All Episodes

November 16, 2019 31 mins

Kelly & Chip go through all of your questions submitted to @velvetsedge Instagram and answer each according. Everything from staple Fall wardrobe pieces, how to break into the fashion industry to the difference in dating in your 30’s vrs your 20’s. Chip also throws in a few “zingers” of his own to try and make Kelly act VERY casual.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Okay, Well, first of all, I have to say happy birthday.
I mean, I feel like a terrible friend because I
knew we celebrated last weekend, and I didn't think this
was your actual birthday today. What are you going to
do to celebrate? I mean, I'm too old to celebrate. Actually,
I'm having a party with like eight my closest friends
tomorrow and I didn't bridge, Oh, I'll be there fantastic
cm A Awards. Wait. Um, so last week on my

Instagram I posted that I wanted to do a question
and answer podcast. So then, first of all, I had
no time to do that. I don't know why I
thought that was a good idea because I was traveling
last week. But then second of all, I sat down.
I had about fifteen minutes. I was like, oh, I'll
just knocked this out really fast. I hate doing podcasts
by myself. Have you you never tried one? Can you

imagine if I just left this room and you were
doing it by yourself. Well, I'd find some way to
make it funny, you would think. But I thought it
was so boring and I have no one to like
banter with or interact it, and so I was just
reading the questions and then I would answer like a
book on tape. Yes, that's exactly what it sounded like.

So I was like, okay, nixt this I kind of
bring to do you try like doing a fake voice
for the question in person? What if I did? I
was like, good, fake voice, Hello, what's the question? Give
me a question first? With me? Are you asking? That
was weird? Hello? Will you go out with me? And
then I'll be actually, no, I can't go out with

you because I have a boyfriend, Mike Job. Um yeah,
freaking hearts. Yeah, oh no, I didn't even think about that.
I love that you're acting like you're interested right now. Um. So, anyway,
I gave you a list of questions to go through
and then did you think of any of the questions? Okay,

so we'll go through this. I might like flip the
switch and ask you something too, so we'll see what happens.
Don't don't don't think my mom doesn't know how to
listen to God, my poor mom. At this point, she's
just like what I mean to podcast? Of course she
listens to my podcast and she's seen me on TV
talk about sex, you know, normal things. Actually, it was

more like uncircumcised penises. But the problem, I'm sure it's
just because he just googled it. You know, I've actually
never seen one. Yes, very true. Have you see here
we go? Interesting? What was it like? I mean, it's
like I like to describe it favorite thing I've ever like, Um,

do you remember like glow worms? Remember those those like
toys that you held that like slipped through your hands,
like sure do. He just did the motion, But I
don't know what they were called, but that's what they
remind me up. Turtle neck on, Yeah, that's what I said.
I was like, it's like a turtle. Then it's called out.
It is really chilly out. All right, let's get to

these question sens. What do we have? All right? So
these are some from These are from Velvet's Edge fans, Yeah,
followers and followers, listeners, whatever it is. What is the
favorite podcasts that you've done? Oh? I mean that's so hard.
That's like when people say it's like asking you your

favorite child. I mean, I don't know that I can pick,
because they all end up meaning something to me. You know.
I think the ones I leave feeling the most satisfied
with are the ones that i've truly, um, learned something,
or even if it's like grown spiritually in some way,
someone's done a reading on me of some sorts. If
it's like enlightening, you know that must be nice because

it's not like you're just doing it for people to listen, like, oh,
I'm actually just letting someone into like a moment in
your life. Absolutely so. Yeah, when I'm like just genuinely
curious about a topic and I get answers to it,
those are the ones that I'm like, yes, good. The
Mary Hilliard one was fun too, yeah. Well, and the
ones with my friends, yeah, they're super fun. All right. Um,

what is a staple wardrobe piece that you must have
for the fall? This is a very velvet edged question.
I get this one a lot um. I always tell
people that a leather jacket is the one thing you
should splurge one. I wear mine. Well, I wear it
in more seasons of our mine in the summer sometimes
absolutely or spring. Um. But it's just one of those

things that it seems like such a big price tag,
but you end up wearing it so much that it's
way worth it. And the last multiple years. If you
get a classic cut, yeah, it's really and I mean,
that's that's the thing I said. I wear mine in
the summer. Sometimes it's gotta remember it's technically skin, you know,
it's like it is meant it breathes. Oh exactly, it's

actually but it it keeps me warm in the winter.
It's pretty awesome. Yeah, I think. Also, um, this is
not like a huge plug on the website, but I
do get this question a lot, and so for people
who are just interested it in, Like my everyday picks
are things you can wear on velvet edge dot com
under this shop tab. There is one that's called everyday Favorites,
and I have the leather jacket that I have linked.

