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May 3, 2023 26 mins
Dr. Dung Trinh is the Chief Medical Officer at The Healthy Brain Clinic and joins the show to talk about Dementia, and how diagnoses have doubled in the last decade in Orange County. Additionally, Michael J. Fox talks about Parkinsons and mortality - Dr. Trinh contributes to Fox's message. Then, the Pennsylvania school district must allow After-School Satan Club, and you'll have a hard time getting tickets for SatanCon in Boston...because they're sold out.
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You're listening to Bill Handle on demandfrom kf I AM six forty. Some
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and see your doctor right away.And now here's Bill Handle kf I AM

sixty. Weve everywhere on the iHeartRadioapp. Bill Handle here on a Wednesday,
May third tonight on MO Kelly Joellars Guard Joan joins MO for how
to Money Joel Lars lars Guard ourmoney guy or one of our money guys.
Now, I want to talk twosubjects. I want to talk about

both having to deal with your brainson our as our guests who's been here
before with us, Doctor Don Trenn, chief medical Officer the Healthy Brain Clinic.
Good morning, doctor Trinn, thankyou for joining us. Okay,
morning Bill. Yeah, oh it'salways good because you're a brainy kind of
guy. I guess I don't knowwho wrote that, but that's kind of

stupid. So there's two subjects Iwant to talk about in two different segments.
One right there in your neck ofthe woods the Healthy Brain Clinic,
Orange County, and the other onejust in general. So let's start with
Parkinson's and Michael J. Fox.Michael J. Fox has a new documentary

coming out May twelfth, actually justanother week week and have to promote his
new documentary still and Michael J.Fox, just as an aside, I
think, is an extraordinary person.I mean, the guy has just balls
for doing what he is doing.He's a very public figure. He has
late stage dementia. He is youcan see the jerking and the moving around,

and he has brought to the forefrontthe issue of Parkinson's. So and
there's no cure I understand. Sodoctor Chin, tell us about Parkinson's,
how prevalent, what we can doabout it, what anybody can do about
it? Yeah, Parkinson's is justright behind Alzheimer's as the number two neural
degenerative disease of the brain, withthat soul of Alzheimer's is number one.

Parkinson's right behind there. And aswith most neural degenertive disease. And what
that means really is that brain cellsare dying, right, and it depends
on which group of brain cells thatgets damaged and the associate which which neural
transmitters and things of that sort.Determines whether you have conditions such as Parkinson's

versus Alzheimer's versus a different condition ofthe brain. Alzheimer's. Of course,
we have the Alzheimer's plaque. Wecall it the amyloid plaque, and the
Tiwel tangles with Parkinson's special Typically,it's the lack of dopamine. Have you
ever heard of dopamine? It's ait's a common north transfer that's needed for

the brain, and it's a lackof dopamine starting at an air of the
brain called the substantial nigra. Andthat lack of dopamine leads to problems.
That starts with tremors and UH.And so initially your hands are trembling and
then you start to feel stiff andstiffness over time. It's a progressive disease,

UH without a cure, very similarto Alzheimer's. With these these brain
conditions, here's the question, Uh, it is without a cure. I'm
assuming that medical science has to knowhow it starts, why it starts?
Is it genetic? Is it inherited? Uh? The other and but with

so many people having it, it'senormous numbers of people are why hasn't real
progress been made or has real progressbeen made. So there's three treatment options
when it comes to Parkinson's. Thefirst is medications, and the most popular
medications called Leva DOPHA, and ithelps with tremors, but it treats the

symptoms. It doesn't treat the underlyingcause of Parkinson's, which we're all still
trying to figure out. So medicationis one option. The second option is
what we call the a deep brainstimulation device, where we implant a device
in your brain actually that delivers electricalstimulations to your brain to specific errors to

your brain. That helps again withcontrolling your tremors or the rigidity that you
feel. And then the third optionis therapy. It's physical therapy, occupational
therapy, speech therapy to help youwith your balance, to help you not
fall down, and flexibility and thingsof that sort. But I can tell

you a little bit about the researchthat's being done right now, because that's
really where the gist of this needsto be done. We need to deep
diver, do a deeper dive intoresearch. There are genetic links that we're
studying. Researchers are investigating the roleof genetics in the sense that they're looking

to see which genes may activate orpromote Parkinson's, and then there are genes
that perhaps may protect you against Parkinson's. So looking at the gene pathway is
where research is being done. Lookingat what we call bio markers. Fire
markers are measurable substances in a bodythat will indicate perhaps early detection for Parkinson's,

where we can improve our diagnosis,and where we can track the disease
progression. So that's another area research. But more importantly, how do you
protect your brain? Right? Howdo you protect your brain from losing dopamine
or losing brain cells? How doyou protect your brain from inflammation, which
is part of both Alzheimer's and Parkinson'sdisease? That needs to be looked at

