All Episodes

January 8, 2024 51 mins

Movie Mike and Kelsey share all the movies they have seen over the last 2 weeks which includes Wonka, Anyone But You, Saltburn, Migration, Rebel Moon and so many more! They share which movies were their favorites and recommend vs. which movies let them down and you should probably avoid. In the Movie Review, Mike shares his thoughts on A24’s The Iron Claw starring Zac Effron. He talks about the amazing performances, if he believes in the family curse and how the movie differed from real life. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello, and welcome back to movie Mike's movie podcast. I
am your host, Movie Mike, joined by my wife and
co host Kelsey. How are you.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
I'm great.

Speaker 1 (00:06):
We're gonna do a movie review dump of all the
things we watched over the break. That's what people say, right, dumps.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
I don't know if we're saying that anymore.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Photo dumps, movie review dumps.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Can we just say like a collection of movie reviews collect?

Speaker 1 (00:19):
It doesn't sound as fun. I like movie review dump,
and then we'll get into a full movie review. Talk
about the Ironclaw and in the Trailer Park we have
Adam Sandler in a role that you're probably not expecting
Adam Sandler to be in. Thank you for being here,
Thank you for being subscribed, and now let's talk movies.

Speaker 3 (00:37):
In a world where everyone and their mother has a podcast,
one man stands to infiltrate the ears of listeners like
never before in a movie podcast.

Speaker 4 (00:48):
A man with so much movie knowledge. He's basically like
a walking IMTB with glasses. From the Nashville Podcast Network.
This is Movie Mike's.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
Movie all right. So we saw a lot of things
over the holiday break.

Speaker 4 (01:05):
We did.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
We're just gonna rip and read these reviews, we'll kick
it off with the first thing. We will do them
all in order that we saw them first. One up
is Wonka, which I loved the first original Willy Wonka
and the Chocolate Factory. It's one of my favorite ones
of all time. Hated the Johnny Depp one. So going
into this one, I was a little bit hesitant, mainly
because of how Willy Wonka was going to be portrayed.

And you have Timothy Shallomey.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
Here and all to me, tim wasn't that his rap name.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
And all of my expectations were completely met from the
very first opening number, right when he comes out singing,
I'm like, oh man, I'm gonna like this movie.

Speaker 2 (01:41):
I thought I was gonna hate it.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
Why did you think you were gonna hate it?

Speaker 2 (01:45):
I don't always love musicals. There's some that I like,
but I was like, M like, the original Willy Wonka
is just so hard to top, and I really thought
it was gonna be cheesy. Damn it if he didn't
sell that character.

Speaker 1 (01:56):
Well, let's be like it is kind of cheesy at times,
like sometimes his will his portrayal of Willy Wonka is
so extra and so over the top that I feel
like if you were like a casual fan didn't really
know what the essence of Willy Wonka is, you would think, oh,
that's kind of weird the way he's playing. You even said, like,
what would who is he dating? One of the Jenners

dating Kylie Jenner? Like, what would she think about going
to see him in that room?

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Do you think Kylie Jenner got the itck?

Speaker 1 (02:23):
Because it's a very extra role and you have to
really own it. But it really for me, it really works.
I would get the itch though you think so. Yeah,
But if you're doing something at his level as good
as he does it, you think you would watch that
movie and think, oh, man, I.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
Just would forever picture him singing about a hat full
of dreams.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
Oh, but the songs in this movie are so infectious, Like.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
You didn't make us listen to the soundtrack.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
Yes, that's what. The first time ever that I went
to go see a movie and wanted to listen to
the soundtrack. I don't do that, like you were saying.
I have said for the longest time that I don't
consider myself to be somebody who likes musicals. I really don't.
It's not something I seek out, but when I go
out to a really good one. Now I love them,
so I think maybe in the back of my mind,
I do enjoy them. I just don't want to say

it that I love musicals, which I don't know why
I would have a problem with liking musicals. But this
is the first time that we went to go see
a movie, and I'm like, I want to listen to
some of those songs. The other day we were singing
this Chocolate and this Chocolate, Like we just started singing
these songs. And it's different from the first one, which
was a musical, and some people were like surprised to
remember that that one, the Johnny Depp one, wore musicals.

But this one was a lot more straight on because
I feel like there are big, important songs in the
original one with Gene Wilder, but this one is just
straight up almost song after song, them just busting out,
you know, randomly singing, kind of like how people expect musicals.
So I still feel like it's a little bit different
than that first one. But I think the story in

this one is just really good.

Speaker 5 (03:54):
Too, And I think that the greatest part was putting
Hugh Grant in his place.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
Oh yeah, he hated this movie.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
And making him play a small orange.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
Man because he notoriously is hard to work with, and
in this one, he's like, I really just did it
for the money, and he perfectly fits the role because
Baluba is in this movie at least the grummy character,
and yeah, that's Hugh Grant, so you get what you
kind of expect from Hugh Grant. But the interesting thing

about this one is I feel like Willy Wonka. In
the original, he's a little bit more cynical. He's a
little bit weird and does things that you could kind
of view from a dark point of view, and this
one it's almost like Willy Wonka before he gets super jaded.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
Yeah, this is Willy Wonka before he has his chocolate.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
Factory, and it's like, yeah, it's him. Like you find
out the reason he wanted to start the chocolate factory
and that's really heartwarming. And sometimes I feel like in prequels,
when you learn about a character, I feel like it's ah,
I don't really care about that, But in this one,
I was really invested in it and all the other
characters that were introduced. I really enjoyed it great.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
The side characters were great.

Speaker 1 (05:01):
I think that's what made it even better.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
I now want a pocket sized chocolate factory.

Speaker 1 (05:06):
A pocket sized chocolate factory. That's what he had his
little suitcase.