I also think like a good pair of boots as
a staple is another really good fall investment because you're
going to wear them like every day totally. It's worth it.
And you can resold boots if they're if they're well made,
you can resold them. So they have and I get
compliments on my boots all the time, and it's because
there I've worn them so much people that's when people

really notice them. But I'm so velvets edgy, Oh my god,
living on a ved well, I guess this supplied This
next question is sort of pertinent. How do you how
how would you anyone who's looking to get into the
fashion industry, how would what would you suggest that they do? Okay,
this is a good one, and I've gone on a
rant about this. I just remembered my rant this one

day on my Instagram. I get emails or direct messages
a lot from people say can I get together with
you and pick your brain? Or can um? I would
just love to be on set with you one day
and follow you around. And I'm like, okay, what's in
that for me? Like I don't mean to sound like
a total bit, but it's super hard work, like what

you do once you get into this industry, And it
actually sounds like more work for me to like, you know,
like sit with someone and just tell them how to
do my job. Like it's taken me years to have
to learn how to do certain things busting my ass.
I worked for free. And so that's what I always
tell people is if you really want to get into
this industry, first of all, get ready to work, because
if it was easy, then everybody would do it. So

get ready to work. Also, if you're gonna email someone,
tell them what you can bring to the table to help.
Don't say pick your brains, say hey, can I intern
for you? Well, like I will work for free. Um
or if you don't want to work for free, don't
offer that. But like, I'm a hard worker. Here's my
skill set. I'm super organized. That's something I'm always looking
for because I am not organized. So if someone was

to come to me and tell me a skill set
about their organization or that they're good at Google docs
even you know what I mean, Like I would get
really specific and tell people what it is you're really
good at. And also like work on building your own
book and shoot with your friends, like dress your friends
up and take pictures of them, even if it's on
your iPhone these days, that can be amazing. But to

be able to show someone that you have good style
or a style that's like matches their own, you know,
that's who I want working. Yeah, I mean even with
Instagram now it's like you can have sort of a
fashion website. Yeah exactly. Um, well that's that's the next
person who sends you a message that asked a dumb

that dumb question, what are you going to do to that? Well,
I just don't respond. Usually like, if you want to
get a response for me, I do have a resume
folder that I keep. I'm currently already have people working that,
but you know, different positions um will open up over
the years or whatever, and so I always keep a
resume folder, but I'm not putting it in there unless
you actually, like give me some reason to want to

remember you there. You have it, kids have it, volunteer.
I mean, it's that way in the industry. Really, Like
in the music industry, I worked all through college for
free just to get the experience to get a really
low ping job. Well, and that's the other thing is
I think a lot of times what I see is um,
you know, twenty somethings graduating college, and I remember feeling

this way, like I actually really think I could be
great at this and I just came out of school,
uh you know, did really well or blah blah blah
blah blah. And so they think that they deserve to
just walk into a job, and like, no, you don't.
And even if you're the most well right, even if
you're the most creative talented person, you still have to

earn it because experience you cannot just like know that
stuff so I feel like I saw really hardcore right now.
I mean, look, I think it's it's important for people
to understand that it's it really truly is about experience.
I would venture to say most people that I know,
working professionals in various businesses, they don't use what they

learned in college. They've learned they use what they've learned
in the workforce, the actual work experience so much as
relationship driven in particularly in entertainment, that you know, it's
invaluable just being out there and meeting people absolutely, all right,
Moving on? Okay, Um, what is your favorite place to
go on vacation? M hmm is somewhere warm? I guess

anywhere warm? I mean I traveled so much, like I
literally haven't been home. So the only ways I really
want to go right now it is home to my
own bed. Is that vacation. I mean it can be. Yeah,
I don't know, anywhere warm, usually like with a beach
and good drinks. That's the worst answer, ever, I don't vacation.

