All Episodes

May 8, 2024 80 mins
Bay Area rents high out here, but would you live in a bomb shelter for 500 bucks? Plus, there's a new generation now, but Corey is over the generation wars. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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More variety from the two thousands,the nineties, and today star one O
one three. It's Marcus and Corey. It's six o five Wednesday, Good
morning to stay home. Car stillsmells like tequila. I'm not surprised.
I don't think that smell is gonnago away anytime soon. I thought that
if I just let the alcohol evaporateoff the floor mats. What happened.
Remember, so over the weekend Iwas headed to a single the mile party

and I took a short stop ata at a stop sign, and the
bottle went flying off of the passengerseat break it broke in the car.
I didn't know this story, sohe told the story Monday. I was
gonna put water and soap to it, and then I thought, if i'd
just let the alcohol burn off,it'll be okay. No, you've got
to take those mats and put themin like bright bright sunlight if you want

it to burn off. Oh.The problem is it's in the floorboard too,
So I gotta get down there andscrub. I mean you could literally
burn it, I think. Otherthan that, Yeah, you gotta wash.
We'll get your car detailed. It'sperfect excuse it's like four hundred dollars.
It's perfect excuse h how much wasthe Teila bottle? Fifty bucks?
No, it wasn't, you liar, it was over one hundred. No,

it was one hundred dollars. WhateverI mean, Marcus is so bougie.
This isn't even news. Listen toyou. I'm bougie and you're suggesting
that for one floor, mat Ishould go get a car detail. It's
for your whole car. You're gonnaenjoy the cleans your entire vehicle. I
would just be nervous that you getpulled over in some cops Like it doesn't
all smell like that. It smellslike weird candy. No, it doesn't
matter. They're gonna smell it allright, They're going to give you a

breath of lyser Yeah, how areyou, Corey? I'm good. We
had a long day yesterday, Huh. It was. It was a long
day, but it was a goodday. We got a lot of stuff
done. We're not like officially announcinganything, but we had a meeting about
our breast cancer awareness event in September, and I just I'm so impressed with

the people we work with and theAmerican Cancer Society they're just amazing. Val
from art team, our marketing directoris the best of the best. And
then Julian Holly from the American CancerSociety. It's going to be a good
event. It's going to be inSeptember. Are we allowed to talk about
the date at all? I mean, we're gonna do a big revenge.

We're so far out. Yeah,all right, but just late part of
September. Just make plans to joinus and we're going to eat and drink
like we did last year. It'sgoing to be bigger this year, yep.
Or to raise money for the fightagainst breast cancer. It'd be big.
So I went right from that meetingto the Ace Hardware and Half Moon
Bay. We did the event withcal Fire. It was just neat.

Do you prepare your house for afire season? You know? The big
thing that I learned was this conceptof hardening your home and there are many
ways to do that. It meanslike double pained windows that that are kind
of more heat resistant. For example, like for me, all of my

at events are plastic because of theweather out there on the coast side,
because the salt eats the metal,but the metal is more fire resistant and
then some vents are designed that ifthey get too much heat on them,
they kind of close up. Soit's to not let the fire into your
attic. Making sure that your guttersare clean. Your roof doesn't have a

bunch of leaves on it, becauseembers will blow into your gutters. Make
sure your gutters are covered, guttersthat are clean. I'll tell you about
one of the things I love aboutthe house I live in. No gutters.
How do you do that? Idon't know. We don't have gutters.
Just the way the roof is slopingsef magic right now, I know,
like we don't have gutters. Makingsure you have defensible space up to
five feet away from your house sothat you don't have like flammable plants right

up against your house. Making surethat you're you know, Jason, you're
good at this because you're a gardener. But like making sure that all your
dead plants, you know, andthey aren't just hanging out, yeah,
because that's just basically fire fuel.Yeah. Like, now that there's like
spring and summer's almost here, likeI've been doing that. I try to
hte it. Every few days.I'll see something like, Okay, let's
clear this out, clear this out. But yeah, to my point,

like there should be a five footspace between any vegetation and your house.
And we have plants right up againstour house. So that's something I have
to you know, how do youknow if it's like flammable? Are they
all flammable? I would think soat the right at the right if even
even you know, with the rightamount of heat, you know what I

mean. So these are things thatI learned yesterday. Different materials to use
for your gutters, you know,metal instead of plastic because it's you know,
were there firemen there? There werelots of firemen there. Now they
look big burly ones. How fireare They got their their tree trunks?
They hard, they do train.I didn't ask them, but the event.
Should have went to the event.But it's just cool to see everybody.

That's nice because it was in theneighborhood, so it was like seeing
all the neighbors and stuff. Swingingby. Jason. How are you.
I'm feeling good man. Nothing bigto report, but we're halfway through the
week. Kids doing well. Yeah, kids are doing well. My birthdays
on on Friday. My birthday's onFriday. Are we doing anything for Jason's
birthday, don't do anything. Here'smy question. Does Jason want us to
do anything for his I really don'tcare. I think secretly he does.

I like birthdays. I'm fine withbirthdays. I just don't go over the
top for birthdays. You know whatI mean, because mine's next month?
Okay? And you so this isher telling us she wants a big party.
Well, I've got hers on thecalendar. Yours I don't have on
the calendar because traditionally you tell usnot to celebrate. But what I would
like to do is like maybe getyou a breakfast and that kind of thing.

That's cool. I'll take that forsure. Yeah. Yeah, Corey's
gonna be like, hey, soyou're doing anything, Jason, can you
go pick up breakfast? You pickup your own birthday? Break birthday?
I mean, she's paying for it, but I still gotta go get it.
I'll go get it. I cando it if you guys are okay
with me going to get it orwe have it delivered. We can have
it delivered. That I know breakfastcosts one hundred and I know thirty dollars.

How are you going to be fortytoo? It's not bad no,
your baby. I was just saying. He tried to tell me, dude,
basically your age. I'm like,dude, you're eight years younger than
I am. Stop you think that'sa lot, Dude, I'm gonna be
You're going to say it out loud, say it. I'm going to be
forty nine next But all right,No, I don't know. In my
opinion, we're all the same agein this room. I respect that because

like we work with a lot ofpeople that are like in their twenties.
We do so like the company asa whole, I feel like this crew
is like all the same. Andmy husband is four years younger than me,
but he's more mature than I am, so he's more of an adult
than I have. Everybody is hello, shut them up? Okay, what's

coming up? Uh? Live NationConcert Week continues. In fact, I
believe it officially all kicks off today. If you go to livenation dot com,
scope out all of the tickets theyhave on sale for twenty five bucks
apiece, We're going to give youyour choice of now Horn, New Kids,
or Atlantis at seven thirty five thismorning. On the next we're going
to be talking about there's a brandnew generation popping up past gen Z,

younger than gen Z. This isCorey's favorite subject. Just don't get it,
the delimination between generations. You thinkwe could all be more peaceful if
we got rid of these links.Yes, yes, I don't know why
there's so much competition between the generations. We to talk about it. Coming
up at six twenty plus, yourchance of one thousand dollars, easy money,
stay with us, more variety fromthe two thousands, the nineties,

and today it's Star one oh onethree. It's Marcus and Corey six point
twenty. Knowing full well that Corey'sfavorite subject is the difference between each generation
and the fact that it's gotten soexacerbated we draw lines in the sand between
boomers, gen X, gen Z. It's millennials though, so I said,

I dropped the grenade this one.I said, you know, there's
a new generation. Of course,there is generation Alpha Alpha. Who's alpha?
What is this consistent? Now?It's it's a little bit of a
floating date, but it's kids bornafter twenty ten, twenty eleven, So
I'm in there. So Generation Alpharight now is fourteen, to which I

would submit your honor. I feellike you need to earn the name generation
Alpha. Yeah, before you getcalled in alpha, you have to prove
that you're in Alpha. Yeah,exactly, I'm making sense here. That's
a different connetation. Gen X,gen Z, millennials. All of this
it just creates an air of competitionand or derogatory comments. I mean,

because baby boomers became boomer. HeyBoomer, it was just me. It
is me. You're missing, You'remissing something? What am I missing?
Young people will always make fun ofold people. I don't mean old people.
I'm sorry the younger let me rephrase. The younger generation will always clown

the older generation, especially with regardsto tech. The older generation will always
think the younger generation is lazier thantheir generation was. I think the biggest
difference with our generation versus so,we're Gen X, right, and in
my mind, in my mind,nobody can mess with Gen X. We're
the hardened ones because we saw things. And I don't want a mansplain or

anything like that. But we didn'tgrow up with the internet. We had
to learn that. We had toteach ourselves. We didn't grow up with
helmets, we we didn't grow upwith seat well. No, we did
grow up with seatbelts, but wedidn't use those. I remember when I

was a kid, I used tolike, my grandmother had this boat of
a car and it had one ofthose like uh areas in the back seat,
like it had a I used tolie there. The car was big
enough. You didn't need a seatbelt. No, you just I was wherever
I wanted to be. Yes,And so I just I get so frustrated

with everyone thinking they know everything.I don't know anything. I'm very opinionated.
It doesn't mean I know anything.I'm very judgy, it doesn't mean
I know anything. It's an amazingcombo because Corey is very opinionated, and
there are some mornings I want tolook at her and go, you actually
have no idea what you're talking about, what you're saying it with such authority.