in ways that we can protect ourbrain, not just not with just a
pill, but really with lifestyle andnutrition. Had diet as well, well,
that's certainly not me. So thereyou go, all right, I
have real really quickly because we haveless than a minute here if we're going
our next segment. Has any realprogress been made with Parkinson's disease? Yeah,

some progress has been made. Iwouldn't say that we have found that
magic pill we improve it. Somepargress hasn't been made, but not significant
enough progress, not enough progress thatwe would like to see the story I
wanted to cover with you. Andthis just came out in the Orange County
Register and the organization Alzheimer's Orange County, which I guess is the big one

over there, has reported that sincetwenty fourteen, the number of suffers from
ali Alzheimer's has dup from eighty fourone hundred and sixty four thousand people.
That's five percent of the total population. I mean, that seems completely insane.
And we talked about Parkinson's in theprevious segment. Not too many people

are afraid of getting Parkinson's. That'ssort of somewhere else. All of us
I know are frightened of dementia.And it is it seems to be the
big kahuna, and where are wegoing with that? It is a breathtaking
number. Specifically, I think overone hundred and sixty something thousand folks are

are predicted to have some form ofmemory loss in Orange County. And I'll
tell you how we got to thisnumber. This number is extrapolated from data
that we have that was published fromColumbia University last year and Columbia University did

a study where they look and determinethat in the United States, if you're
above the age of sixty five,right, for everyone above the age of
sixty five in the US, oneout of ten if you took ten,
if you took ten folks above theage of sixty five, one out of

ten have the diagnosis of dementia,and two out of ten have the diagnosis
of what we call MCI. MCIstands for a mile cognitive impairment. It's
the pre dementia stage, kind oflike the stage right before you get that
diagnosis of Alzheimer's. Right. Soif you add that up Bill, that's

three out of ten Americans that havesome form of memory problems, whether it's
MCI or dementia. That's three outof ten above the age of sixty five.
Ye, that has that. Yeah. So we took that data and
we extrapolated to Orange County, knowingOrange County census, right, we're knowing
how many folks over the age ofsixty five in Orange County. We came

up with that member at Alzheimers OrangeCounty that is doubled. Yeah, I
mean that that's completely insane numbers becauseeverybody I know, as a matter of
fact, I know members of myfamily friends. I have never known anybody
close to me that has or hasdied of Parkinson's. There are plenty of

people that I know. Both mymother and father as they were ending their
lives, were in some form ofdementia and was zoning out, not there,
only remembering way back in their longterm memory. My father, just
before he died, he grew upin Yugoslavia, then Yugoslavia. All he

spoke with Serbo Croatian as he died, that's it. He wouldn't remember anything
else. And my mother was talkingabout girl going up in Brazil and was
speaking Portuguese and her memories of that. I mean, clearly a demented state.
I would guess yes. And youknow what the call to actionists with
this information. The call to actionis that we should be out there evaluating

and checking our memories early, ratherthan waiting until our memories gone to do
something about it. So back tothe same question, and that is do
we know where it comes from?Dementiad we know how it's caused? Do
we know is is there any realgood work or at least successful work being

done, Is it genetic? Isit inherited? Absolutely? All the above,
all the above. So at ouroffice at the Healthy Brain Clinic,
right, I'm actually in Long Beachby the way, so chunnel of the
border, I'll will see. ButI'm on the board for Alzheimer's Orange County.
We are teaching patients what they needto do with their brains without taking

a pill, without taking a pill, to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's,
in addition to the clinical trials thatwe do trying to advance right medications to
treat dementia, specifically Alzheimer's. Butthere are twelve actionable things you can do.
In the Journal of Lancet in twentytwenty, in the midst of the

pandemic, when we're all thinking aboutCOVID, the Lancet Commission came out and
said there are twelve modifiable activities,twelve modifiable conditions that you can do to
reduce the total risk of Alzheimer's byforty percent. Forty percent of all Alzheimer's
is contributed by these twelve actionable things. And one of the things, what

are they? Of course, we'reall waiting with bated breath. Here,
I'll tell you what I remember.I'll tell you what I remember. Oh
yeah, yeah, So here yougo. Number One physical exercise right,
physical exercise at least half an houra day of doing something right to activate

your body to keep moving. Datahas shown that exercise consistently will help with
brain help to reduce the risk ofAlzheimer's. Number two brain exercise right,
doing things to activate your brains,whether it's playing chess, playing checkers,
suduco, whatever, it is,right keeping our brains active. Some things

have shown that those with a higherlevel education bill have a lower risk of
Alzheimer's than those with a lower levelof education. And it's not because they're
smarter, it's because they spent moreyears exercising their brain. Number three nutrition
really huge. Do a Google searchon the mind diet m I MD.

