool like acid.
The vitamin reportedly reduces the likelihood of birth defects. And

Travis Kelcey has officially been named host of Are You
Smarter Than a Celebrity? Kelsey will Empcey twenty episodes of
the Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader spinoff.

Speaker 3 (49:40):
And Now Look at Traffic with Katla's Ginger Chan. Okay,
So fifteen south right about Hitton Valley Parkway.

Speaker 2 (49:46):
You know this the off ramp is blocked.

Speaker 26 (49:47):
Is just this big rig, but it does look that
stalled out, but it does look like the drive and
the conditions will be a little bit slow. Here to
fifteen southound side at La Caadina, Iowa. Okay, the crash
is still sitting in lanes. The toe truck, the last
truck should be getting on scene here and I think
they're going to clear it soon.

Speaker 3 (50:03):
Five southbound side at El Toro Road.

Speaker 26 (50:04):
That was a good spot, but with the crash was
possibly all sitting in the right shoulder and one blame
partially still blocked me like the left lane.

Speaker 3 (50:11):
Yeah, that's not going to help the drive.

Speaker 26 (50:13):
And then I did notice four or five southbound side
little Touch and Go now south right about Lake with Boulevard.
They're saying that there is a crash with two cars
and the middle lanes are taken up here. This reporter
is brought to you by Normally Superstores. Get a super
experience at the normany Is superstore. Excuse me, right now
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Speaker 3 (50:34):
I'm j gur Chan. You're on air with Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 26 (50:38):
One of two point seven.

Speaker 3 (50:39):
Kiss Eth, Thank you Ginger.

Speaker 4 (50:41):
Another beautiful day with plenty of sunshine in Riverside a
high of eighty steal Beach a high of seventy three today,
and right now it's fifty seven in Hollywood.

Speaker 2 (50:49):
On air with Ryan Seacrest. Ryan Seacrest with you. I
just read this article about the little things that people
say that make you happy. One of them people say
that if they prep their coffee the night before, they
feel happier the next day. I agree, I'm one of
those people. Now people say that picking up a hobby

will do it. Yeah. People say that picking up the
phone and chatting with the new family member family member
you don't normally chat with once a week will make
you happier. Putting yourself first make you happier. But I
really was drawn to the prepping your coffee the night before.
Totally agree. I love that all right, So Virginia's on
the line. Meet Virginia, Pica Rivera, Virginia. How are you

doing in Pico.

Speaker 19 (51:34):
I'm doing just fine. Ryan Good.

Speaker 2 (51:37):
I like to hear that. I like to hear that.
So you we're going out on our twentieth anniversary tour
on Anthryan's Secret twenty years on the ERICSFM, and we're
going to start an Orange County, go through LA and
then up in the valley, all in one day, stopping
along the way, paying bills, with all kinds of different spots.
The routine, what do you call the itinerary is up
at Kiss fm dot com. You want to see it.
You can see what time will be maybe near you

and cruise out and say I Systaney, Tanya myself. We
are riding. That's right from OC to LA to the valley.

Speaker 11 (52:06):
M hm.

Speaker 2 (52:06):
So you've got an idea for a stop?

Speaker 19 (52:09):
Yes, I do, because you're going to Ruben's Bakery. I
told that and I go. I have to call Ryan.
Right across the street from Ruben's Bakery, there's a little
hole in the wall. It's covered in graffiti. Ryan. It's
right next to a little liquor store. You wouldn't think
to even go in there, but the burritos there are amazing, Ryan, O.

Speaker 2 (52:32):
Great, tell me about the burritos. What's the name of it,
and tell me about the britos.

Speaker 19 (52:37):
Okay, the name is called Uraan Tacos. It's spelled you
r u p a n tacos.

Speaker 7 (52:44):

Speaker 19 (52:45):
When we go in, there's nowhere to sit down. It's
just so narrow. You just go in there, order your
food and get out. But the tacos, the sauce of
there there, the refried beans, it's just delicious. It's the
it's like going to your grandmother's house.

Speaker 2 (53:02):
Oh I love that, And so how do do you
go there often?