That's the point, and like I'malmost believing what's coming out of your
mouth. But that's the thing.And I just I don't like putting all
these names on different generations because itjust makes us combative. But it's since
the dawn of time, not necessarilywe haven't always had the labels. But
what was before Boomers, the silentgeneration seriously yep. And those were people

that were born I think after nineteentwenty three at like and before nineteen forty.
What does that mean Silent Generation?I think I think they just kept
their head down and did their work. And they weren't all in your face
and everybody mouthy like everybody is theend. They just they were just worked

hard. And look, I knowI would even be the first to tell
you I believe that boomers are tougherthan jed X. Yes, and the
Silent generation's tougher than boomers, becauseyou know what, you get old enough
and you see things and you dothings. But I also remember I have
cell phones, right, Well,we didn't either, but I remember I
remember a couple of very distinct things. I mapped it out when I was

a kid walking home from school bymyself a mile one point one miles to
my house in San Luis, Obispo. I was in the first grade.
I walked home when I was inmiddle school, but we walked home when
we got so we went to Catholicschool. We got bullied by the public
school kids, right because we werewearing uniforms. Right, something terrible happened.

You can't just do that. Youcan't just say something terrible happened.
My sister took a stick. Areyou going to be able to tell this
story? My sister? It picksup a piece of dog stuff through it
at the public school? Did ithit anything? Their shirts? Okay?

Got about that. We survived.You can't start a story with I was
walking home by myself and something terriblehappened and not finish and thank god that
was the ending. Otherwise I wasgoing to go home. What is wrong
with you? Do you ever workanything out before you open your mouth?

Okay, we have to move on. I'm so glad that ended. Okay,
where the heck was I? So? Anyway? Maybe we could all
just get along? Can we justall get along? But yeah, I
just know that if you've got to, if you've got a fourteen year old
or younger in your vehicle today,Generation Alpha? The more you know,

fact, where's my gen X soundeffect that I love so much? What
is that? The more you know? Wait, you have it? And
if you don't know, you knowyou know? All right, we have
to go six twenty five, getinto a thousand dollars for you to win?
Here momentarily, what's coming up with? What's trending. I'm exhausted.

Okay, so let me see whatI've got. There's a Florida story,
okay, there's Disneyland story. Okay, Disneyland is expanding and Travis Kelcey might
get into acting. This is TaylorSwift's boyfriend. Yep, tell you all
about it. Coming up at sixfifty stand by Noah con Stick season song
brings me so much joy. Iknow you're like dancing and playing air time

every time. The unsettling part isit's not air guitar, it's air banjo.
Oh sorry, I don't have anyidea what I'm doing. I don't
want to insult you. I looklike I'm having a medical issue. There's
definitely I was going to take yourwallet and put it in your mouth.
Start on one three it's Marcus andCorey. Good morning. Would you live

in an underground bunker to save money? I don't think so. This sounds
very claustrophobic. I would do itin a second, he would. Oh
God. The problem is I'd haveto bring my family and nobody would go
for this because it's just one room, right, Well, it's a bunker,
so just imagine like a it's bigI mean, it's got twenty two
beds in there. Whoa, it'sone big bunker room. But it's one

room. Yeah, you'd protect fromthe zombie apocalypse show. It's got a
hydraulic door on it. Well,it's you by yourself, so okay.
The reason I bring it up isthere's a lady, it says, in
California who is renting out her friend'sbackyard. He's got a bunker behind his
house that he had installed just incase, just in case, and with

the things I guess the way thatthey are these days. The bunker company
says there is a fifty percent uptakeand uptick in people that want underground doomsday
bunkers in their backyards. That's awhole other conversation, the conversation how much
is it? I don't know thatanswer. That's the answer. I don't
know. I've been I have beenobsessed with trying to figure out where in

California she is the only clue thatI have. My first thought was like,
Palm Desert, Palm springs somewhere downthere. But then she said,
one of the one of the plusesof living in an underground bunker is it
it gets hot and humid where sheis now, Aren't that many places in
California that get humid, So nowI'm thinking she lives somewhere in Mendocino County.

She's up in Mendo like, like, you know, I had to
have a hard time not having windows, like I feel like I need that
sunlight. I experienced this on acertain level because I lived in my parents'
laundry room for a year and therewere no windows. It was like a
storage unit laundry And because weished knowwhat happened was I moved out of my

parents' house when I was twenty one. I found a little in law unit
in Prundale, north of Selina's,OK And I wasn't making enough money.
That lasted about three months. Well, in that three month period, my
mother was selling mary Kay. Inthat three month period, she was like,
oh, you're leaving, and sheappropriated my room as her Mary Kay
office. So I got home andthe whole place was stocked with sure perfumes

and makeups and whatever else. WhenI left for college, I'm pretty sure
my mom was already changing my roominto whatever she wanted. It's crazy.
There are two types of parents.There are the parents that leave your room
untouched at some level of like Imiss my kid, no, shrine,
no. And then there are theparents that are already formulating what that room's
gonna be. This is my giftwrapping room. Like maybe you're gonna leave

for school one morning and never comeback, and I'm gonna need this room
for my for my scrap booking.That was our parents, apparently, what
a bunker, underground bunker. Ijust I'm claustrophobic. When I was a
kid, my sister used to rollme up in rugs and leave me there,
and so I've developed claustrophobic. Igot some unresolved trauma. So just

being in like a windowless room.But it sounds like it's spacious. If
you say there's twenty two beds init, she said, it's way too
much room for her. See forme, I've always been fascinated with sort
of living underground. When we movedto Texas one year, we lived in
Nel Paso, and you know,you walk into the house and they are
like, all right, kids,pick your room. My sister picked the

room upstairs and I went downstairs.It was like a tri level and half
of the house was kind of buriedunderground in a weird way. Well,
that's gonna be the cooler. Andit was right next to the AC unit.
So my room was chill dog inthe summertime, and I was half
underground. I was happier than thepig and stuff stuff. Wow. So

she's saving money by living in thisbunker, her friend. So we're talking
about this, lady, I guaranteeyou this is in Mendocino County. But
her friend was like, listen,you know, intro interest rates her through
the roof. She's trying to savefor a house. Why don't you rent
the bunker in my backyard for fivehundred a month? Wow? In California.
Yeah, I would do this ina heartbeat. But again, my

family would be like, no wayif you're single. If I was single
with no other life forms to takecare of, absolutely, and it might
be long term. You're kind ofchanging my mind on this because I don't
like to be hot. It's definitelygonna be cool right now. Does it
have everything? Like I'm assuming backroom? And she said that the kitchen,

She said the utilities were basically freebecause it's got solar and well water,
so she's not paying for anything.But the five hundred she did say like,
look, you're not going to getthis deal anywhere unless you know the
person the only reason, and peoplewere tripping out. So she's got a
TikTok and people were like, well, what about safety? Can you know
what if you bring a date homeand you know, you close the lid

and it's soundproof and then what youknow, not to go dateline on it.
Dikes that was totally dateline. Butlike she said, she and the
guy that lives in the house checkon each other all the time. Okay,
you know she's got a special lightthat mimics sunrise and sunset because otherwise,
she said, it's really easy tolose track of time. It's like
an underground casino in Vegas. Idon't like that. That's what I don't

like. I want some sort ofnormalcy, but that really really low key
kind of lifestyle. I found outwho I was watching Lethal Weapon two,
the one with Joe Peshy, becausethere's a scene in there where mel Gibson
goes home to his airstream trailer thathe lives in with his dog on the

beach, and I thought to myself, that's my place. That's who I
want to be just a guy thatowns a trailer on the beach. He
had a lot of demons, butI got married instead. Yeah, there's
that. You have a family now, you can't do that. I still
dream about being a vagrant, though, Yeah I have I want to live

in a treehouse. And Jeff frownson that. So could you live in
an underground bunker to save money?That's the question. That's a good question.
Uh, used the talk back featureon the iHeartRadio app that little red
microphone. We're going to get intowhat's trending next? What do you have?
So we've got a lot of stuffgoing on. Travis Kelsey is going

to start acting. Uh huh.That's Taylor Show's boyfriend, the football player,
uh huh. And then Disneyland isexpanding. I saw that a couple
of days after we reported their cuttingtickets for the summer too. I'll tell
you about it next after Lifehouse.Just justin Teither. Sorry, I had
Timberlake on the brain because the lastnight that's sorry, Star one on one,

three, Good morning. This iswhat I'm talking about. It's what's
Trendean on Star, What's happening inentertainment news? The biggest stories of the
day and everything people are talking abouttoday in the Babe. Here's something that
wasn't on our Bingo card for twentytwenty four. What's that? Travis Kelsey
cast in a Ryan Murphy series.I love Red Murphy series. He's behind

