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April 9, 2024 67 mins

Bobby and Eddie talk about voting on The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Bobby got an official ballet in the mail, and they went through the voting process and nominees!  They talk about the legacy of each artist and fill Kickoff Kevin in on the artist he's unfamiliar with. Bobby then talks to Alexandra Sedlak after discovering her on TikTok (@Itsalexandrasedlak). She shared what happened to her at the Grammy Awards and the well-known singer she met backstage who didn't like her. She also explains how she ended up singing one of her songs on stage and more. Alexandra also explains the story behind her most viral video, talks about her music, why she describes herself as a "good witch," how she can see colors and auras and more. 


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Speaker 1 (00:06):
You know, we have the good witch trope the bad
witch trope, and a lot of people are like, are
you a good witch or bad witch? So I'm like, no,
I'm a good witch because I'm good at what I do.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
Welcome to episode four to forty five of the Bobby Cast,
where this may be the episode that gets me kicked
out of the voting as a member of the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame. Easy come, easy go, Grand opening,
grand closing. I'm not sure if you're supposed to say
who you voted for? Have you seen anything about that?
I've never seen that me either. I just feel like you.
I feel like there's a fifty one percent chance you
probably shouldn't. But we're doing a whole podcast on and

I think it brings light to even who the nominees
are and who they are. I don't know. This may
be it for me, but I'm a voting member of
the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and this is
what you do. You're always way too open with me. Yeah,
So we go through the ballot, first year I've ever
been invited. Eddie and I talked about each of the
nominees and their legacy, and I don't know if I

get kicked out, I'll let you guys know. I hope
they don't. I hope they see this as something really cool,
and together me, Eddie and kick Off Kevin kind of
decide who we're going to vote in. Now they don't
get in, but they get my vote, and there's not
a whole lot of votes, so Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame, which is cool, and then we'll talk to
I'm just gonna say this. Somebody that I found on TikTok.
And it wasn't so much that she was an artist

singing songs. I just thought she was so funny and
what she was doing. But she's also an artist. Her
name's Alexandra. You can find her links in our episode notes.
But she's a storyteller. She's a self proclaimed good witch.
And I couldn't tell she was kidding or not. Oh
she's serious, I know. But she's so serious because when
she does some of her stuff on TikTok, there are
absolute fabrications, but she commits to them fully. That's why

I wonder if she really feels like she's a witch. Well,
now I'm taking guessing myself, I know, but I do
want to believe that she thinks she's a witch. It's
a really good episode. My last day as a voting
member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Enjoy it.
It's episode four forty here on the Bobbycast. Got this
in the mill. This is what is it? Says? Official
ballot enclosed. I'm now voting member of the Rock and

Roll Hall of Fame. What wait? Wait wait wait wait
wait wait wait?

Speaker 3 (02:11):
So are these the nominations or this is like the
nomination has already come to you and now you're going
to vote for the.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
I've not opened the envelope. I don't know, but no,
I got an email from someone at the Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame going would you like to be
a voting member?

Speaker 1 (02:27):

Speaker 2 (02:27):
And I said yes? And then they said we'll send
you your ballot and I don't know what that means.
But it's a big white envelope. Okay, okay, okay, and
so so to do. We're going to vote right now
for the who we're voting for. I hope that I
don't get kicked out, like I don't think it's like
a secretive thing, because I've heard like on Howard Stern
for years, like Gary, their producer has been a voting member.

They've talked about it and they didn't kick him out.
But I'm also not Howard Stern. But also they have
an envelope. It's been stamped and there's a number on
the corner, which I guess is my number. I don't
want see what that is. I don't say that. And
then here is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
thirty ninth Annual official ballot. Are you palla? Deadline April fifteenth?
So are you paying to be? No?

Speaker 1 (03:11):

Speaker 2 (03:12):
Apparently they think I have. Okay, So we have nominees.
Nominees are already in so a board does the nominees and
the voters vote on whomever makes it. Okay, okay, wait, okay, okay,
So are you gonna minimal right now the nominees? Yeah?
Why not? I don't know if that's public knowledge. I
think it is, okay, because like what if Like I'm

Pearl Jam and I'm listening to this podcast, this podcast
be like WHOA, I'm a nominee. Will you see if
the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominations are public?
Because I think they are. For the thirty ninth annual
Nominees thirty.

Speaker 4 (03:46):
Nine twenty twenty four nominees announced.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Okay, rock and would Mary J. Blige be one of
the nominees?

Speaker 4 (03:57):
Number one on the list?

Speaker 2 (03:58):
Okay, it's public good, so we have and this is
the ballot here that we put in. Yeah. Yeah. It
says please vote and then it lists one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,
fifteen and has my number on the bottom. There's fifteen
boxes to check. Please vote for a maximum of seven nominees.

Seven out of fifteen. You don't have to vote for seven. Yeah,
that's the max. Is there a pin or a sharpie
up there? Kevin?

Speaker 4 (04:25):
They go on the backpack.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
So this is so exciting. Up first, we could just
roll through the the nominees and see. We won't even
say yes or no yet. We'll just go through them first.
Up first, I'm gonna do it like they read to
us in school where they show the picture to the group.
They swing the picture around and show everybody up. First
Mary J. Blige, who let's get it crunk. Then the

Queen of hip hop and soul, Mary J. Bliche flipped
to the R and B world have flipped it on
its head. Her anthems of resilience and empowerment have inspired
a legion of oil fans, while influencing virtually every R
and B artist. In the last twenty years. She's had
massive hits with Not Gonna Cry, Family Affair, Just Fine,

Long Lived Queen Mary J. I just read some of that. There.
She still pumping out records, I'm sure, but I think
I would imagine that most of these artists, because I
think the rule is twenty or twenty five years from
your first record. It's one of that I should I
should know that. I'm a voting member, you should know that.
So I'm gonna imagine that most of them are still

putting out music some but it's not like people are
demanding new music because they're so famous. You always just
want to go listen to the good stuff. Okay that
makes sense. Yeah, yeah, So I don't know if she
make a new Stuff'd imagine she put that new suf occasionally,
but it's not about what she's doing now, It's about
what she's always done up first, that's Mary J. Blige
like it. And also I'm fine with any And we
had the president of the Rock and Hall of Fame

on this show, which is probably maybe why he probably
put it in a good words.

Speaker 3 (05:57):
Probably one of those things. As soon as he laught
is like, hey, I make sure he's on the next year.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
Cool. Yeah, and hopefully I expressed to him that I
have a love, curiosity and knowledge in all formats. Yeah,
because which which is what the rock and Roll Hall
of Fame is all about. And my point is I
think rock and roll to me is rock and roll
is like contemporary music and being a dude that's still
rock star. That could mean just pushing it correct, So okay,
not just long hair and glitter. Mary J. Blige number two,

Mariah Carey obviously, Rice.

Speaker 4 (06:27):
Is this a Christmas version?

Speaker 2 (06:29):
Is that what you know? Kevin Well, Kevin's younger than us.

Speaker 4 (06:33):
I'm just saying, I mean, don't get me wrong. Of
course that's not all I know. But when I think
of Mariah, the first thing I think of is Christmas.

Speaker 2 (06:39):
Wow. I don't obviously I don't use a massive superstar
in the world.

Speaker 1 (06:45):

Speaker 2 (06:45):
It is sweet, Sweet Fantasy baby the roller Coaster, but
also being married to Tommytola also that song.

Speaker 3 (06:56):
Yeah, yeah, I don't even have a song attached to her.
All I think is the one of the most amazing
voices in music history.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
Yeah, every generation had somebody that we declare the basically
the best, like pop vocalist. Yeah, Maria Carey was that
for a while. Yeah, dude. She would hit notes.

