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April 12, 2024 30 mins

Kelly and Chip ask the question: has our culture gone too far? Have we lost our concept of reality and crossed over into no man's land to find a fulfilling life and happiness. The duo talks pluses and minuses of plastic surgery, addresses the fears of everyone looking the same and the emotional and psychological components we may be missing. They also discuss Scrotox in depth....obviously. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Oh god, this topic today. I don't know what this
says about us. Ship.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Yeah, I sit back, relax, and make sure you're wearing
your sequels.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Also, take your children out of the car. If you're
listening to this and there's children in the car, Hello, kids,
press the pause button. Though.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
We're going to try and use medical terms.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Are you are we you can?

Speaker 2 (00:28):
I can try?

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Oh my god. Well anyway, Hi everyone, We're going to
get to this in a second. But I just told
Chip we were just discussing kind of our last minute
prep before we press record, and I was like, we
have to just press record because we are literally doing
the podcast before the podcast because we were having such
an intense conversation about this topic. But Hi, welcome to

the Edge, and yeah, happy to be back with you guys.
I was out sick on Wednesday, so I hope that
you enjoyed the replay that we posted. We are back,
and I would say better than ever. I'm not real
sure how. I don't know what do you feel about this, Chip?
I mean, it hurts just even thinking about it. I

feel that for you, and I'm not even a man. Yeah,
So earlier this week Chip sent me an article and
it was called something. I don't remember actually the actual title,
but it's called It's named something, but it's.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
About the topic of scrow Talks and what is actually
a place in Los Angeles that does it.

Speaker 1 (01:33):
I'd never just like an advertisement.

Speaker 4 (01:36):
It felt very I mean it was I think it
was like a website or an article, but it like
it looked like the way it read it almost sounded fake.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
So I had to google it and it sure enough
is a thing.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
Well you know that your Instagram is now serving you
only things about vaginas and penises. That is literally where
you have gotten in your forty something years old.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
Oh my god. I'm not really a pro. I just
get served a lot of information.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
But it's also not sexual the stuff deserves Like that
makes it sound like you're some sort of like sex
master or something and you love talking about sex. You
know all about sex and all the things, but this
is more medical and informative.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
I would say, yeah, and they were a little bit
of shocked, like.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
This is definitely shock for me.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
It was.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
It's still shocking. That's why I was like, we have
to press record, because I was having these massive reactions
to the things you were saying. But if you were
like me, and you've never heard of scrow talks, and
you're like, what are they talking about? It is what
you think that it is based on what it sounds like.

Speaker 4 (02:36):
And it's bow words, scro them and botox and what
does it become.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
Scrow talk for talks?

Speaker 1 (02:43):
So there's a new procedure that men are having done
and it's botox and your balls basically yes, and in
your ball sack? And do you want to tell the
listeners the benefits? Because I still am real confused on this.

Speaker 4 (02:59):
Well, I mean, from what I'm reading is and disclaimer,
I've not had scrow talks done, nor do I think
I ever would.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
If you had had scrow talk's done, I would make
you let us photograph it to show the listeners.

Speaker 2 (03:14):
I mean, I feel like I would have to.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
It's a medical examination.

Speaker 4 (03:19):
So I'm honestly a little confused because I felt like
when I first discovered this phenomenon of scrow talks that
it was actually used to sort of like lift and
tighten your balls so that they weren't like old saggy balls.
But it sounds like, after I've done a little bit
more digging, that it actually helps make them look bit,

it's about enlarging them and making them look bigger and
more plump. And you know, you can find some before
or after photos if you're curious on the internet. And
I'm not sure that I'm stoked on the results of
scrow talks, Like they make them look like some of
these photos look like old man balls that are like
hanging down to your knees. Well, I guess that's what

some people want.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
Well, the the bigger pieces. I think what would be
enticing to people is or whatever. To a guy in general,
it seems like y'all want everything down there to be bigger, right,
So maybe that's the motivation. I am so confused by
the whole procedure in general, because what I said to
you is, why are these guys even worried about their balls?