American Horror Story. Okay, hewas actually behind Glee. He's done a
lot of stuff. Okay. Sothe Kansas City Chiefs tight end and podcast
star is set to be in theFX series Grotesque. Aye Heskaree. This
is going to start, Nissi Nash, Courtney b Vance, Leslie Manville.
Production has begun and most details aboutthe show being held close to the vest.

But are we I'm not shocked.I mean it wouldn't this be the
next step for him? Yeah?Yeah, I thought he did a really
good job on I'm gonna say It'sSaturday Night Live. I don't know why
you have such disgust for that show, because I love it. It's not
funny, It's very funny. LThis last episode would do Alipa Hilaire.

The Anaheim City Council gave its finalapproval last night to a big Disneyland expansion
plan. The park intends to spendnearly two billion dollars to develop the property
over the next decade, including fortymillion to buy streets from the City of
Anaheim. It's called Disneyland Forward,and it's going to set up the Disneyland
Resort and the City of Anaheim foran incredibly bright future, according to the

president of the Disneyland Resorts Okay so. Also, the Disneyland Forward project is
expected to bring more than forty fivehundred operational jobs in addition to nine thousand
construction jobs in the first ten years. Let's do it. So what I
like about it is bringing jobs.Sure, and if you're going to commit
a crime, you may not wantto vanalyze a cop car. Here's a

guy in Florida. I saw thisstory Florida, Florida. His name is
Enderlin. He got busted for doingjust that. He scratched his name into
a cop car. A witness calledin a police department cruiser for getting scratched.
It was easy to find the suspectbecause he put his name on the

driver's side hood was it first andlast name? Winn confronted the suspect actually
allegedly said I did it. Icommitted a crime and I should be going
to jail. That's somebody who wantsthree hots and a cot. He doesn't
have anywhere to go. I maybeI don't want to make make this story
sad, right, but if you'regonna vandalize the car, I wouldn't pick

a police cruiser. Florida. Whereto begin? You know what? It's
National Receptionist Day. Let's start there. Do we have one of those?
No, no, we do.Not you got But if you got somebody
running your front desk, you knowthey're the lifeblood of your organization, make
sure that they're appreciated today, totallyfor sure. Uh, National have a

Coca Cola Day today. Don't mindif I do. I'm gonna be honest
with you. I'm gonna die PEPSIgirl. Well that's not your day to
day. No, you keep thatto yourself. Okay. It's also National
No Socks Day or whatever. It'sworth ew gross shout out to everybody in
the nineties that wore boat shoes.Just one day too long. I just

got flashbacks from the nineties. It'sgonna be hot today in the Bay with
highest potentially in the low nineties inlandin some areas. But it's gonna be
warm. Justin. Timberlake wrapped upa couple of shows at SAP last night.
Did you go. I'm in theprocess of putting a little some up
on our Facebook because I want tosee your pictures. Yeah, because,

like I saw a video of thisfloating stage he had, and one of
the questions was how did he notfall off? He was you could you
can kind of see it? Hewas like latched in, was it?
Yes, you can see like alatch on his belt. So that's pretty
cool because the video I saw,you couldn't see him latch. Okay,
Mother's Day coming in this weekend Sunday. Does everybody have their plans together?

Jason, Oh my god, completelyforgotten. No, you got some You
got some moves going. I haveplans to make plans Marcus, What does
that mean? It means I'm aware. I'm aware that Mother's Day is a
concept, and I'm planning on sittingdown and thinking about what I'm gonna do.
My wife's gift has come in.We've got the reservation for Sunday.

We're going to uh oh god,now I've forgotten the name of the place.
It doesn't matter. You're prepared.And then I'm taking my daughter shopping
today after school. She's ready togo. She's got her money together,
she has doled out exactly what she'sspending on, exactly what she's buying.
And I'm kind of impressed. Whatclass of present your daughter's eight? Nine?
She's nine? Yeah, what typeof present does she get by mom?

You know? Just something? Idon't want to give it away?
An no, okay, No,she's thoughtful. Okay, she's very thankful.
It's really useful, like your wifeneeds this and she's going to use
it every day. Useful, butnot as useful as it is thoughtful.
And I can't say anymore without givingaway exactly what it is. And if
I don't, I genuinely don't knowif my wife is listening. But my

daughter is putting a lot of thoughtinto this. So I was actually really
impressed at my mom's dead. Iknow, I know I was going to
skip you, but here we are. Corey's laughing because how long ago was
it. My mom has to weighin two thousand and three from breast cancer,
and we honor her every year.In honor of Corey's mom, we

are putting together our breast cancer benefit, which is going to be late September.
More info on that coming soon.More variety from the two thousands,
the nineties, and today it's Starone O one three, It's Marcus and
Corey and we're doing it again.It's second Date Update. Why can't you
get a second date? We wantto right figure that out. That's the
mystery here. That's why we doSecond Date Update. We want to help
somebody snag that second date. Let'ssay good morning to Lonnie who is on

the phone. Good morning, Lonnie, good morning. How are you good?
I would ask how you're doing,but I'm guessing after being ghosted,
you've gotta be a little bummed yup, a little okay, but otherwise okay,
yep, very very good. Tellus about Steve, So like,

how did you guys meet and thenand then run us through the first date?
So it's actually an awesome way tomeet somebody in today's world, you
know, pinner and bumble. Noneof that was involved. A friend of
mine was going on a date witha guy that she's been seeing, okay,
and he wanted to bring his buddyout with him. So it was
like, you know, blind date. Now, did you know you were

getting kind of set up because mywife and I pulled this move on some
friends of ours and it was justlike a quote unquote group hang that.
Then they like splintered off or didyou know this was going to be sort
of a blind date situation? Youknow, I thought we were all just
going to hang out. I startedto get the vibe that it was more
of like a blind date, soI said, you know what, why
not give it a shot. Okay, you never know, and we like

and we liked Steve. Yeah,you did a good job, yep,
he did. So we met upin the city and we had a really
good time. Steve was a lotof fun, funny and smart. You
know, I was pleasantly surprised fora blind date. Sure, so I
figured he would ask me to goon a second date. He had my

number, but I haven't worked him, and you know, I'm a little
bummed out about it. Sure thatsucks, okay, and nothing your recollection
was like weird about the date orcringe or anything you can think of before
we call him? No, notreally, I mean it was just before

us having a good time and nothingcrazy. Got it all right, Well,
let's call him. What we'll doand you know, this is.
We'll have you mute your phone sowe'll have you on the line when we
call him and you'll be able tohear what he thought of the date.
Okay, can you hang on fora song? Absolutely sweet, let's do
it. We'll do it next.It's it's second Date update Star one oh
one three more variety from the twothousands, the nineties, and today it's