Speaker 16 (53:05):

Speaker 19 (53:05):
Let me tell you. I used to work right there.
I used to work right there. So we found it
by accident because I was like, I'm not going in here,
and they go, no, come on, it's good you have
with a friends. But you know, I was a little infy.
It's all tagged up with a graffiti and.

Speaker 2 (53:19):
I go, I'm looking at it online. Yeah, I'm seeing
it right now. So what upon taco? But it's a
burrito place? Or do they have tacos too?

Speaker 19 (53:26):
It's a burrito place. I haven't had the tacos. I've
only had the burritos because they're amazing.

Speaker 2 (53:32):
I'm down. We're right there, guys, literally across the.

Speaker 5 (53:34):
Street right there.

Speaker 19 (53:36):
It's a delicious grease fist. I'm just telling you, but
it's so worth it. She had bougie taste. People don't go,
but it's no, I'm serious. And then every painting would happen.
I work every paid you go, hey you guys, burrito timement.
Everybody was so down there. I go to get all
these burritos. I missed working down at that area. But Ryan,
you have to try it. This is You're probably gonna

have the fast the next day, but.

Speaker 2 (54:00):
You have to sacrifices. But this is the stuff that
I love. This is what I love.

Speaker 19 (54:07):
Yeah, you know how you go to a restaurants they
have refried beans and they're good. No, these are your
grandmother's really nice.

Speaker 2 (54:13):
What Napoline's refried beans?

Speaker 19 (54:16):
Oh my god, these are delicious. But the salsa there there,
the cheetah ver the burrito. I used to tell them
throw extra sauce because that's so delicious.

Speaker 2 (54:26):
Okay, I'm on its, And uh, this is why I
love this show. Like you don't, you don't visit La.
Come from somewhere else while you're visiting, as you know,
to see friends or family as a tourist and know
about Pentaco. You don't even know about. You don't know,
you don't you don't even know about Virginia Peka Rivera.
You know this is La, This is l Okay.

Speaker 19 (54:50):
If you're gonna be there, you just have to try this.

Speaker 2 (54:52):
Well can okay? You pan taco. You will see us
rolling up because we are riding and some sort of
ice cream truck or something that says Ryan's riding on it.

Speaker 19 (55:02):
I know I heard Tom this. You wanted to be
there like around two o'clock.

Speaker 2 (55:06):
I think two thirty. Were supposed to be at Reuben's Bakery.

Speaker 19 (55:08):
Well, pig, take a half day off my tilever job
and just over there.

Speaker 2 (55:12):
See let's get some of that self averdict.

Speaker 3 (55:14):
It should be a national holiday.

Speaker 19 (55:15):
Since I left Long Beach, just like no, I got
to get one of those burritles.

Speaker 2 (55:19):
Virginia Peko Rivera. Make sure you say hi. We'll see
on the twenty fifth. Thanks for calling.

Speaker 19 (55:23):
You're very welcome. Have a beautiful day. Bye you too.

Speaker 8 (55:26):

Speaker 2 (55:27):
See that's a person that gets as excited about food
as I do.

Speaker 5 (55:30):

Speaker 2 (55:30):
Yeah, Like we went on for three or four minutes
about a burrito, and I love that. She's my people.

Speaker 3 (55:36):
It's a hard pitch.

Speaker 2 (55:37):
I want to do okay, next hour doing tomatoes for
twenty minutes. Who's down? Partly Sunny? I'm called Sunshine. We're
gonna see sun that's good news. We'll take it. No
rain in the forecast, which we like. Paying your bills.
That is back the torture Poets departments out tomorrow nine
o'clock tails. What's going to be on here to debut that?
That's right, so she's hosting that very exciting. Now we

have been talking about our tour, our twentieth anniversary tour
where we are celebrating twenty years of on air thrin Seacrest.
So we're gonna roll out, so celebrating the.

Speaker 14 (56:18):
Mine's riding Orange County, Brian's riding County Briane's racking all
the way.

Speaker 6 (56:23):
On the freeway too.