Nobody likes balls anyway. Like it's not like all of
a sudden, You're gonna get a little shot in your
balls and I'm gonna be like, ooh balls, yum, Like
that's your balls, look amazing. Look how smooth your balls are.
Like that is never gonna happen, you know, Like that's
not a part of any woman's mentality or whatever. The

balls are there they're a part of the situation. They're
brought into the mix, but they're not the main course,
do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (04:55):
Right right?

Speaker 1 (04:57):
Or the main event, even like they're just kind of
there and sometimes they're almost even in the way to us.
So it's like, I just don't understand why anyone would
care what their balls look like, because they're not attractive
to begin with if you're looking at them that way, Like,
if you're really examining what a ball is, it's a
like a little bag, like a saggy bag.

Speaker 4 (05:19):
It's a bag with a nut in it. I mean,
it's exactly what it is. And I guess, just to
clarify too, the scroll talks it is done to the scrotum,
the bag, not the testicle.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
They are not.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
I did ask that question, yeah, because I could see
where dudes would want their testicle to look bigger. What
if you can start getting filler in your testicle before
you know it.

Speaker 4 (05:41):
I mean, I've seen men that have silicone injected into
their penises and balls, and they it's like it looks
like there's a pillow in there the front of their pants,
like a fupa kind of but it goes down their leg.
I mean, I know, God, I had a I do
not understand it, but it's like it looks like it's

like water logged or something.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
I hadn't a professor when I was at LSU that
had elephant titus of the balls, like I'm not even kidding.
I felt so bad for him because he you can't
hide it like it was I don't know, but anyway,
he would pace the classroom and I was like, oh
my god, I just felt like such a pervert because
I couldn't stop looking at it. But I'm like looking
at it, like enjoying it. But it was fascinating because

it was down his leg kind of in like this
big I just yeah, it's just I don't know that
was that's thing. And so anyway, someone told me that's
what it was. But I just the whole thing about
even being concerned cosmetically about balls is what I can't
wrap my head around. Like I'm still just.

Speaker 4 (06:43):
Like what, Well, you know, we all have some questions.
So I found a website called Innovative Men's Health, and
they've very quickly answered some of the questions. Why would
someone inject botox into their scure? Yes, why tell us
these are the purported benefits. One reported benefit is a
treatment for excessive sweating, but the primary benefit seems to

be that it smooths out the wrinkles on the testes
and makes them look bigger. And then there is this
apparently there are those who have reported is that it
has improved their sex life. Yeah, the buzz that it
increases the sensitivity of the boys downstairs.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
How is that though, because botox relaxes the muscle. So
like the places that I have botox in my face,
Like this is what I'm saying, I have botox. I
get botox, Like, no judgment if this is what you
want to do. I'm just shocked by it. So that's
what this reaction is, right, But I do think it
smooths out wrinkles. But it's also like relaxing the muscles.

So it's weird to me that you would have more
sensation there because like like I can barely move my forehead,
you know what I mean, Like my eyebrows don't go
very far, So I don't know, very interesting to me.
I actually read though that some of the concerns with
this procedure a like low fertility count, like it's dropping
your sperm and so it just begs the question like

what are we doing to society? Have we gone too far?
Like is plastic surgery actually helping us as a culture
or hurting us? And you and I were kind of
looking at the emotional and psychological components, like because this
has like reached a new level to me. I mean
it was very obvious before that we have kind of
become obsessed with the way we look. And this again,

none of these things are judgments. Like Chip and I
care about what we look like. I also work in
the beauty field, so it's a big part of the
conversations of my every day actually, but I just look
at it sometimes and I'm like, what the fuck is
actually happening? Like what are we doing.