Speaker 3 (07:13):
That people would just like, I don't even know how
that's even possible.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
Yeah, yeah, really high. She has nineteen number one hit,
second only to the Beatles. Wow. She in her home
life was garbage. If you have ever heard her story, No,
I don't know her rough Let me fine if there's
a paragraph on that. Carrie's rise to stardom was the
stuff of record industry fairy tale. Raised at home, played
with chaos. She developed her whisper singing. At seventeen, She

moved to New York landed a pivotal role as a
backup singer, and a moved that foreshadowed to take charge professionalism.
She gave her demo to Tommy Mottola ended up getting married.
Ball or move Kevin. That's what I was trying to say.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
The whisper singing she could go with on a high note,
but it would also be like a like airy whispers sound,
and that would be together, which is like some doctors
are just like I don't even know how that's even possible, really, but.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
She's got it. Yes, her pitch, she hit some octave
that even the great singers mostly can't get. Too pretty amazing.
She won the Grammys for Best New Artist for Vision
of Love. That is a vision, you know that one.
I don't know any of these that's older. I mean
mostly like late eighties, early nineties and nineties. Yeah, but

you only know for Christmas. I mean that makes sense.
That's why we said you're younger than us. Yeah, oh yeah,
mariahs I mean, so Mariah was one, Christina Aguilera was one. Yeah,
the best, considered the best, very popular vocalist of the generation,
Celine Dion. They're obviously better like opera singers, but I'm
talking about like known share is one. How is she

not on in there exactly? I agree, like dude, that
one's already checked that one. I mean, nineteen sixty five
was the year her and Sonny did I Got You Babe,
I Got You Babe. She's been famous in multiple ways,
from TV movie movies, The map Mask I think it
was called she was the Mom, not the mask Mask,
not the one with Jerry, that one.

Speaker 3 (09:10):
I don't remember that movie Mask, but I do remember, Yeah,
he had some kind of uh deformity or deformity where
he had a mess up face and they dealt with that,
and she was I think that guy's mom, the kid's mom,
and I remember watching it and being like, this is
so sad and it's such a like a heart wrenching story.
But I don't remember the movie.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
The sixties, her and Sonny. Then she did her own thing,
and so then she did like because in the seventies
it was like the songs like Gypsy's Trumps and Thieves.
Eighties she did the boat on a video where she
goes out with all them on a boat. No no, no,
that's Sandberg, which are you talking about? The island. It

was like an eighties music video where she's in like
the stock. It was I've only seen it like a
retro video. But she can a pop star again in
the eighties, like a slightly different version in the nineties.
Do you believe in Love?

Speaker 5 (10:02):
After Love?

Speaker 2 (10:04):
I Love?

Speaker 3 (10:06):
I mean that was massive, huge, and you talk about
someone who had a great career in the seventh in
the sixties with her husband, with their late husband, and
then became a big actress.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
I think for me.

Speaker 3 (10:15):
I remember her being an actress and seen her in
TV movies and not a lot of music, which I
guess she did have songs. Well, our generation knew her
as a black and white singer with Sonny and but
we missed a lot of the share as a really
contemporary pop star totally. She was in the early eighties
and then came back when we were like in high school. Yeah,

and that's weird because she was older, Yevin. She was
like an older woman singing do you believe in.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Life after Love? And and introduced that auto tune that
a lot of people are one of the first ones. Yeah,
it's a good point. So they get twenty five year
old something good for her and you have one name.
You can last that long, all right? Next update, Matthew's band. Oh,
come on, we love Dave. I've already voted we loved

My manager, who owns the company, is the one that
put Dave Matthew's band together. He Dave was playing in
his bar and he found the bassist and he was
the one that also took the tapes from It's like, hey,
you guys should record Dave Matthew's concert The like I
have a personal connection with the guy who put the
Dave Matthew's band together. And also I love Dave Matthew's band,
I don't much love going to their live shows now

sure they just take too long to dame. I like
the hits though they're a borderline jam band on their
in their.

Speaker 3 (11:34):
Live show, where like they'll take a five minute song
four minutes long turned into a seventeen twenty minutes long.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
So much to say? So much? To say? So much?
Does you talk about so much? To say? No? No no
no no no no no.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
Go ahead, you talk about their manager and all that,
and if you kind of just look at their story
of how they started and the grassroots way, even the
way Korn kind of did that, which I'm sure he
was behind all this stuff. Is they took on the
college market. So Dave went from these little bars and
became college fraternity like bands. So the fraternity party would

be like, Hey, we have a party going on on
Friday night, can.

Speaker 2 (12:11):
You guys play? And they would do that. At University
of Virginia, they would do that. I go to West Virginia.
Then they would go to Harvard. They would go and
then they became the college tour band that would tour
around the.

Speaker 3 (12:22):
Different colleges and just play parties. Really, and that's how
like every frat kid and every sorority kid were just like,
you got to check out Dave Matthews. They're unbelievable and
then before you know it, dude, they were just gigantic.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
Why what you say, don't mark the mayor man any relate?
Do you have any emotional relationship with Dave Matthew's band?
Were they an older band to you?

Speaker 4 (12:46):
A little bit older? But I do remember them. What
was the song you're doing?

Speaker 2 (12:48):

Speaker 6 (12:49):

Speaker 2 (12:50):
What do you? What? What you sayday?

Speaker 4 (12:53):
Yeah? I know that one?

Speaker 2 (12:54):
Or so much. That's what I was doing so much,
to say so much, to say so much, to say no, no, no, no, no, no, okay,
what about crap?

Speaker 7 (13:05):
Sh that's it?

Speaker 2 (13:07):
How about how about how about hold on?

Speaker 8 (13:12):
And that's a.

Speaker 2 (13:24):
Good one, dude.

Speaker 4 (13:24):
You guys make it sound good though, thank you man.

Speaker 2 (13:26):
Yeah, we like it. I love Dave Matthew. Yeah we
like it, dude, we do that. I've been to a
couple of live shows. They're a little too much for
me live shows because they just keep going. And I
like the songs, I like the hits.

Speaker 4 (13:37):
I feel like they're a band with like a lot
of people.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
They have. Yeah, yeah, see that's funny you said that
because they only have like five members, but they sound
big because they have a saxophonists and then a violin player.
But they have like extra band members sometimes like backup singers. Yeah,
they have added background singers. Yeah. And then the Dave and.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
Dave and Tim Tim, which they did their own thing
for a few years and that was awesome too because
it was all acoustics.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
He's from South Africa and it was a band blended
different races. And the bass player he was too young
because at first Dave was just that band was just
playing Corn's two of his bars, yeah, which he was
too young to play. Found the kid and the kid
was too young to play in the bars to play
bass and the kid the kids not adult now ok, yeah, yeah,
he doesn't look like a kid anymore. Yeah. But when

he played Eric being rakeem so eighties rappers. So for us,
not in unless you go and look at the history
of hip hop and what was important, you're not going
to know a lot of their music if you're a
casual to just a fan of hip hop. So we're
gonna have missed Eric being Rockeen because we didn't start

listening to hip hop until the nineties, because we didn't
turn ten until you know, show the classroom his picture.
It's two people. Oh yeah, Eric being Rockem, Eric being Rakie.

Speaker 4 (14:59):
I know Rakeem.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
How do you know him? Just he met him?

Speaker 4 (15:03):
Yeah, star bus way back.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
So but they they're like New York guys, Long Island guys.
But again, you're not going to know a bunch of
like jay z is, someone who's often said they were
instrumental in his career because that's who he looked to.
So for us, it would be one of those guys
we have to go. Well, the greats that we like
can admit that they wouldn't be great without Eric being Raheem. Sure,

but I'm not going to act like I could list
five songs.

Speaker 4 (15:33):
Okay, confessional. I just looked him up, but I have
no idea who.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
That is, so you don't know. But like it would
be like grand Master Flash if and he made already
be in or any of these rappers that started hip
hop in New York. We wouldn't know a lot of
their songs because we weren't into it then. But we
would know a lot of the people that were influenced
heavily by those songs. But that's gonna be a tough
one for us because we don't really know their music.
DJ Cool Hurric and stuff. Is that what you're saying.

I don't know who that is?

Speaker 4 (15:58):
Are you making names up?