Speaker 5 (05:10):
Suitcase maybe not pocket sized, but was like briefcase chocolate factory.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
I would like to building chocolate on demand.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
Oddly, after watching this one, unlike watching the first one,
I did not crave sweets after it. After I watched
the first one, obviously I was a lot younger, but
I like wanted that piece of chocolate. I wanted to
find the golden ticket. In this one, it was almost
more of the whimsical effects of the chocolate that made
it cool. Aside from the way the candy itself looked

like in that first one when they're first walking through
the factory and just eating everything, taking bites out of things,
that just made me want everything. But visually I thought
the movie looked amazing. There was like one really great
shot of just like the Willy Wonka silhouette that I
was like, oh man, they're really going for that classic
vibe here. So overall, I gave it a four out
of five. What would you give it?

Speaker 2 (05:56):
I would agree I would give it the same.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
Moving on to the next movie, we saw in theaters
this one we both equally wanted to go see, and
you're have kind of put me into a position of
really enjoying a good rom com. Finally, and the movie
is Anyone but You starring Sydney Sidney Sweeney. I was
gonna say the artist Sudney.

Speaker 2 (06:15):
Sweeney, Sidney Sweeney and Glenn Powell. I was gonna say,
fellow Longhorn, you didn't let me get my anger.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
Oh yeah, you introduced them.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
Then, fellow Longhorn, Glenn Powell. He did go to the
game the other day I.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
Saw, Yeah, if only we would have won that one
didn't win.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
I'm sad, but yes, Glenn Palell.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
So it's about them faking like they're in a relationship
to get their family off their One of them get
their family off their back and the other make their
ex jealous so they could get back together.

Speaker 5 (06:41):
Yes, but also the other premises they did once hook
up and then didn't date after that, so then it's
like them being forced. They have like mutual friends and
so they're like in this at this wedding in Australia.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
Did maybe want to go to Australia?

Speaker 1 (06:56):
The movie I felt I enjoyed it. It was so good,
but I almost it was going to be funnier than
what it was, and I felt like I gravitated more
towards their chemistry than the comedy. So it was more
on the romance side of it than the comedy side
for me, because you probably differ than me. But I
thought a lot of the funnier parts were in the trailer,

and there wasn't anything totally new in the movie that
I found as funny that I did watching the trailer
for the first time. But the romance was there. They
have undeniable chemistry, and that's how do you sell a
rom com chemistry? And we went on opening night.

Speaker 2 (07:32):
It was full, it was fun. It was a Thursday night,
It's Christmas.

Speaker 1 (07:35):
And to think now how hard it is to sell
a movie like this that you could just put on Netflix.
That has really become the model. They knew, Yeah, they knew.

Speaker 5 (07:43):
They were like, we got a moneymaker on our hands
because she's hot off the press, off of Euphoria White Lotus.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
He did top Gun. I feel like he's been a
lot of other things recently.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
It was in Devotion too, yes, and that was good.
I feel like he is about to be on that level,
like like being that a list star.

Speaker 2 (08:03):
Glen's popping off.

Speaker 1 (08:05):
And the thing about this movie that I knew they
were gonna do is have any excuse for either of
them to take their clothes off and sell that by
the way they sold the trailer, by the way they
were selling the poster.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
It was rated R.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
You're selling Oh I forgot.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
It was rated for some reasons and nothing gratuitous.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
No, not at all. But anytime he took off his shirt,
I was like, oh my gosh, Like he doesn't even
look like a real human. It's quite incredible.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
I'm not gonna say anything, I'm a married woman.

Speaker 1 (08:32):
But anyway, I feel like that is also a big
part of it. But you can you can just put
attractive people on the screen, but if they don't have chemistry,
you can't sell the rest of the movie.

Speaker 5 (08:40):
There's been plenty of rom coms where people don't have
chemistry and you're just like, oh, this was like watching
Oil and.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
Water, because it makes the story and the lightheartedness of
a rom com just that much more believable. The R
rating in this instance does help, not just because of
like like you said, there's nothing completely explicit, but it's
also like to the comedy of it. They do curse,
which I think helps the overall comedy. So I would

give anyone but you a three point five out of five.
Oh interesting, where do you give it? I'm gonna go
four and a half qualas. Oh really, I loved it.
Will this enter into your rom com classics like one
you just have in rotation?

Speaker 2 (09:20):
I need to watch it more often. It could get
there to be a classic. I have to be able
to watch it over and over and over, and I
don't know if it's there yet.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
And ask potential, would you want to see a sequel?

Speaker 2 (09:30):

Speaker 1 (09:30):
Leave it at once.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
Sequels for rom coms are funny.

Speaker 1 (09:34):
Leave it at one. Next up we have Migration, which
is the only kids movie on this list.

Speaker 2 (09:39):
And we were the only adults.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
We were without children, and the trailer got us on
this bood. The trailer was funny, mainly the line.

Speaker 2 (09:47):
What's duck Laurente? It's you with Lorente.

Speaker 1 (09:51):
On to those dang integrations. We were watching Shark Tank
and they did a Migration integration.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
That was weird.

Speaker 1 (09:56):
So maybe there was subliminal messaging by the advertising guy
that told us we need to go see Migration.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
We have to talk about the best part was that
there was a short before the film.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
Yes, so it's from Illumination, which does all the Minions
movies and something that they still do that Disney really
I think maybe Pixar still does them. Disney doesn't really
do them anymore. It was always more of a Pixar
thing anyway. But they have a short that plays before
the movie.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
During the short, this little kid was so confused and
says out loud, but where are the birds?

Speaker 1 (10:25):
The kid was so concerned because they're going on this
entire short with the minions and there's no birds, and
there's no birds, and the kid is like, where the bird?
Funniest part of the entire movie going experience to see
migration And we just quote that now, But I thought,
I think Illumination is doing it better than Disney right now.
One Like last year they had Super Mario, which was

just a fun, just all out kids movie. This one
was a little bit more on like that Disney realm
of there was a lesson here, you know, teaching kids
and showing the relationship between parents, going outside of your
comfort zone to live life. That is essentially what the
message is of migration. I don't think this movie really
pushed the envelope in any way. As far as the animation,

I think it was pretty standard. So aside from that,
the interesting thing I found out about this movie is
nothing really bad happens in kids movies anymore. And it
made me think of like Bambi, where we were all
traumatized before time. Yes, kids that we grew up with,
there was always something so sad that like just ripped

your heart out. They don't really do that.

