Episode Transcript
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Hey, what up? People?Is Jason Derulo and you're watching my ask
me anything with iHeartRadio. My brandnew song from the Islands is taking over
social media. So big thank youto the audience. Thank you for utilizing
my song. It features myself obviouslyand Tomo and Frozy. It has been
absolutely crushing. It is because ofyou, so thank you. Big thank
you to Romeo as always my brother, Thank you for having me on most
requests. Are live to answer yourquestions. Jason from Edgewood, New Mexico.
Is Jason aware that his name spellsthe next six months? July August,
septemborrocks over. Yeah, I'm definitelyaware that my name spells out the
letters of the months. It wasa big meme that happened a couple of
years ago, and every single yearthat thing pops up and rears its ugly
head again. So yes, I'mvery aware. Tied from Chicago, Illinois,
take us back a few years.When did you get the call that
somebody was interested in your music?Well, the first call that I really
got was from Tommy Roadam, whois the brother of super producer JR.
Roted him and they called me afterhearing my songs on my space. Uh
that's when my space was a bigthing, and you know, I had
my top four songs and whatnot.And uh, he started to send me
beats uh from Jr. Wrote him, and I would write songs to those
beats and then send them back.And then that's when they wanted to sign
me as a songwriter. Flew meout to Los Angeles to sign me as
a songwriter, and then shortly afterthat day ended up signing me as an
artist as well. And the nightthat I got there, we made six
songs together and at that point hewas like, you should be an artist.
I wanna sign you as an artistas well, and the rest is
history. Lana from Nashville, Tennessee. Lana says, when do you know
it's time to release new music?What triggers in your mind that it is
the right time? Uh? Now, what triggers in my mind is when
I make a song that it's spawntailing, when I make a song that
I feel like it's extraordinary. Youknow, it used to be a a
a time where you just really justwaited, you know, and you made
a full length album and you waitedto release new music. But I feel
like times have changed, and peoplejust want a lot of content, you
know, they want a lot ofnew music. People that are able to
continue to churn out new music,new content, those are the people that
win the biggest And thankfully I writesongs every day in my life. So
you want to be getting a lotof music from your boy Will from Darien,
Connecticut. Were you ever? Wereyou ever tour the US again or
at least a few shows in majorcities for the fans in America that can't
make it to your residency. Thanks, I think so. Yeah. I've
honestly, you know, the lasttour that I did, I honestly didn't
know that I was gonna actually doit. I was kind of battling whether
I should do the tour or shouldI not? And I ended up doing
it and it was the best thing. It was my favorite decision that I
made in a long time. AndI definitely know that I need to do
the same thing in America. Youknow, there's a lot of US fans
that you hit me up all thetime like what you do, like when
you're going to America. So I'mI'm definitely gonna be doing that very soon,
So stick around. But if youcan't wait. All you gotta do
is go to the Residency the residenciesin Las Vegas. It's a quick flight
wherever you are, wherever you atin America. Go make that trip.
Cause the Residency is a very differentshow than the tour show, so you
could kind of go and see bothand it'll be a different experience. Nika
Sarah from Dubai what was your favoriteplace from your Dubai trip. I'm so
lucky to have met you in EmiratesHills. Nice to meet you again,
so to speak, my favorite placethat I visited in Dubai. I mean,
it's so hard to say because Dubaihas has just got so many cool
things about it. You know,Dubai actually prides itself in the world records,
so you know, from the tallestbuilding to the deepest pull to uh
the the largest aquarium. You know, it's just so many different, uh
cool things about Dubai. It's justvery forward thinking and very next you know.
So uh I, I couldn't chooseone place I go'na be honest with
you, but Dubai as a whole, I feel like it's one of the
best places on the planet for somany different reasons. Jennifer from Wilkes Barr,
Pennsylvania. I would love to hearabout your influences and mentors in the
music business. I hope you allwasn't looking at my crack phone. Uh.
Anyway, my biggest influence was MichaelJackson. Uh. He was the
sole reason I started singing and dancingin the first place, you know,
in the kitchen doing the move wellwith my with my socks on. From
there, I was a student ofmusic, you know, and UH studied
all kinds of music. So fromElla Fitzgerald to UH Frank Sinatra to uh
Ray Charles and and and Stevie Wonder. Just being a a a sponge and
taking all that information, I createdmy own style. And uh, I
couldn't have done it without all ofthat information. This is a great question.
Nobody's ever asked me this. Dawnfrom Cleveland, Ohio. Do you
have a closet at home just foryour performance clothes or do you mix your
personal clothes and then in with theperformance clothes? Do you ever keep your
movie clothes? So I don't havea closet. For the last couple of
years, I've been building this house. Uh in La and Uh, yeah,
I don't. I don't have acloset, but ideally, when the
house is done, I will separatethe clothes. I have a lot of
closet space. That was a abig thing for me that I wanted to
organize, Uh, all of theseclothes. You know. Also don't wanna
keep a bunch of a bunch ofshit, and uh I I think we
all are guilty of this, likekeeping things that we never utilize, you
know. So I I just wannabe really tough on the things that I
do keep. You know, I'mnot just gonna keep everything just because.