Speaker 2 (15:59):
Now? He's one of the god fathers are of hip
hop documentary somewhere, But like Kendrick Lamar is someone to
talk about. So that's gonna be a tough one for
us because yea Foreigner. Yeah, we played with Foreigner, we did.
We did a couple of members of Foreigner. I want
to know what love is? Watch you to show me? Now.

We don't know them from our contemporary music listening. It's
from classic rock radio. That's right. It's cold as ice.
Oh yeah, will in the Sacrifice Love? They I do?

Speaker 4 (16:36):
Yeah, I do.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
I guess they're still but they're still playing. They played
The Million Dollar Show three years ago. Yeah, so they
played for fifty years. They've been on Miami, Vice, The Simpsons,
the rest of development, Stranger Things.

Speaker 9 (16:46):
It feels like the first time.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
It feels like the very first time or hot blooded.
So I got a feeler of a one hundred hot Blooded.
You could fact check me on these songs. Dude, what
do you mean? I think that. I'm just going with you.

Speaker 4 (17:07):
I know all these songs.

Speaker 5 (17:08):
I think juke Box he wrote juke Box Hero Kevin.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
I feel like your dad listened to that stuff.

Speaker 4 (17:21):
Yeah, it's kind of where that's w Yeah, growing up
with him. Yeah, listen to the classic rock radio.

Speaker 2 (17:25):
That's what my step dad would listen to. Listen to
classic rock radio all the time, and I didn't know it.

Speaker 4 (17:28):
Jack FM.

Speaker 2 (17:30):
Ours was cool ninety five. I don't remember what ours
is and this is the current radio when I was
growing pop station. Obviously, I want to know and love me.
It's probably their biggest pop so I would think, so
I want you to show me.

Speaker 4 (17:43):
Yeah, that's number one it is. I want to know
what love is. Yeah, Jukebok, Tiro, Cold as Ice, Waiting
for a girl like you.

Speaker 8 (17:50):
I've been waiting poor girl like you.

Speaker 2 (17:54):
You guys are on that one, so good? Do you
have another hot Blooded?

Speaker 4 (17:58):
And you guys already that one blooded?

Speaker 2 (18:02):
I don't think we missed any of those.

Speaker 4 (18:04):
You're good. That was yesterday.

Speaker 2 (18:07):
No, no, we're here, we're here today. I don't know
that was Peter Frampton. One of my first concerts ever
went to also from the seven not Our Time Classic
rock radios where I know him.

Speaker 3 (18:22):
Frampton comes alive. Dude, you remember that live album.

Speaker 2 (18:25):
Yep, that's what I know. And I also I see
him at the old gym I used to go to
here in Nashville. He is old man now, but he
works out. He lives here really, so you're there just
lifting weights. He just looks the old dude.

Speaker 3 (18:37):
That's crazy, dude, that's crazy when you when you've worked out,
you've seen the Undertaker.

Speaker 2 (18:43):
He was on a walk, the stairwalker next to me.
I swear he walked for two hours.

Speaker 4 (18:48):
How small did he make that thing?

Speaker 2 (18:49):
Look? Oh, he's just huge, huge, but not huge like
the Rock is huge, because Rock's like he's just way tall.
Worked down next to the rock to no, But I'm
just saying the Rock looks like a car Tune character.
He is way tall. But I've met back. He looks
like a thick basketball player that we we did the
sports shows. We could travel and so it's like six '
ten and they're also a thick That's kind of what
the Undertaker look like.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
That's crazy to He's worked out with the Undertaker. I
mean in the same gym Peter Frampton and Gary Labox.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
Yep and I pete next to Kicksbrooks before I knew
Brooks and done. But that wasn't at the gym.

Speaker 4 (19:20):
Who was the hardest?

Speaker 2 (19:22):
Kicks back? What pe? He does the hand on the
wall he gets in hand. Do you know the talk box?
Like Peter, let us sing some songs, see if you
would even know what they are. For example, let's do.

Speaker 9 (19:36):
I Want You Show Me the Way?

Speaker 1 (19:40):

Speaker 2 (19:40):
Every day? Do you know that song? Because the nybody goes,
oh yeah, so it's like a talk box thing he
would go through. How about ooh baby, I love you way?

Speaker 4 (19:49):
Great song every day?

Speaker 8 (19:51):

Speaker 3 (19:52):
Yes, What was the first one you say? I want
to be with What? What's the first one you said?
I thought that was the same song.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
I want you Wow, you know me the way?

Speaker 3 (20:00):
See, we sing that one more than you would think,
because like every time we play golf and Bobby's got
a put first, I say, I want.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
You show me that you know? Kevin, I'm looking at
his songs. You're so do you feel? And this is
the one he really uses the talk about that's all right,
that's all right, do you feel like I do or
like we do?

Speaker 4 (20:20):
Like like we do?

Speaker 2 (20:21):
Yeah, And he walks out of the gym and it
was my second or third concert everyone too.

Speaker 3 (20:26):
So Kevin, you understand how the guitar talk box thing works, right? No,
So he plugs in the guitar and it's connected to
a separate microphone and he would put that microphone mouth
and he.

Speaker 2 (20:40):
Would just go h.

Speaker 3 (20:41):
He would just blow into that microphone and whatever he
plays in the guitar, that's how it would come out,
like whatever note he's playing.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
So it would be like and you can kind of
make words to him like that. He could and he
could play it and it was so not like Kevin.

Speaker 3 (20:57):
It was almost like his voice was coming out through
his guitar.

Speaker 4 (21:00):
That's insane. Yeh want to do that?

Speaker 2 (21:02):
Yeah? Yeah, first maybe I know. Yeah, but like I
don't think. I don't think he invented it. Oh he didn't.
I don't know. I've never seen anyone else do that,
so I don't. I'm not gonna say it was the
first episode and be like, well, actually, right, Pesca Johnston
did in nineteen.

Speaker 6 (21:16):
Yeah, hang tight, the Bobby cast will be right back.

Speaker 7 (21:28):
And we're back on the Bobby Cast.

Speaker 2 (21:31):
Jane's Addiction. Yeah, that's huge. So I have a cool
story with one. We when it comes to just music
that we listen to a lot and liked, Janes Addiction
probably falls inside of that because we were edding our
big alternative fans huge in the nineties.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
And James Addiction was almost an underground huge band, like
they weren't mainstream fans.

Speaker 2 (21:52):
But Dave Navarro. You remember Dave Navarrow.

Speaker 4 (21:54):
Yeah, he was I know him from the Tattoo Show.
That's how I knew. And then I looked up the
music and I fro ten years ago now.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
But and I my mind takes me to the Seattle
grunge scene because that's when the all camp. But they
were in l A band. They were in LA band.
But there was that time when all those alternative bands
were even if they weren't they moved Seattle for like
a minute. Correct, we're from Seattle, but they had Jansers
I'm done with Sartia. And then they also the dog Cut.

Yeah this song has been caught stealing. But when I
was five, oh man, am I walk right? That's it?
Through the door, right, dude, I.

Speaker 4 (22:48):
Know, I didn't know that's who've seen me?

Speaker 2 (22:49):
Yeah, that is right, Yeah, God Jane the Dicks. Okay,
Cool in the Gang yeah, old, old old Obviously nineteen
sixty four is when they formed. But you know they
is that love Trainer cool, That's that's it. Okay, cool
in the Gang, older than man. I'm listening to their songs.

Will you look up for cool in the Gang? Because
I feel like I should know. Yeah, I think we
would know songs out there, funky stuff, jungle boogie, celebration,
that's itbrate, good times, come on, get down on it,
get down on it, get it. That's the one. Okay

cherish m hm. I bet we would know it played that.
You can just play it from afar right there. Mm hmm.
We might have to get to that chorus. Yes, kip up,
skip up a little bit. Okay, I don't know that,

Oh I do. I do that terroris for I wouldn't
know everywhere, but I do. I've heard that before. That's
tough the seventies. Sixty four was formed in the seventies. Yeah,
and then eighties they had oh oh yes, it's late
is night? What night it is? Oh yes, it's late

is not? Oh what? Oh what nice Okay, cool the Gang.
We have a few more. That's it. Lenny Kravitz. Yeah,
I mean, I love Lenny Kravitz. I think he's not
in because he's not that old yet, or does he
just look so young we think he's not that old. Possibly,
but again I think he's probably one of those whose
album this year is twenty five years later, if I'm guessing.