Speaker 5 (11:30):
Anymore, Lian King. Yes, thinking about sad things, sad sad thing.

Speaker 1 (11:34):
And here they're still teaching that lesson.

Speaker 2 (11:37):
No parent dies, but.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
There's no nothing sad anymore, which I don't know if
that's a good or a bad thing.

Speaker 2 (11:42):
I feel like like kids are too soft these days.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
I'm not saying that, but I feel like, for me,
who my parents weren't able to teach me all those lessons.
I went to movies to learn about things like how
to deal with grief my dad dad when I was little.
So yeah, you didn't need a movie. You're like, separate
me from reality. I don't want anything like that. I
think for me, I look to movies to teach me

lessons like that, and to learn about those emotions and
kids movies of today, there really aren't that many Pixar
movies still do that on the emotional level. You think
about Coco.

Speaker 2 (12:18):
And Inside Out all about your emotions.

Speaker 1 (12:20):
At the new one coming out this year. So that's
what I was thinking of while watching this movie, of
like everything is everything is good in this movie.

Speaker 5 (12:28):
There's some conflicts, but it's like it's resolved nicely, but overall.

Speaker 1 (12:32):
I love the performance from ankle Fina. I did think
she was gonna be a bigger part of this movie.
And sometimes people ask me, like why I still go
watch kids movies, and I think it's because if I
ever had a chance to interview some of the people
who were a part of this movie, I would want
to know their entire work. Why not ask them about
Migration if you're to ask them about something else, So
in order to make myself the most well rounded, and

also that we both thought this is gonna be just
like a fun time. That is why I won't try
to watch everything, but for Migration, I would give it.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
Through out of five, I would do the same.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
I bet if I was a kid, especially that kid
who really wanted to see the birds i'd be like
five out of five.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
I'm gonna give it three out of five. Lorange A
La Range.

Speaker 1 (13:10):
Next up, we did go see The Iron Claw with
all of my family, which I'm gonna do a full
review of this movie coming up. You can give me
your thoughts and what you thought about it.

Speaker 5 (13:19):
Loved it emotional so good. Didn't think I'd be into wrestling,
but it's like, not really about wrestling, It's about the
family and how wrestling affects them. Thought it was great,
great performances by zac Efron, Jermill and White.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
Just talk about its Calvin kline, Uh, you're.

Speaker 5 (13:39):
Just really feeding me today what this podcast by asking about.

Speaker 1 (13:44):
I'm the one who brought it up and I saw it.
I was like, oh my gosh, I gotta give me
some Calvin Klin underwear. But we did go see this
with my entire family over the Christmas break and my
mom is a way yeah, She's like, hey, what kind
of movie are you watching? It's about wrestling.

Speaker 3 (13:59):

Speaker 5 (14:00):
It was then, oh that we knew she would not
be awake for the whole thing.

Speaker 1 (14:04):
She fell asleep pretty instantaneously and then was snoring throughout
the movie. She was the one she did loud, and
then my brother had to wake her up, and then
she I think she forgot where she was and she
was in such a deep sleep because she was snoring
that she got upset at him waking her up and
like smoke out loud and then he was like, hey,

you can't. You gotta keep it down.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
I don't think anyone heard.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
I think it was fun. It was just funny because
we were sitting here watching this emotional movie and then
to my left it's, oh it was I guess my
mom is not enjoying this one. But what would you give?

Speaker 2 (14:42):
Iron Claw four point seven five out of five body slams.

Speaker 1 (14:50):
There you go, almost perfect. Next of a wrestler. Next
up is one we watched at home on Apple TV
plus The Family Plan and already forgot. We watched it
with Mark Wahlberg. This was kind of just one that
we wanted to throw on. Didn't think a whole lot
about it. It's about his character, who was a former
elite government assassin, gets away from doing that, starts a

family and doesn't tell them about it, and then it
comes out that the people who are involved with all
of that figure out where he is living and then
coming after him, and he ends up trying to take
his family on a vacation to essentially escape and start
a whole new life. But throughout this entire thing is
not telling them.

Speaker 5 (15:34):
Still, it was giving the pacifier with Finn diesel M
from like two thousand and five, I.

Speaker 1 (15:40):
Think almost yeah, basically the same lines of yeah, this
dude who has this elite set of skills and he
is now a family fan. But the hardest thing about
watching this movie for me was the cgi baby. It
looks so unbelievable. There is a scene where Mark Wahlberg
gets into a fight with this other assassin guy in

a grocery store and he has the baby like strapped
onto him and those little carrying things baby carrier, Yeah,
baby carrier, and the baby looks so fake, and.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
I was like, this obviously a baby.

Speaker 1 (16:11):
It was so hard for me to for this movie
to come back after that scene. I was like, this
is so dumb, so terrible, and it looks awful.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
I guess they don't have like stunt babies like they
have stunt Yeah.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
I guess so normally they just put like a fake
like just baby doll in there. But I guess that
probably look too fake and they're like, hey, we can
see guy it in.

Speaker 5 (16:31):
Sometimes they get a little too ambitious with the CGI,
a little too confident about their abilities.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
Over the course of the rest of the movie. It
did win me back a little bit when I didn't
hate it. Yeah, I thought I was gonna really really
hate it and not want to finish it after that.
But it's just one of those movies that's a very
casual watch. It almost feels like something that would go
straight onto TBS. And it's like, I've come to like
Mark Wahlberg as a comedic actor ever since Ted. I

feel like he can do it pretty well. This one
felt a little bit more like a cash grab to
me though overall.

Speaker 2 (17:03):
Oh for sure it was cash grab.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
But it had some charm to it. I feel like
if you were looking for just like a new family
movie that you wanted to watch. It's just compared to
all the other things that Apple has on their service
that I go to them looking for, like quality things
not just from the plot lines but just how they look.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
But they were also putting things out that like you
could watch while your kids were at home.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Yeah, overbreak and Apple also just goes for a list
star so getting Mark Wahlberg in a movie like this.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
Michelle moynihan, she's a fairly big name.