Star one O one three. It'sMarcus and Corey. We're doing second date
updates. So Lannie is on thephone. Lanni, you still there?
Yeah? Great? We were talkingabout your date with Steve, who you
met irl. Everyone, and it'skind of like a setup, like a
no online dating was involved, whichin twenty twenty four amazing. So you

met through a friendsly like he's automatic, everybody's vetted at that point. Yep.
So it was a group thing,like a group date, right and
yeah forever. But he hasn't calledyou since. Am I getting this right?
No phone call sucks? Okay,let's call him. Let's not waste
any more time, So go aheadand mute your phone. Let's call him

and see what he thought of thedate. Okay, mmm, hello,
let me speak with Steve. Please, Steve. Hi, Steve, It's
Marcus and Corey from Star one onethree. Hey, Steve, there's two

people there for what's going on?Sorry? We we do a morning radio
show on Star one on one three. It's at our Heart radio station in
San Francisco. I don't suppose youlisten to the show, do you?
I listened to the station. Okay, So, so we would love to
chat with you on the air,if that's okay. We're doing a dating

segment called Second Date Update, andthere's a woman that you met through a
friend, went on date with.She'd love to go out again, but
she's feeling ghosted. Would you mindtalking about your date with Lonnie? Wait,
Lannie on the air? Yes?Is that okay? Yeah, that's

okay, Okay, So trying tofigure out how the date went for you,
because she would love to go outagain, but she's feeling like you're
ghosting her or not accusing you ofanything, but like, how was the
date for you? Well? Iwas really looking forward to meeting Lonnie,
Like my buddy described her pretty accurately, that she was really attractive and smart

and I had high hopes you Now, be honest, did you scope out
her social media at all before thedate for research. I didn't. I
didn't. I'm not that savvy,so I wouldn't do it either. Really,
No, you would truly go intoa blind date blindly? Yes?
No way, Yes, expectations orwere thinking the person's like this, or

interpreting a meme they posted incorrectly.I'm literally just decided doing a background check
online and paying for it. Doesn'tthat be weird? Yes? Enjoy the
spontaneity. Wow, no way,not in a million years. You got
to make sure they're hot, right, Sorry, let's get back to Steve.
You two are like, Wow,it's like the Russian Roulette of dating

these two. Anyway, So Steve, so, but all that aside,
she was great. I thought shewas really attractive and smart. Yeah.
I really like Lennie. Okay,so why haven't you called her? Yes?
So we were out of dinner withour friends and we're having a great
time, and then some kind ofweird happened. Okay, I got up

to use the restroom. That's nothot. Right when I came back,
it was I don't think she realizedI was right, like really closeted with
her shot like behind her, andshe leaned over and said something like,
why did you give me the uglyone? What? Now? She leaned
over to her friend and said,what why did you give me the ugly

one? Meaning you? That's whatI took it as. And then what
happened? Yeah? You know,I finished dinner and uh, and then
I just made an excuse to skipout for the after dinner drinks. You
know, got it? Okay,this is awkward, but Lonnie's on the
phone with us because she wanted tofigure out what went wrong. Now we

know Lonnie all questions now because youdidn't mention this. Min's on the phone.
Yeah, sorry, Hi, Donnie? Did you say that? Why
would you say that? I mean, I was like just making a joke
with my friend. I mean,if I'm being honest, you know,
between Steve and his friend and myfriend was with like, you know,

his friend's a little bit cuter,but I'm not like and my guys ugly
ugly? But you were sort ofserious, think of a joke? How
was that funny? Like? Howis that a joke? Say? Things?
Come on? Why are you beingso sensitive? Wow? So you
said that, I don't know whatI'm not. I'm not saying he's ugly.

I'm saying, like, between thetwo of them and shrind is a
little bit cuter. Big deal,Like, I'm sure that my friend's a
little bit cuter than me. Where'sthe harm? Right? I think he's
taking it too seriously. I wouldalways be wondering if I'm the ugly one.
I would always would always be inthe back of my head every you

guys, hang on one Sea,hang on, hang on, hang on
please Steve, Yes, dude,I'm sure you're adorable. Bro. We're
You're gonna you know what, don'teven worry about it. I'm not even
gonna ask about a second date.I'm gonna just go ahead and I'll let
her down. You're cool. Sorryto bother. You. Feel free to

listen to the show whenever you like. Sorry about often, I'll start to
listen. I'll become a fan.Six am. Thank you, brother,
hang on, hang on. Wow, Well that was something that was I
was uncomfortable to be honest. SecondDate Update seven oh five weekday mornings replace

at nine oh five. As youknow, and there's a podcast on the
iHeartRadio app as well. Go download, subscribe. We appreciate you, Marcus
and Corey. Second Date Up teamon the way. This is interesting.
How you type when you text onyour phone reveals exactly how old you are.
Great. They're gonna call me Grandmabecause apparently everybody's got their own style.

Every generation will tell you about it. Coming up in about four minutes,
Hang on that plus one thousand dollarseasy money. Right after Vanessa Carlton,
it's one thousand miles, Good morning. More from the two thousands,
the nineties, and today it's Starone O one three. It's Marcus and
Corey. It's seven twenty three,good morning, good morning. I know
we don't put a whole lot ofstock in TikTok influencers per se, but
what this young man has to sayis interesting to me. I feel like

you just want to make me feelold. His name's Tyler. He's got
one point three million TikTok followers,so I'm going to give him a minute.
He explains the way that you typetexts on your phone and notes how
old you are. Great, it'sdepending on your style. Listen to this.
Anyone that's using swipe to text,most likely millennial, possibly gen z.

Anyone that's able to type fasts andaccurately with one hand, we're going
to say, probably preteen to agetwenty five. I mean, I don't
even know what swipe to text.I don't either. I don't either.
It's that said, I know whatswipe the text is. I don't like
this. It's making me feel badabout myself. Hold on, here's the

next one, fast and accurately withtwo thumbs. If you're typing fast and
accurately with two thumbs, he says, watch this again, probably preteen to
mid twenties. I type fast andaccurately with two thumbs. I don't now
how do you do yours? Ithink? Okay, So I'm holding my
phone right now. Oh your grandma, I'm grandma, yeah, bo invoking

her index finger. You be boobobwith one finger, your index finger,
not even thumbs. I don't thumbs. You're like one hundred. Listen.
Listen to your mouth. Listen,listen, listen. Mid thirties even you
will kind of stay at this thumbtapping age until probably about i'd say fifties.
Then you're going to start getting this. And he pulled out his index

finger right there and start adding inyour your index finger unnecessarily, you're going
to corey. That's what you're doingage sixty five plus is where you start
doing this thing, the one fingertap holding with your left hand. Are
you doing a one finger tap holdingwith your left hand? Are you answer
me? No? Yes you are? Do it? Show me how you

do it? Okay, I knownobody can see this. I know,
but I can't even see your phone. So move it over here. All
right? So this is what IYou're holding in your left and you're tapping
with one finger. You're like sixtyfive plus. No, I'm not,
Yes you are, I'm not.Oh, I didn't even leave. I'm
wow. I didn't even think aboutit. This is a hostile work environment.

I'm two thumbs guy, I'm areyou. I'm twenty five and under.
But you know what, I'm noton my phone as much as you
are. Well, maybe if youwere, you wouldn't do the thing that
your grandma does where you hold itwith your left and type with your right
index. Mike, I don't know. I don't agree with you. I
think this guy's a turd and Idon't want to play anymore. This is

great? Oh? Is it?Is it? So? Yeah? There
you go, broke it down theway that you text. What is this
street? Cred what puite three millionTikTok followers? That doesn't mean anything to
me? Does to me super sotake note? How do you text?
Do you even know what text toswipe? Swipe? The text is?

I know what that is? Youtype with two thumbs accurately. Maybe maybe
the swipe is the predictive text,like when it finishes your sentences for you
the twenty five and unders can holdthe phone and somehow text with one hand
accurately and efficiently. That's impressive.No it's not. Okay, No,

it's not. Show me again howyou hold your phone in your left and
then text with one index finger.Oh, you're so hipp and with it.
Explain to me how to be cool, Marcus. That is the equivalent
of the typewriter hunting check seven seven, we'll check what's trending here in a
little bit. What do you have? Travis Kelsey's getting into acting and also

disney Land is expanding. All right, we'll get into that coming up at
seven point fifty. Quick reminder thatat seven thirty five the concert ticket winning
begins Live Nation Concert Week going tobe your choice of Nile Horn, New
Kids or Alanis In ten minutes,hang out to win more variety from the
two thousands, the nineties and todaystar one oh one three it's Marcus and

Corey seven thirty six. That wasDualipa with Budini and you danced to it
and Jason told you to stop,said you can't ruin the song like that.
He caught me on the cameras.I was dancing like nobody was watching
it. Yeah, we are goingto give you some tickets for Live Nation
Concert week. Before we do,I have to address this talkback we just
got. We were talking earlier aboutthere's a TikTok influencer who was saying that

depending on how you type when youtext messages, that denotes how old you
are. For example, if youuse swipe the text, or you can
text accurately with one hand, thenyou're probably a you know, preteen teenager.
If you type accurately with two thumbs, then you're like twenty five and
under. That's me, although I'mnot twenty five and under. And then

it goes all the way to ifyou invoke your index finger, then you're
getting up there, you're getting andthen fifty plus sixty five pluses will hold
their phone in their left hand andtype texts with their right index fingers.
Oh, you're having such a goodtime with it. That's Corey. Even
though you're nowhere near sixty five,your texting style is And then we got

a talk back, Go Mine,Marcus and Corey. You guys have skipped
an entire generation. So what ageam I? If I don't type anything,
I speak all of my messages.I use theory for everything. I
never type. I would feel likeI was writing a check in the grocery
store. Yeah, so what doesthat make me? If you dictate large

paragraphs? There are some generations thatmight find your texting. I don't want
to say exhausting. I dictate,but I don't do very long messages.
But however, the dictating is notvery accurate. Like yesterday I texted a
friend and I said, yeah,yes, I have Jeff send you the
info in the nineties in them.I didn't. That's not what I said.