But Lenny Kravitz so originally the old school Lenny, like
a go my Way even even before that. Really, yeah,
I have too many cooling Gang songs in my head now,
But he had like Kevin, what do you see on that?
Because oh oh I got it.

Speaker 9 (25:01):
Baby, it ain't over till it's over many is that crap?

Speaker 2 (25:07):
Oh yeah, oh yeah, dude, inside, oh baby, it ain't
over till it's like ninety one. That to me is
like the first Lenny that I would love. And I
saw the video, so that was before Flyaway or Way
When to Get a ly Away ninety eight? Yeah, wow, yeah, seven,
it's a whole like version of him different.

Speaker 4 (25:30):
Oh I love How old do you guys think he is?

Speaker 2 (25:33):
Forty nine? My heart says thirty, my brain says fifty.

Speaker 4 (25:37):
Six, which is Eddie forty nine. It's fifty nine.

Speaker 2 (25:41):
Wow, dude, he looks he looks our age. Man. I
met him five months ago.

Speaker 4 (25:47):
Yeah, that was my first time seeing him at the
iHeart in Vegas.

Speaker 2 (25:51):
I would love to see him though, like at home depot,
like in his khakis one day and he was in
Hunger Games, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (25:58):
I would I just I would love to see it
at the grocery store line.

Speaker 2 (26:00):
I think you would let me. It's like Hawaii and
he's like getting some plant, you know. But yeah, I
want to get away. I want to fly away. Yeah yeah,
or oh. One of the most famous intro guitar riffs
of that thing Dan Dan Dan about his heart save it.

Maybe I really want to know? Are you gonna go
my way? Oh? Manes? Some of these just hit us. Perfect?
Is where the age for it to be perfect? And
then he did when the Austin Powers movies came out,
maybe Austin Powers too. American Woman get Away, but he
didn't write that. That's the guests who back in the day.

But it was a really cool version. American Woman is
what I say. Hey, he too is an actor. I
said that he was Seneca and Hunter. Y I know
I went there early because I like hungry. I'm sorry,
I was thinking of the music. Yeah, many cards Oasis?
Come on? Man, any more do we have? Because we
spent an hour on each I dude, I love so
we have? Looks like after Oasis, just two more? Nope,

four more to go through? Oh wait, but some of
them were not gonna voe want to vote for some
of them? So Oasis interesting? Like I love oys?

Speaker 3 (27:18):
Who gets the award? Who goes to that? Did the
brothers get together and do that together?

Speaker 2 (27:22):
The full band would go wow? But they all don't
have to show up, or you could be like some
bands and just not show up at all, be a
real rock start them.

Speaker 3 (27:30):
Although those inductions are really cool, man, Oasis was awesome
to me.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
First song where you're just like, wow, this is well.
The cliche song is Wonderwall. That's not cliche. Well now
it is because every dude plays it at a party
because it's easy to play, right, or did at least
a while.

Speaker 3 (27:45):
But when that came on the radio, though, it was
so different than anything else that was on the radio
at that moment where you had to stop and be like,
this is cool.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
Wonder was awesome. When did that come out on Wonderwall,
I would guess ninety four. I'm guessing ninety four, ninety six. Okay,
well it's not again, I don't. I'm not claim I'm not. No,
that's my game. I'm not putting my flag on the
ground and arguing with you about it. Is Kevin looking
it up? Come on?

Speaker 1 (28:14):

Speaker 2 (28:15):
Who cares? Maybe ninety but that was our second album,
so it could have been like ninety six Wonder Walls
or second album because that was what's the story? Morning Gloria.
Oh in the middle. Their early stuff Live Forever, which
big in UK and I. I started listening to it
once they were already cool. I wasn't cool enough to
know before they got cool. I wouldn't either. I only know.

Speaker 4 (28:35):
I don't Wonder Wall.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
I wonder how it works. I wish you would step
back from D's that's what kidding. I'll see if he
jumped out.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
I wonder too, Like how long that takes to come
to America?

Speaker 2 (28:47):
Like how long was the documentary on them?

Speaker 1 (28:48):

Speaker 2 (28:49):
It's really good, really yeah, you should watch itwish last
five years? Oh cool, I'll watch that. It's really good
and talks about you know, it shows them fighting and
how they play. You know, got how massive they got? Yeah,
they got it quick, but hate it and hated each other,
the brothers, and they still don't talk. Noel Gallagher lin
Liam Gallagher, Ye sing a little bit of wonder Walk

because I gotta get this some one I had.

Speaker 3 (29:10):
Wonder while, Yeah, my wonder Well, yeah, I was trying
to today.

Speaker 10 (29:15):
It's gonna be the day that I'll never throw it
back to you.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
That's that's one of all right, Yeah, somehow because there's
also a Champagne supernova in the sky. Some day you
will find me coming in.

Speaker 10 (29:29):
The landslide in the Champagne supernova in the shine super mean, hey,
hey what about this one?

Speaker 2 (29:43):
And so side can't wait?

Speaker 7 (29:47):
I know this is too late.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
That's were walking on by. That's so good, dude. Oh,
totally back in anger, but totally back in anger. I
heard to say, at least not today. Oh come on, dang, dude,
I got my vote. That's at vote. Well, we get

inside of votes out. Yeah, there's four more. Sinead O'Connor,
which her biggest song, Nothing Compass, She wanted to as
an eltor picture of the Pope because of all the
sexual abuse and people like banner. Turns out she's right.
She was right about all that. Yeah, yeah, recently died. Nohing,
Hey Kevin, who wrote that? To you? Who wrote it? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (30:34):
I have no idea. I guess what was it the nineties?

Speaker 2 (30:38):
Prince? Oh?

Speaker 4 (30:39):
Yes, they would have never her guessed he recorded.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
It and really, yeah, she made it a hit. It
wasn't it really a single? He recorded it on like
a demo. Then he put it out afterward after she'd
already recorded, made a hit, but it was his song.

Speaker 4 (30:49):
But the way that she sings it, it's awesome.

Speaker 2 (30:52):
Nothing compass.

Speaker 9 (30:53):
It's been seven thousand and fifteendlies and mallow we I
don't know if there's right lyrics, right Ozzy Osbourne?

Speaker 2 (31:05):
Come on, well has a solo? Though? This is has
a solo, not Black Sabbath because I think Black Sabbath
is already in. So this is Crazy Train. This is
gotta be yeah, I gotta be right. Yeah, I get confused,
Sid not, I know it's iron Man. I am iron Man.

See I think iron Man is Black Sabbath. Okay, you
do so, I think that's yeah, you're right.

Speaker 3 (31:33):
I think the solo Ozzie was Crazy Train. And then
of course mom im coming home.

Speaker 2 (31:40):
Crazy crazy? How much time about No, that sounds like
sounds like, sounds like y m c A. It's young man,
need to feel down. I got to running off the
rear on a crazy train. Yeah, that's good. How about
what's other song you said he did Mama? That's a

good one. Yeah, what other does it? Just Ozzie have
Kevin War Pigs? Oh awesome. I mean that's one of
the best. But they play this because they played an
Arkansas gamest the intro the intro video, will you play
from the beginning. It's one of the greatest intros of
any rock song ever from your phone, far from a microphone,
so we don't get sued there we go, Oh yeah,

this is this intro. It almost sounds like it'd be
like I Am hard, but it's not. But it shows
like actual You can let it keep going over a second,
pigs like hogs running out, busting through, and then this
part right here hits when it starts to jump up
a little bit, get forward like ten seconds a dozen.

Speaker 9 (32:57):
Bodies body dude.