How about where? Where's the favorite place that you've been? Um?
I did go on a trip to Barbados one time,
and it was a beautiful. The rereas from there exactly.
That's enough said, I mean, but it was. It was
so beautiful. The water was amazing. Just the people are
so nice. It's just super chill. You're on island times
and nothing matters. My phone didn't work, so it was amazing.

They also it's a pretty small island. And what I
remember is you get the It has so many different
types of beaches. It has like a really like smooth
glassy beach. It's got ones with big waves where people
that like the surf can go. Yeah, there was a
lot of different options. We went um snorkeling one day,
swam with the turtles, you know, just things like that

thing you do on vacations. All right, enough of this
velvet edge stuff. We're listening to it. You come on,
this is act casual. I want to embarrass you a
little bit, all right, Um, so sorry, Mom's what's the
most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you during sex?

Literally can't Oh my god, you just took such a
hard turn. I'm about to drink the other two and
a half hours of this time, half five hour energy.
Pump it up, girl. Oh wait, what's the question. What's
the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you? Do
to you during sex queeting? Really common though, I don't know.

I can't believe I just said that. Oh, I got
That's definitely the title of this episode with a question
was literally going to be like what happened? Well, maybe
she'll tell you. What's your answer to that one? I missed?
I mean probably farting. Well. I thought maybe it could

be like prematurely well all that too, but I think
that's so rampant with guys, and it's like, I mean, yeah,
I think it happens to everybody. What do you do?
You're like directly asleep? You wore me out. I gotta go,

I gotta go. I mean this question you guys, I'm
I found a website that has funny questions. Um, and
you're going to gasp when I read this. Give me
three adjectives to best describe your vagina? And I'm not
just okay, I have to like pause this. This is

way too inappropriate, even for a casual. Yeah, it's time
for more casual. I think a little more velvet edge. Yes, um, okay,
I got one. What do you think is the easiest
and hardest part of dating? In your thirties versus your twenties.
The easiest part is probably that I'm more self assured.
I know who I am, I know what I want,

so it's easier to sort of like weed out, you know,
bad people in just bullshit. The hardest part is that
younger people are so much hotter, you know, like you
just feel older. I'm tired, like literally, the last thing
I want to do is go on a date. You

have more energy in your twenties. Yeah, I would definitely
agree with you on the thirties piece of knowing more
of what you want for me. The twenties is like,
there's just the thing that was better about your twenties
is everyone's single. You just have so many options, and
in your thirties it's like where is everybody? They're either
married or you're like, why are you still single? Right?

I guess too. The funny thing about being in your
twenties is that you feel like you've got all the
time in the world, like down, I'm in my twenties,
nothing has to be that. And then you're in your
thirties and you're like, damn it, I'm almost forty and
I'm still single. You know, But honestly, it's I am
in my forties now and I'm single, and it's I'm

kind of thankful you are because I haven't settled. It's
I mean, I would have loved to have you know,
met my forever. But I also don't feel like I've chosen.
I didn't get locked down into anything that like, I'm
unhappy and yeah. Another person asked, what are your age
cut offs for dating young and old? I mean, it's

I truly do believe that age is just a number.
You're in a grave. Seriously, the closer to the grave
is what I'm looking for. And they've got to be rich.
But if they're old, um, Now, I do think that
age is just a number. It's more sort of about
like their personality to me. But I have learned that,

you know, life brings you lessons, you know, and it's
maturity comes with age. Um. And that's not to say
that there aren't really mature younger people, because there are,
but I've yet to really come across them in the
dating world. Yeah, young or has not worked for me.
The youngest I've gone is uh eight or nine years

younger than me. I tried. Well, yeah, I mean, like again,
no problems, but like, what do you relate about? I
don't know. But then again, like I've dated a guy
twelve years older than me, and so what was he
relating to me? But I think it's different, Like I
don't know. I think for me at least, it's been

that when guys are older, it doesn't it just doesn't
matter as much, you know, say, girls mature faster, right,
was so basically that evens us out that twelve years difference. Um,
do you have one? Yeah, if you could have any
other career, what would it be and why? Oh? A therapist? Yeah,