Speaker 4 (08:45):
Well for something like this too? And it's not like
your balls are on the outside. I mean they are
on the outside, but you're not walking around with them
exposed at all the at all times. And you know,
if you were going to get a breast augmentation, the
same argument could be made there. But you really see
the breasts and how they sit on the body, even

when they're still in clothes.

Speaker 1 (09:06):
You know what I mean, Because I can tell you've
been reading medical journals because you're calling a breast augmentation
breast like a boob job and.

Speaker 4 (09:14):
A boob job like bies, there you go, kids, he's
still listening.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
But yeah, but to get to do something to your balls, which,
by the way, I don't. I hate needles, like I
hate having to have my blood drawn. The idea of
having to put a needle in my nut unnecessarily, it's terrifying.
They put they put a numbing cream on, and it's
like there's very little downtime. There's some soreness, but for

the most part, there's there's no downtime, so you can
get right to it.

Speaker 4 (09:48):
And it lasts for four months. Both Amazon just came,
so my dog might lose a ship, but.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
We can't hear him. She is so distracted.

Speaker 2 (09:59):
R It's like they only come when.

Speaker 4 (10:01):
I'm doing something like this, of course, yeah, but so
I just can't imagine wanting to do something like that
that's elective. And before we started recording, I was like,
you know, like having a vagina face left, what do
you call that?

Speaker 2 (10:17):
Which which I.

Speaker 4 (10:19):
Understand that like that necessarily isn't really an elective thing
because you get damaged in.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
Birth exactly like it a lot more trauma than balls.
Do what trauma do balls go through?

Speaker 2 (10:34):
You get kicked and stuff?

Speaker 1 (10:37):
Though, No, no, you have a human being.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
No, it's very different.

Speaker 4 (10:43):
But I did read on one of these things that said,
if you have chronic testical pain, it is something that
can help.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
That makes sense. It's like, how.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
Right, right?

Speaker 4 (10:52):
And that to me is not that is a medical
use of this. It is not an aesthetic use of it. No,
So you know, I just I don't know. I've never
met anyone that's like, my balls are too wrinkly, Like
balls are wrinkly.

Speaker 1 (11:06):
Because when do people talk. That's what I'm saying, is
like when do people discuss balls? It's not like I'm like, Okay,
I'm going on you know, I'm going on a couple
of dates with this guy. We hooked up. Guys, let
me break down what his balls like for you, like
I've never did.

Speaker 4 (11:21):
And you're like, no, but his balls really amazing.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
Yeah, it just never happened. But I hear what you're
saying about even the vagina rejuvenation, vaginal rejuvenation, because it's
like you're not walking around presenting that to the world.
What I would say and what I would I would
believe that people having those kind of procedures feel is
insecure in the bedroom, you know, or like the woman

especially Like I mean, this could be in general, but
vagina's come in all shapes and sizes, just like ball.
Then maybe you didn't like the way yours looked, so
maybe you want something different. The thing is is like,
I'm never gonna knock plastic surgery, Like, if that's what
makes you feel good, I don't. I won't have judgment
about that because I have seen it change people's lives.
And like I said, I can't say don't go do that,

like I get botox to myself, so that would be
so hypocritical. I think I'm just starting to kind of
be like, wait a second, are we doing the thing
that I talk about a lot on this podcast where
we look at like the outer issue, we like at
you know, in the medical field. A lot of times
in Western medicine, I get really frustrated because I feel
like they just throw a pill at things. You know.

It's like, oh, you probably have ADHD like the rest
of the world, or oh you're depressed, look at that,
here's a pill, and it's like, but why why are
you depressed? Do you really have ADHD because a lot
of other things can manifest like that, Like, so are
we really looking at root causes? And in these situations
with plastic surgery, I'm asking the question, are we going

too far? Have we lost the concept of like what
being beautiful really is and like how to feel confident
in yourself regards list of this kind of stuff, like
because I think what I was saying to you was,
you know, you can go do all these things, but
if you hate yourself, they're not going to fix that
you hate yourself. Like it's like you I have thought

