All Episodes

April 18, 2024 46 mins
MORNING HACK: Sisanie has a guest hack for the next time you fly on a plane with kids! ANNIE LAWRENCE - She is @ASWIFTIESTORY on Instagram and is here to interpret some Taylor Swift’s Easter Eggs and questions we have about the new album! RYAN'S ROSES - In Downey - Her husband posted anonymously on a Facebook page for men that are having affairs. We have lots of questions...

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
From Hollywood.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
See you.

Speaker 3 (00:02):
Thank you for listening to us.

Speaker 1 (00:03):
Ryan Air on Air with Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 4 (00:09):
Thank you for waking up with us, Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
It is Siciny Tanya. The back room is here.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
Hello, backroom morning, good morning.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
Don't sound so excited good morning. Just want to be
back there? I mean, Michael, you don't want to have
a good morning chat with us?

Speaker 5 (00:30):
Good morning.

Speaker 4 (00:31):
Well, when someone says good morning, you say it back.
Except for a lot of people that I jopped on,
set it back. I'm here.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Yeah, Ruby is a good.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
Morning Maneona's over there looking for stale banana.

Speaker 6 (00:42):
I don't know what she's She's making banana bread.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
I just went back there.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
I just went back there and it smells so are
you baking banana bread in the back room? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (00:55):
Is your backroom bakery?

Speaker 4 (00:57):
By the way, we're here early enough to make the donuts,
so backroom bake.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
And it's Mariana's Krema. She has like a really cool
lotion that's like it smells like a like a treat.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Okay, I'm confused.

Speaker 4 (01:09):
She's baking banana bread or her lotion smells like banana bread.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
No, both, It's just it smells like a girly back room.

Speaker 4 (01:17):
Like I love it, yay, I like I like to
put on gurly smelling motion.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
It smells nice, like I remember in my dorms there's
co ed and all the co ed floors already smelled
like old pizza and like grossed up. It's like stay
about the old girl floor was like lotions and perfumes,
and it just smells so clean.

Speaker 3 (01:34):
Like baked goods.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
Yeah, all right, swell, what is today Thursday? It is
April eighteenth. It's Oryan's Roses Thursday. I'll tell you all
about that and just a little bit. Also, we're paying
your bills. Now, this is the deal. If you've signed
up before in the past, it doesn't matter. You got
to sign up again for pay your bills. We're going
to get you in on the free money giveing away

lots of cash. So that's on the tens. We give
away that money. Have a good night last night, everybody sleep.
I slept better last night than I have the last
couple of nights. Last couple of nights, I woke up
too early and by about five o'clock I shall have
them that you know, like you ever have a guy
sit on your forehead that feeling. That's what that's what
it feels like, like there's weight like this. They're feeling

like somebody's you know, like it's.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
A weight on your forehead, a male sit on your forehead.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (02:24):
It's just like anything, a squirrel, the weight of something
or somebody on your.

Speaker 1 (02:29):
Forehead, the way to the world.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
On your It's like when you're tired, you.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
Feel it makes you a headache.

Speaker 3 (02:35):
No, because it's on the front. I don't know. My
headaches are on the back. This is the front. It's
like this, like as if there were a brick.

Speaker 4 (02:43):
Maybe that's about brick on your eyebrows and you're trying
to keep the brick.

Speaker 5 (02:46):
Ye, you're hydrated?

Speaker 3 (02:51):
Wow? What you can't say that to me?

Speaker 1 (02:53):
Why I'm trying to help you.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
I don't think you can say you look to hydrated
to people. That seems like I.

Speaker 5 (03:00):
Did say they look dehydrated.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
But you're what you want to hear?

Speaker 7 (03:04):
Yeah, seriously put words in my mouth, but you know
what they say, the difference between a grape and a raisin.

Speaker 1 (03:10):

Speaker 3 (03:10):
Where do you go to school after.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
This to learn these things?

Speaker 3 (03:15):
Are you going to four H club? Where do you
go after word?

Speaker 1 (03:17):
One liner class.

Speaker 3 (03:18):
What is it? What do they say?

Speaker 5 (03:20):
They say, the difference between a grape and a raisin
is water.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
Who are they and why are you spending time with them?

Speaker 5 (03:27):
They are like dermatologists.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
Oh, I mean when they're talking about your skin.

Speaker 5 (03:31):
Yes, exactly.

Speaker 4 (03:32):
So your dermatologists compared you your skin.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
If you don't drink water.

Speaker 5 (03:36):
Your raise raisin and if I drink it to a
light juicy grape.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
All right, Well, I just chugged some.

Speaker 5 (03:42):
But you were saying that your head hurts, you have
this headache, and so I'm thinking maybe you're dehydrated, maybe
you're hungover.

Speaker 4 (03:49):
That No, I haven't had a glass of wine even
in too many days.

Speaker 3 (03:52):
Actually, yeah, no.

Speaker 4 (03:56):
I actually it's it's lack of it's it's lack of
the right number. If I don't really sink in for
seven hours, I know this about me. Then I know
about five o'clock the brick hits my forehead.

Speaker 3 (04:06):
Yeah. Is that interesting?

Speaker 5 (04:09):
It is interesting what you want?

Speaker 3 (04:10):
Isn't that what you wanted to know this morning?

Speaker 2 (04:12):

Speaker 1 (04:12):
Well I think it's interesting.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
Is good?

Speaker 7 (04:14):
Who biohacking? I'm so obsessed with biohacking and like figuring
out all these things that you can do to make
yourself proactive and be better.

Speaker 4 (04:24):
Yeah, Like I was trying to freeze myself every night
for an hour and see if I live.

Speaker 5 (04:27):
Longer in the plunge cold plunge.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
No, No, just did a nice chamber.

Speaker 1 (04:31):
Oh like a cryo cell therapy.

Speaker 8 (04:33):
No, I do not.

Speaker 3 (04:35):
It seems like I could.

Speaker 4 (04:36):
A cloud Sunshine later hides in the mid seventies and
eighties Inland.

Speaker 3 (04:40):
This is La.

Speaker 4 (04:41):
Finally feels like La and it has so nice a
couple of days. Much appreciated universe and nature. We're paying
your bills today. Oh, I want to tell you about
the Ryan's roses because if you are in a place
to listen in your ears, on your speaker, in your
car whatever. Seven forty her husband posted anonymously on a
Facebook page for men that are having affairs.

Speaker 1 (05:05):
Okay, that's kind of crazy.

Speaker 3 (05:08):
So what's the deal, Like, what's behind all that? Right?

Speaker 4 (05:11):
Her husband posted anonymously on a Facebook page for men
that are having affairs?

Speaker 1 (05:16):
I mean that says it all.

Speaker 5 (05:18):
What did he say?

Speaker 3 (05:19):
I've read the whole emails?

Speaker 1 (05:20):
Has even on that website?