Speaker 2 (56:25):
And two of our superstars staffers here from the promotions department,
DJ Santana and Jay Fax. Let me hear you. Santana,
what's up? How's it going? Facts? Talk to me? How's
it going? How's it going? How are you going to
distinguish those two boys? All right? Come on, Facts and Santana.
So guys, as I understand it, you're very familiar with

our tour coming up on April twenty fifth, from Orange
County to LA to the Valley.

Speaker 14 (56:51):
Oh yeah, definitely. I've driven it myself personally twice or
three times already.

Speaker 2 (56:57):
Wow, he's literally in a super prov here. I was like, okay,
so are you simulating the geography, the time of day,
how are you running it?

Speaker 17 (57:05):

Speaker 2 (57:05):

Speaker 14 (57:06):
So the first time we did was on Monday, and
you know, Monday in l a crazy traffic. And then
that was the initial time, and then we did it
on the Friday. More getting down with the times. You
know that you're gonna go to each broat.

Speaker 2 (57:18):
We're doing it on a Thursday. Death there you go.
So Thursday. That's a good question. I think that's a
higher up question.

Speaker 14 (57:25):
And we chose to do the very traffic heavy flows
like what's the worst?

Speaker 2 (57:32):
Yeah, yeah, actually and Santana. What did you learn? What
is the stickiest point along the route? Starting in Orange County?

Speaker 27 (57:40):
It was I think it was transitioning from Orange County
to like the Long Beach area. It was starting at
little traffick, ye, but like once we left Los Alamidos,
it was a little hairy, but you know what, it
wasn't too bad. It wasn't too little side streets here
and there, but we made it work.

Speaker 2 (57:54):
Okay, so you hit all the spots?

Speaker 27 (57:56):
Yeah yeah, I think together we hit all the spots,
checked all the different spots out, even like like trying
different food different places.

Speaker 2 (58:02):
Oh yeah, what did you like? Give us some standouts facts.

Speaker 14 (58:05):
I would say some of the standouts is the tacos
from Guerrilla Tacos.

Speaker 2 (58:11):
Oh my gosh, you can't go wrong with La Tacos.

Speaker 14 (58:13):
You know, I know everyone talks about, you know, San
Diego tacos, but I love not talking about tacos.

Speaker 2 (58:18):
Talk about tacos.

Speaker 4 (58:20):
I know what he means about San Diego is like
San Diego's Mexican food and all their taco stands that
they have in San Diego.

Speaker 3 (58:25):
It is kind of but we're talking about.

Speaker 14 (58:28):
But definitely one of my favorites is from the marketplace
in Compton, you know, being being cool, I had to
go in there and get a jarritos. You know, that's
like just a little classic. But then five minutes later
I ended up spilling the did you meet Ruben? I
did not meet Reuben, I think say that, yeah, but
Reuben's Bakery was super cool.

Speaker 2 (58:46):
Solid all right, and uh Santana's so you grew up
in La went to Charter Oak High School Chargers Chargers,
that's us see in facts. J Fax here promotions assistance.
These two guys went to burrows Heim Burbank the Bear.

Speaker 6 (59:00):
This was my job.

Speaker 5 (59:01):
I used to be promotions assistant for like four years.

Speaker 2 (59:05):
Well, listen, these two guys are happy you moved on
so they can have a Yeah, they're grateful. Well, thanks
for doing a dry run of our tour April twenty fifth.
Where we are ride. That entire itinerary is up at
kissfm dot com. You can see where we're gonna be
and at what time. J Fax and DJ Santana from
the All right, gentlemen, take good care, have a good one.

Speaker 6 (59:26):
Thank you too.

Speaker 2 (59:28):
I like those guys. They should be having a podcast, everybody.
Scott one, Tanya has a trending report coming here in
a second, Tanya, what are you working on?

Speaker 5 (59:38):
Hannah Wattingham from ted Lasso is being praise on social
media for being a modern woman and it's such an
epic move.