Do a Google search on the minddiet. That diet has been published in
several different journals, several different studiesshowing consistently that it reduces the risk of
Alzheimer's. In one study, itreduced the risk of Alzheimer's by fifty four
percent. Wow, like cutting inand half. I mean imagine that there

isn't a pillof there that can dothat. Bill, that's another thing you
can do. Number four very important. Hearing loss. Hearing loss. It's
a simple fix. It's called ahearing aid. So those with hearing loss
have a higher risk of Alzheimer's thanthose who can hear well. That's surprising.

The first Yeah, the first groupI got makes sense, but that
one's surprising. We only have acouple of minutes. Can we go through
them a little bit quicker because Iwant to go through all twelve? Absolutely
so. Hearing losses on their obesityis a risk factor. Those who are
overweight have a higher risk of Alzheimer'sthan those who are at the normal rate

is a huge risk factor. Headtrauma traumatic brain injury, believe it or
not, is a risk factor,right, You're inflammation that occurs from that.
Another risk factor is tobacco smoking,which is basically talks into your brain.
Another risk factor. That's if alcoholhuge issue with that a risk factor.

I don't know if this one's onthe list or not, but sleeping,
getting enough sleep is really important forbrain health. The lack of sleep,
the lack of sleep when good sleepleads to Alzheimer's. It is a
risk factor for it, and that'ssomething we all sacrifice in our life,
right by doing everything else. Thatsocialization very important. Those who socialize,

who are out engage, spending timewith others, have a lower risk Alzheimer's
then those who are home alone allday. So it has something to do
with engaging your brain cells, right, doing things that are active to socialize.
Another risk factor is Another risk factoris basically making sure that your blood

pressure is under control. High bloodpressure is a risk factor for Alzheimer's because
it messages up your circulation. Diabetesis a risk factor for Alzheimer's. If
you have diabetes, your risk ofAlzheimer's is double those without diabetes. Pretty
crazy when you think about that,and most of us don't realize it because

two three Americans are either diabetic orpre diabetic. Right, and so those
are the big highlights. Okay,we are out of time. Unfortunately,
as we went through it, itend it's pretty important stuff, some surprising,
some stuff surprising, some stuff notso surprising. The fact that I'm
overweight, never exercise, hate peoplewith a passion. I'm in trouble.

I understand that. Doctor dung Trent, Chief Medical Officer of the Healthy Brain
Clinic, Doctor Trent, thank youso much. Great information. All right,
bye bye. Now now I havea great First Amendment story to share
with you. I mean, thisdoes not get better. And this has
to do with a school district anda high school. And there is a

club that is called the Satanic Clubsponsored by the Satanic Temple. And it
had its permit, or it hadhis ability to meet on school grounds yanked
by the school district. So whojumps in the a CLU. The ACELU

of Pennsylvania, a law firm,of course, it's all pro bono,
sued the district on behalf of theSatanic Temple, and the judge, federal
judge, wrote here, although theSatanic Temples objectors may challenge the sanctity of
this controversial named organization, the sanctityof the First Amendment must prevail. However,

the judge did acknowledge that the superintendenthad an unviable position when he was
faced with a shooting threat in responseto what happened with the club. So
the district has to allow the afterschool Satan Club to meet on the three
days. Actually, this is amiddle school at Salcone Valley Middle School,

and the ACLU jumps right in.I mean, the ACLU is a very
interesting corporate is a very interesting organization. And people have said of the a
CLU in many many cases, Ifind the ACLU insane. But the statement
that was once said about the ACLU, which resonated when I went, oh,
yeah, ninety five percent of thetime, the ACLU is this ridiculous

left wing, insane organization. Fivepercent of the time, it is priceless
to America. Yep, that makessense. Do you remember the Nazi march
in Skokie, Illinois. Skokie,Illinois was a town is a town in
Illinois that is made up of hugenumber of Holocaust survivors, and one of

the Nazi organizations had asked for apermit to march down the street, and
of course the city fathers say,you're dreaming. The ACLU went in ensued
and one on First Amendment. TheACLU. The number of Jews who created
and are part of the ACLU isastronomical, and the ACLU fought for the

ability, the ability of Nazis tomarch down the streets in a neighborhood,
even in the neighborhood, not justthe city that was primarily occupied by Holocaust
survivors. So the so when itcomes to Satanism, oh fifty a cl
you was going to jump in there. It is pretty impressive as to what

happened. I'm looking at the club. I think we should put this up.
This is the Satanic Club's logo andit's this a devil sort of a
character, and it's actually very funny. It's pretty benign, and it says
the Satanic Temple. On the topit's a seal, it's around seal,

and on the bottom it says theafter School Satan Club. It is very
funny and would you make sure thisgoes up on the website because this is
hilarious. So that segues right intothe next story. And I'm sure you've
heard of comic Con, which iswell, now it's become this enormous convention

show where new movies are released,where people walk around in costume, they
do role playing, causeplay, andthey spent fortunes on costumes. Things sells
out. Well, I'll tell youwhat else sold out this year, and
that's satan Con twenty twenty three,sold out. Thousands people showed up.