Speaker 3 (05:23):
Is it a website? It's a social media part whatever?

Speaker 1 (05:26):
But yeah, why is he even in that aura?

Speaker 3 (05:29):
Why why is he not?

Speaker 4 (05:30):
I mean, anytime you're going anonymous, you're in some sort
of a sketch mode anyway. Yeah, so that just don't
want you to miss that. That's it's seven point forty.
We'll actually altogether find out more about that, Sisney. What
wo we miss overnight?

Speaker 2 (05:41):
Well, law enforcement officials are warning us about a spoofing
scam involving local police departments. So a guy spoofed his
caller ID to display the Rancho Cucamonga police station phone
number and then try to get victims to give personal information.
Time magazine released it's Time one hundred list of the
most influenced people. Do Alipa, twenty one, Savage, America Frera,

and Patrick Mahomes all made this year's list, and Beyonce
sent flowers to the NCAA champion University of South Carolina
women's basketball team. Coach Don Staley posted the note that
Beyonce wrote that said, me and my family watched your
games and cheered you on.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
Through the entire season. I'm so proud of you. Can
you imagine? And that's what happened overnight?

Speaker 4 (06:24):
Got it very interesting. I don't quite understand it yet.
Ryan's rose is coming up at seven to forty. But
her husband's on Facebook anonymously looking for men that are
having affairs?

Speaker 3 (06:34):
Right like? So he I'm just am I trying to understand.

Speaker 4 (06:36):
So he's soliciting for he's trying to find a guy
or advice.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
I don't even know. I don't even know what type of.

Speaker 5 (06:43):
Rice that's see what we have to hear what he's saying.

Speaker 4 (06:46):
Well, yeah, is he looking for a man to have
an affair with or men who've experienced having affairs before
so he can glean something.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
I have just as many questions as you do.

Speaker 3 (06:55):
Well, who's read the email?

Speaker 7 (06:56):
Or maybe he's trying to track down the man who's
having an affair with his wife?

Speaker 3 (07:02):
Where's the email?

Speaker 1 (07:03):
I have it right here. This is weird.

Speaker 2 (07:05):
I found something my husband posted anonymously on a Facebook
group for men who are having affairs.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
That's it. But that's the same thing. I said, How
does she know?

Speaker 1 (07:14):
Yeah, but how does she know that he posted that?
If he was anonymous, how does she know that was
her husband?

Speaker 7 (07:19):
You can find that stuff out if you're like an admin,
you can't. If you're an admin to like the Facebook group,
you can see the anonymous people.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
Why would she be the admin?

Speaker 5 (07:29):
Maybe she knows the admin. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (07:32):
Well, listen, when you hear this, you may drop your kid.
And that's what Sistine almost did.

Speaker 3 (07:35):
What happened? Go on?

Speaker 2 (07:36):
You were falling and I was carrying Savellah, who's my
two year old, and we were leaving a birthday party
and it was a steep. It was like this one
of those slope streets, right, So we're walking back to
the car and I went from the sidewalk onto the
grass and not realizing that there was like a full
on hole in the grass. And so that's when everything, Yeah,
that's when everything falls. And actually it was right where

you know those the water things that are in the
grasnd sas what are they?

Speaker 1 (08:00):
Were they like the main lines?

Speaker 2 (08:04):
Yes, yes, it's those like those those cement plates that
are raid in grass or whatever, right along the sidewalk.
So I'm like falling with her, and I don't want
her to get hurt, so I break my fall with
my knee. My knee helds that thing, yes, so she
doesn't hit the ground because my arms are like using
all the strengthen right now, yes, and my gol was

like right there he was like at the car ready.

Speaker 3 (08:27):
And I couldn't do anything.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
The kids watched there was like a random lady walking
her dog up. She was like, oh my gosh, are
you okay. It was like a whole thing, but she
was like it was such in slow motion she was
and she actually was like that was a very graceful fall.

Speaker 1 (08:38):
And I was like, it hurts a lot.

Speaker 2 (08:40):
My knee swelled up, it all scraped, and and then
Savellah was not hurt, but I think she was just scared.
And the whole car ride like I'm like in pain.
I'm literally like like I don't I'm I see my
knees swelling up. I'm like trying to not think the worst.
And Saveah's crying until I'm like, I, Savey, are you hurt?

Speaker 1 (08:59):
Like are you using? Mommy's her mom? She's crying for me.
I told Michael, I think she feels my pain.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
Oh well, I don't know if she feels your pain.
But she's a big heart.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
No, I think like work, she's like connected to me.

Speaker 5 (09:12):
I do think there's something to that.

Speaker 3 (09:14):
I'm serious. It could be. Well then don't get hurt.

Speaker 1 (09:17):
No, I know exactly that's.

Speaker 4 (09:19):
But that's your instinct, right, you just knew what to do,
even though, of course you sacrifice yourself in your pain,
total baby exactly. I can't relate to that. But I
dropped my phone all the time, and when it's on
the way down, I kick it.

Speaker 3 (09:29):
I kick it. Do you ever do that?

Speaker 4 (09:31):
Kick it so it doesn't hit the ground. Yeah, yeah,
so it doesn't have a hard fall. It like bounces
off your toes.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
It'sta doesn't.

Speaker 1 (09:38):

Speaker 3 (09:39):
I mean it's a great to know.

Speaker 1 (09:40):
MESSI over here morning.

Speaker 4 (09:42):
Next time you drop your phone, stick your foot out
to break the fall and it doesn't crack.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
Yeah, that's not bad. Okay. I like that hack double.

Speaker 4 (09:49):
Tell you at least you had that woman who's a stranger,
will never know her name.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
No, he was checking on you. It reminds me of
the time that I remember the time.

Speaker 4 (09:56):
I think Sysney wasn't here yet, but Tanya, we were
working together at E and I was doing the show
from the studios and I went for a jog one
day and I was running on what street was it
the sidewalks of Wheelshire or something, And there was a
route up through the sidewalk and tripped over and I
twisted my ankle and fell to the ground. I was
in such pain and I was money and people just

walked by. I've never seen so many people walk by. Yeah,
step right, like, walk right by. At the bus stop
going to the coffee there was a coffee bean and
tea leaf not far.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
Eventually people walk right by. They don't even mean. I'm
like moaning, don't even set Are you okay?

Speaker 5 (10:33):
Yeah? It reminds me of when you were in your bicycle.

Speaker 3 (10:37):
Era and you remember the guy that opened the door
on me.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Yes, yes, sisty.

Speaker 4 (10:43):
I was biking down sam Vacente not but more Tanya
was living and doing yoga those days. And they've got
the bike lane in between the traffic lane and the
parking lane, and it's just dumb.

Speaker 3 (10:54):
It's dumb.

Speaker 4 (10:55):
So a guy opens the door, he's getting out of
a park car, opens this door. Here I come whizzing
because I was in cycle mode.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Yeah, I remember your bad care n.