that would be mine. I love that was Actually psychology
was my major, so I mean minor, and I almost
majored in it, but instead I did communications. And I've
always kind of been like, should I have done that
and gone to grad school? And you know, I don't know.
I love talking to people. I love helping them get
to solutions, you know, with any problems that are they're

going to I'm fascinated by the way our brains work
and how like situations you go through or trauma affects
everything we do in the future, you know. Just I
don't know. I just love all of that stuff. That's
why I love helping somebody unravel it too. Yeah, just
learning about it. It's so fascinating to me. What would
you do? God, the list is so long. Do people

even know what you do? I don't know. So do
you want to tell? I do marketing and management of
the music management company. So, and my history is I've
worked at record labels for most of my career. I think,
I mean, there's a lot maybe a veterinarian, so not
what I thought you were going to say, but I
just the sadness that comes along with it. I don't

think I could deal with it like they're sick or
dying right, um, and having to deal with people that
are like losing or putting right like I'd be like
bawling with them. Um. I think a screenwriter would be
a really fun job. Do you like to write? I do,
but I don't do it enough. Um. And yeah, maybe

those two Okay, why what were you thinking? I would
be neither of them? Maybe I have seen those body rolls.
I also think it's one of those things that like
it's super difficult to be like, Oh, that would be
a fun job to do, because every people say that
to me all the time too. And there's so many
different parts of it you just don't see. And like
people are always like, oh, it'd be so fun to

just pick out clothes all the time, and I'm like
the fact that that's what you really think that it's
like it's just so much more complicated lugging them everywhere.
Oh my god, the bags that I carry on the
road are a hundred pounds each. I'm not even exaggerating.
It's crazy. So even you got to pull them out
and steam clean them, and it's just yeah, but again,
I love it, and so it makes it worth it.

But it's not just this simple like, oh, let's put
clothes on people and like they're going to really wear
what I want them to all the time. I mean,
it's just I feel like the same thing happens with
my job. Like people are like, oh my god, I
would kill for it, and I'm like, yeah, it's it's
a fun job, but it is a job at the
end of the day, and we travel a lot and
we're not home and we miss our beds and we

miss our families. Every job, I mean, my my my
mother was like her job was from eight to four.
She took an hour lunch. If she only took a
half hour, she could leave a three thirty. Like it
was like so structured and she was able to have
a really balanced life because of that. But what she did,
like you know, I would I couldn't imagine doing that forever.

I mean, she what she did was good. She worked, Um,
she was a social worker, but like it was, she
was in the welfare part of it, so it was
like really grueling a lot of paperwork, you know, emotional
with that job, so emotional. I do think that it's
so true that every single person is made for a
certain type of position, you know what I mean. And

I don't know that even just like I was just
thinking when you were saying that about your mom's schedule, like,
first of all, what would that be like? And then
second of all, I recently was talking to the guy
I'm dating about trying to plan a trip in March,
and I'm like, March, I can't, like I can barely
think past this week. And that is how my schedule works.

But that's been a hard thing for a lot of
my friends who aren't in the business or people have
dated to adjust to, especially if you have like a
more regular schedule, you want to be planned out, you know,
like his life he wants to be planned out, and
I'm like, oh, ship, Like it stresses me out all
the time because I have no idea what my client's
needs are going to be at that point. Yeah, that's

so it's like, yeah, there's just pluses and minuses, and
you just get used to everything. I guess in your
own world. But this is a good one. How do
you handle financial stress? Yeah? How do you? That was it?
Let me tell it again? How do you hand no
financial stress? I mean I think my problem is is
that I don't handle it. Um you like dig a

hole and hide kinda or just act like there's no
problem acting to casual sometimes. Um, you know, it's finances funny,
Like I definitely know that I need to be better
about it. But it's I feel like in my life
it's money comes along at the right times often and

you're like, oh wow, okay, that went away. Um, I
just you know, I know the things that I need
to fix in order to like help with my I'm
like really bad about cooking, so I like eat out
all the time. It just gets really expensive. And if
I was just better about a few things, like it
was cut costs so that's your tip is cut cost cost? Yeah,

you know, I feel like, first of all, that I've
only grown up financially, are like into a financial adult,
and probably the last like three years, like I just was.
I don't know. I think maybe it was like the
freelance life that I lived, but I didn't really have
a concept of how to be an adult with money.
And for me, I actually did a podcast with this
guy who, um he's a money manager, and I thought

you had to have like so much money to go
meet with people like that, but you don't, or he
you know, works with multiple different kinds of people. But
he sat with me and literally things like figuring out
what I need to make each month to pay my bills.
Like I didn't do stuff like that. That sounds ridiculous,
but like if you're not in a salary position, which