That's what it's like getting a textfrom Corey. Half the time,
I'm like, she shrunk? Isshe in the Shardonnay today? No?
That was just for some reason whenI dictate, obviously, I'm just not
very articulate. Right there you go, dictation I think it's useful, but
I also think you could potentially sendtext that are way too long. I
agree with that, So there yougo. Glad you asked. All Right,

it's time to win. Yes,we've got two tickets to the Live
Nation concert of your choice. We'vegot Nile Horn, New Kids on the
Block, or a Lotis Mori set. Now, this is Live Nation Concert
Week. You can get twenty fivedollars tickets over five thousand shows. Eight
hundred, eight hundred, one ohone three is the number we'll take.
Caller number twenty. Good Luck.Good News is next Star one oh one

three, Star one on one three. It's Marcus and Corey. Who did
we just hook up for Live NationConcert Week. That would be Jacob and
San Jose. He is going tosee Alanis Morissett. Now the chance to
win, in fact, the secondchance to win tickets for Nile Horn coming
up at eighth five. Let's dothis. It's time for good news with
Marcus and Corey. Good Sometimes allyou need is one a good thought to

make it a great day. Solet's do this. It's good News on
Star one O one three, Sowe give you good news twice a morning.
It's brought to you by Shriven Company, Luxury time Pieces, Fight Designers
and Flawless Diamonds. I have founda local story out of the Bay that
you are going to love. Okay, okay, this is I can't believe
I missed this one. But thereis an organization out of Santa Rosa called

Canine Companions for Independence and they havejust partnered with San Quentin to allow inmates
to train dogs that then become serviced. I love this. They've done this
in a lot of different locations.So this gives the dogs, you know,
some human companionship of their younger years. This gives inmates a purpose purpose.

Right. So there's a guy bythe name of Jorge who has been
in San Quentin for over twenty years. He's been incarcerated since he was sixteen.
He thought the rest of his lifehe would be stuck in a cell.
He said, I was lost.I made some bad decisions when I
was young. I didn't realize theeffect that the childhood trauma would have on
me. But if you asked himtoday, he said, he would say
he's no longer lost thanks to thisprogram. He said, you know,

you pet these dogs, it changesyou. Dogs are the best. It's
a great opportunity for me to helpout and give back to society, to
the society that I took so muchfrom. So again. The organization is
called Canine Companions for Independence. They'reup there in Santa Rosa. They've partnered
with San Quentin. The inmates trainedthe dogs for a year and then they

send them back for the more advancedtraining. That would be the hardest part
for me. This is why Ican't foster dogs. Sending them back,
you would have all the dogs.I'd have all the dogs. It started
a year ago with two puppies andnow it's expanded to six puppies. They
got a grant from the state.They're hoping to expand and Jorge specifically,
he says thanks to the puppy raisingprogram, he sees a future beyond the

walls of San Quentin. So thisis just a win for everybody. Yeah,
and listen, if you've got somegood news, we love to keep
it local. So it could bejust something you're celebrating at your house.
Yeah, maybe your child did somethingamazing. Maybe you're neighbored did something amazing,
Maybe you're amazing. I don't know, but hit us with a DM
We'll take it, or a privatemessage on either at Marcus and Corey on

Instagram or Facebook. We would loveto hear about it. We're gonna check
what's trending next. What do youhave Travis Kelcey making his acting debut.
Yes, and also Disneyland is expanding. We'll get into that and more coming
up next at seven point fifty.It's Star one O one three, hang
on taking it back to the ninetieswith Green Day. It's Star one O
one three Wednesday. Good morning.This is what I'm talking about. It's

what's trending on Star one one three. What's happening in entertainment news, the
biggest stories of the day and everythingpeople are talking about today in the Babe,
What's trending? As sponsored by CashCreek Casino Resort. This is your
time to cash in at Cash CreekCasina Resort. Now this was not on
my bingo card for twenty twenty four. Travis Kelcey being cast in a Ryan

Murphy series. Now. Ryan Murphyis behind American Horror Story. He was
also behind Glee and apparently the KansasCity Chiefs, tight End and podcast Star
is set to be in the FXseries grotesque greye. Hmmm, uh.
I like everything that Ryan Murphy does, so I'm excited. I don't know
who he is. Well, Ijust told you he's behind American Horror Story

in Glee. Oh that guy.Yeah. The series stars Nissy Nash,
Cordy b Vance, Leslie Mannville.Production has begun, but most details are
being held close to the vest.Always telling you're not listening to me.
Well, I was on my phone. Just now, I know you're always
on your phone. The Anaheim CityCouncil gave its final approval last night to

a big Disneyland expansion plan. They'regoing to spend two billion dollars to develop
the property over the next decade,including forty million to buy streets from the
City of Anaheim. I didn't knowyou could buy streets if you're Disney money.
Baby. It's called Disneyland Forward.It's going to set up the Disneyland
resort in the city of Anaheim foran incredibly bright future. According to the

resort president, the Disneyland Forward projectis expected to bring more than forty five
hundred jobs to the resort in additionto nine thousand construction jobs in the first
ten years. I would say saywhat you want. That's got to be
good for the city. I haven'tbeen to Disneyland in forever, but one
of the things I thought was interestingis the whole reason that Walt Disney bought

all that land in Florida was becausehe was limited in probank. Yeah,
he only had so much base.So obviously they've bought all those properties from
everybody and expanded. Because I haven'tseen like the Star Wars World or anything
like that. Oh really, yeah, I haven't been there in over a
decade. It's fun. I loveDisneyland. You feel like you're in a

movie. Yeah, I love disneyIt's one of the best places ever.
So I'm all about it. Aboutit? Are we still doing that?
Not really? Uh, let's headto Florida, my home state, where
if you're going to commit a crime, you probably don't want to vandalize a
cop car by scratching your name init. There's a man named enderlind He
got busted for doing just that.A witness called in a Margate police department.

Cruis are getting scratched and it waseasy to find him because he put
his entire name in there. I'llsay it again, this is a man
who wanted three hots and a cot. He needed a place to go.
He scratched his name on the driver'sside hood and he said, when confronted,
I did it. I committed acrime. I should be going to

jail. Needs a place. Imean it's Florida, though, I'm not
sure what that means in regards tothis. Does that anything surprise you?
No, not at all. Imean nothing surprises me in the Bay Area.
I know, walking in the middleof traffic, I'm thinking that poor
guy's gonna get hit, But thenhe wants to go get taken care of
him maybe, or safer, orthere are other issues at play. Well,

yeah, do you know what thereare people who are rationally saying who
actually throw themselves in front of carsjust to make money. Well, that's
a whole other thing. Scam in. Yeah, what do we have for
you? Hot today? With highspotentially in the low nineties Inland, it's
going to be a warm one forthe next couple of days. Just be
aware it tapers off obviously from there. With our micro climates. Did you

hit up one of the justin Timberlakeshows, either that last night or the
night before it? I say,p we'd love to see your pictures,
and to be honest with you,I don't need pictures of Justin. I
want to see your cute selfies.That's what I want. I do.
Enjoy the video of him on thislike floating, Yeah, I mean,
I mean, how was it?Let us know. I wish it hadn't
been on school nights. I wouldhave gone down. I love that dude

live. You can post your picturein the comments. I've got to post
up right now on the Marcus A. Corey Facebook page. Mother's Day come
in in on Sunday. Thankfully.I've got all my plans together. That's
good. Taking my child shopping thisafternoon after school. Jason has made plans
to make plans. Yeah, thataccurate. I'm collating. You're on it.
We're currently figuring it out. Weused to have some ideating fun projects.