Speaker 3 (11:03):
Yeah, well look I didn't scrape up everything.

Speaker 1 (11:05):
Totally the same thing that guy left.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
Remember he didn't say anything either.

Speaker 5 (11:08):
Nope, he was like annoyed at you.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
He was up very upset.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
Yeah, he was yelling at me for riding my bike
into his car door, and.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
It's totally there his fault. You're supposed to look before
you open your car door.

Speaker 4 (11:18):
I wanted the nice stranger woman that you ran into
with me all the time during these tracks, and.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
She was lovely. She told me I how a graceful fall.

Speaker 3 (11:24):
I was like, next time, get names of those people
because they're rare.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
Sorry, my brain wasn't like, can we call you on
the air tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (11:32):
That's how your brain.

Speaker 4 (11:33):
Used to when you are breaking a fall of your child.
Also booked the show Keep Rah. Your morning hack is next?
What's the morning hacks?

Speaker 3 (11:43):
Isn't he?

Speaker 1 (11:43):

Speaker 2 (11:43):
So if you're traveling, and I'm assuming you know summer's
coming up, maybe you've booked a trip and.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
You have little ones.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
I've you know, whenever I fly with the kids, it's
you have to plan the.

Speaker 1 (11:53):
Snacks and just have it.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
What are you packing the baggie.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
Exactly, but the baggies, the tupperware, it can all get
kind of clunky in your carry on. So I saw
this hack where you use a toilet tree, like one
of those hanging toilet tree bags that have all those
different compartments, and you put all the snacks in there.
So then it zips up real nice and you have
genes and you could even have one for each kid

if you want, if it's a long flight. So each
kid has their own little toilet tree snack bag and
then you hang it on the seat in front of you,
and it hangs right there and displays all their snacks.

Speaker 3 (12:25):
Get to reach into their bag of tree.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
And then they don't have to like bug you on
the flight and they have their snacks and it's all
like in you know, little compartments.

Speaker 1 (12:32):
And this is their adults too.

Speaker 7 (12:34):
Honestly, Yes, there's something more annoying than saying, hey, can
I get the bag of nuts and then you have
to go up the thing through your bag.

Speaker 3 (12:41):
It's interesting you say that, like somebodys.

Speaker 4 (12:43):
When I get to my seat, I have to re
strategize what kind of need to get and I want to.

Speaker 1 (12:49):
I always forget my headphones, yeah, and.

Speaker 4 (12:50):
Then then I forget something. I think I've got it all.
I played it all out. I sit down, somebody comes
next to me and I'm like, so sorry, I forgot
to get the charger. Yeah it's the whole thing.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
Oh so sorry.

Speaker 7 (13:02):
I have to use the restaurant before we take so
I use it for snacks, use it for all your essentials.

Speaker 3 (13:05):

Speaker 4 (13:06):
Good guest hack, I mean you're not a guest, you're
good hack.

Speaker 3 (13:11):
All right, today's squat.

Speaker 4 (13:12):
Just because you address something that bothers you doesn't mean
you're trying to argue. Disagreements don't end with arguments or fights.
We disagree here all the time.

Speaker 3 (13:21):
Argument are fighting. It's a lovable disagreement.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
Yeah, it would be very boring if we all agreed.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
H I mean it'd be nice sometimes too.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
But now put this FM headlines with siciny well, no
more Airbnbs in Santa Ana, the city voted to ban
short term residential.

Speaker 1 (13:42):
Rentals within city limits.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
Managers of La Golf Courses hope that a new ten
dollars deposit will shut down the resale market for tea times,
which have been taken over by brokers and bots. Kid
Cutty is headed to Indio Coachella announced that he will
join the lineup for the second weekend on Sunday for
a set at the Sahara Tent. A BTS pop up
shop is headed to a number of cities in Asia

and to Los Angeles beginning later this month, and Ashanti
and Nelly are having a baby. Ashanti confirmed that she
and Nelly are not only engaged, but also expecting their
first child together.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
On air with Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 4 (14:22):
Ryan Seacrest, Sicini and Tanya Javier is online. Javier, good morning,
How are you?

Speaker 8 (14:30):
Good morning? You know I'm feeling a lot better.

Speaker 3 (14:32):
Oh God, let me let me bring ever at the speed.

Speaker 4 (14:35):
Editor in chief of La Taco dot Com, Javier Cabral,
was on yesterday and he was telling us that if
they didn't get to their five thousand more subscribers by
the end of the week, La Taco's done, They're shutting
it down, which is the sin, right, I mean, think
about the symbolism and meaning and all of the memories
of real tacos, right, especially real tacos like you can

get here in something California.

Speaker 3 (14:57):
So, Javier, we had you on.

Speaker 4 (14:58):
I think you needed like twenty five hundred plus more
signatures at the time you were on the air to
keep La Taco dot Com in business.

Speaker 3 (15:04):
What happened since you were on the air.

Speaker 8 (15:07):
So we got a nice, healthy little boost. Now we
are at twenty nine hundred. So thank you so much
for that.

Speaker 4 (15:13):
Wait membership, John, I thought you were calling to tell
me you did it. We got there, so we didn't deliver.

Speaker 8 (15:22):
You know, it's you know, slowan steady wins the race.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
Very little bit helps.

Speaker 3 (15:26):
But Stone said it. You said, by the end of
the week, there's no steady. This is a sprint next week.

Speaker 8 (15:31):
By the end of next week, we have a right.

Speaker 3 (15:34):
Next week.

Speaker 4 (15:36):
To my own words. Okay, I was a panic that
it was going to be tomorrow. So well, we got
some work to do. La Taco dot com. If you
love it, just take a look. And by the way,
he said, if you subscribe all kinds of free time
over south in California.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
Uh, all right, you call me back in twenty four hours.
Let me know how we do.

Speaker 8 (15:55):
Thank you so much, Ryan, I love I love you.

Speaker 4 (15:58):
Hold me accountable, Yes, yes, I feel like I just
need to celebrate some good in the world.

Speaker 3 (16:04):
And tacos are good. And now I talk it dot com.

Speaker 4 (16:07):
I told you ever since you did Taco Chronicles three
seasons of it on Netflix, I kind of fell for you.

Speaker 1 (16:11):
You're invested down your whole vibe.

Speaker 9 (16:13):

Speaker 8 (16:14):
Well, okay, how about this.

Speaker 4 (16:15):
Once we reached this, we will have a celebration and
I'll take you on the best Taco crow of all time.

Speaker 8 (16:20):
Oh wait, we'll have a lot.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
What are you doing on April twenty fifth?

Speaker 8 (16:24):
Twenty fifth? What's up the thank I'm.

Speaker 3 (16:28):
Trying to figure how we can merge him into our
tour somehow.