Speaker 2 (33:05):
Okay, that's good. Okay, that's that's a good song. That
song's freaking a great underappreciated about me because I even
forgot the name of it, but I love it.

Speaker 3 (33:14):
It's crazy crazy AUSI is not even I would think
he would already be in the Hall of Fame.

Speaker 2 (33:18):
Black Sabbath, I think is okay, Yeah they are two
thousand and five because they have a ton of hits. Yeah,
shot a. Uh, it's taught for me to sing after
another song. Oh man, I know where songs. It's hard
after like.

Speaker 4 (33:34):
Tumble everything you sing as an ausy voice.

Speaker 9 (33:40):
Now, okay, smooth operator, I'm smooth operator.

Speaker 2 (33:48):
And then b by your side, I'm a baby. You
know me better than that? And I said, you know
I can't get there, but I can't get there all
the way. You you know me better? Right when you play?
Can we play a little bit from that? S a

D because by your side of the gym, you'll know
it if you play it from the beginning, all right?
You know you love me better than that. That's not it.
That's a move operator.

Speaker 4 (34:24):
Oh wait, what are you trying to play?

Speaker 2 (34:25):
By your side?

Speaker 1 (34:26):

Speaker 2 (34:26):
I know it instantly. I'm a huge fan. Mhmo. Let
me see here you go. Thank god, baby, nothing yet
you know me better than that. Let skip to the

course a little bit. Yeah, the first time I ever
got a phone. It's pretty cool watching babies first phone.
Here we guys coming up. I don't miss it anyway.

But if you don't know it from that, you know, No,
I don't know. Okay, I just teach me about bubble
bat song really yeah, moving on candles, Bubba bas last one.
I don't really do candles. It's just dark. Yeah, it's dark.

Speaker 4 (35:18):
It's just depressing.

Speaker 2 (35:18):
Tribe called Quest which I don't know the songs, but
I mean you will, you'll know some of them. So
a bit of the Eric b Raquiem where they influenced
a lot. But I listened to a little bit of
tribe growing up in a town that wasn't all white,
you know. We we had a white quarters and a
black quarters, and so I know tribe through Some of
the older black kids at my school would listen to

some tribe when I was in like sixth grade. But
let me see what's their number one song? See? Because
I think there are no songs listed here?

Speaker 7 (35:59):
Can I ca Can you kick it?

Speaker 8 (36:01):

Speaker 2 (36:01):
You can? Can you kick it?

Speaker 8 (36:03):

Speaker 2 (36:04):

Speaker 4 (36:05):
Electric relaxation.

Speaker 2 (36:07):
I don't I do that. That's cool though, I know, yeah,
I'm in We're not the greatest for like eighties hip hop,
massive nineties you are a little bit, but I don't
feel like I can. I can respect it, but I
know enough about it to share with someone why they
should respect it. Got can you kick it? Yes you can?
What's another one?

Speaker 4 (36:27):
Check the rhyme?

Speaker 2 (36:28):
I did, But what's another one?

Speaker 4 (36:31):
I just did find a way.

Speaker 2 (36:32):
Yeah, I guess I don't know them, but the titles
I know. We're idiots. Okay, So that's it. That's it.
So we get seven Okay, I got of fifteen. So
we're just gonna do absolute yeses. So it could be
somebody that if it's not an absolute absolute yes, just
say we'll come back to it, Okay, got it? Mary J. Blige,

come back to it. Mariah Carey Yes, yes, absolutely, yes,
share absolutely, yeah, yes, yes, Dave Matthews many, yes, Eric
being rakeem I come back to it. I don't. I
just don't. Yeah, I know. Lenny Kravitz, Yes, foreigner and

let's come back to it. We'll come back to it.
Peter Frampton, let's come back to it. Jane's addiction. Yes,
I'm going to come back to it because it's such
personal bias. I think is affecting that one. Yeah, I
answered that one too quick because I only got a
couple of those songs in my head immediately.

Speaker 3 (37:34):
Cool in the Gang, I might say yes, just based
on the songs that we we celebration, good celebration. That's huge.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
I'm gonna say come back to it for now, But
I do think that's probably one. We've got four so far. Oasis, Yes, yes,
Shenan O'Connor, come back to it, Okay. I mean I
think it's probably gonna be a no though. Don't you
just get yeah to get out of the way way Okay,
I think Shoda is probably gonna be a no from me. Yeah,

a tribe called Quest, I'm gonna come back, should come
back to try clock quest? Ozzy Osbourne. Yes, absolutely, it's Azzy.
I'm gonna come back because we only get two more. Okay,
how many do we have left after Ozzie? Well, I
didn't mark Ozzie because I'm not saying it's absolute yet. Yes,
Black Sabbath, Yes, Ozzie. Probably. I mean it's your ballot.

Speaker 4 (38:27):
No, No, it's ours you realady, we're voters soon.

Speaker 2 (38:31):
I yeah, all right, everyone, we're going Cool in the Gang, right, Yes,
I would. Okay, I do too, So let's do we
have we get one of all these because we have
six yeses, Okay, Mariah Carey shared, Dave Matthews band, Cool
in the Gang, Lenny Kravitz's Oasis. We get one of
the list, ready good, Mary j Blige, Eric Being Rockheim, Foreigner,
Peter Frampton, Jane's addiction, Shinead O'Connor, Ozzy Osbourne shot a

tribe called Quest. Let's eliminate some Okay, Uh shot a.
I'm gonna lem and I'm gonna eliminate respectfully. I'm gonna
eliminate tripe called Quest. I just don't all I know
is I'm an idiot in eighties hip hop. Pete Shae
O'Connors eliminated. Let's eliminate. So we have, so we'd eliminate

three with Ozzie left. Jane's addiction. Peter Frampton foreigner. Let's
eliminate one of Peter Frampton or foreigner. I would eliminate, Uh, Peter,
I go foreigner. I think they both get eliminated, and
if we both picked. But Kevin's the tiebreaker, but he's
one of them, He's.

Speaker 4 (39:33):
Like eight, right, But I know the name Peter Frampton.
I don't really know Foreigner. I do know those songs,
but I didn't know who dude Frampton man, But you
know the name I know Peter, like like I know
I know the name Gorbachaw too, but I.

Speaker 2 (39:44):
Know the name Bob. Yeah, Bill, I still eliminate foreigner.
Frampton was a brown breaking but foreigner had more.

Speaker 4 (39:54):
Wait one with a box?

Speaker 2 (39:56):
Yeah, okay, we only get one more. So let me
say this, Peter Frampton, and are they Peter Frampton and foreigner?
Are they together? Are both of them better than Jane's addiction? Yes? Okay,
I will get so Dan's addiction? Are they both bigger
than Ozzy?

Speaker 1 (40:11):

Speaker 2 (40:11):
No, so we keep an assy in I would Okay?
Are they both bigger than Mary J. Bige? Yes? Okay?
Are they both bigger than Eric b Rakeeim I have
to plead ignorance to that? Yeah, So it's Foreigner, Peter Frampton,
Jane's addiction and Ozzy Osbourne For the last vote. We
took Jane's out, we did, okay, So it's Foreigner, Peter Frampton,

and Ozzy. I vote Ozzy.

Speaker 4 (40:36):
I vote Ozzie.

Speaker 2 (40:37):
Who do you want bones you want foreigner over those three?

Speaker 5 (40:40):

Speaker 2 (40:40):
Maybe I have a loyalty Toegner because I can't play
our shirt. I mean, I shouldn't let that bias me,
but I do love cool. Okay, so I'm gonna cut
let's Cutegner. It's either Peter Frampton or Ozzy. Now, remember,
you can't associate Black Sabbath. They're already in not I mean,

Black Sabbath wouldn't have been Black Sabbath without Ozzy. So no,
Ozzie wouldn't have been the solo artist without Black Sabbath.
What are you talking about? Ozzy was the star I hear,
but how do you know? But he didn't write all
the songs, like every one of them. The le guitar
player was very famous.

Speaker 3 (41:15):
But I think it's a testament when the lead guy
leaves and he can do it all by himself.