Speaker 2 (59:46):
And before that, I want to tell you the best
fast food restaurants in America. The ranking came out at
number ten this is across the nation. Number ten, White Castle,
number nine, Kelly's Roast Beef, number eight, Dave's Hot Chicken, seven,
Chick fil A Wow. Number six. Five guys, best fast
food restaurants in America, Oh, in and Out, it's got

to be the top. Number five is Raising Canes, okay.
Number four WAA Burger. Some of these are not in
our area, right, Number three best fast food restaurants in.

Speaker 4 (01:00:21):
The nation, in and out number three, okay, and now
I'm really curious what two in one are?

Speaker 2 (01:00:26):
Number two Shake Shack? Isn't that in your neighborhood?

Speaker 3 (01:00:30):
Who did this survey?

Speaker 2 (01:00:31):
Yeah, the Burger people enthusiasms.

Speaker 3 (01:00:33):
Yeah, are the East Coasters.

Speaker 2 (01:00:35):
And number one best fast food restaurant in America the
Wisconsin based butter Burger and Frozen Custard chain. Oh, Culvers,
I've never had Culvers, never heard of it. If you've
had Culvers and you're in the Culvers listening area, reach
out to us on the talk back there inside the app.

Speaker 4 (01:00:53):
And I tell us about it by default being in
SoCal in and ounce number one.

Speaker 2 (01:00:57):
I'm I'm with you, all right, So let's get to
this trending report. Tanya.

Speaker 5 (01:01:02):
Okay, So Hannah Wattingham. She played Rebecca. She was the
owner of the soccer team into Ted Lasso, and she
was at this very prestigious award show over the weekend
in London, and there's this clip of her response to
a photographer that's just gone Viral's being shared over a
million times. Basically, the photographer yells at Hannah to show

a little leg, to which she responded she said, oh
my god, you would never say that to a man.
Don't be a jerk, or I'll move on. Don't say
show me leg.

Speaker 16 (01:01:35):

Speaker 2 (01:01:35):
And she's she's great. I mean she in real life.
I don't know her, but I've seen her at things
and she's got a great, wicked sense of humor. She's
always seemingly fun and she plays a fantastic character in
Ted Last She totally does but I love seeing her
do this.

Speaker 3 (01:01:49):
I'm almost seeing her do it in character.

Speaker 5 (01:01:52):
I will not, you know, like that character. But this
isn't the first time she's done this, and people just
really praise her for kind of standing up against the
sexism and the misogyny that she's been faced with in
the industry. And so she's talked about it a lot
and she's really an activist in this space. But I
love that this clip has gone viral and people are
really just praising her for standing up against the norm
and just not taking it. You know, she could have

just stand there and took it.

Speaker 2 (01:02:14):
She's like, oh, no, interesting is that? I mean just
think back to red carpets of the days past. Things
like that were set all the time. Weren't they, Oh
my gosh, all the time. And now you hear and
you're like, wait a minute, is this is not the place?

Speaker 5 (01:02:27):

Speaker 11 (01:02:29):
Love her.

Speaker 2 (01:02:29):
Congratulations on all the success of ted Lasso. I know
we met. I think she was a guest online with
Kellen Ryan. That's where we met. Everybody's come in for
this conversation. How funny look at after the sales department's
listening through the class. Matthew Hussey, it's the relationship God
podcast God by the way, whatever you're doing, he's in

his Are you in your podcast room? And no, I'm
in my house. Actually at the moment, well it looks
a heck of a lot nicer than over here at
our studio. I mean, they really points some bucks into
the podcasters. Huh wow. Love life. Matthew Hussey is the
book that you got on your desk. There is that
the latest book.

Speaker 18 (01:03:12):
It is Love Life, How to raise your standards, find
your person and live happily no matter.

Speaker 10 (01:03:17):
What you know.

Speaker 2 (01:03:18):
There's no shortage of customers in your business, is there?

Speaker 18 (01:03:23):
Everyone wants to find love? I don't. Plenty of people
don't want to date. But everyone wants to find love.

Speaker 2 (01:03:28):
Why don't we want to date? We don't want to date?
Why is that?