Speaker 1 (17:34):
It had almost like a knockoff We're the Miller's type
vibe to it. Not as good as that in any regard,
but it kind of felt like a bad version of
that in a way. For the family Plan, I would
still give it a one out of five.

Speaker 2 (17:49):
Really, yeah, okay, I'm gonna give it a two.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Next movie I watched that, I did not think you
would like whatsoever it was.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
Did watch the last twenty minutes of it with you?

Speaker 1 (17:58):
Of Rebel Moon, Zack Snyder movie?

Speaker 3 (18:00):
That was?

Speaker 2 (18:02):
That was my snorre fest.

Speaker 1 (18:03):
Yeah. So essentially what this movie is is a bugs
life meet Star Wars. The thing was that the Internet
was just hating on this movie altogether before I even
sat down to watch it, and that's kind of the
way that Zack Snyder movies go. My issue with this
movie going into it is I felt like the title
was horrible. I despise movies that have a really lazy title.

Rebel Moon, I don't know anything about it.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
Sounds like a energy drink.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
It just sounds lame, like to spend all his money
on a movie, and it's called Rebel Moon. I also
hate the fact that this is part one of two.

Speaker 2 (18:38):
And the second one comes out in a couple of months.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
Yeah, it just feels like one big movie split in
the middle.

Speaker 2 (18:44):
Well, that's how Zack Snyder does things. Ten hour movie.

Speaker 1 (18:47):
Why not just make one solid movie? And then he's
out there saying, oh, but part two is gonna be
so make the first one the best one. Like, why
would you want people to get invested to go watch
a second part of a movie when the first one
kind of sucks? It makes no sense to me. Question,
And he's like, oh, well, wait for the second one.
That's where the real action starts. All right, we'll just

put out part two as part one and then later
make part one the prequel.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
That's actually a pretty good idea. That is what you
need to do when people would have been so disappointed.

Speaker 5 (19:16):
Maybe now they're disappointed by the first one, happy with
the second one, because usually you're good with the first
one disappointed in the sequel.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
Yeah, And the thing is, this movie is still two hours.
In like ten minutes, I'm gonna need.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
You to bring your blood pressure, Okay, angry over here.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
And this movie it just looks.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
It looks terrible.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
It does not look good. It looks like it was
filmed entirely in front of a green screen, so it.

Speaker 2 (19:40):
Looks like a pandemic project that somebody made, like a
dire rom.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
I'm so aware, I am so aware that I'm just
watching people in a warehouse. It's mainly due to the backgrounds.
The backgrounds are so lifeless and feel like nothing that
it forces you to look at all the characters. And
then he also does like this weird blur of effect.
I hate this blur effect.

Speaker 2 (20:02):
It's me on my zoom calls because why what did
you do one day while.

Speaker 1 (20:05):
I was on a zoom bo I watched out with
no shirt and you were on a meeting.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
So I now have to blur the background.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
So Zack Snyder had been on Zoom during the pandemic
and thought, I want a movie to look like that.

Speaker 2 (20:15):
He said, the zoom filter. But on a movie.

Speaker 1 (20:18):
The thing is, there is some good action in this movie,
but it it just feels like it's doing an impression
of something else, which I think initially this was turned
down because it was so much like Star Wars, so
it just feels like it's trying to create this big world.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
Even the title is Star Wars esque Rebel Moon.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
It sounds one. So overall, there were some cool visual moments,
but it was really just like a series of events
roped into each other and made it feel like, oh,
here's a movie, but nothing was really that cohesive. It
just kind of went from here to hear to hear,
and then it gets to an ending and then it
makes you think how it goes into part two. There

was no journey. There was nothing super engaging about this movie.
We It was really just painful for my eyeballs. So
overall I would give it a two out of five.
That is what I got for Rebel Moon. We'll move
on to one of the movies that has been most
talked about on TikTok and I think one of the
most highest just sought out reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb.

The movie is Saltburn.

Speaker 2 (21:20):
Oh I thought we were going Aquaman.

Speaker 1 (21:21):
That's oh not yet.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
No, Saltburn is disregard my sigh. I forgot it was
another one in between.

Speaker 1 (21:26):
We watched that at home. And the thing about this
one that everybody has been talking about are the bizarre
things that happened in this movie.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
Don't watch this one of your kids around.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
Yeah, it's definitely not. It's more of a couple movie
or even watch on your own time movie.

Speaker 5 (21:40):
You seen a lot of people that accidentally thought it
was going to be a family friendly watching their parents.
Did happen to me once when I watched Black Swan
with a friend over and my parents.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
That was that was weird.

Speaker 1 (21:51):
So this is essentially a story about a guy who
goes off to college means a rich guy. The rich
guy feels bad for him so invites them back to.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
His estate called Soulburn.

Speaker 1 (22:02):
And it takes place over the summer of two thousand
and seven, and then some other unfortunate things happen, But
it's mainly just like a really kind of dark, very
artsy movie that has some really strong performances despite the
things that are happening. So I feel like you ended
up not liking this movie as much as I did,
or did you even like it at all.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
I liked it. I thought the performances were good. There
are couple scenes, and it's not because they were gratuitous
or graphic, and be honest, it just made me a
little queasy.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
See when I hear people talking about this movie of
how weird it's going to be, how gross it's gonna be.
I was expecting a lot more. I wanted it to
be weirder. I thought it was going to be not
so much on the gross side of it. But I
just thought this movie was gonna be a little bit
more zany and weird, and it really wasn't weird enough.
There was like three major things that happened, and I

would say of those three majors things, only one was
that I was like, oh wow, that's I haven't seen
that in a movie before.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
The final I would say third of the movie was
really strong when kind of.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
Oh yeah, the pieces fall into place.

Speaker 2 (23:12):
The third where I was really like, okay, the third act.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
Of this movie was strong, and I think it's really
what says this movie just apart from everything else I've
seen in the last.

Speaker 2 (23:21):
Year, I was gonna say, it's very different.