a million times about getting a boob job, Like I
have small boobs. I've had small boobs my whole life.
I exercise a lot so they don't ever grow. So
it's like, you know, because boobs are just fat, really
and like that's just I don't have a lot of
fat or that's not where I get fat either, So
that's kind of the thing. And I think the times

when I've thought about it, when I look at them,
I'm always like, like I've even gone to the doctor,
I've had consultations and everything, But when I really asked myself,
like what is the driving force here? Every time I've
ever thought about it. It's an emotional thing that's actually
going on with me. It's like, for some reason, either
I went through a bad breakup, I'm feeling down about myself,

or I'm putting pressure on myself, like when I was
on TV, I felt like, oh god, I got to
look like everyone else or what our culture deems hot.
And that makes me stop before I do it every time,
because I'm like, I'm not going to feel satisfied if
I go butcher my body for that or change my body.
I might be happy with the boobs, but like, what's

really happening in me is a comparison issue, an insecurity.
I'm low on myself for some reason, and those are
the real things that like need to be addressed within me,
and so then if I go address them, it's kind
of funny I forget about the boob.

Speaker 4 (14:30):
Job, right, Yeah, Well it's funny too because it's you know,
I'm obviously on my fitness journey becoming a fitness influencer.

Speaker 2 (14:37):
Obviously, and I'm losing weight, and I think one of the.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Looks great, by the way, thank you.

Speaker 4 (14:42):
But the point that I want to make is that
like the greatest benefit is that I just feel better
about myself. It's like the outside is fixing the inside
right now, but I'm doing it from the inside.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
I'm not just doing it from the outside. And I
saw it. Do you think it's like? Trust me.

Speaker 4 (15:01):
I've thought about going to get liposuction because it seemed
like an easier, quicker fix, But I'm terrified of needles
and the idea of having a needle like jammed in
and out of me, like to suck the fat out
like terrifies me. And I think it's a really painful
recovery and I don't like pain.

Speaker 2 (15:17):
But I think you know, to me, I think you
hit the nail on the head.

Speaker 4 (15:23):
Is like you have to like really dig deep and
decide why you want to do what you're doing and
answer that question. And then once you have that answer,
is like, is the desire still there. I was reading
some medical stuff and I saw some statistics that were
pretty shocking that wait, I wrote one down. It said,

you know, these are the main things that sort of
disorders that cause people to want classic surgery. And this
is obviously not a blanket statement. This is about like
psychological disorder that drive interest, scissistic, histrionic personality disorders, embody
dysmorphica disorder are the three most common psychiatric conditions encountered

with patients who are seeking cosmetic surgery.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Well, none of those are surprising, right.

Speaker 4 (16:15):
Right, No, not at all, And this says overall, plastic
surgery not only restores the appearance and the function of
a disfigured body unit, but it also alleviates some of
the psychological distress. So there is some benefit to you know,
they're in these studies. There is benefit that can alleviate
some of those things for people. But I also read
that there was a statistic that said as much as

fifty percent of people who have things like depression and
anxiety and get plastic surgery to sort of overcome them,
at least fifty percent of those people experience negative reaction
and have more anxiety and depression after the surgery. Well,
just terrifying because they're not dealing with.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
The roof, right, I mean, it's just I was just saying,
because if you spend all that money, first of all,
you put your body into like it's still a surgery, Like,
don't get it existed. You have to go under. You
have anytime you have to go under that is scary
to me, Like that's part of the other thing that's
always stopped me from doing that because I'm like, elective
surgery just feels scary. It feels like asking for a

disaster or whatever. Not to say.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
That it is.

Speaker 1 (17:23):
It's financial stress. But if you have those issues and
you're thinking, oh, if I just get the surgery, then
I won't feel that way that if then there are
your problem, because if you're depressed and you're all the things,
maybe there's a small part of the society of our
culture that has just hated their nose so much that
that nose job changed everything. But I feel like for

the most part, probably a lot of us kind of
are dealing with what I was talking about, where it's
just like you make up that story that if you
get that surgery, it's like the same thing as if
you get the big house, you get the nice car,
then you're gonna feel sad within yourself and it's like, no,
then you'll just want a bigger house and a bigger
car if those are the only motivating factors.