Speaker 1 (16:30):
Tell me, is that Gorilla's Tacos? Do you like Gorilla's tacos?

Speaker 4 (16:33):
Is that?

Speaker 8 (16:34):

Speaker 3 (16:34):
You talked about them before?

Speaker 8 (16:36):
Yes, of course, Garris tacos. They actually are on iconic
taco in La You know. They they're what I what
I call a date night taco. You know, it's a
nice place you can go under and get a nice cocktail,
you can end of it up.

Speaker 4 (16:47):
So I'm making a date for us heavier on the
twenty fifth mark. What time are we a Gorilla Tacos?
We are Goerrilla's Tacos at four thirty pm next Thursday.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
All right, dude, So here's the deal.

Speaker 4 (16:56):
We'll be celebrating hopefully by next Thursday, because that's the
day before you need to get all the signatures.

Speaker 3 (17:01):
I'm put you on ahold hobby here. Mark's gonna tell
you how you can meet us.

Speaker 4 (17:03):

Speaker 3 (17:04):
We're gonna go and we'll grub together. Thank you so much,
ryand Okay, I'm excited.

Speaker 4 (17:10):
I I might be more excited than how here I
think you are.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
Eight more days.

Speaker 4 (17:17):
This is the kind of stuff I'm gonna do at
some point, like do TV shows that are well shared?
All right, yeah, I like Talkers dot Com. Subscribe and
let's save those guys. Look for a rescheduled Taco Madness
in June. Programming note. All right, Taylor Swift new albums
coming out. I'm gonna play this right now because I
don't have her new songs obviously. Yeah, this is background.

Speaker 3 (17:41):
This is the background.

Speaker 4 (17:42):
John Slow set the tone for new Taylor music with
one of our favorites ever from Taylor Cool Summer. So
Annie is on from Instagram. Now, let me give you
context of Annie Lawrence. She's a Taylor Swift fan. She's
kind of an expert at identifying Easter eggs of Taylor's
before or early on before a lot of us and
early on too. And since the album's coming out tonight,

I want to get a preview, let me grab her here.
She Last time when Annie was on, I got Ryan's roses.
But last time Annie was on, she was telling us
that Torture Post Department would be two albums.

Speaker 3 (18:15):
Annie, Thanks and welcome back.

Speaker 4 (18:16):
A lot of Rave reviews after your last conversation with us,
So thanks for your reprise here.

Speaker 3 (18:21):
What do you guys?

Speaker 10 (18:22):
Thank you for having me back?

Speaker 3 (18:24):
Any more evidence about two albums tonight? What are you feeling?

Speaker 10 (18:29):
You know, I'm really curious if Taylor is going to
drop two albums. We definitely are still getting a lot
of the two clues. There's so much going on for
release week, you know, being a Swift he really feels
like a full time job right now. But we'll see,
you know, Taylor recently posted a video and there's a

lot of eather eggs in that video, and a lot
of them are pointing to two's So I am curious
if it's pointing towards a second album. Have you guys
gotten to take a look at that video?

Speaker 3 (19:00):
Oh yet, Tanya, did you see it?

Speaker 6 (19:02):

Speaker 5 (19:03):
Tell you?

Speaker 10 (19:04):
Yeah? Okay, so let me go through it a little bit.
So they posted a video. In the beginning of the video,
we're in what appears to be the Midnight's era room.
We see the clock is pointing to two. Now, we
don't know whether that's a M or PM, but I
guess we'll find out. On the floor, we see vinyls,
we see crumpled up pieces of paper. We see photos
from the Midnight's era, So the video takes us out

of the Midnight's Room and into this very sterile white hallway.
A lot of these are speculating that it seems to
be congruent with me via psych word, so not totally
sure on that one. But then it takes us to
a locked door, which says the tortured Poet's department. The
video takes us through the keyhole of the lock store,
and then we're in another white room, where again we

see a lot of twos. We see two desks, two
chairs to coffies, two typewriters, and again on the wall
another clock that is pointing to two o'clock. Once the
video is dooms in closer, we see a cow under
on the wall and for April nineteenth. It's showing us
that we are getting a music video at eight pm
easterns and standard time. Now below that we see fourteen

tally marks, which is really curious. A lot of us
are speculating maybe the fourteen tally marks stand for fourteen days,
which would be two weeks or a fortnite, So it's
possible that the music video release could be for fortnite.
But I'm also curious what is happening fourteen days after
the release one of the tally marks, the seventh tally mark,

is curiously a little bit shorter. So one of my
really out there theory is maybe there's an announcement seven
days after and assist album dropped fourteen days after.

Speaker 5 (20:42):
Oh My two stars above it and.

Speaker 10 (20:45):
The two stars Yes you got it.

Speaker 1 (20:47):
Two stars above and below.

Speaker 10 (20:51):
That's right, So so many clues. There are lots of
possibilities about what could be going on, but Taylor is
definitely keeping us on our toes this week. Us for sure.

Speaker 4 (21:00):
That is the voice of Annie Lawrence, who clearly is
a new tailor at a swifty story on Instagram. Well,
I want to know, is there gonna be a song
about Travis?

Speaker 10 (21:14):
You know, a couple of people have speculated that maybe
there might be one or two songs the Alchemy, But
we do know that Taylor has told us that she's
been working on this album for the past two years.
So my thought is maybe the Travis songs are to come.
And pet is looking back on.

Speaker 4 (21:38):
If you're the if you're an ex boyfriend or him.
I guess he hasn't heard anything. Do you think he's
heard any of this ahead of time, probably not right away.

Speaker 5 (21:47):
Why would you don't think he's heard any of this?

Speaker 3 (21:50):
Do you think she would do a courtesy play?

Speaker 10 (21:51):
I think that he did say in an interview that
he's heard a little bit of it and he's really
excited about it. Maybe fat check me on that one,
but I would maybe he's heard a few of the
songs and he's a very supportive girlfriend.

Speaker 2 (22:05):
Annie, I have a question, did you dissect in the
Midnight's room? Did you try to get a glimpse of
what's hanging on the wall those pictures?

Speaker 10 (22:13):
Yeah, so those pictures seem to line up with some
of the pictures that Taylor posted when Midnights came out,
So it looks to be similar with some of the
pictures of her and Jack Antonov, yes, co writer of
Midnight but also Torture Poets. We did find out the
co writers for the album, so Jack Antonoff actually co

wrote eight of the songs, Aaron Destner co wrote five
of them, and then there's only four co writers total,
which is the lowest amount she's ever had, tied with Folklore.

Speaker 4 (22:46):
I agree, you do not have time to do anything else,
but too much going on Annie Lawrence. All right, we
have just hours to find out all of this. Thank
you for your predictions, Thank you for your enthusiasm. We
appreciate it, we'd love it. I heard you're at the grove,
so well done out there to to pop up and
we'll talk to you soon.