Speaker 5 (23:23):
Like Emerald Finnel does an amazing job at creating movies
that I haven't been done before. She does want repeating things,
she's not remaking. She has very original ideas.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
And also just the look of this movie of using
the four to three ratio where it's like the Instagram
square instead of the full screen. I thought that was
a great Yes, the colors of it just looking filmy
and warm. I love that aspect of it. I had
one issue with it that I kept calling out. The
movie takes place, Oh yeah, in the summer of two
thousand and seven. But all of this, a lot of

the songs, the major songs, were not out yet.

Speaker 2 (23:54):
Yes, you did google that during the film.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
And they were watching super Bad on TV, so they
either had to have the DVD or the Blu ray
or the VHS. That movie didn't come out on any
physical media until December of two thousand and seven. How
would they be watching super Bad? Are they super rich
and have that subscription service where they can watch new
movies or not?

Speaker 4 (24:14):

Speaker 1 (24:15):
They were, but it didn't really appear to me that
they had that kind of service. So I hate when
movies take place during a certain period and they're playing
songs that aren't out yet.

Speaker 5 (24:25):
I mean, you have the continuity of it, It's kind
of it's a little lazy. It's like you could you
have a producers.

Speaker 4 (24:30):

Speaker 1 (24:31):
I always google that stuff though, because I know. I
was like, if they're telling me that this is the
time period, this takes place in I'm gonna hold them
to it, but I feel like they did that probably
because it puts you in that state of mind in
that timeframe, the biggest songs that come out during that time.
But I'm going to call that out every single movie
that does that. That was the only thing, and that's

just because I'm very particular about if you're gonna put
me in a timeplace, keep it within that timeplace.

Speaker 5 (24:58):
You also for your job, fact check a lot of things,
like a lot of people probably wouldn't even realize that.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
Yeah, I pick it out, but overall, I would give
Saltburn a strong four out of five.

Speaker 5 (25:10):
I'd give it a three, give it a three five
runny eggs.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
Because I didn't feel like it it didn't reinvent anything,
but what it did it did really well. And it
also has those moments that our talking points, the shock value.
So I feel like that is why that is a
notable movie.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
Next up, now, can I say yes a Comman two.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
Which I've already said and put into my top three
worst movies of the year. What are your thoughts on
Acaman two? As somebody who hasn't really enjoyed the DCEU movies.

Speaker 2 (25:45):
It was terrible, I have no words. Cheesy dialogue, terrible,
CGI overall awful. The only redeeming part was the cute
baby and it like Aquaman's.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
Dad, they were good together.

Speaker 2 (25:59):
The only redeeming point.

Speaker 1 (26:02):
I feel like Nicole Kidman and a lot of the
other actors did this as a paycheck. I knew from
the very beginning, when it was Aquaman just retelling the
story and giving this intro that this movie was gonna
have a weird tone to it.

Speaker 5 (26:18):
The references made a castaway reference at one point, yeah,
but then also referenced like Loki, and I was like,
what world are we living in?

Speaker 1 (26:27):

Speaker 5 (26:27):
So Marvel does a great job at think about Guardians
of the Galaxy. They go to all these other planets.
They have the weird looking creatures that they create. For
some reason, they make sense in a Marvel world. These
are the strange looking creatures I've ever seen. Just the
whole esthetic of the film was terrible. Amberherd's hair color
was terrible, awful. Just when Nicole Kidman talks in her

amc thing about going to the movies to make you
feel things and movies make you cry, and I was like, yeah,
this movie makes me cry because it is so awful.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
He's like, this is this is why you want us
to go back to the theaters to watch this. I've
never wanted to boo while watching a movie. I wanted
to boo while watching Aucaman. And the best part for me,
there was an orca cameo whenever he actually uses his
powers to harness all of the animals in the ocean,
and then he has like all the dolphins and everything

and there's some orcas helping him out. I was like, yes,
the orcas.

Speaker 5 (27:19):
I said, this was like the super hero version of
scary movie or scary movie, the parodies of like actual
scary movies.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
That's what this felt like to me.

Speaker 5 (27:28):
It was a parody amalgamation of all the superhero worlds.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
What felt like they were doing a parody of Iron
Man because he was almost doing a Tony Stark Robert
Downey Junior impression throughout the entire thing, even the last
scene where they have the press conference. And I'm not
really ruining anything here because I think a part of
this was in the trailer. I saw it on TikTok
that he essentially says the Iron Man line. But Aquaman
and it's like, so you're living in a world where

you're referencing another superhero movie. What would you give Aukaman?
I give it a point five at a five.

Speaker 2 (28:00):
I'm gonna give it a point two five point two
five for the cute baby.

Speaker 1 (28:04):
We have two more to get through American fiction. I'll
let you run off on this one because I know
you loved it.

Speaker 5 (28:11):
This was by far. We saw this on the last
day of the year. One of the best films of
the year.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
It was great.

Speaker 2 (28:17):
It was so good. It was funny, the writing was amazing,
the plot, the cast, the wit, everything it wins. It
just wins in my book.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
So the movie is about a writer who is in
a bit of not not only having writer's block, but
also his books just aren't popular anymore.

Speaker 2 (28:38):
He's not even writer's block. He wrote a book, they
just don't want to publish it.

Speaker 1 (28:41):
Yeah, and he hasn't published a book in a very
long time. He's a black guy, so he also feels
like everything that he writes gets grouped into being, you know,
in lumped in with black fiction or black.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
Whatever, African American studies, and.

Speaker 1 (28:53):
He feels like like that's not me, just because I'm
these are fantasy books. These are fiction books, and I'm
getting limped in over here. So then he has this
idea to give the publishers what they want of writing
a quote unquote black book, because he's like, well, I'm
black and this I'm writing this book. Why don't people
like it? So he's like, okay, well I'll give you
exactly what you're asking for, and he goes so over

the top and just makes it as a joke and
they prove a point and they love it. So he
has to create this entire alias to back this personality
that he made in this fictional book, and it just
goes and escalates from there.

Speaker 2 (29:29):
And his family on the side. Sterling K.