It's in Boston and it started withthe two leaders opening it up with a
formal ceremony renouncing symbols of oppression andripping up a Bible and also a thin
blue line flag that represents a policeso they're not particularly pro police. And

the female leader, we don't haveher name, opened it up with we
stand here today and define defiance oftheir siege and destroy their symbols of oppression.
Okay, anti cop you can seethat anti bible. That is more
interesting and it gets a lot ofpeople a little bit more exercise. Huh
if you think about that. Sothen the male leader Jos joins it and

tears up the flag into the thinblue line, tosses it on the floor
while the crowd cheers, and hesays, we must build true community outside
of the virtual. Rebellion comes inmany forms to each and their own,
within their own capabilities, in theirown situation. And go, wait a
minute, this is sounding way toopolitical. Now, where the hell is

Satan? How come Satan isn't here? I mean, this is about the
devil. The devil made me,do it? Remember that? So why
is number one? It's sold outso much, so quickly, and so
many people attended, And I wouldbe disappointed if I'm going to Satan Cohn.
I want the devil. I wantSatan. I mean, I want

the real deal. I want theemiss and I'm not getting it. And
so it was officially called the SatanKhan and the people attending were called Hail
Satan Fans. Three day event hasbeen described as the largest Satanic gathering in

history. I don't know, youknow, during the Inquisition there was some,
and Salem there were some, butno, not really. This is
far, far bigger the Boston Mayor. This was dedicated to the Democratic Boston
Mayor Michelle wou after the group wasnot allowed to delivery Satanic invocation at a

city council meeting in twenty twenty one. They said, Hey, you have
Catholic, you have Muslim, youhave Jews. You all allowed to do
this, but we're not. Soit turns out that it really is just
very left weight. It's not reallysatan An, it's not really the fun
stuff that we thought it would be. So it turns out to be a

totally leftist political organization. I guessthey did this for the publicity. However,
Uh, there were some really interestinglectures, one of them Sins of
the Flesh Satanism and self pleasure.Okay, I'll buy that, taught by
a sexuality studies professor at Minnesota StateUniversity. Another one reclaiming the trans Body,

a theistic Strategy for self determination empowerment. That was by a transgender woman
University of South Carolina. And oneof my favorites included Hell Billies. Not
Hellbillies, but Hell Billies Visible Satanismin Rural America. Wow, I'm big

fan of that one. You knowwhat, I would go to that in
a heartbeat. That But if Iif I, if I thought it was
real satan if I thought this wasthe devil, I would be sorely disappointed.
But going to a lecture on sinsof the flesh, satanism and self
pleasure? How do you miss that? One? Research for the show?

It is research for the show,Shannon, Yes, does that sound like
one of the most exciting venues you'veever heard of? Yesterday I googled popular
adult video titles for research for theshow research. The titles that I came
across were Missionary, Impossible and IndianaWhat was it? Indiana? Something in

the Temple of Boobs, which Ithought was clever. Those I love show
research it's just get away with anything. And the best part is, like
I asked it guys because they knoweverything we're looking at, right, And
I say, so, how badam I? Because I google the worst
stuff, I really bottom of thebasement stuff. And they say, you
aren't even in the top ten inthe building, right, lettle on the

floor. Yeah that is because you'reall depraved. Yeah, there was one
that I actually saw. It wasa parody of a psyche. No,
no, I don't want to hearanything you've seen in that conversation. I'm
gonna tell you no, you're not. It was I'm pulling, I'm a
board, I'm I'm lead rincobye fleshGordon. Okay, come on back,
I'm done. I'm done. Sheleft, She was Are you ready for

this? No? Oh no,no, I want to put this on
the record. Shannon Farren offended byme. All right, this is for
the record calendar today. Please welcometo my world. Shannon. Okay,
we are we are done. Nowcoming up it will be Shannon, Gary
and Shannon uh for the next fourhours. I'll catch you everybody tomorrow.

Handle in the morning. Crew KFIused to be ashamed of yourself, Shannon
kf I Am six forty Live everywhereon the iHeartRadio app. You've been listening
to the Bill handle the show.Catch my show Monday through Friday, six
am to nine am, and anytimeon demand on the iHeartRadio app

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