Speaker 2 (41:19):
That that's the reason that band was.

Speaker 4 (41:21):
Everyone knows him, Peter, Ozzy, oh z Z why.

Speaker 2 (41:28):
Hall of Fame? Baby?

Speaker 4 (41:30):
You know it's funny. The first thing I remember a
boy him is that is that reality show.

Speaker 2 (41:33):
I know that's terrible. Okay, I'll go with you as Ozzy.
You really want to Frampton in there?

Speaker 1 (41:39):

Speaker 2 (41:39):
I I feel like Ozzy doesn't have the library himself.
But I do, I do, I do think, but it's
just versus those I do think, being the rock and
Hall of Fame. I mean, what are we missing on Ozzie?
We're missing Ozzy songs? Can you look? He did? He
looked at it. No, no, no, there's more. Though I
know there's more. He didn't make three songs. No, no,
but that were like big here, let's not stupo, what

not dancing crazy train?

Speaker 3 (42:04):
No more tears, no more tears, tears, bark at the moon.

Speaker 2 (42:10):
I don't know that I know that one.

Speaker 1 (42:11):
You do?

Speaker 2 (42:12):
You do? Don't tell me what I know?

Speaker 1 (42:14):
You do?

Speaker 2 (42:15):
You know bark at the moon? Why are you dancing?
I'm not dancing? Rocking out? We went Ozzie. So here's
our that I'm here's our seven. Mariah Carey, nice chair,
Dave Matthews Band, come on, cool in the Gang, Lenny Kravitz, Oasis,

Ozzy Osbourne. That sounds like a great ballot. And then
do you get a second wave or no? Those that's
the top seven go in a top six or whatever.
Let's go okay, I'll mail this off today. That's fun.

Speaker 3 (42:54):
Yeah, really cool, dude, Thanks for letting us be a
part of that. Hopefully we don't get voted out for
talking about about it.

Speaker 2 (43:01):
I don't don't see anything about it says please fill
your ballad out confidentially. I'm just kidding it. I've received
after this date. Okay, I'll mail it off today, cool man.

Speaker 3 (43:12):
Yeah, Hey, do you think our picks will be the seven?
I don't think it's like a parlay where if you
hit all seven we get to go the one.

Speaker 2 (43:21):
Who hit all seven. It's Eddie, Bobby and Kevin. Come on, guys,
we get awarded an award.

Speaker 4 (43:25):
Yeah, the best voters.

Speaker 2 (43:28):
Okay, I'll mail it off today. But that was fun.
That was very all right. Good luck to everybody, especially
if you're one of the seven week hit y. Yeah,
good luck guys.

Speaker 7 (43:36):
The Bobby Cast will be right back. This is the
Bobby Cast.

Speaker 2 (43:50):
So I'm on TikTok a lot, and sometimes I'll watch
videos of people telling stories and I'll get sucked in
and then at the end I'm like, oh, Wow, that
either sucked or they go go to part two and
then I'm annoyed. They maybe watch it and I didn't
know his part two. But every once in a while
I'll watch a story and I'm like, oh, that's funny,
because that's kind of tricked a little bit. And this
is how I won't say discovered. This's how I found

Alexander for the first time. It was on TikTok and
you were telling the story about the Grammys, Alexander, which
was a really great story and really cool that you
got to go to the Grammys. Would you give, like Mike,
who probably is here with me, just to give him
like a brief description of what happened to you at
the Grammys and just so he can kind of feel
the emotion of it.

Speaker 1 (44:30):
Absolutely. I was actually in La visiting a friend for
an acting job and I found out he was working
the night of the Grammys, which was a surprise to me,
and anyway, he brought me along. I got to dress
up and be backstage and made a friend just kidding.
She didn't really like me that much, but she's very
well known singer and so that was fun watching all

this stuff backstage. And then my friend grabbed me on
stage during mike check and told me to sing one
of my songs, and I blacked out, and I guess
I started seeing on my songs and then next thing
I know, Jay z was like clapping for me and
everyone was clapping and standing, so, which is great.

Speaker 2 (45:08):
Yeah in the audience, that's awesome. And so she tells
the story. It blows up and I think her name
was Amanda. Is that what you called her in the story?
That's right, like you covered first. She don't want to
say the person's name Amanda. And so, Mike, have you
seen the video, by the way, I haven't seen it. Nok.
So she's telling the story and and we'll just go like,
we won't do the TikTok deal. We'll tell what I so, Amana,

what I don't. Amna's not real. And so you made
the whole story yep, right, Alexandra correct, okay, and you
know that. But if you just stick to the end,
you know that. But it was blowing up and people
were getting so upset and they were guessing everybody, and
it had gone completely viral because people didn't wait to
the end of the video before they started to get upset.
And I felt like it was kind of what our
culture does anyway, Like that was just a microcosm of

our culture. You get way upset before you get to
the end, or you actually don't read the story you
just read the headline and you get upset. So that
video in particular, did you feel when that started to
gain some traction. Did that feel weird to you that
they were like blaming people for this fake person you invented.

Speaker 1 (46:07):
It felt weird, but I had experienced it before. Right
before Christmas, I posted a monologue that I actually just
came up with in the moment, and it was about
a fiance cheating on me and breaking up before Christmas.
But at the end I always said, you know, that's
my monologue. Let me know what you think in the comments,
Thanks so much, And still people did not understand. To
this day, I still get private messages about, you know,

their cheating stories and stuff like that. So it's interesting.

Speaker 2 (46:33):
So do you feel like you are a performance artist
when you do these stories and that if people understand
what you're doing, they understand that it is just you
playing a role and you are an actress too, or
do you feel like some people are so dumb they
they're just a lot of people are just gonna expect
to be they're being lied to, they feel like they're
being lied to.

Speaker 1 (46:53):
I mean, first and foremost, it came from a place
of being an actor and like kind of a writer
filmmaker mindset, and I really thought that most people would
stick to the end of these videos and they would
get it and we would all be in on it together.
But that does not happen, like we've just been talking about.
So it's kind of snowballed, and I just have fun

with it, and I understand that half the people get it.
Half of them probably won't, but it's fun, especially for
the people.

Speaker 2 (47:20):
Who what's your most viral video?

Speaker 1 (47:24):
Most viral I think would be the moisture Man.

Speaker 2 (47:29):
Okay, I don't know the moisture video see. And I
had a if I stay on somebody's TikTok too long.
For example, we have an artist coming in named Grace
who's like a seventeen year old prodicty guitar player. But
I can only watch a couple of guitar videos of
hers because I didn't want my algorithm to send me
a bunch seventeen year old girls. I didn't want it
to send me the wrong thing from the algorithm, and
so I'd watch a couple of years, but I was like,
I can't have my TikTok algorithm start sending me, you know,

a bunch of and I'm not sure old you are,
late twenties females that just my wife would be like,
why are there thirteen? You know, to get ye old
females or however old shees on you. So I would
watch like two, and I would go away and fill
it with some football, you know, I'd fill it with
some you know, dirt or something, and then I would
come back and watch another one. So I don't know
moisture man, so part So what was that one about

back in.

Speaker 1 (48:14):
January when we had that crazy freeze here in Nashville.

Speaker 2 (48:18):
I do know moisture man. Oh my god, I do know.
He came to your apartment, yes, your house or whatever. Yes, Okay,
go ahead. I'm a loser because I know this one,
because I guess I've seen them all. Go ahead.

Speaker 1 (48:28):
Yeah. I live in a duplex, so I share a
wall with my neighbors, and we were warned by our
landlords so many times your pipes might freeze, take precautions.
So I did everything because I have OCD and I'm
very anxious about that, and you know it's unfortunate. But
it happened in their pipe burst and my unit flooded
as well. So we had, you know, we had people
come out and take care of that, and one of

the guys in particular kept coming back to check and
we had a funny text exchange that I decided to share,
and that text exchange was real. It just snowballed from
there and everyone wanted more moisture.

Speaker 2 (49:01):
Man, So you know, so that part was real. And
then how how absurd did it get when it turned
into fiction?