Speaker 5 (29:32):
Brown is fantastic, so great in this movie. Tracy Ellis
fross the whole casting.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
And the thing is this movie is funny from the
very beginning because he's a teacher at the start of
the movie and he gets in trouble and he's like
in this meeting with like principles and all these things
at college and it's just like one liners and the dynamic.
He's just so good.

Speaker 5 (29:53):
I didn't want to have to get up to a
p during this movie. I had to go really quick
one time, and I was so sad to have to
go because it was so funny, and I was like,
I'm gonna miss.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
The wit and you did miss a good part, I know.
But the lead is Jeffrey Wright, who was also in
The Batman. He played Commissioner Gordon, and man, he has
some range because.

Speaker 2 (30:13):
I recognized him.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
He can do a movie. He was also in The
Hunger Games. He can do all these different types of roles.
And then I guess I really didn't know how funny
he was and how much comedic timing he had and
the chemistry. But between him and Sterling K. Brown was
amazing because they're brothers in the movie and them roasting
each other was great. So this is an amazing movie
that I feel like it's probably gonna win some awards

once all these started coming out.

Speaker 2 (30:39):
You give your rating. I have mine prepared.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
I give it four point five out of five.

Speaker 2 (30:42):
I get five out of five. Chefs at an omelet
station on a cruise ship.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
That's a great reference. Yeah, it's almost perfect for me.

Speaker 2 (30:50):
It was perfect for me.

Speaker 1 (30:51):
The last movie we have to talk about is Ferrari,
which was.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Start the year on the strongest note with that one.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
Yeah, I thought it was going to be a lot better.
So what the movie is essentially is the story of
the creator of Ferrari, and it's at a time before
they are just the powerhouse that everybody knows. So Ferrari
back in the day was a racer and then he
started Ferrari, and then essentially what Ferrari really was was

like a racing company. They wanted to win races and
from them becoming notorious, from winning, they would sell cars.
But at this point in time where the movie takes place,
they're not selling cars and they're at a risk of
going under. So the movie is him trying to bring
back his company. Win this big crazy race saved the company.

But that's almost like the b storyline because a lot
of it is the family dynamic of him and his wife,
him and his mistress.

Speaker 2 (31:48):
Yeah, it was what I would describe I described to
some of the slow burn. There's no like chapters, there's
not really like there's like one big action.

Speaker 1 (31:59):
Watching this movie felt like reading a book to me.

Speaker 5 (32:01):
Yes, there was also, again, you make a movie, you
spend a lot of money. There was a part where
you can obviously tell it's not a real human driving yeah,
they forgot to see gi that out.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
There was also some weird adr lines which whenever they
go back and replace lines in post production that I
feel like some of the lines didn't sync up with
their lips.

Speaker 5 (32:22):
Or the accents Chilians accents in and out.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Which is she's a good actor. But there were moments
in this movie where I was like, what exactly, like
is she Italian? Is she American? Because it would fade
in and out.

Speaker 5 (32:35):
Yeah, this was I wasn't racing. I wouldn't race to
the theaters to see it.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
Whenever it got to the actual racing portion of the movie,
it was good, like that's where the intensity and the
action was.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
There was one action scene where the entire theater gasped.

Speaker 1 (32:54):
But overall it wasn't exactly what I thought it was
going to be, but also like exactly what I thought
it was going to be. So Ferrari, I would still give.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
A three out of five that was gonna be mine.

Speaker 1 (33:05):
Yeah, I don't think it's one you need to go
watch right now. I'll have to race to see it,
But later down the line, when it's streaming somewhere, I
feel like it's still a worthy watch.

Speaker 5 (33:16):
The only one we didn't get to to go see
is the Boys in the Boat because I haven't finished
the book and it fell behind on my reading on
that one.

Speaker 1 (33:22):
So that one is still to come, and then I'll
come back and get my full review on The Iron Claw.
Let's get into it now. A spoiler free movie review
of The Iron Claw, a movie I've been waiting to
talk about. I've been sitting and living in this movie
for so long now, and I wanted to dedicate an
entire movie review to talking about how much I love

this movie that after seeing it, easily entered into my
top ten movies of twenty twenty three. What the movie
is about the von eric family who rose to dominating
the wrestling industry in the early nineteen eighties. And I
was really in wrestling in the late nineties early two thousands,
but I don't really remember a whole lot about their

rise to fame and their dominance in wrestling. And the
movie takes place in Dallas, Texas, which I grew up
just thirty minutes south of. I was quite honestly surprised
how unfamiliar I was with their story, but I think
that led me to really loving this movie more because
I was discovering all about the von Erik brothers for
the very first time. What the movie focuses on is

the sad, sad history of their family and their association
with their last name and this family cursed. So you
have four brothers, Carrie, Kevin, David, and Mike, played by
Zach Efron, Jeremy Allen White, Harrison Dixon, and Stanley Simmons.
So what the movie is about is these four brothers
and their relationship with their dad. It's not even so

much about the wrestling, which does drive the story, but
it's not the primary focus, and I think that's what
makes this movie so great. I found it really interesting
how people were reacting to some of the things in
the movie, which I guess you don't really get the
tone from the very first opening scene, in the first
dynamic between the family, because whenever their dad is ranking

all of the brothers on who is his favorite and
who is his least favorite, people in my theater were laughing,
And I found that to be the most depressing thing
ever to think about your dad, the person who is
supposed to be the one who loves you the most,
the one who wants to see you succeed is straight
up ranking you. I found that to be one of

the saddest things out of the entire movie. He is
trying to live through them. It's really a textbook situation
of a parent trying to live through their kids and
them struggling with making him happy and also wanting to
do the things that they want to do, when really
at the core of it, they just want to be brothers.
And I think that is really what I identified with

in this film. I have a brother who is my
best friend, and we just happened to grow up loving wrestling,
never tried to actually wrestle. But what I really took
away from this movie was that power of having a
sibling that you love and you grow up with and
you have these big dreams of doing things that you
want to do together. For me and my brother, it

wasn't wrestling. We wanted to do music together. We were
in bands together from when I was a teenager in
my early to mid twenties, and that was something we
bonded doing and we loved doing. Our parents were never
supportive of it, but they were never really not supportive
of it. So we don't really have that same dynamic
here that's in this movie, but seeing them chasing these

goals and doing them all together really made me feel
that connection that I also had with my brother, and
I also went to go see this movie with my brother, sister,
my mom, and my wife Kelsey. So there was just
all these dynamics of family happening that I feel like
was the main focus in where this movie really shine.