Speaker 10 (23:02):
All right, talk to you soon. Thank you, guys. Have
a great dame. Bye you two bye?

Speaker 3 (23:07):
Was that a question? Ryan Bye? I don't know.

Speaker 4 (23:11):
Uh, excitement, very very exciting. It is, all right, So
that's nine o'clock and Taylor will be here to host
that on Kiss FM nine o'clock Kiss.

Speaker 3 (23:20):
Then the album comes out.

Speaker 4 (23:21):
I too, am a little confused and need some clarity
about this Ryan's Roses.

Speaker 3 (23:26):
So let me get Zoe on in Downy. It's time.

Speaker 4 (23:32):
For Ryan's Roses. Zoe, good morning. Thank you for reaching out.
So yeah, we got your email. You say, Hey, guys,
I found something. My husband posted an obviously on a
Facebook group for men who are having affairs. What's I
don't understand for men who are looking to have affairs,
men who are talking about the affairs that are having

Like what kind of group?

Speaker 9 (23:55):
I don't know. It seems like men that are having
affairs that want to talk about how their affairs are going.

Speaker 4 (23:59):
It's so weird share any stories about their affairs together.

Speaker 9 (24:08):
Yeah, like I've been having an affair for two years,
like or whatever, however many months it's.

Speaker 3 (24:13):
Like a are they bragging about it?

Speaker 9 (24:16):
Therapy group? Yeah, I don't know. It's just like sharing
stories and testimonials about their affairs. So I'm just really freaked.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
Out because how did you find out it was?

Speaker 9 (24:27):
I wanted to find.

Speaker 3 (24:28):
But if he's anonymous, how do you note your husband?

Speaker 9 (24:31):
Because his laptop was open and the notifications were coming
up and I didn't want to see it. It was
just like right in front of my face. And I
don't you know, I don't have real evidence, but I
do have the notifications on his computer, on his laptop
that he was you know, people were commenting and writing

about it from his post.

Speaker 1 (24:54):
Is there anybody else that uses that laptop?

Speaker 4 (24:58):
No, Zoe, I want to go back real quick before
we try and call your husband. You said that you
found your husband posted anonymously on a Facebook group for
men who are having an affairs page.

Speaker 3 (25:08):
What did he post? What was the post?

Speaker 4 (25:13):
The post was.

Speaker 1 (25:18):

Speaker 8 (25:19):
I don't know, it was just but.

Speaker 10 (25:22):
It was just the Facebook, and he wrote, it's been
going on for two years. I'm sorry, I'm finding.

Speaker 9 (25:27):
It's been going on for two years. My wife has
no idea.

Speaker 8 (25:31):
It makes me sick to my stomach.

Speaker 9 (25:32):
The weird thing is I will never leave my wife.
The affair will run its course eventually, but right now I'm.

Speaker 4 (25:37):
The happy so I already premeditated how this is going
to go? Got it all right? Everybody's heart syncs what
you read that a lot, so, Zoe. This is a
page where men are sharing stories about the affairs are having.
That's what we've learned. Your husband, you found out, is
on there, even though he's anonymous. You saw his laptop.
I need you to say, Ryan, you my permission to call,
and then his name.

Speaker 8 (25:55):
Go ahead, have my permission to call you.

Speaker 4 (26:00):
We're gonna do it right now. Be very quiet, Let's
see what we can find out. All right, here we go.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
Hello, Hi, can I speak to Lucas please speaking Hi there.
My name is Cindy. I'm calling from Pedals and Stems.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
We're same day Delivery flower service and it's right here
in Downey to local residents. Today, we're offering a promotion
of free roses that you can send anybody that you like.

Speaker 8 (26:35):
Yeah, I know, I'm not interested in any promotion. I'm fine.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
Are you sure they're absolutely.

Speaker 8 (26:40):
I appreciate Look, I don't appreciate you calling me out
of the blue. I'm good. I don't want any sort
of promotion you guys are offering.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
Are you sure there's nobody who want to send flowers to?

Speaker 8 (26:50):
No? Absolutely not.

Speaker 2 (26:51):
There's not one special person in your life. I mean,
they are absolutely free. I don't need cash, I don't
need billion info. I don't need anything like that from
you or just trying to promote our our new business.
And if you're pleased with our arrangements, hopefully you like
our service. But this will cost you nothing, Okay.

Speaker 8 (27:07):
So I mean I wasn't really listening when I picked
up the phone.

Speaker 1 (27:10):
Just it's a dozen red roses.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
It's a dozen red roses that you can send to
anybody that you'd like, same day delivery.

Speaker 8 (27:16):
Okay, And like, what are you guys getting out out
of this deal?

Speaker 2 (27:20):
We just do this once a month and hopefully if
you like our arrangements, you can back as a customer.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
Are you tell your friends and family?

Speaker 8 (27:27):
Okay? And I don't have to pay anything nothing.

Speaker 1 (27:29):
We can just start with the name of the person
you want to send them to.

Speaker 8 (27:32):
I don't want to give you, like my credit card
information or anything like that. No, okay, what do you need?

Speaker 1 (27:40):
Who would you like to send the flowers to? We
can start with the note.

Speaker 8 (27:45):
Her name is Angel, it's spelled A and.

Speaker 1 (27:47):
J l oh and J l okay. And what would
you like to put on the card?

Speaker 8 (27:57):
I'm sorry? What was that?

Speaker 1 (28:00):
What would you like to put on the card?

Speaker 8 (28:05):
Lucas, I'm just going is Angel?

Speaker 4 (28:10):
Lucas? Your voice is being broadcast in the radio. We
have your wife on the line and probably recognize her voice.
And who is Angel? And why are you sending her roses?

Speaker 8 (28:18):
Wait? What else going on? Why? Why is my wife
on the line?

Speaker 3 (28:22):
Why are you sending a woman named Angel?

Speaker 10 (28:23):
Right here?

Speaker 6 (28:24):
I'm here, Lucas, Who is Angel?

Speaker 10 (28:27):
I've seen your post? Like, what is going on? I
feel like a village idiot right now?

Speaker 8 (28:33):
I'm sorry? How what? How did you figure it out?

Speaker 3 (28:39):
So you're figure what out? Wait? Figure what out? Lucas?
What are you talking about it?

Speaker 10 (28:44):
You just had to post it on Facebook to like
embarrass me about your affair and how happy you are
about it.

Speaker 8 (28:52):
Everything I posted was anonymously. I didn't post anything publicly,
like I don't know what not.

Speaker 10 (28:58):
Anonymous didn't work. You had your notifications and you left
your laptop open. I didn't go trying to find it.

Speaker 4 (29:04):
Let's not bury the headline, Lucas, you're having an affair
with Angel? Just told us that how long has it
been going on?

Speaker 10 (29:12):
I mean?

Speaker 3 (29:13):
And who is she?