I'm not, I get paid per job. I just didn't
think about it. I was always just like, let me
just go make money. Yeah, And so that was fine
and it worked fine for years, I guess, but like
I was not really sure of how much I was
supposed to be saving or anything like that. So we
sat down and he told me how much I needed
to be taken out of each check to put into savings.

Like it sounds so basic and it sounds embarrassing to
say out loud, but it helped me to like buy
a house or build us savings, like I'm freezing my eggs.
You know, things that like big deal, grown up things
that I probably wouldn't have been able to do if
I wasn't just a little bit conscious. Yeah, it's just
about paying attention. Yeah, if you haven't listened to that podcast,

it's with Daniel Burke. He is a financial guy who's
amazing and has so many easy tips that are applicable
to everyone. So go check that one out. Um, oh, listen,
My turn to ask the question, Um, okay, if you
um could be a celebrity embroiled in a scandal, which
one probably Kim Kardashian because she's made so much money

off of her scandal, I guess I'm making a sex day.
What about you? Um, God, I don't even know. Don't
pick someone? Remember the Okay ship and I did a
podcast a couple of weeks ago to about all the
celebrity meltdown, So you probably don't want to pick someone

from that lift, right, The Lindsay Lohans of the Crew. Um, god,
it's do you want to pray about it and get
back to us? I was gonna say the raw Low one,
but that's kind of gross. He was Wait, what he
was on film having sex with like a sixteen year
old or something. But what did you just call him?

He was a pedophile? You thought you said a pedophile
ped but his career like he sort of escaped it,
you know, and I didn't even don't even really remember
it anymore. So maybe that's what I would want for
my scandal, is that it's a blip on the radar. Okay,
I feel like I was having this conversation with someone
the other day, But like most things these days are

blips on the radar because there is just we're just
so oversaturated all the time, and there's so much the
news is a negative, Like there's so much scandal all
the time that it's like you you might have a
scandal for a week and then it goes away. Well,
I mean that's what's happening in politics right now. It's
like people are like creating scandals to make you forget

about the current scandal. It's just crazy, so you can't
keep up. This is a fashion question. What's the best
place for affordable, affordable men's suits. My go to is Topman, Bobby,
I put Bobby and Topman all the time. Yeah, Zara
makes good suits too, but they're you know, it's they're
cut for Italian bodies, which are tall and thin. So yeah,

I do. I will say like with Topman, um Asis
is another really good one. But I what I would
do is buy that suit and they're I mean, they're
under a hundred bucks sometimes and if you get it tailored,
it looks like a really well made like get it
tailored to fit your body, which shouldn't cause that much
more either. It's still less expensive than buying an expensive suit.

Um but that way it looks expensive, it looks really
well made. It looks custom. Not just the way to
go because sometimes they're they're a little boxing or like
you said, they're made to fit certain body types. Topman
is good to go because they have the skinny fit,
which is you know, not everyone can pull off. But
they also have like a muscle fit, or they have
different different shapes. This is like a top Man at now, God,

they need to sponsor me or something. Do you have
one I got one. How do you how do you
get over being angry at someone? I love? This is
hilarious to ask me this question. How do you get
over being angry at someone? Especially if you're not one
to hold grudges, If you don't just get over it
then right, Yeah, that's a weird question. Anger is my

go to emotion, So I think it's funny someone asked
me about that. I don't know. Do you know? What
my mom says is that the best way to get
over anger is to pray for someone or like resentment,
pray for someone every day to have everything that they
want to be happy. To pray for that person to
have everything they want to be happy, everything you want,

like just all of the things that in life that
are good. And if you do that every day, I
get why that works. Why be the hardest thing to
do when you're because, um, you're not mirroring their anger,
so you're not harboring that like bullshit. That's I mean,
if it's generally when someone's anger with you, it's has