Speaker 1 (49:10):
Yeah? I got pretty absurd. I took it there and
it can keep going. I feel like it's a story
that needs to keep being told because people want this.
I don't know if you've heard a book talk, but
it's like people were like, please write this book, make
this a book. I need this to be a book
on tape like a movie. So it just kind of
snowballed and it got really fun. But the text exchange

that started the whole thing was real and those were
my real feelings, and I thought it was hilarious. So
I just sat down and recorded it in the moment.

Speaker 2 (49:38):
So and all of this is for this question, like,
what have you learned about creation on social media or
music anything with a new what have you learned from
kind of dialing in on this fictional but with a
little bit of truth niche that has made your TikTok
extremely popular.

Speaker 1 (49:58):
I think that I think we really love connecting with
every day regular people, and it's becoming less. I think
about the mirrors and smoke of like really big budget movies.
I mean, that's always going to be popular. I mean,
I don't know. I don't know where we're going. I
have thoughts about that, but I think that we really

love just listening to people tell stories, even if it's
just inspired from real things, and then we know the
rest is kind of you know, gets elaborate, but it
just feels relatable and we get to escape to our
imagination a bit, but also still feel like we're connecting
with a real person talking about everyday things that we
think about all the time. How funny or crazy this is.

But a lot of people don't share it or don't
have a space to talk about it and get feedback
from everyone. So I don't know, it feels like an
entire community, and I realize how much people love story
and also just love listening to someone's day and listen
to someone talk and find themselves in the story as well.

Speaker 2 (51:00):
Did the I don't the fifty part series. I don't
know who I'm married. Yes, like that went extremely par
It's a fifty part series. She just got signed by CIA.
Like it's a huge deal. And you might have, I
say you the universal you listening, you might have turned
it on. Are caught up at part twenty seven as
the very first one, but it got so big and
it is exactly your point. People crave story and they

follow that through fifty of those. Did you happen to
see any of the fifty parts? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (51:27):
I did, of course. I was hearing so much about it,
and it's it's exactly what where I think we are
headed also in terms of content and what we like
to consume. I mean, YouTube has been around forever and
now TikTok is you know, trying to compete with YouTube.
But I think this might be where we're going even
in terms of you know, movies and series. I think

that it's going to be very approachable and very like
easy to make because at the end of the day,
we just want to hear, like I said, like a
regular everyday person that we can see ourselves and talk
about with going on in their lives, and it's fascinating.
It's like people cook their dinner listening to this stuff.
They're commute. It's like you get really into it. I

do too.

Speaker 2 (52:10):
You're an artist in many ways. Obviously we'd mentioned that
you're an actress, and I was reading a lot of
your accolades, so it's the real deal. But from your TikTok,
I went over to your Instagram and it's positioned a
bit different and there were some of your music over
on Instagram. So you were in a band and are
you still in a band? And I know you're doing
solo stuff as well, So where are you musically now?

Speaker 1 (52:32):
Yeah. When I came to Nashville, I met some people
who were actually from Ohio as well, where I'm from,
and we all connected here and we formed a rock
band called Brother Sister Stone and we played a bunch
around town and that was really awesome to get immersed
in the music scene here. And now I do my
solo stuff and I spent two years roughly making my

first full length album, and I produced it entirely myself
with my producing partner. We played every instrument ourselves. It
was like a true labor of love. And I just
released that in October, and I knew it would be
kind of like a slow reception because like a lot
of people didn't even know my music, and now it's
kind of getting some traction because of my tiktoks, which

is really fun to see that happening. But yeah, so
I did that and I'm going to be releasing more
music this year as well.

Speaker 2 (53:27):
How would you define your music?

Speaker 1 (53:28):
Is it?

Speaker 7 (53:29):
Is it?

Speaker 2 (53:29):
I mean I've heard it on your tiktoks, But is
it country or not? Tikkeo Instagram? Is it country music?

Speaker 1 (53:33):
No, I wouldn't say it's country. I think it's influenced
by a lot of different genres, just like every pretty
much every artist right now. But I call it like
indie pop, indie rock. It's definitely like a combination of
things like classic rock mixed with some folk mixed with
pop and rock. And I had my most country song
would be a song I wrote called I Have Cried.

That's definitely got like a country feel to it. But yeah,
it's an eclectic mix.

Speaker 2 (53:59):
I think if you just said yeah, I'm a country artist,
everybody like yeah, because you know, folk, classic rock, rock, pop.
You know that's just somebody going yeah, I mean that
is that is what country music is. Or a big
part of it now. So when I listen, I was like,
I wonder how she defines herself and so here's a
here's another question after for you, and I don't know
if this is real. Are you a witch? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (54:20):
Yeah, I'm serious.

Speaker 2 (54:21):
Hold on, hold on, hold on, I'm serious. I don't
want to do a story. I don't want to do
it because she's gonna leave me down a trail. I'm
gonna find out Amanda's the witch, and then are I
feel like she's gonna get me? Are you? What does
that mean that you're you're a good witch?

Speaker 1 (54:35):
It means that I'm good at what I do, okay,
And that's it's not about you know, we have the
good witch trope the bad witch trope, and a lot
of people are like, are you a good witch or
bad witch? So I'm like, no, I'm a good witch
because I'm good at what I do. And it's tongue
in cheek, it's fun, it's meant to be lighthearted. But yeah,
there's absolutely truth to that. That's a big part of

my life.

Speaker 2 (54:57):
Well, hold on, so you just did the whole thing
where she zigged and then shape me with the zag
at the very end, because you're like, yeah, do you
have mystical powers in real life?

Speaker 7 (55:09):
Do you feel that yes?

Speaker 1 (55:11):
One percent?

Speaker 2 (55:13):
Okay, and what would they be?

Speaker 1 (55:16):
I feel like I was gifted with a psychic sortive
energy that has passed its way down my bloodline. And
that's a very real thing, and it's not something that
is just unique to myself. I think that all of
us are extremely way more powerful than we realize we are,
and that's a real thing. I think we have so
much control over our realities and what we're able to manifest.

I'm huge into manifestation, and of course that's having a
moment right now, but just being real about it, I
think we all are way more powerful than we realize
if we can focus our minds and our thoughts and
our emotions and create like anything that we want. So
that's what I would say about that. And yeah, personally,

I do think that I've tapped into some abilities that
I've just honed over the years that are really, you know,
special to me and it informs a lot of what
I do.

Speaker 6 (56:15):
And yeah, let's take a quick pause for a message
from our sponsor. Welcome back to the Bobby Cast.

Speaker 2 (56:31):
So now that is different to me than someone saying
that they're just a which is funny, which is a
brew which does spells. But you saying that, yeah, I
do believe too that I just have not been able
to tap into certain parts of myself that other people
have tapped into about themselves or other like And I
in no way could prove that you're wrong. As a
matter of fact, I'm probably like, yeah, I'll bet she

has that ability if she's done it successfully over time.
But you can't do spell because if you can do spells,
I'd like to just have you do a couple. You're
not really a spell which you're more of, I don't know, clairvoyant,
You're more of a you read like vibrations, Like what
do you feel like you're the best at.

Speaker 1 (57:10):
I think that I have seen aura before. If you've
heard of people who can kind of see like the
color around things, I've definitely seen that. But just like
at the heart of it, I just think I'm very
intuitive and the which thing is really funny because it's
crazy how much it affects people. I've noticed it can
be very polarizing, which is more fun for me because

I'm going to dig deeper into that because I think
it's I think it's always been something I've been interested
in since I was a kid, and it's having a
whole resurgence now. But I think the word which is
so cool because it's like a reclaiming of the word,
whereas in the past it meant something different than what
I think it means today, for specifically for women, And

in that way, I think it's powerful. There's even a
book I think it's called which it is called witch
By I can't think of the author, but it's all
about reclaiming the word and the meaning of it, and
that alone, I think can mean so much more than
the traditional witch that we've all come to know, like
as kids from our upbringing. But yeah, I love it.