Speaker 18 (01:03:32):
Because the dating culture right now sucks for so many people.
And when an internal culture of anxiety and fear that
we have about never finding anyone meets an external culture
of people who are trying to take whatever they can
get while giving as little as possible, it creates a

recipe for us lowering our standards and accepting way less
than we're worth. And so people are just so disappointed
and have been burned so many times by trying to
lower their standards so that they can even get in
the game, but then finding that lowering their standards means
that they end up being treated horribly and wondering why

they're doing it in the first place.

Speaker 2 (01:04:15):
Well, at least today's gonna be sunny, So there's some
good news, all right. Matthew Hussey. So the new book
Love Life. We talked about that, but we specifically stumbled
onto a conversation about you because Tanya was doing a
trending report about Lily Allen googling how long she should
wait before sleeping with the new partner, and we started
talking about that's probably a common Google search and what

did Google say? Do you remember what Google said, Tanya? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (01:04:40):
Google said it was five dates. It was different in
like the UK and America, but it was five to
seven dates in that range.

Speaker 18 (01:04:49):
I love that Google had an answer for it.

Speaker 10 (01:04:50):

Speaker 18 (01:04:51):
I didn't realize Google was going to be so specific.

Speaker 2 (01:04:54):
So we did think that maybe you've explored this topic before.
Now my view is, how do you you have one rule,
one number for everybody? It's circumstantial to Sisney and I
actually feel the same. It's circumstantial and frankly, if it's
a Friday, it's different than a Tuesday.

Speaker 4 (01:05:10):
Right, It's a feeling that you have with that person, right,
But what would you say if we asked.

Speaker 18 (01:05:16):
Well, here's the problem. The truth is that it's a
feeling you have is a really dangerous logic because your
feelings are not necessarily valid. I know we're here all
this to tell you the truth is how you feel
about someone is not necessarily a measure of their character.

It's a measure of the impact they've had on you.
And someone can have a massive impact and have really
poor character and you only find that out after you
actually get to know them better. So the I think
it's there is no rule for this, but it has
to be a personal decision where we say, what is
it I'm actually looking for. Am I being intentional about

wanting a relationship? And if I am being intentional about
wanting a relationship, and especially if I know myself and
I know that if I sleep with someone and they
never call me again, it's really gonna hurt me, then
I need to be very intentional about when I do
this with a person. In other words, if your intention

is to have a relationship, then you have to sometimes
park your feelings and be like, does this get me
closer to that thing? And is this someone who's in
the same place as me? And what I always say
to people is no judgment. Whenever you want to sleep
with someone, there's no judgment at all. Like sleep as
long as you're safe, sleep with someone whenever you want

but ask yourself what's working for you and what isn't.
If you wake up the next morning filled with anxiety
after doing it and you're like, why did I do
that last night? It felt like a good idea. This morning,
I'm just thinking I wish I hadn't, then you have
to listen to that in yourself and say, there's something
about this behavior that's not working for me. Forget whether
it's working for other people, it's not working for me,

and then say, well, what would make me feel better? Well,
maybe what would make me feel better is being a
bit more intentional about the conversations I have with someone
before I sleep with them. So maybe after a few dates,
if I'm starting to want to, and especially if they're trying,
I say to them, he listen. This would clearly be
very fun between us. I have no doubt about that,

given how fun and sexy our dates have been so far.
But I also don't want to do this if we're
not in the same space and you're not open to
anything more, Because I know I'm being intentional about who
I give this energy to in my life right now,
And when you say that, you're actually having the conversation.
Most people are too afraid to have because they're afraid

to push someone away. They're afraid to scare someone away.
That we have to actually start realizing your standards don't
push someone away. Your standards are actually the best magnet
you have for the right kind of person.

Speaker 2 (01:07:59):
Right, and Tinny, you just threw down double fingers on
that things. So what we're hearing is we need to
be mature, and I think that is it's difficult sometimes, right,
because you do want to give into emotion, you want
to give into feeling, and the brain isn't always the
stronger voice.