Speaker 4 (18:08):
Well, and I think you see that play out with
plastic surgery too, because often it starts with one thing
and then it's the next thing, and then it's the
next thing.

Speaker 1 (18:16):
And do you ever watch that show Botched I did
back in the day, They'll like they've gotten to the
place now where I've seen a couple of times they'll
kind of cut people off because I think they start
to realize, no, this is like they'll say, this is
the case of body dysmorphia. You're not seeing yourself. Clearly.
My biggest concern with where we're going as a society

is literally everyone is starting to look the same, and
I mean not starting. This has been on trend for
a while, and people blame the Kardashian a lot, and
obviously a lot of people do a lot like that. Yeah,
there's a big influence. I don't think you can put
blame on anyone like it's people have free will at the.

Speaker 4 (18:55):
End of the day, so no, I think it stems
from the fact that they look the way they look
because of plastic surgery.

Speaker 2 (19:01):
So people will it's I would think it was.

Speaker 4 (19:04):
It would be a really easy thing to be like,
I want to have done what Kim had done or
I want what Kylie had done, yes, which then makes
everyone look.

Speaker 1 (19:11):
Like them, of course, and that makes sense to me too.
But like when I was the reason I thought of
this was because I saw this episode on Botch that
was this guy actually who wanted to look like Kim
and literally remaking his entire body, his entire face, like
to do the boy version of Kim. I mean, it

was just features that he wanted, and it was crazy
because it just like, I don't know, it was just
sad to me, like he didn't even want to try
to get okay with who he is and what he
looks like he wanted so bad to be someone else.
And that is case in point I think of, like
where this can go wrong.

Speaker 2 (19:51):
Yeah, and he looks nothing like Kim Kardashian.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
All right, But like I do thinkanders are a little off.
Like remember remember when people used to look different. It
was so much more interesting when people would when someone
would walk into a bar and you're like, oh, your
body is a totally different topic. I remember being younger
and saying to myself, Oh, well, yeah, my friend has

these huge boobs or whatever, but I'm the tall, skinny
girl like I and I would play into my body
type and like really learn to get comfortable with it
and embrace it like I was. I was so super
awkward and linking when I was younger and so I
hated my body, But really I really worked on that,
like getting okay with me, and that's also something I

still do now, like when the boob thing comes up.
It hasn't in a while, but like if it did,
I've gotten really a lot better at saying to my
body like I love you, And it sounds so cheesy,
but I love you. Thank you, like yeah, because it
functions every day, Like I'm so grateful for that. And
it's so interesting when you talk to yourself that way,

what it changes about the way you look at your body.

Speaker 4 (20:59):
Well, I also think it's really important to remember that
there's a there's a lid for every pot too, and
if we're have you ever heard that there's a lid
for every pot. It's like there is someone out there
that loves tall, lanky girls, and there's some that loves
curvy girls, and there's someone out there that short girls.

And so it's I think it's as a society, we
were so much better off if we can do the
healing from the inside and love ourselves right. And then
once we've completed that journey, if we feel like we
want a better nose, then get the fucking nose. But
it is not going to make you love yourself more.
I mean, I think there are probably some anomalies. And

you know, Ashley Simpson's a good example, because her fucking
nose is fantastic. Oh now you mean yes, like it
like changed her face completely.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
Well, it's like Jennifer Gray from Dirty Day Career to
change her nose, it.

Speaker 2 (21:57):
Did, Yeah, like she kind of went away when she
got her nose.