I remember when I was like youngin school, we actually got to
make leather imprinted key chains. That'scool. And I I put like we
could do like your own stamp,and I put a palm tree, yeah
on this leather key chain for mymom. You you were in when that
happened. I mean had to belike third okay, because our third when

my daughter came to me and said, Daddy, we need to go shopping
for me for Mother's Day. Iwas like, don't you. Aren't you
making something at school? And Irealized she's in fourth grade that might be
too old. Like they're doing actualwork now, they're not doing Mother's day
macaroni necklaces and stuff. My momcarried that thing until it fell apart.
It was awesome and I'm like,gosh, they let us use like stamping

tools back. So we're here.Are some ideas for projects, because remember,
it doesn't have to be expensive,but it should be thoughtful. How
about a queen mom portrait? Usepaints, sharpies or even chalk to create
a mom portrait? What about aphoto holder? What about finger painted flower
pot? A finger painted rock foryour mom, multi colored, maybe with

your initials on it. Okay,something cool. I'm not helping the husbands.
I understand that. Or maybe Iam. Well, our husband's supposed
to get mom stuff. I did, that's but it's not your mom.
Oh well, I'm taking care ofmy mom and my wife because they're both
fantastic moms. And I think that'sthat's coming up Sunday. Don't forget far

as the Sports Go Giants blank theRockies five to nothing yesterday in Denver.
Always interesting to see them play thathigh up because the guys have to hit
the oxygen tank and like the dugoutand stuff because it's the the Because of
the elevation, the ball travels further, so the hitters have a good day,
but also where's the oxygen? Fiveto nothing was the final game?

Two is today with the first pitchat five forty this evening. The A's
scot nailed by Texas yesterday at theColiseum fifteen to eight was the final.
The next game of their series twelvethirty seven this afternoon in the Sunshine go
eight Jess what's trending every weekday morningon the fifties. That's at six fifty

seven fifty eight am. And connectnow with the Marcus and Corey socials and
blogs. That's at one O onethree dot com. Well variety from the
two thousands, the nineties and todayit's Star one on one three. It's
Marcus and Corey. It is timeto play our trivia game called what you
Know about That? We've got apair of tickets. Is he nol Horn
at the shirlin Ampitheater, July twentysixth, courtesy of Live Nation. Live

Nation Concert Week is happening May eighththrough the fourteenth, where you can get
twenty five dollars tickets to select showsincluding now Horn. Get more infot livenation
dot com slash Concertweek. Say goodmorning to our contestants. Rich is in
Rohner Park. Good morning, Rich, what's up? Guys? Say good
morning to your opponent. Steve isin San Francisco. He lives in Glenn
Park. Hi, Steve, Hey, good morning. Game is super simple.

It's five trivia questions, fifty secondsto answer them all. Each person
going to be asked separately, withtheir opponent on hold. Whoever gets the
most right answers wins. If youdon't know an answer, you yell out,
pass, and we'll come back tothe question if we have time left.
Okay, all right. Steve goeson hold there in Glenn Park,
and we start with Rich and ronertPark. The Riddler is primarily an enemy

of which comic book superhero Batman?What number did Michael Jordan wear for most
of his basketball career? Twenty three? What type of tree gives us prunes
pass? Mick Jagger is the leadsinger of which rock band The Rolling Stones,
catmus Everdeen is the protagonist of whichbook and movie series The Hunger Games.

So back to when you passed onwhat type of trees give us prunes?
Jeez, I'm gonna say a prunetree? Okay? Which goes on
Holden Rohner Park? And we'll seehow he did against Steve in San Francisco.
They're in Glen Park, Hi,Steve, Hey, The Riddler is

primarily an enemy of which comic booksuperhero Batman? What number did Michael Jordan
wear for most of his basketball career? Twenty three? What type of tree
give us prunes? Plum? MickJagger is the lead singer of which rock

band Rollingtones Catness Everdeen is the protagonistof which book and movie series The Hunger
Games? All right? Answer foreverything? All Right? Rich comes back
and runner of Park. We'll seehow he did against Steve in San Francisco.
There in Glen Park. Question numberone, The Riddler is primarily an
enemy of which comic book superhero?Both Rich and Steve said Batman? It

is Batman? What number did MichaelJordan wear for most of his basketball career?
Both Rich and Steve said twenty three. It is twenty three. What
type of trees give us prunes?Rich said prune, Steve said plum.
It is plumb. Mick Jagger isthe lead singer of which rock band.
Both Rich and Steve said, TheRolling Stones. It is the Rolling Stones.

And finally, Catnus Everdeen is theprotagonist of which book and movie series.
Both Rich and Steve said, HungerGames. It is Hunger Games.
Winner is Steve five for five Stevewith the perfect score. Yeah, great
job. You're going to see nolHorn Rich. You're getting a Marcus and
Corey chip clip. All right,I love that. Play again with us
weekday mornings at eight o five am. Once you know about that on Star

on three more variety from the twothousands, the nineties, and today it's
Star one on one three. It'sMarcus and Corey eight fourteen, taking it
back to the nineties with Mariah Careyright there. Very apropos because we're about
to get generational again. Corey's favoritesubject, I just don't get it.
Your favorite thing is when we drawlines in the sand between boomers, gen

X, gen Z millennials. Itmakes people combative and judge of others and
I know I'm very judging and opinionated, but it's okay when I do it.
Yeah, you just reminded me.I'm gonna sidebar for a sec,
but stay with me. There's apsychological phenomenon that human beings encounter. I

forget the name of it exactly,but it basically says we think two different
things when somebody's late for work,whether or not it's us. If you're
late for work, you're lazy.If I'm late for work, it's because
of traffic. That's how the averagehuman brain works. I'm not lazy.
No, I'm saying that. That'swhat. If it's not me, then

that other person's obviously lazy. Whenit happens to me, it's because of
some outside force. Sure, we'regetting off topic. The topic is generational,
and I bring it up because Ijust read there's a new generation that
we need to acknowledge, and thatis no, we don't need to acknowledge
anything. The kids born after twentyten are known as Generation Alpha. Welcome

Alpha's who came up with this don'tknow, because I feel like the name
generation Alpha is to be earned andnot given. Yeah, you can't be
the Alpha unless you prove yourself hereactually born into it well apparently, So,
I mean, where did gen Xcome from? Boomer? I get
because baby boomers after the war,there was a boom in babies. Did

gen X come from the fact thatthe extreme games were so big back in
the late eighties early nineties? Ihave no idea how you know the X
games were the extreme generation because Ifeel that way. I feel like gen
X you really can't mess with genX. I feel like we've seen some
things, we've done some things,and we're not sure how we made it
out of childhood. We were ina very transitional generation in the sense that

we didn't grow up with the Internet. We had to learn the internet,
if that makes sense, and adaptto technology that other generations just grow up
with. And I feel like thatmakes us a little stronger now. We
also we also grew up with amarked lack of safety. Oh yeah,

we didn't have helmets when we rodeour bikes. We had seat belts,
but more often than not were theynecessarily used. I remember taking big family
trips from here to San Diego andwe had a we had a yellow station
wagon. My parents would put theseats down and my sister and I would
just lay in sleeping bag and thenif I got bored, my parents let
me sit on the middle console.Yeah no seatbelt, Nope, you would

have gone right through that one shot. Shout out to Linda and San Jose
who left us a talk back andbasically said our seat belts were our mother's
arm. I still do that.I still thrust that arm out, even
with the seatbelt. Yeah. Iremember one time we were driving a key
West and I just stuck my headout the window like for like an hour,

and all of a sudden, somethinghit me in the head. And
I was like, that's weird.And then I went back to my pillow
on my seat. Because we hada Volksacon bus, so my sister would
get the big bench, I wouldget the second bench. And there was
a cicada on my pillow. Oohgod, that's what hit me in the
head. Oh No, I wastalking about like my ride to school.

I'd walked to school like a mileby myself first grade, and then in
third grade I would ride my bike. And if you know, you know
I lived in Palo Alto, mydad went to Stanford, I drove.
I rode the bike from Escondido Villagethrough the California Street Underpass, across Oregon
Expressway Page Mill to my school onthe other side of town, five miles

away on a dirt bike, noteven a ten speed, no helmet for
the wind. Yeah, in thirdgrade, that's how. That's what we
would play hide and seek in myneighborhood. And it would be like,
okay, we're gonna play hide andseek from twenty ninth Avenue to forty second
and then from First Street to seventhStreet. I mean, he was like,
no one ever found anybody because itwas so big. So think about

like growing up, did you everhave one of those moments, Please share
it with us where you're like,I don't even know how I got out
alive. To be fair, That'swhy it's kind of like annoying that the
newest generation is alpha. You haveto understand because for Gen xers or anybody
really, if you look up whatis an alpha, that's the person in
charge, that's the gen It meanswe're putting the fourteen and unders in charge.