Speaker 18 (01:08:18):
Yeah, but you have to have decided your path ahead
of time. It's like, if you're a person who knows
you want a family and you're dating someone who's fifteen
years younger than you, who has no they don't have
their sights set on that for another ten years, Well
why date that person? The only reason you date that
person is if you weren't being clear and honest with

yourself about the path that you're on. And a lot
of people aren't a lot of you know, we're all
wondering how to have a hard conversation with another person,
But the hardest conversations are the ones we have to
have with ourselves where we say, what is it I
really want in life? If I, let's say, if I
really want a family and I only have a certain
number of biologically to make that happen, why would I

give my time to someone who's in a completely different
headspace and doesn't want this. That's that's not ruthless, that's honest.
It's being honest with yourself about what's actually important to you.

Speaker 2 (01:09:16):
Such a great it really is like I'm sucked in
and drawn. I forget that I'm on our show, Matt too.
I just need to we have to run, but I
need to know. Please tell me you don't practice all
of this perfectly that you preach. It would make me
feel a little bit better that you can't. You don't
get it all right?

Speaker 3 (01:09:31):
Do you make mistakes?

Speaker 18 (01:09:32):
The funny thing is I literally the first the introduction
of this book starts with me saying, confession time. For
most of my life, I have been a terrible person
to date. So you know Ryan well and truly take
myself off of any kind of pedestal in this book
makes me a little happy.

Speaker 2 (01:09:48):
Or so. It's sunny today and he's not perfect, all right,
It's gonna be okay, I continued success, Bro. Good to
have you on. Thanks for the chat.

Speaker 18 (01:09:56):
For anyone who wants to grab a copy. Lovelifebook dot
com is the link.

Speaker 2 (01:10:00):
Got it? Thanks about see it Matthew. Guys, it's got
a very welcoming tone to his voice too, doesn't he?
Or Yeah, I feel like I would tell him anything.
Is he therapist? He could be my therapist?

Speaker 5 (01:10:13):
He shouldn't be. Honestly, yeah, he.

Speaker 2 (01:10:14):
Should be my therapy. But you got a podcast. I
don't know if I could tell my therapist. Then he
goes and does his podcast, all right, Tanya. So next
week is Thursday, every twenty fifth. It's gonna be our
Ryan's riding tour through southern CALIFORNI starting Orange County, going
through La to the Valley, all day long, making stops
every stop. You can see it at kiss FM dot com.

Look up the itinerary. We're gonna be in a lot
of different neighborhoods. If we're in New Yours, come by.
We have free food every stop, plus some painter bills
every single time we stop, painter bills in person. There.
It's gonna be fun. Johany would like to do Spirit
Week it is an exciting week for us as celebratory week.
How do we look at Spear Week? This is basically
the meeting we would have off air, but we're gonna
do it now.

Speaker 5 (01:10:54):
Yeah. So you know when you're in high school and
you have homecoming week and you have these weeks with
like the big big event at the end. So the
big event for us is going to be our day
that we RAN's riding day. Yeah, and so Spirit Week
is just to kind of get us in the mood.
Every day we have a different theme that we come
to work dress.

Speaker 3 (01:11:10):
Like, Okay, what are some some of the themes?

Speaker 5 (01:11:13):
Okay, So I was thinking we start out Monday.

Speaker 2 (01:11:16):
She stops, waiting for a big reaction to the weekday.

Speaker 5 (01:11:23):
I would like to remind you that you both were
way on board with this when I pitched it initially.
So so Monday, I was thinking, we do just blue,
since the honor of the Ryan Seacrest logo is like blue,
we can like, oh.

Speaker 3 (01:11:37):
This is easy.

Speaker 2 (01:11:38):
Yeah, I'm not dressing up like, We'll come to Tuesday.

Speaker 5 (01:11:42):
Okay, come to Tuesday. Tuesday, I was thinking we do
crazy hair or crazy hat day.

Speaker 2 (01:11:48):
Let's do hat whatever your pick.

Speaker 5 (01:11:50):
Your choosing either or either or crazy dude, crazy.

Speaker 2 (01:11:57):
Hat or hair day blue hat hair Okay.

Speaker 5 (01:12:00):
And then Wednesday would be twin Day, and so that's
where we would come up dressed the same, the same.
So I was thinking you and Tubs could be twins,
and Cissy and I could be twins.