Speaker 1 (22:01):
Because she just didn't look like herself. And you know what,
she looked kind of basic or there's more like every
day that don't mean it was she had a very
distinct look, and it like that is what's so interesting,
Like back in the day, think about Barber streisand like
they're in like even people like Susan Sarandon. They don't

look the same as everyone, but they're beautiful women. And
it's like, I just think we used to do a
better job of kind of embracing differences as beauty and
like interesting exquisite qualities versus I need to have a
tiny waist, a big ass, big boobs, big lips, but

you know, which is very Kardashian, right, but it.

Speaker 2 (22:47):
Also like those trends come in and out, like.

Speaker 1 (22:50):
Oh, I know they're already going out, so it'll be.

Speaker 4 (22:52):
Really which happens when you've gotten twenty pounds of fat
injected in the your butt.

Speaker 1 (22:56):
Like out, Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (23:03):
Anyway judgment here, Like I know, I just don't know.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
That that is the path to happiness.

Speaker 4 (23:10):
I think you have to find happiness and then work
on the outside.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
What I was going to make a joke about whenever
you said, uh, getting a new nose, is it going
to make you happy or whatever? Or if you do
the inner work and that's all you want to do
it like getting scrow tks isn't going to make your
girl like your balls. Just if any guys out there
are just to see what it does, I mean, maybe
the games would into it. That's such a gay That

is such a gay procedure if you really think about it,
The gays would be the ones to notice sprinkly balls
the most. Like that is so true.

Speaker 2 (23:44):
Because girls don't even want to see your balls.

Speaker 1 (23:47):
Well, I mean, no, I enjoy a ball. It's just
like to me, it's just a part of the thing,
you know, Like the balls are in the mix. We're
we're the balls are around, they're being played. I don't
know how to say any of this because I know
my mom is listening.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
A few balls in your time. It looks like there
are places in throw Talks.

Speaker 3 (24:07):
Of course there is what do you think scrotoplastic?

Speaker 2 (24:11):
Oh my god, it just keeps getting bigger.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Ship. If you go, you realize this is going to
become a documentary for the Velvet See.

Speaker 2 (24:21):
Okay, I'm not going to do it. I'm too scared.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
You don't even like needles. You're really not going to
feel like I don't. I said, what if they miss
or what if they like hit the testicle accidentally? What's
going to happen?

Speaker 2 (24:37):
That makes me want to die? Right now?

Speaker 1 (24:38):
If you go get scrow Talks, I would make sure
it's a very good provider, very experienced.

Speaker 2 (24:44):
Five stars on Google.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
Yeah, which anyone's.

Speaker 4 (24:48):
Gotten it or if anyone's husbands or boyfriends or brothers
have gotten it, please call in. I am begging you
to understand why yeah, and how it went and if
it was painful.

Speaker 1 (25:00):
I was telling you there's an episode of sex in
the City, and I need to go back and listen
to all the podcasts on how many times I quote
episodes of Sex in the City. But Steve has testicular
cancer and he loses a ball because they just remove
the ball to get rid of the cancer. And then
he's totally healthy. He's great, and he and Miranda are
not together, and he as they're friends though, and he

says to her, I think I'm gonna go get this
new procedure to have like a prosthetic ball put in.
So she goes to the appointment with them and they say, like,
this is a very new procedure. There's all these risks,
and she's like, no, absolutely not. It's basically saying the
same thing as me, like nobody cares about the balls,
like you have one ball or two balls, Like we're good.
We're not going to be like, whoa, where's the other ball?

But so she ends up having what they call a
mercy fuck and having sex with them. So he still
feels like he's sexy, and she still gets pregnant from
that quote unquote from the one ball. But it just
like it's me in case point, women don't think about balls.
That's not really a part of what we're really attracted to.