No, we're not. And Iknow you love talking generational to your
point because it it you know,subconsciously and consciously pits the generations against each
other. I don't like that aspectof it. It's like we shouldn't be
judging the generations on when we grewup, but because we have no control
of that. But young people willalways think older people are slow, especially

with regards to technology, and oldergenerations will always, no matter what,
think that younger generations are entitled,privileged and lazy, no matter what I
mean. Right, not wrong,Because if you go earlier than Boomer I
looked it up, you have thesilent generation that was right before the baby
boomers. Yeah, and then youhave their parents and they call themselves the

greatest generation, and they were nineteeno one to nineteen twenty five. How
could you be the greatest generation becauseyou don't know other generations. I don't
know. I'm not sure why theygot that, Moniker, But like that's
almost as triggering as calling the youngestthe alpha generation, isn't it. It's
all triggering anyway. I had justsomething to think about eight twenty coming up

in about three minutes. More cash, thousand bucks on the way, easy
money, more variety from the twothousands, the nineties, and today at
Star one oh one three it's Marcusand Corey eight twenty three, Good morning.
We're a fascinating story about a woman. Now she's an influencer of some
regard on TikTok, but she hasmoved into an underground bunker that she's renting
from a friend of hers for fivehundred bucks a month. She's trying to

save money to buy a house.This is in California. This is amazing
to me because I think it's greatthat a the person who owns the bunker
can rent it out, and bshe's getting such a great deal. But
I don't know if I could dothat for a long period of time.
Well. Fun fact, there's apoll up on the Marcus and Corey stories

on Instagram. Sixty two percent ofour listening audience says no way, no,
how, no, thanks, nope, Yeah, it's I would do
it in a heartbeat. I justfeel like you're so cut off because bunkers
are meant to like you go inthere when something bad zombie apocalypse or tornado
or a tidal wave. I don'tknow, actually with bunker work in a

tidal wave depends on if it's sealedor not, and then how do I
get out? Yeah? She didsay so. Some of her followers are
concerned for her safety. They're like, well, it looks like it's on
you know, under a driveway.What happens to a car parks on your
door? She said, the hydraulicson the door are so strong it would
probably flip the car. Isn't thatcrazy? Yeah? But why would you

build it under a driveway? It'snot. It's actually in her friend's backyard,
another pavement. And I'm trying tofigure out what I I'm fascinated with
is what part of California is this? And because it doesn't say she wants
some anonymity, well I get that, But the only clue I have is
is she says living underground helps withthe weather because it can get hot and
humid. And the only part ofCalifornia I believe to get hot and humid

is in Mendocino County. So she'sup in Mendo somewhere. Okay, trees,
Okay, that would be my guess, probably some small little town up
there. And you said that she'sgot a light to simulate She has a
special light that simulates sun up andsun down. Because it's a lot like
a Vegas casino. She can't tellwhat time of day it is that I
wouldn't like at all, Right,I would do to save I will do

anything. My wife is like,she knows I go to the ends of
the earth to save money. Iwould move my family into a trailer,
into a into a mobile home ifeverybody was cool with it. They're not
just to save the money. They'renot, They're not, absolutely not.
I'd live in a treehouse. Ireally would, would you really though,
haven't you seen those like tree housesthey build in like HGTV. I'm shocked

that the Jeff wouldn't do that withyou. I don't know, you know
what, honestly, I've never askedhim. We should invest. Does anybody
know where there's a treehouse at leastan airbnb that that I would love that
Jeff could go check out for theweekend. I would love that. Yeah,
I knew I was built different whenI saw Lethal Weapon two and uh
Riggs. You know, Mel Gibsonhad that airstream trailer on the beach with

the dog, and that's what Iwanted. I was like, that's my
jam right there. But you havea family. I know you can't do
that when you there's three of you. My wife would literally be like,
well, I'll see you when you'redone with your little adventure or whatever you're
doing. Enjoy your midlife, Christ, enjoy your midlife Christ. I'll see
you later. Yeah. So thislady's in the bunker. She says she's

gonna wait out the high interest ratesand try to wait and save money.
If it's not a long term thing, if there's an end date, I
think it's doable. But if youif this was like my end game,
could you live in an underground bunker? And if so, how long?
Participate in the poll on the Marcusand Corey Instagram right now and again,

twelve percent of our listening family saysthey could live in it forever, twenty
five percent say year maybe, andthen sixty two percent overwhelming way never,
no way, nope, yepe notdoing that, yep. Uh. Eight
twenty seven. We'll check what's trendinghere in a bit before we give you
one thousand dollars cash. Travis Kelsey'sgetting into the acting game and Disneyland is

expanding, all right, talk aboutthat coming up at eight fifty. Stay
with us, Katy Perry. It'sStar one O one three, It's Marcus
and Corey Wednesday morning, Good morning, It's time for good News with Marcus
and Corey. Sometimes all you needis one a good thought to make it
a great day. So let's dothis. It's good News on Star one

one three long. We do goodnews twice a morning, just to make
you feel good on the way todoing whatever you're doing this morning. Today's
good News comes out of Marin County. Love it. I love this story.
They're doing a little sudden. Theystarted a program in San Quentin that
is helping inmates and helping puppies atthe same time. I've seen this in
a lot of different settings. Yeah, and it's so therapeutic for everybody involved,

including the dogs. San Quentin hasstarted a program with an organization out
of Santa Rosa called Canine Companions forIndependence, and they are allowing inmates to
train puppies to be service dogs.It gives you purpose and like They interviewed
one inmate. His name's Jorge andhe's been in prison for over twenty years
since he was sixteen. He said, I was lost. I made bad

decisions when I was young. Idid not realize the effect of the childhood
trauma would have on me. Sureand he no longer thinks he's lost thanks
to this program. He says,you pet these dogs, it changes you.
It's a great opportunity for me tohelp out and give back to my
society that I took so much from. So what happens is the dogs stay

with the inmates for a year.I'll know the healing power of a dog,
yes, a puppy, especially inthis case, and then after a
year they get returned to the programfor more advanced training to become service dogs.
This is just incredible because it helpseverybody involved, and I just love
it. The director says, wefound that our dogs have a better chance

of becoming full service dogs when theygo through programs like this because the level
of training that these puppies have receivedhere is nothing short of perfection. Yeah.
So I just thought that was prettyawesome. I love it. New
program between San Quentin and again theother organization is called Canine Companions for Independence.
They're helping having inmates train service dogs. I thought that was pretty dope.

Yeah. Ten minutes away from what'strending? What do you have?
Travis Kelsey is going to make hisacting debuts supposedly right, and also Disneyland
is going to have the biggest expansionin its history. That and more.
At eight to fifty, here's State, McGray, Greedy, Ariana, Grande,
Positions, Star one on one three, It's Marcus and Corey went good

morning. This is what I'm talkingabout. It's what's trendean on Star,
what's happening in entertainment news, thebiggest stories of the day, and everything
people are talking about today in theBabe, I guess it's not shocking that
Travis Kelsey would get into acting.He's rumored to be cast in a Ryan
Murphy series, and if you're notfamiliar with Ryan Murphy, he is the

guy behind American Horror Story, rightand also Glee. But there are rumors
that the Kansas City Chiefs tight Endis going to be in the FX series
Grotesquery Really, also starring Nisi Nash, Courtney b Vance, and Leslie Manville.
What a great name for a series. Well, I love American Horror

Story. That's like one of myfavorite series. Production has begun in Most
details about the show are being heldclose to the vest, so that's all
I can tell you right now.The Anaheim City Council gave its final approval
last night. To a big Disneylandexpansion plan they intend to. It's been
nearly two billion dollars to develop theproperty over the next decade, including forty

million to buy streets from the Cityof Anaheim. Disneyland Forward will set up
the Disneyland Resort and the city ofAnaheim for an incredibly bright future. According
to the Disneyland Resort president, theDisneyland Forward project will bring more than forty
five hundred operational jobs to the resortin addition to nine thousand construction jobs in

the first ten years. Does thismean the stock's going to go up?
Asking for me and the Jeff,I hope so too. I hope so
please, thank you. And ifyou're going to commit a crime, you
might not want to vandalize a copcar by writing your name on it.
There's a guy in Florida, Florida. His name's Enderlyn, and he got
busted after doing just that. Awitness called in that a cruiser was getting

scratched. It was easy to findthe suspect since he wrote his full name
on the driver's side hood. Whenconfronted, he actually said, I did
it. I committed a crime andI should be going to jail. The
poor guy needed a place to staymaybe, I mean I think so.
I think he needed three hots anda cod and being real, it's Florida.