Speaker 2 (01:12:10):
Just where we normally wear.

Speaker 5 (01:12:12):
No, it's twin Day, so like you wear the same thing.

Speaker 2 (01:12:15):
So but we wear a black T shirt and blue jeans.

Speaker 5 (01:12:18):
Well, I was hoping you'd be a little more fun
than that, but sure.

Speaker 2 (01:12:21):
This is as fun as I get.

Speaker 5 (01:12:25):
Maybe you could wear your ridings riding shirts together.

Speaker 2 (01:12:27):
Okay, yeah, do we have those shirts ready?

Speaker 4 (01:12:30):
Maybe day representing any of the like the sports throughout
Orange County.

Speaker 2 (01:12:35):
And you can also do like a freestyle day like
you could do sports, I could do the riding's riding,
and Tiny could dress up as whatever you dress up as.

Speaker 5 (01:12:44):
A microphone.

Speaker 2 (01:12:45):
Yeah, you could be a microphone. I know you've always
wanted to be one. Yeah, microphones. If you ask me
one more time.

Speaker 5 (01:12:53):
I'm vinyl, I don't know something like that.

Speaker 2 (01:12:55):
Let's bring it together.

Speaker 5 (01:12:55):
Let's oh yeah, so they're simple, just very easy.

Speaker 2 (01:12:59):
We can change out of for the rest of the day.

Speaker 3 (01:13:01):
Yes, we're just being for the whole day.

Speaker 4 (01:13:04):
Right, welly Blue, you can wear like a blue baseball
cap and call it a day.

Speaker 2 (01:13:10):
Okay, I'm in Okay, great.

Speaker 5 (01:13:12):
Wow, that was much easier than I thought.

Speaker 2 (01:13:14):
You prepared for worse I was prepared for.

Speaker 5 (01:13:17):
I was prepared to be met with resistance.

Speaker 2 (01:13:21):
Yes, oh not here. No ready for bluid in these
times Blue Wood Circle. Oh, I'm so excited. Tomorrow Taylor's
album's coming out nine o'clock. She's hosting the launch of
it here on kiss Is. It's going to do it
for us today. We're back tomorrow with the Ryan's Roses
being Thursday. We'll look at different emails Ryan atkisipm dot

com if you need some help in that relationship department. Uh,
that's it. We're gonna pay bills again tomorrow. And I
feel like a lot of action was going on in
the back room. I saw Madiana pacing back and forth.

Speaker 11 (01:13:52):

Speaker 3 (01:13:53):
There was a mystery banana back here. We're trying to
ride it. It was like super rown in this ask
and we're like, who's bananas.

Speaker 2 (01:14:02):
It's pacing back and forth to try and get to
the bottom.

Speaker 3 (01:14:04):
Of it because it's hers, Yeah, it's mine.

Speaker 2 (01:14:09):
What are you doing storing your fruits here?

Speaker 6 (01:14:11):

Speaker 5 (01:14:12):
I make smoothies.

Speaker 6 (01:14:12):
Remember I told you I got a blender because I
get hungry.

Speaker 13 (01:14:15):
She brought a blender to work the bullet ones, you
know the tiny one whose Panini machine is that in
the corner.

Speaker 2 (01:14:25):

Speaker 3 (01:14:26):
Yeah, I just eating mars.

Speaker 2 (01:14:28):
She's making crapes if anybody wants something.

Speaker 3 (01:14:31):
For her, So she really just has to plan.

Speaker 2 (01:14:33):
I got a big cast iron. She's gonna break out.

Speaker 5 (01:14:36):
You come through, you guys.

Speaker 2 (01:14:40):
Oh well, thank you everybody. It was kind of fun.
Actually really enjoyed it. Yes, hate it. It's over, but
we'll do it again. That's the good news. Can it
reset and restart full, shut down and launch again tomorrow morning?
Thursday morning, Here kiss with Ryan's roses, Sisney's got you
till eleven. Have a good day. Thanks for listening so
on Air with Ryan Seacrest. Make sure to subscribe and
we'll talk to you and tomorrow
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