But it all came out through the performances with zach
Efron just really stepping into that lead role like we've
seen him. And what I loved about this story is
that every single character had their time to shine and
once it was cued up for them, they nailed it.
And that is really what leads to the effectiveness of

this storytelling. There's just so much drama packed into this
movie and so many sad things that it left me
wanting more in a very weird way. I've never seen
something so sad. And sometimes people tell you all this
movie is gonna be sad, and you watch it and
you're like, oh, yeah, that's pretty sad. You know, you
expect of what a sad movie is. It is very

rare for me to feel this level of emotion. I
told you in my Best of twenty twenty three. All
the times I cried in movies, but this one hit
just a little bit different because it was picking at
me the entire time. With as tragic as their story is,
all of the things were kind of just picking at
my inner sadness. But it wasn't until it was all

said and done where I realized all those little pickings
at my soul, picking at the scab, that all of
the blood just came rushing out of my body and
allowed myself to be in a sadness that I've never
really felt before. And I think it goes back to
showing how they all bonded as brothers. There's one scene
in particular where the littlest brother, who has been kind

of an outcast, who out of all of them, really
never wanted to get into wrestling. He just wanted to
play music. So he has this gig and his parents
don't want him to go perform because they don't see
that as a real job. But as brothers, they all
go sneak out to this party and watch them perform.
And it's the one scene in the entire movie where
everything is great and if there was one thing I

wanted to see more of in a film like this
was more of those bonding moments. I think that really
would have drove this movie to a level five for
me if I just had another good win for them,
because as much as you love all these characters, you
feel bad for him more than you feel like, Oh
really reached triumph and I know there had to be

more triumphs that they could have shown in this movie,
and maybe they were just leaning on that dramatic element
of it, which it really worked. But if I just
had one more bonding moment, oh man, it really would
have took this movie to an entirely different level for me,
because at the core, it was really just stripped down filmmaking.
There was nothing flashy, there was no emphasis on the action.

The action was actually very subdued in this movie, and
showing the wrestling in a really raw form I think
is what added to the effectiveness of this film. And
it also never really focused on the level of fame
that the van Erik family achieved. It showed some of
the things like them signing autographs, but when you look

back on history, which I did and went to see
some articles and things they were doing at this time,
they achieved quite the level of fame. The movie doesn't
focus on it, because I think that would kind of
take away from the wrongness of the storytelling. They also
don't focus so much about the actual wrestling business, which

I think that would have been an entirely different movie.
I think it kind of would have changed some of
the dynamics in this story if they would have focused
on a lot of how matches are determined. They kind
of touch on the fact that wrestling gets criticized for
being quote unquote fake, which I hate that criticism. And
you watch a movie like this and see how it

affects people, being on the road, putting your body on
the line, having to perform like this multiple times a week. Yes,
maybe the outcomes are determined. There's a script, there's an
entire plot line of how they want these matches to go.
Sometimes things go wrong. Yes, it is sports entertainment, but

at the center of wrestling, it is a very real
and raw thing, and you see it in this movie.
You see how it affects people. How you have to
fight through injury, you have to reach that level of
being an elite wrestler, being great behind the mic, but
also being great on the screen. It is so physically

demanding and what a way to earn a living. And again,
I don't want to spoil this movie, even though if
you just google the Van Eric family you realize what
happens to every single body in this movie. But the
very last scene is one of my favorite final scenes
in any movie I've seen in years. And I just
reached this level that I didn't expect me to reach.

These emotions. I didn't think a movie could make me feel.
And it all goes full circle because there is this
song featured in this movie called Live that Way Forever,
and I've been listening to it now that the actual
version from the movie has been released, and I just
keep hearing that song in my head every single day
I've been listening to it, and that is something I

haven't really felt from a movie. Yeah, maybe I went
to go see Wanka and I've been singing all of
those songs, but in a much different way. We've gone
back to where a song can really enhance a movie.
And you hear this song and you associated with the movie.
That's something we don't really get a whole lot in
filmmaking right now. So I think that was powerful for

me to seek out a song after watching a movie
is a great thing. So many amazing things I can
say about this movie, and I hope it'll definitely be
in the Best Picture category. I don't think that zach Efron, however,
is at the level to achieve a Best Actor win.
I think he should definitely get a nomination, but I

think it comes down to how he decided to play
the character, which I think he nailed. But sometimes when
this voting comes around for Best Actor, you have to
have this almost outburst moment to even be considered. You
have to be the guy yelling and being over dramatic.
Doesn't really have a whole lot of that in this movie,

but I thought almost what he did was even harder
to do to play this character who they show you
how he wasn't the best behind the mic. He's the
brother who was great in the ring. He had the
physique and he had all that going for him, but
when it came to the flashiness of what it's like

to be a wrestler, he wasn't the best brother at that.
But that is exactly what zach Efron was showing of
how a brother like that can struggle with knowing that
some of his other brothers are better at him at
different things, and just their internal struggle of not only
trying to make their dad happy, but in turn being

pitted against their brothers to achieve the same goal, which
was a whole other interesting plot point in this movie.
So I love this movie. Cannot recommend it enough. It's
still not streaming, so you still have to go see
it in theaters as of now, but as soon as
it hits streaming, definitely check out this movie. And like
I said earlier, if it just had that one moment

to really bring all the brothers together in one more win,
it would have hit that five for me. And also
when you look at the fact that they left out
an entire brother from the story and then didn't mention
a whole lot about the youngest brother who died in
a really tragic way. And the director has said that
he didn't think that audiences could take another hit like that,

could take more sadness in a movie, and I think
maybe he was right. And some people have said that
too big of a story was fit into one movie.
I don't think that's the case. It did leave me
wanting more, but I think that would have been more
effective then if you took this story and split it
into like a mini series. I think that would have

taken away from the power of everything. And yes, they
did change some things as far as the timeline of
when things happened to make them so dramatic, because in
the movie it's like hit after hit after hit, when
in reality there were some years in between there. So
I think if you spread that at a little bit more,
it wouldn't really have that same sucker punch to the

gut in the emotions that it had. So yes, it
does leave you wanting more and you think, oh, if
this movie had a little bit more time to breathe,
maybe ten more minutes is all I would give you.
I don't think this is the case where a movie
would have been more effective as a mini series. But
for The Iron Claw, I give it four point five

out of five Championship Belts. It's time to head down
to movie.