Speaker 8 (29:14):
I mean, I get, I mean, honestly, at this point,
it's kind of a relief that I don't have to
lie anymore.

Speaker 10 (29:19):
I mean, I'm just say, are you serious?

Speaker 8 (29:22):
Sorry, I'm I'm sorry. I'm just stunned about this whole thing.

Speaker 3 (29:30):
Who is she? Who is she? Who is she?

Speaker 8 (29:34):
I don't know my girlfriend?

Speaker 10 (29:35):
How how were you even carrying this on? I checked
your location, I checked you know, everywhere that you've been.
You haven't been anywhere. So are you lying about an affair?

Speaker 9 (29:44):
Are you actually having one? No?

Speaker 8 (29:47):
There are apartments in the building.

Speaker 5 (29:51):
In the girlfriend, in the.

Speaker 8 (29:54):
Building where my office is, there are apartments on the
upper floors, and that's why my location always checked out.

Speaker 4 (30:00):
Oh my gosh, all right, Lucas, how long has Angel
been your girlfriend while you've been married?

Speaker 8 (30:04):
Here a couple of months?

Speaker 3 (30:08):
Why are you answering all these questions on the air?

Speaker 1 (30:10):
Literally? And does Angel know about your wife?

Speaker 8 (30:13):
I mean, honestly, like, like I said, it's kind of
a release, not that to like lie about this anymore.
I mean, I've been caught, So I mean, you guys
have obviously caught me, and so I'm not gonna lie.
I'm not going to dig myself a bigger hole.

Speaker 4 (30:25):
Like Okay, look, it's hold on one second, Joey, hold
on one second. So this is a Facebook page where
married men talk about having affairs anonymously with women. The
group's created for married men. Okay, we just came off
of Ryan's Roses where the guy was on a page
he's cheating, is having an affair with the girl that
works in the lives in the building where he works, right,
and he was on one of these Facebook pages that

Tubbs has just pulled up here.

Speaker 7 (30:47):
They probably make these because they carry so much guilt
and shane that they need to like talk about it,
get it out.

Speaker 4 (30:53):
Yeah wow, Okay, so I want to come back to
this page, Tubs, if I can I borrow your computer
for a second. All right, let's get to come back
to Ryan's Roses. Lucas is cheating on his wife. And
one other interesting thing, I have so much in my head.

Speaker 3 (31:10):
Yeah, there's a lot.

Speaker 4 (31:11):
One other interesting thing here is So he admitted to it,
and he was relieved by it. But wait, I never
thought about someone lying about having an affair to get
attention from their spouse. She thought maybe he was making
that up.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
That was I've never heard someone say that.

Speaker 4 (31:25):
So the dude was on a Facebook page, which is
a Facebook page where married men talk about having women
anonymously talk about having affairs with women, and so Tubbs
pulled up one of these pages. He admitted to it.
He said he's been having an affair with the girl
named Angel. It's his girlfriend. He admitted to it. And
I'm looking at one of these pages and it says,
you know, in the about block, in the about box,

it says, this group is created for married men and
women to discuss, learn, suggest ideas, offer solutions to numerous
marital issues that are faced in various homes. So it's
not just it's not just that out of scrolled down.
Help me, It's not just that. Then, it's other things too.

Speaker 1 (32:06):
I mean, what would you do without tubs?

Speaker 3 (32:08):
Can I read?

Speaker 4 (32:09):

Speaker 3 (32:09):
He's scrolling down for me. Can I read something? Can
I read some specifics? Hey?

Speaker 4 (32:14):
The other thing is you have any testimonials we can
read on the air there, Yeah, go and navigate that.
The other thing that was interesting is his wife. Has
anybody ever done this or discovered this? I'm curious? Call
me eight hundred five two one two seven. She thought
at the beginning that maybe he was making up the
affair for attention.

Speaker 2 (32:33):
That's so dark of her attention, or just to get
out of the marriage, because it seems like because.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
He's said he was over it and he was relieved
that this all came out.

Speaker 4 (32:40):
Yeah, but is anybody made up an affair to either
get attention or get out of a relationship. I'm sure
people have right. Well, who are you and call me
eight hundred five to one o two seven. Here's Angie,
not to be confused with Angel Lucas's girlfriend while he
was married. Angie and Pico Rivera, go ahead, you're wrong
with us.

Speaker 9 (33:01):
This is like the perfect example of a sociopath. I mean, yeah,
he thought he had the perfect little lie, the perfect situation.
He posted on Facebook. What an idiot, I mean.

Speaker 8 (33:14):
She deserves get caught.

Speaker 4 (33:16):
The guy wanted to get He just told us he
was relieved that she found out, So he was waiting
for this moment.

Speaker 9 (33:23):
Yeah, he's gross. She deserves better and I'm glad she
found out.

Speaker 4 (33:30):
Yeah, so this Facebook, thank you, Angie. I mean, it's
just it's been over for a long time. She's got
away from that guy.

Speaker 1 (33:36):

Speaker 4 (33:37):
The Facebook group is called the Secret Affair Group. Only
members can see who's in the group and what they post.
Only members, and there's six hundred members.

Speaker 5 (33:44):
Oh my gosh, telling you this is people just can't
carry the guilt and shame and they need to.

Speaker 3 (33:50):
Just and they just need express it.

Speaker 8 (33:51):

Speaker 3 (33:51):
That is so wid and what they think is a
safe place exactly.

Speaker 4 (33:55):
No, So that's Ryan's roses. We do that every Monday,
every Thursday. No shortage of emails that come in asking
us to do it. Now, let's get to the trending report.
It is striking to see the numbers, and so how
does he get fixed to Let's talk about that guy.

Speaker 7 (34:12):
Yeah, okay, So I could not escape this story, like
everybody who was putting it in my group chats. I
was getting so many damns about it. And it's the
gender discrepancy with this story. So, the WNBA Draft happened
this week. The number one overall pick was Caitlin Clark
from Iowa, who America fell in love with during this
year's March Madness. So, according to sport Rack, Caitlin will
reportedly earn about seventy six thousand dollars her first year

in the league. I'm not sitting here saying that that's
a small chunk of change, but by comparison, the first
overall pick in the NBA draft will earn twelve million
dollars in his first year. That is one hundred and
fifty seven times Caitlin's salary. So I'm focusing on the
gender gap here between the exact same sport both first

drafts picks, and the gap between those too. So I
posted this on my Instagram and I had men it
up in my DMS saying, you don't know what you're
talking about. The NBA makes more revenue, that's why they
pay more.

Speaker 6 (35:13):

Speaker 7 (35:13):
No, I'm fully aware that that's why the NBA gets
paid so much. Because the revenue. Everybody watches the NBA,
nobody watches the WNBA. They can't pay them. So I'm
saying this falls on us as a society as women
coming together and watching the WNBA, watching women's sports, buying
their jerseys, going to the games. Like it's on us
to create more revenue for these women's sports because then

their salary will go up.