You never know what you're going toget. Yes, the weather's nice
this time of year. The onlyway he would have made it easier if
he put his phone number on there, maybe his address, so a security
number. Right, it's going tobe hot today, highest potentially in the
low nineties inland. Be aware andenjoy that sunshine and wear that SPF please.
I put it on sunscreen every day. Look look at you. It's

good for you. Yeah. JustinTimberlake last night at SAP, wrapping up
a couple of shows. We wantto see pictures. I'm not as interested
in pictures of JT as I amof just you and your friends hanging out.
Sure, selfies and whatnot. Howcute did you get? Yes?
Did you see the Star crew outin the parking lot in front of SAP?
Hit us with some pictures. Thepost is up right now on the
Marcus Corey facebook page. You're lookingfor some gifts for mom for Mother's Day?

How about a photo holder for mom? Maybe that you decorate a Queen
mom portrait used paint, sharpies oreven shock to create a mom portrait.
What about a flower vase? Whatabout a painted rock? What about a
mini family tree collage? That's nicea reminder as well. In about forty
five minutes, we're going to havea Mother's Day balloon bouquet from Party City

to giveaway. Yeah, you don'tdo anything. Oh, we got you
covered on that. Let's go tothe sports desk really quick. My favorite
story of the morning. I wasjust reading that the women's water polo team
that is going to be representing thiscountry in Paris is in need of financing.
So veteran Maggie Stevens or Stephan's,who led the Americans to a stunning

third consecutive Olympic title in Tokyo,has said this weekend that she and her
teammates are still in need of financialhelp. She said, most of us
need to work second or third jobsto support chase in the dream. Can
we get some help? And whowent online and answered the call and pledged
financial support? Flavor Flav jumped inon her posts and said, as a

girl dad and supporter of all women'ssports, I'm a personally sponsor you my
girl. I love it. Whateveryou need and I'm gonna sponsor the whole
team. I love it. Shewas blown away. She said thank you.
He said, you know what hesaid that? He said, the
US women's water polo team has wonthe gold medal three Olympics in a row.

These women should not have to beworking two to three side jobs to
be able to complete compete. Sothank you to Flavor Flave. That's awesome.
I'll go to baseball, oh beforewe do. The draft lottery was
last night in hockey. Who's gotthe number one pick in this year's draft
too? You're San Jose Sharks.Yay. Hopefully we get a good one

with the number one pick. I'llkeep you posted on that. Not a
big hockey guy, but that's exciting. The Giants splanked the Rockies yesterday in
Denver, Game two on that series. Today, with the first pitch of
five forty local time, almost hegot this. The A's lost to the
Rangers yesterday at the Coliseum fifteen toeight. Eight was the final twelve thirty
seven first pitch on today's game.Let's go eight, Jess, what's trending

every weekday morning on the fifties.That's at six fifty seven eight fifty AM
and connect now with the Marcus andCorey socials and blogs. That's at one
O one three dot com or varietyfrom the two thousands of the nineties and
today it's Star one on one three. It is Marcus and Corey, and
Corey gives me tons of crap forgigging out too hard to the Noah Coan

stick Season song. But when thatsong Sabrina Carpenter Feather comes on, it's
basically jazzer size in here with youdon't say jazzer size. It makes me
sounds one hundred. Well, youcan say zoomba is that's not a zoomba
track though neither is. Noah kanI didn't say it was. I make
fun of you because you pretend toplay the banjo and you have no idea

what you're doing the air banjo.Yeah, Hey, we've got one thousand
dollars feet to win here momentarily witheasy money, we'll have a keyword in
about five minutes. There was aTikTok influencer that went online and broke down
Basically, the style in which youtype out your texts on your phone denotes
how old you are. I'm gonnagive him this much credibility because he has

one point three million TikTok followers.So here's his to it. I guess
you get street credit if you havethat many followers. But at the same
time, where do you get yourinformation data for this? Probably watching his
friend's family and co workers as theytype on about their text and whatnot.
So here's the breakdown. Anyone that'susing swipe to text, most likely millennial,

possibly gen Z jokes on you,I don't even know what swipe the
text is, and I admit it. We got so many talkbacks on like
here's how you swipe the text.I still can't do it. You're supposed
to like hold down the buttons andthen and then move your finger around to
the letters you want to use.But then what if I go over a
letter I didn't want to use?Now what I don't get it? I

don't get it. So that's breakdownNumber one. SWIPEX is the youngest generation.
Then he goes on anyone that's ableto type fast and accurately with one
hand. We're going to say probablypreteen to age twenty five. So that's
impressive. That's literally somebody texting andholding the phone in one hand and typing
quickly, inaccurately. That says Igrew up with this. Okay, okay,

here comes me ready, Yeah,pipping fast and accurately with two thumbs
again, probably preteen to mid twenties, mid thirties. Even he will kind
of stay at this thumb tapping ageuntil probably about i'd say fifties. Then
you're going to start getting this.You're going to start adding in your he's

pulling out his index finger. Nowyour index finger, unnecessarily age sixty five
plus is where you start doing.Why do you say it necessarily the one
finger tap, holding with your lefthand or your right hand. So Corey,
tell everyone how you do your text? Why don't you just shut your
mouth? So Corey, I foundI was today years old when I realized
does her texts holding with the lefttapping with her one index finger, which

makes you sixty five plus? Okay. I have delicious nails that I keep
up, and I want to keepthem nice, So I don't think there's
anything wrong with the way I text. How come we don't do the two
thumb things? Hey? Because Ihave sausage fingers, it's easier for me
to use the pointer finger. I'mactually texting with my husband right now,

and he's at American Tire in Milbrayand they're playing us upon American Tire.
American Tire. I'm not sixty five. That's for show in real time.
Better take care of the Jeff orhe'll bury you. Yeah, you want
to die today. I don't knowthat's how I learned how to text.
I do think it has somebody todo with the fact that I have Jimmy

Dean fingers. That's crazy to methat you can't just come in with both
thumbs and I can. If Iwant to, I can do it.
I just don't was anybody else madBack in the day when we lost our
BlackBerry, I was so mad tono longer have the raised letters and numbers.
Well, texting took forever when youhad to do it on the numbers.

Oh no, I'm saying, likepast the flip phone. Then we
all got Blackberries and it was likea little keyboard, and the numbers were
raised enough so that you could tellthe difference. It took me a minute
to be able to text on theiPhone. Wow, I sound one hundred.
Yeah you want to sound one hundred. I'll tell you about a pager
I used to carry. Ooh,that was for work. What was your
favorite pager code? I don't knowwhat that means, meaning like, you

know, you could write I loveyou on the pager and whatever else with
numbers. Oh you didn't do that, No, dude, this is a
work pager. Day. I realizedyou could page the word boobies using numbers.
Life made good. Lord. Ifound out that my coworker was having
an affair because we all shared thesepagers and there was like this typing machine

back at work, and you wouldtype the messages to the pager. You
could read the pager like if youwere out somewhere and you needed to know
when you were going to talk liveon the air, and then say,
hey, after Rihanna, you've gottwenty seconds to do blah blah blah.
Okay, Well, we found allof these text messages between these two people
who were having an affair. Whodoes that on a company piece of equipment?

And all of us got fired thatknew about the affair because he was
the boss. Oh my god,you found out your boss wasn't having NFL
Oh wow, always meant boss.But he was my morning show co host
this is a whole other story andwe're out of time. It's in my
book. Can we move this tothe podcast s? Sure? Can we
podcast about this for real? Sure? I don't care. I didn't do

it. The sauciest thing you everdiscovered at work. Accidentally, we'll be
on the Marcus and Corey Off theAir podcast after the show today. This
is exciting. But that's downloadable onthe iHeartRadio app. We have many,
many episodes. It's literally called Marcusand Corey Off the Air. All right,
that's a plug nine eight. Who'sready for one thousand dollars easy money?

Here we go, Well, varietyfrom the two thousands, the nineties,
and today it's star one oh onethree, it's Marcus and Corey.
It's nine to fifty. We're gettingout of here. Enjoy that sunshine today.
Man, that's gonna be awesome.Yeah, it should be a good
time. Nina is on the waynext. She does have more cash for
you to win. In fact,there'll be another keyword for easy money coming
up at ten twenty five this morning. Reminder, if you do participate,

I would suggest picking up block calls. Yeah you have to, because it
could be us calling you with athousand dollars cash. Okay, you don't
want to miss that. That's tentwenty five this morning, plus that's Star
Music. Stay with us so we'lltalk to you tomorrow morning. Have a
great day. Bye.
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