Speaker 6 (45:32):
Mike Traylor, Paul, we have the first look at the
Sandman as the Spaceman Adam Sandler in a role we
really haven't seen him do before.

Speaker 1 (45:44):
And Adam Sandler is an actor who's or started in
comedy and then later he started doing dramatic roles and
everybody was like, oh my gosh, Adam Sandler in a
dramatic role. I don't want to see that. But Adam
Sandler has never done a bad dramatic role, which is
something to say about the Sandman because I really think

when it comes down to his career, he is an
impeccable businessman. He knows his audience so well, and he
delivers the movies that his audience wants to see, and
you may not always be a fan of them, and
sometimes I feel like it has the ncis effect of
who is watching and loving some of these Adam Sandler

movies that are so over the top and so ridiculous,
and they usually get drugged through the mud by critics,
and I think that is a lot of what he
has suffered through. And then every now and then he
comes out with the uncut gems and everybody's like, oh
my gosh, I didn't know that that was the same
guy who did Don't Mess with the Zohan. But here

he is now, as a part of his two hundred
and fifty million dollar Netflix deal, doing a movie called Spaceman,
and it's about his character who heads into space for
you six month mission and then realizes that his marriage
is failing. He receives unexpected help from a timeless creature
played by Paul Dano, who is one of my favorite actors,

and his character has been hiding on Adam Sandler's ship.
This movie is coming out on Netflix on March first,
and this isn't even a full on trailer. It is
just a little teaser before I get into all that.
Here's just a little bit of the Spaceman trailer. Just
like you, I flat my planet.

Speaker 2 (47:30):
Through galaxies, through black calls, through.

Speaker 5 (47:35):
Time, and then I found you.

Speaker 1 (47:40):
So what you hear in that teaser is actually Paul
Dano's voice, which the first time I saw it, I
thought it was Sandler doing a different type of impression.
And then I read more about the plot and the
characters and the actors in this movie, and I realized
that's Paul Dano, and I guess at some point he
is hiding on his ship and has been observed him.

So in this movie, we find Adam Sandler six months
into this mission where it looks like he goes on
it alone to the edge of the Solar System. He's
in this astronaut suit, and then he realizes that his
wife might not be waiting for him back at home
whenever he returns back to Earth. So he is trying
to fix things with his wife, who is played by

Carrie Mulligan. And then he finds this creature voiced by
Paul Dano who has been hiding deep inside of Adam
Sandler's ship. So this mysterious creature played by Paul Dano
is going to help out Adam Sandler to make sense
what went wrong before it's too late. Now. Adam Sandler,
like I said, is no stranger to a dramatic role,

even just recently his Netflix movie Hustle, which is kind
of that in between of what he knows his audience
wants from him and also him showing more of his
acting ability. I think that role in particular is like
that fine line of giving audiences both which he has
done more recently. Even with this movie You're So Not

Invited to My bar Mitzvah, which start his real life daughters,
I feel like even that was more of an in
between the line of delivering comedy but also delivering more
of the dramatic side and showing more that he is
a three dimensional actor. But this movie Spaceman is based
on a twenty seventeen book called Spaceman of Bohemia, and

it is directed by the same person behind the miniseries Chernobyl,
which that is kind of the vibe I got while
watching this teaser, and at the same time it reminded
me of one of my most hated movies of last year,
sixty five, which I had the same impression after watching
that trailer that I did after watching this one. For Spaceman.

You got a dude on a mysterious planet in a
space suit, out there all alone, and I thought to myself, Oh, no,
is it gonna happen again. The reason I think this
movie will be different is because it doesn't look like
it's trying to be an action movie. It actually looks
like it's gonna be a serious space movie. So I'm
not saying it's one of my most anticipated movies of

the year, which I will do that episode next week,
But as far as Netflix movies go, it feels to
me like they're actually taking a little bit of a
risk here When it seems like they're just putting everybody
in big action movies that to make it feel like
you're going to the movies at home. This is more
of the realm of movie that I want and I
love that they're allowing him to do every type of genre,

the family comedy, the animated movie, the coming to age movies.
And if he can put out this movie and be successful,
which really on a Netflix scale means has the most
minutes of people watching it posting about it on social media,
I can't wait to see what he could do next.
So again, this movie is coming out on Netflix on
March first, and it is called Spaceman AD.

Speaker 2 (50:53):
That was this week's edition of Movie Live Frame or.

Speaker 1 (50:57):
Bar and that is gonna do it for another episode
of the podcast. But before I go, I gotta give
my listeners shout out of the week, and this week
I'm shouting out Rebecca Martinez who posted last week's episode
in your Instagram story tag me in it. Oh that's
my favorite thing to see me getting tagged in your
Instagram story. Oh and you put the link in there

so other people could just click through and listen to
the episode. Thank you to everybody who shared last week's episode,
so most specifically Rebecca, who is the listener shout out
of the week. But that was one of my most
shared episodes in a long time, so that really meant
a lot to me, and that really helps out the
whole algorithm here. I even made the top ten movie
podcasts of the week on Apple because of you guys

sharing it. So shout out to the Monday Morning Movie Crew,
and shout out to you Rebecca Martinez for sharing this
in your Insta story. Thank you for listening to another
episode of the podcast. And until next time, go out
and watch good movies and I will talk to you
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