Speaker 4 (35:39):
I well said, and totally agree, right, I mean, I
think we agree, and you're right, you're looking at the
business of it.

Speaker 3 (35:45):
I guess to come up with those numbers.

Speaker 4 (35:47):
But I didn't know anything about Caitlin Clark before the
finals or the championship, right, and I now know a
lot about it. And even what I watched the other
night on the news, was it the draft, the w
NBA draft.

Speaker 1 (36:01):
It was the draft, and then she was she was
drafted with that and there.

Speaker 3 (36:04):
Are others too. There are other players too, And I
was like, oh, this is kind of fun to watch.

Speaker 4 (36:07):
So you're right, it needs to get more exposure, It
needs to get more of the products.

Speaker 3 (36:12):
Out there talked about. Like you're doing a good job
talking about.

Speaker 7 (36:14):
It, right, Like it's not just on us to complain,
like look at this gender gap, Like obviously it's shocking,
but it really is on us as consumers to even
if you don't want to watch it, put her.

Speaker 5 (36:23):
On your TV stream it like watch it.

Speaker 4 (36:26):
The women's final four outrated the men's this year. But
that's what you want exactly right, if you're going to
get this swinging in the right direction.

Speaker 3 (36:33):

Speaker 4 (36:34):
But in large part to Kaitlin And so there's a
there's a there's a superstar that people have, you know,
locked into her story and they're loving it.

Speaker 3 (36:42):
And Katelyn translate.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
To go get those multi million dollar sponsorship deals totally.

Speaker 3 (36:49):
She was on SNL. I think she is getting big
sponsorship deal.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
That's what I'm saying. Just go get that money, girl.

Speaker 3 (36:55):
Yeah, all right, So tany you should do a w
NBA report more often.

Speaker 7 (36:58):
Then they get us behind it right right, and like
talking about it more.

Speaker 1 (37:01):
I went, I did?

Speaker 7 (37:02):
I do preach about it a lot on my podcast,
like I feel like I want to really but.

Speaker 4 (37:06):
Bring in the sparks every once and so while some
of these reports, yeah you got it, I'm down, and
they the sparks picked seconds, so they just missed Caitlin Clark.
I know, Hi, Alisa, It's Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 3 (37:18):
How are you. I'm good. I think you said you're good.
How are you?

Speaker 4 (37:25):
I got a little connection issue here, So we are
going to play ye usually when it sounds like you're snorkeling.
One second later, you've connected to a new cell tower,
so I know it's going to be good. You've rebounded
nicely last discovery. There on the connection. We are going
to play password, Elisa, Are you ready for it?

Speaker 3 (37:40):

Speaker 4 (37:41):
Got some Bruno Mars tickets for you to win August
sixteenth at the Into It Dome.

Speaker 3 (37:46):
Password. Here's how it works.

Speaker 4 (37:47):
Those of us in the room and everyone listening are
going to know the password, but you a Lisa, will not.
And our job is to give you one word clues
and you can guess the password.

Speaker 3 (37:56):
Okay, we give you a clue, you take a guess.
We'll give you another clue. You take a guess. If
you guess the word, you win.

Speaker 9 (38:00):
Got it?

Speaker 10 (38:02):
Got it?

Speaker 8 (38:02):
All right? Here we go.

Speaker 3 (38:03):
Hold on one second, Alisa, and now go ahead. Mark.
You cannot hear us? What is it? The password is vacation?
All right? I'll start? Why not? All right? I never
get to start? Let me start? Sure, Thanks for asking.

Speaker 4 (38:17):
Okay, Alisa, here's the first clue holiday Christmas? No?

Speaker 3 (38:26):

Speaker 4 (38:27):

Speaker 3 (38:27):
Next one, as isn't he airplane? Holiday? And airplane? What's
the password?

Speaker 8 (38:36):

Speaker 10 (38:37):

Speaker 4 (38:38):
Next one, Tanya, Paradise Hawaii holiday airplane, paradise, summer.

Speaker 10 (38:49):

Speaker 2 (38:50):
Yeah, hit yeah, summer vacation, vacation.

Speaker 3 (38:59):
I'm gonna sit. That'd be break Yeah. Right, you're really
good at that.

Speaker 4 (39:04):
Congratulations you want to see Bruno, Thank you, Thank you
for listening. So I know, like we're gonna talk about
this in this hour because hopefully usually kids are doing
something by now. But when you think of the most
creative place that you've had one of those things that
you like to do when you're an adult, don't say

it out loud, but what where's the most unconventional place?

Speaker 3 (39:33):
Right? It was unconventional place? Let's say it out loud, Tanya.

Speaker 2 (39:37):
I'm more of a traditional goal, sisy Well, I would
say up in the air on an airplane. You have
no saying like, what would be more of the most unconventional.

Speaker 3 (39:48):
That you have saying that we have?

Speaker 1 (39:50):
Oh no, I have not.

Speaker 3 (39:51):
Had that.

Speaker 1 (39:53):
Back of a limo.

Speaker 3 (39:55):
Oh gross.

Speaker 7 (39:57):
I did something waiting while waiting for a mis It
wasn't like the whole thing.

Speaker 1 (40:02):
It's like bass okay on you.

Speaker 5 (40:06):
I did something while waiting for a massage one time.

Speaker 1 (40:09):
Were you waiting alone or was somebody.

Speaker 3 (40:18):
Massage. That was not the question.

Speaker 5 (40:22):
I was not by myself. I was with my boyfriend
at the time.

Speaker 7 (40:24):
But they had like little like kind of bedpods that
they put you in before your couple's massage.

Speaker 3 (40:30):
You know, the massage is gonna walk right here.

Speaker 5 (40:32):
Yeah, we didn't. It wasn't.

Speaker 1 (40:34):
We didn't do it. We did what I'm saying, bases
same thing like they may knock you knock, what about
you Ryan?

Speaker 3 (40:42):

Speaker 4 (40:43):
So well, you know, one was the back of that
car in the park where the cop knocked on the
window in the show. And then the other one was
abroad traveling, went to some hike and there was a
little cave in the rocks.

Speaker 3 (40:58):
Romantics checked out the cave. I wouldn't.

Speaker 1 (41:03):
I don't even take you as a doer in the cave.

Speaker 9 (41:08):
The deer.

Speaker 3 (41:08):
Would you take me?

Speaker 1 (41:11):
I actually feel like you have joined them high club.

Speaker 3 (41:14):
Mm hmm yeah. No, No I'm saying you feel like that.

Speaker 1 (41:18):
I'm not saying.

Speaker 3 (41:20):
Saying you feel like that.

Speaker 4 (41:22):
No, No, not like you're thinking not not, not like
you're thinking about.