And it's just so interesting that we convince ourselves that
we need this thing to feel whole or feel complete,
when in reality, like no one else is looking at
it that way. It's just like within ourselves, I could
get where like if you had one ball or one
boob or anything like that. Like I told you I
had a friend who had breast cancer and since she's

a lump missing out of her boob, and I have
so much respect for her because what most or a
lot of women do is, you know, get boob jumps
after and she's just left it. She's like, I don't
want to put my body through anything else. Like I'm
so happy, Like I'm proud of my body that it's
like functioning and it works now, and it's kind of
like a badge of honor in some ways of the
things I've been through, you know, and like also a

reminder of what I've overcome, which I thought was just
really beautiful. And like her partners since that surgery have
not cared one bit.

Speaker 4 (26:58):
Yeah, I mean it's there's I know plenty of women
who've had what is it a lumpectomies?

Speaker 2 (27:04):
Is that when you get your full breast removed, no misseectomy?
Is that a mus sectomy?

Speaker 4 (27:09):
And then have gotten fake breast because they want to
look like the way that they looked.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
And then I've known people that have just said get.

Speaker 4 (27:15):
Rid of them, I don't care, you know, And I
think that you know it's coming that's coming from a
medical need perspective too.

Speaker 3 (27:21):
It's not it's totally different than it's it's not a
psychological it's not a psychological thing. No, but the friend
that you're talking about, it is just like an aesthetic
thing that she's like, fuck, I don't care, you know,
Like there's a reason and if anyone's got a problem
with it, they're probably pretty shallow anytheah, they're not like
they're they're not for her.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
I mean, it fits her personality. So I think it
is again, like as we're saying this over and over,
I really do feel in this situation it is to
each their own. Like I really don't have judgment. I'm
just kind of when you told me about scrow talks,
it took me off guard. And it's just one of
those things where you see these absurd things happening in
the news or on social media or whatever, and like

we just got to fucking start talking about this, y'all
be cause it's like we're off the rails here. We're
getting yeah, shocked, you've gone too falls, like what.

Speaker 4 (28:11):
We've gone too far. Look, if you've got pain in
your nuts, get it, you know.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
But if if you're worried about the wrinkles and your balls.
Also the before and afters I like, the before is better.

Speaker 4 (28:21):
That We've got to tell you. They make it makes
sure dick looks smaller when your ball's hang too.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
Low because your balls are sitting baggy. Also, doesn't that
happen with age? So why are you trying to rush that?

Speaker 2 (28:32):
Right? Oh my god?

Speaker 4 (28:33):
I wonder if there's because it's only been going on
since like twenty seventeen. It's sort of something that I read.
But yeah, so we don't have unless there was some
much older gentleman doing it. We don't know what it's
going to look like forty years down the road when
your balls would have naturally sagged.

Speaker 1 (28:50):
Well, botox fades, so like you just have to point done.

Speaker 4 (28:54):
Yeah, yeah, but I would imagine that every four months. Yeah,
it says every four months. It lasts about four months.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
Yeah, that's about the time for vosal.

Speaker 2 (29:01):

Speaker 4 (29:01):
If I'm going to stick an the eaedle on myself electively.
It's going to make my face look younger.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
One. Yeah, I mean that's how I feel at least.
Right Well, if you're worried about your balls and you're
listening to this podcast, breathe. So let me just tell
you women don't care. And if you know of or
are just curious about this, this scrow Talk situation and

want to talk to us about it, please email. This
is a topic I really want to hear about what
the listeners have to say about this. You can always
email us at the Edge at velvet edge dot com,
or if you want to leave us a voicemail, you
can hit that on the The link to in my bio.
Why is that always such a mouthful for me to say?

Speaker 2 (29:46):
It's so hard?

Speaker 1 (29:48):
Link in my bio on Instagram. On Instagram, I am
at Velvet's Edge. It's also in chips link in his bio,
which is.

Speaker 2 (29:56):
At chip door. Should Chip d o r sc eight.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
I don't even know if the wrap up feels appropriate
right now. Nothing feels appropriate because we just talked about
balls for thirty minutes.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
Lots of balls.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
Anyway, as you guys go into the weekend and you're
living on the edge. I hope you always remember, too.
Bye casual, I mean that's all I got, all right,
Bye bye
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