Uh. So, Yes, toanswer your question in short, I will
have a performance closet and I willhave a day to day closet. I
think it's very different and also aformal closet and a more casual closet.
Uh. Even if it's not aseparate closet, it'll be a separate section.
Gianna from Buffalo, New York.Who's the most famous person that you've
met that was a Jason Derulo fan. The most famous person that I met
that as a Jason Derulo fan isprobably the most famous person in the world
today, and that's Michael Jordan.I performed at at one of Michael's events
and he was doing a celebration ofa new launch and he had me come
out and perform, and I waswith me in the in the whole gang
and met him backstage and he wasmentioning songs that were kind of B side
songs, you know, and onlya true fan would know these records.
And I even talk about it withinmy book yard. It's pretty amazing to
me that some of that I lI looked up to for so long was
a fan of the music that Imake. And you know him saying Cheyenne
is his favorite song of mine,and you know it's it's I think it's
pretty special, you know when somebodythat you look up to appreciates what you
do. So that was a reallyspecial moment for me. Jack from Africa,
Hey, Jason, I'm Jack andI'm a huge fan of yours from
Angola, Africa. You've been mymentor since I was a child, and
you're my hero man. You don'tknow, but knowing you has had a
positive impact on my life. Andhere's my email if you want to contact
me. It's not a question,but Jack, you know that means a
lot to me. My brother,you know, being that I I come
from very very humble beginnings and I'vehad a lot of people really impact and
affect my life, those kinds ofwords mean a lot to me, my
brother. So big love to you, Autumn from Birmingham, Alabama. A
large percentage of your fans want tolearn about you beyond your music. How
do you decide where to draw theline and sharing your person life? Whatever
I don't want to share, Ijust don't share, you know. I
mean, I'm not really precious abouta lot of things, but there are
some things that you just don't needto share. Uh. But I will
say that I have built a communitycalled the family, and it's a group
of people that are like minded andwe all have our goals. We all
have things that we want to strivefor, and within the family, we
try to to to build one anotherup, you know. And I've been
successful in a lot of areas ofmy life, and what I would like,
what I would love to do,is to inject all this information into
people that want to accomplish their dreams, you know. So, Uh,
it's a community again, and it'scalled the family, and I'm sharing more
with them than I would share with, you know, the general public,
but in general, I think i'm, you know, a little less precious
than than that average artist. Noelfrom Zagreb, Croatia. Jason, can
we do rulers your fan base?Expect the re release of New King on
CD with new songs. I wasthinking of doing a re release of New
King with more songs on it,but honestly, I'm doing so much new
music, so many songs that I'mreally proud of. And I just got
an, alright, a certification ofNew King being a gold album, and
I think that's special on his own. But I think, you know,
let's let's move forward. Let's moveto the next chapter. I got a
lot of new, exciting music thatI can't wait to share with y'all.
Anyway, So onto the next one. Jenna from San Jose, California.
What's your favorite fancy food and what'syour favorite comfort food? My favorite fancy
food is some pasta. I lovealfred Or pasta, you know that white
sauce, and then some seafood.Add some seafood on there as a rap.
I love. I love a goodpasta. Also really love sushi.
You know a great sushi restaurant it'shard to beat that comfort food. The
list goes on and on and on. You could, you know, have
me a cheat burger and fries.I'm good. Also a pizza, you
know, you give me a goodpizza. Put everything on that thing.
I'm ready to go. Okay,forget the Uh, volcano cake. I
love a volcano cake, you know, molten lava volcano cake. You know,
basically it's that chocolate cake where thethe chocolate fudge just oozes out that
thing and some vanilla ice cream onthe side. Steph from Raleigh, North
Carolina. Who cuts your hair?Uh? I have several different barbers who
cut my hair, but uh,most frequently I actually cut my own hair
cause, you know, just lineup. It gets messy real quick,
and I try to, you know, keep my beard nice and tidy.
You know, probably every like twothree days, you know, I'm doing
my beard, lining it up,making sure it's crispy. So more often
than not, it's myself. Ilast question from long from Seattle, Washington.
What's your favorite candy? My favoritecandy is actually it's not that popular.
If you don't live in America,you might not even know what this
is. But it's the Hershey's Bar. That's the white chocolate cookies and cream.
That one, hands down the bestcandy on the market. And I've
been known to, you know,be a connoisseur of candy. If you've
seen my Millie Mills, you knowthat I like my candy. Anyway,
I'm Jason. Big thank you toRomeo, Big thank you to most requestsed
live. It's been amazing answer yourquestions and I can't wait to see y'all
very soon. I new song fromthe Islands is available everywhere as you know.
And until next time,