I go to Salem for Halloween every single year. Oh wow,
never miss it. It's so fun. It's like it's insane.

Speaker 2 (58:24):
It's like you're part of it, but you're also playing
into it a bit too. That's hilarious. The witch things
is now, it's awesome. I'd claim I was a witch too,
if are you? Because people people are way more interested
because of how you position it. Even I am like,
are you do you think when you say how you
feel about yourself? I'm like, yeah, I get that, Okay, cool,
I don't have that, but I'm not going to say
that other people don't that have invested in themselves. And

if you feel like it comes down through your family,
do you feel what about your family did, like your
mom or your grandmother, did they have the spiritual powers
or anything?

Speaker 1 (58:54):
Yes, and neither of them would it would ever be
like I'm a witch. That's I feel like it's a
new general thing that we've like we've reclaimed that word
and like what it means and all everything to do
with that. But my mom and my grandma, my mom's mom,
have both had very interesting supernatural experiences in their lives

and they're the most pragmatic, down to earth people, like
this is not wuu so you would. I mean they're
from Ohio and they're just like salt of the earth
everyday people. So the fact that these stories have stuck
with them over the years, I mean I've heard these
stories since i was a little kid. I know it's real,
and I've had similar experiences to their experiences as well.

And I have heard that those types of things can
be generational. You know, who really knows, Like it's so
much more vast than we're able to comprehend. I think
like that whole spiritual realm. But yeah, definitely, I think
I might get it from my mom and my grandma
to some degree.

Speaker 2 (59:54):
If someone said, Hey, I'd like to pay you to
do a future tell my future, what would how would
you do that? Could you do that? Or what could
do you? Actually, I won't even say predicts. I don't
think it's a fair word to use. What could you
by being with them? What could you gather about them?

Speaker 1 (01:00:09):
I think it would be more about I don't know
if I want to use this word, but more of
like a guidance, if that's even what they wanted. I
would never claim to say I know your future. I
think that's kind of ridiculous. Granted I have gone to
traditional psychics you know, in the past, and most of
the time just completely for fun. I've had one or

two experiences that knocked me off my feet and I
was like, Okay, I wish everyone could have that experience,
because most of the time it's just not real, and
I think some people get taken advantage of. So I
would never say I'm going to, you know, tell you
your future. But I am very intuitive and if anyone wanted,
you know, to have a conversation with me or whatever,
I would just kind of read their energy, the situation

and what I thought was going on and offer my
I guess my my take on things and more from
a friends stand point, then I know all and let
me share with you. I think that's kind of ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (01:01:04):
And that's why I didn't say predict because I want
to be insulting about what we see on television as
a psychic and they wear the hat or Miss Cleo
or you know, because again I do think that's completely
a different thing, and they're trying to just take advantage
financially of certain folks that are looking for some sort
of safety net. We have my coast on the radio
show her cousin has when she talks to us, she has,

you know, these intuitive abilities. What does she call herself, Mike?
Do you know she doesn't call herself a psychic because
that's old school eighties, nineties type stuff. I don't remember
the term right, But she she does a very similar thing.
She works, that's definitely part of it. But she does
like walks to forty five hundred company. She's come on
this show and with me medium yeah, she definitely a medium.

I think that's her general term for all the things
that she does. She considers herself a medium. And she
came on and my wife now and I were dating,
and I wasn't talking about getting engaged or anything. But
and this is the one that kicked me in the head.
She said, Hey, I know when you're going to get engaged.
I just feel it, like not I know, like I
can predict the future, but like, I really feel that

there's this time period coming up when I think you're
going to get engaged. And I'm not going to tell
you what it is, but she told my co host
she's a really good friend of mine, and my coast
wrote it in a freaking envelope and sealed it, wrote
the date on it. We kept it and I didn't
tell anybody when it was coming up. I didn't because
I didn't want to know, because I don't want it
to affect me. I didn't want to be like, I'll
prove that wrong or I'll prove that right. So I

never knew. And like eight months out, she freaking nailed it.
It was like a parlor trick. It was so good,
Like how did she break down the studio and slide
it in an envelope And I was like, how did
you do that? And she goes, I don't know the
answer to how I do it, but it's a gift
that I'm I feel like I've been born with that.
It's just an intrinsic part of me. Does that feel
familiar to you at all?

Speaker 1 (01:02:51):
Oh? Absolutely, I have so many experiences like that. I
just lost my leg. But interestingly, since that major tornado
we had here in Nashville in twenty twenty, I've become
really sensitive about weather and tornadoes and stuff, and I've
been having this weird thing happened where there was a
tornado last year, I think, or a couple of years ago,

and I was dreaming of a tornado and it felt
so real and visceral and it terrified me. And I
woke up like a minute or two before the alert
came out on our phones. And I've been having that
happen with weather related events. Even I was talking to
Morgan about the plane crash that happened right next to

me two nights ago, and I had the weirdest synchronicities
about that type of event happening the day before leading
up to it so, and I agree with what she said.
It's like, you don't know where that comes from. It's
just a part of you. And the more that you
lean into it and accept it and are curious about it,
the more it tends to happen. So yeah, I relate

to that.

Speaker 2 (01:03:58):
And you know, we started this off going, Yeah, your
stories are funny and they turn into fiction and we
follow stories. But this part of you, this is not fiction, right,
This is you telling me legitimately how you feel and
what you do. Because if you are to tipy, because
if you're going to get me again in the end,
you know, I'm gonna this is real, right, because this
is real to me. This is real to you too, right, Yeah,

it's real to me. We need like a like a
like an ear tug or something when like she's screwing
with me, so I know I can go along with
it some time. Yeah, So what is your goal? Like? Now,
you know we have a lot of people that listen
to this, what is your goal If I were like
to point people to something that you do that they
could consume. Is it music? If they just get one? Like,
where are you gonna be to send people from here?

Speaker 1 (01:04:41):
Send people to my Spotify, and of course TikTok is
a place where a lot most people are finding me,
but Spotify is where my music is. My album's kind
of getting some attention right now and help people are
loving the music. So I guess that's what I would say.
I released my album in October, so it's been a minute,
but it's still you know, in the term of albums,

they take forever to make and come out, so it's
still kind of like still fresh.

Speaker 2 (01:05:07):
I think you're wildly talented. Again, it's rare that I'll
see somebody on any form of media just go like, oh,
I got to figure out what this person's about. But
just and then reading your story of the different ways
that you have involved yourself in media, if it's acting,
if it's movies, if it's music, if it's you know,
just telling these stories on TikTok like that. You're really
good at what you do. And the thing is, I

can't even really define what you do because, like you're
talking about, there's just something about connection that is currency,
and I think you got that. And so I was
super intrigued and we gave all your social media handles
and all that before you and I started but I'm
super grateful that you came on to talk about a
little bit. I think you have a humongous future ahead
of you in whatever direction you want to go. Are you.

Do you get any aura around me? I know we're
on FaceTime right now, but is there anything you can
you can tell me about me?

Speaker 1 (01:05:56):
I think you're super activated, like in a good way,
and I I think that's why you are the way
you are and where you are. I think you are
very action oriented, and that's something I admire because I
take forever sometimes to take an action and to execute
on something. But I think that you are like very
fiery and full of energy and you can use that

to help you Sometimes it can probably feel chaotic. I
don't know if you experienced that, like racing energy and thoughts,
but I feel like it's such a gift to have
that type of energy that you have and to channel
it into things that you really want to bring into life,
because you have this ability to create awesome things and
bring people together. So that's what I would say about that.

Speaker 2 (01:06:38):
Yeah, I feel chaotic all the time, every second of
my life. Yeah, I want to like run from the chaos,
and I can't quite get away. From it, but I'm
a big fan, a recent fan, so not a lifelong fan,
but a recent fan, and really looking forward to our
listeners checking out your music and having you on again
at some point. It's really been a cool half hour
so hanging out. So thanks a lot.

Speaker 7 (01:06:59):
Thank you so much than for having me, thanks for
listening to a Bobby Cast production.
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