you're angry at I know, but they've probably done something
because they're angry at you, you know what I mean? Um?
And I think that like by sending good vibes their away,
it creates good vibes in your life, and it helps
you just sort of move past it to let go. Yeah,
I mean, what good is it to like sit around

and just be angry at somebody? Well, they say that
anger and like holding onto resentment is like drinking poison
and expecting the other person to die, you know what
I mean. Like you're just you are really holding onto
something that's not punishing them that you're holding on. Right,
they've moved on, fishing yourself, they've moved on. But that's
so hard. I mean, the hardest thing to do when
you're piss is someone is to go. I hope they

get everything they want in their life. I'm like, I
hope they get hit by bus. I mean, you can
think that instantly and then sort of change your vibe,
like you don't want to think that over and over
and over again. Yeah. I've definitely been through phases or situations.
This is way in the past before I did so
much therapy. But I would I would feel like just

if I had felt wrong or you know, wrong or hurt,
that I would I can't even say this one out.
I'll never mind. It's gonna make me crazy. No, you
have to say it now. Like I literally went through
that situation where I went through that really bad breakup
and I would drive by Rex and be like, oh,
is it his car? For a while I was that mad.

Luckily I was able to work through that anger. But
you know, I'm glad no one died well, and you're
like laughing about it, So there is like an element
of humor to it. I mean, at the time there
probably wasn't but that his car. Yeah, what would you
have done if it was? Then? I probably would have
been sad. But in the moment when you're just so
mad at someone, you like pull over and you're like,

you got you had to come in, motherfucker. Hope they
were laughing about it. Luckily it was never his car,
and hopefully all the Rex that you saw miner. Okay,
that's a really great point you make. Um, I just
saw a question from that other list I was looking at,
and I'm not going to ask that one. God, this

is your last chance. What you got, you got one shot.
I'm about to start wrapping eminem to you. UM, if
you could give if you could leave UM one legacy.
I mean, you can leave one legacy. What do you
hope your legacy is that you leave on this earth?
I think lately the thing that I've been wanting to

come across the most about my life or just what
I'm like giving back to people is just owning and
loving yourself and like living your authentic life and living
in your authentic truth. And then that's what I'm trying
to learn how to do, but just being vulnerable enough
with each other to let ourselves be actually seen. So

if I can live my life that way, hopefully it
can you know, show that to others or they can
be inspired. But I don't know. It's just that's kind
of what I'm trying to do in my life. And
so if that's what people remembered me by, that would
be awesome. I like that answer. Do you have one? UM?

I don't know that I do yet. UM, other than like,
you know, I'd like to think that, um, people will
remember my kindness, you know, and because I do think
it's infectious. And I also think, you know, just by
being kind to people, it's sort of mirrors what you
were saying. It's like accepting people for who they are,
and like, I don't know, the world is such a

negative place right now, and I know I get wrapped
up in it and I try not to. But the
reason why I feel like I'm so wrapped up in
it is because a lot of the problem seems so
easily fixed by just being kind, you know, like choosing
the moral right thing to do and not only thinking

about ourselves, you know. So it's if so if I can,
if I can change one person with and start a
ripple of kindness, then that would be a good enough,
like you say, for me, I love that. What's that
My Angelo quote where she says people will remember. I
think it's my Angelo. I just think everything good as
her So people don't remember what you said or what

you did, but how you treated them right, something like that. Yeah,
I probably misquoted that, but you know, like what you
did something like that? It's a good one. Did you
guys like this? What do you think about the question
and the answer series minus all the sex? You guys
ands we're going to edit some sh it out. Maybe
this is something we could do once a month if

you guys wanted some more questions and um, let us know,
give us some feedback at casual at velvet edge dot com.
Maybe keep them PG. Thirteen wish Yeah, we'll go with that.
Let us know what you guys want to know and
always remember at Casual. I thank you for listening to
this week's episode of at Casual on velvets Edge. We'll

be back every Friday with your ACT Casual topic of
the week. Remember to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast
to ensure that you are the first to hear each episode. Also,
we want to hear from you. What are some things
that make you want to scream ACT Casual or just
topics you think we need to discuss. Email us at
act Casual at velvet edge dot com and always remember

act Casual.
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