Speaker 3 (41:27):

Speaker 4 (41:28):
Tops you went in on this. He's got he's got
an extension cord on his headphones. That's fully extended out
the door right now.

Speaker 7 (41:35):
Oh my gosh, to me, public places are so like,
I don't know, there's no thrill in it.

Speaker 4 (41:41):
For me when we are younger, sure, but now you
go somewhere, yeah, you guys, it's got to be like
the cave.

Speaker 5 (41:49):
You know, cave caves very public.

Speaker 4 (41:52):
On the beach is so like, oh gross, I can't
even sand, I know, I can't.

Speaker 3 (41:57):
Even picnic and sand. It's so messy. Anyway, why do
we bring this up?

Speaker 4 (42:00):
Because everybody's talking about this new plane that's flying from
here to Vegas where you can have the mile high experience.

Speaker 1 (42:06):
Yes, it's called Love Cloud and.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
For about thirteen hundred dollars you can jump on this
plane in Vegas. They pick you up in a fancy
lima and they take you there and they make it
all romantic. They were all out the red carpet for you.
And the minute you get onto the plane it has
like satin sheets and like mattresses all over it. Like
there's two seats if you want to sit there for
takeoff and landing, but then the rest is like just cushions.

Speaker 3 (42:30):
I don't know. And isn't there aren't there eight or
two pilots right there.

Speaker 2 (42:34):
Yeah, so the pilot's in the front. I don't even
know if there's a divider, to be honest.

Speaker 8 (42:38):
Yeah, I'm not.

Speaker 4 (42:39):
This is not for me, and I don't because they're
this plane there there is close to you and I are.

Speaker 2 (42:45):
Yeah, and I'm I'm asume maybe they have like a curtain,
but they're saying that the pilots have their headsets on,
so it's really there.

Speaker 4 (42:51):
Yes, Yeah, come on, if I were a pilote that plane,
I'd be listening to every single n and there's probably like.

Speaker 2 (42:56):
A switch they can do in their headphones and just
hear what's going on in the back if they really
want to.

Speaker 3 (43:00):
All the time on my headphones when I'm walking down
the street.

Speaker 7 (43:02):
And yeah, Also, if you think about it, when you're
in a hotel, like you're right next door to someone
that you don't know.

Speaker 3 (43:09):
Made drywall insulation.

Speaker 4 (43:12):
This is a tiny little tube you don't even know
because you're not into that, So don't.

Speaker 3 (43:18):
Drive into it.

Speaker 5 (43:19):
I'm just saying so.

Speaker 2 (43:20):
But apparently this is a very legit running business. It's
been it's been going on for a couple of years now,
and they both a.

Speaker 4 (43:28):
Lot of people, A lot of people don't care, right,
They just say, hey, I don't care.

Speaker 3 (43:32):
He has anybody done it? That's listening.

Speaker 4 (43:33):
It's coming out of la So maybe you've done it,
if you've done the flight.

Speaker 2 (43:38):
This one, the love Cloud, Yeah, I think so. Probably
a lot of people.

Speaker 3 (43:42):
Well, if you have, I want to hear from you.

Speaker 2 (43:43):
They advertise it as like you can celebrate an anniversary,
you can renew your vows, you can do all these things.

Speaker 3 (43:49):
They advertise it so wholesomely.

Speaker 2 (43:50):
Yeah, but they know what's happening up there, and you
can get different packages like thirty minutes or up to
an hour, like the thirty minute one is not as expensive,
like maybe all need thirty minutes?

Speaker 3 (43:59):
Do they have a short flight just over the hill.

Speaker 4 (44:01):
All right, so let's get to uh so send me
a talk back if you've done that.

Speaker 3 (44:06):
Our call a season.

Speaker 4 (44:07):
Yeah, five to one to two, seven, Yeah, the Torture
Posts Apartment coming out tonight, nine o'clock. Where will you be?
What will you be doing? How long will it take
it to listen to all of the tracks? So many
easter eggs, so many predictions, But it's finally he's gonna
be here and stop spinning our wheels.

Speaker 7 (44:20):
My favorite thing because I just get sucked into this
mortex of my phone when the album comes out, because
I'm in all these group chats where we're all just
like talking about our favorites, and Robbie literally just doesn't
even He says, it's okay, you can go have fun
with your friends your thing.

Speaker 4 (44:32):

Speaker 3 (44:32):
Yeah, it'll take you a couple of hours.

Speaker 7 (44:34):

Speaker 3 (44:36):
Wait, you try and includ him for something. He's like,
it's okay, go be with your friends.

Speaker 1 (44:38):

Speaker 7 (44:38):
Like I'll be like, oh my gosh it and he's like,
it's okay, you can play with your friends.

Speaker 3 (44:41):
It's late tonight too for us.

Speaker 1 (44:43):
Yeah, worth it all right?

Speaker 4 (44:45):
So yeah, it's very worth it. And Taylor will be
here to introduce it to you on Kiss FM later.
In fact, as I said, Kiss becomes Swift FM.

Speaker 3 (44:55):
So you want to practice one on.

Speaker 1 (44:57):
Two point seven Swift FM.

Speaker 4 (44:59):
I wont how many times because when we do that
thing on a Halloween I have to say sick friend,
my brain screws it up and says kiss some time.

Speaker 2 (45:05):
I know.

Speaker 4 (45:06):
I wonder if you'll say kiss and said it swift
maybe Tubbs, what are we going to be after ten
o'clock going home?

Speaker 1 (45:13):
No Swift sure, turn it on in the car tubs.

Speaker 4 (45:20):
Oh my god, unscripted.

Speaker 5 (45:26):
Be for Twinsday?

Speaker 3 (45:28):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 5 (45:29):
What are you and tub's going to be for Twinesday?

Speaker 3 (45:31):
Oh we don't know yet. We're going home, so let's
go to the back room. Back room. What did we
miss while we were on the air this morning?

Speaker 6 (45:39):
Ohmy, I'm away like singing, and she finally had a
realization that she is a Sabrina Carpenter stand like a
full on stay and we're like.

Speaker 1 (45:48):
Finally you like, you know.

Speaker 3 (45:50):
Caught on?

Speaker 1 (45:50):
Yeah I did. I don't care how many times we
play that feather song.

Speaker 8 (45:54):
It's It's.

Speaker 1 (45:56):
Espresso and the news song. Are you kidding me?

Speaker 9 (46:01):

Speaker 3 (46:01):
Where have you been good?

Speaker 1 (46:03):
I don't know, clearly not here.

Speaker 4 (46:04):
Well, we're gonna play it again in five minutes, so
get ready. All right, Thank you, back room, Thanks everybody,
have a great day and Swift FM starts next.

Speaker 3 (46:13):
Thanks for listening to on air with Ryan Seacrest. Make
sure to subscribe and we'll talk to you again tomorrow.
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