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The most requested I've ask anything chat. Thanks to Romeo and iHeartRadio for having
me on the show tonight. Andmy new song is called Miles on It
feature of marsh Mellow. So,Melissa from State College, Pennsylvania. Does
Marshmallow have a mask with your faceon it? No? Good question,
No he does not, Okay,Tasha Jay from Barnsdale, Australia. Who's
your favorite singer when you were growingup? I love you? I love
you too. I would say TimMcGraw. That was like the first song
I knew and really who all listenedto growing up through my childhood? Aerosmith
actually too, I listened to alot of Aerosmith and Shan Italian Melanie from
Wheaton, Maryland. Is there anartist you haven't worked with that you would
love to work with? There's alot of artists. It does have to
make sense, but there's a lotof artists that I would work with.
Yeah, I I don't. Imean I would say that. The one
that I always say is Aldan.Uh. Just because we've been boys and
we haven't done a song yet,you would think we would. Maybe you
need to ask Kalden that, butyeah, I'll say Aldan Marina from Denton,
Texas. Do you plan on releasingHaunted within the next three months?
It's a fifty to fifty. I'mjust gonna be honest with you. Maybe
maybe not. I don't know,you know as much as I do.
No clue. Sorry, I don'thave a better answer for you. Lena
or Lana from Nashville, Tennessee.When do you know it's time to release
new music? What triggers in yourmind that is the right time? I
would say normally if I ain't gota single out to radio, or if
I just have something. That is, when I don't have a single out
to radio, probably it's about it. Because the thing is, if you
have a banger, right, youdon't want to release it when everything else
is already doing one thing, becausethen all the momentum is not gonna carry
over to the new sum So youknow you gotta hold on to it.
Down's from Cleveland, Ohio. Doyou have a closet at home just for
your performance clothes or do you mixyour personal clothes in with them. I
have a closet at home that mywife uses. I don't get to use
it. I have one corner ofthe closet, and the rest of my
stuff stays on the bus. ButI do have a wardrobe case that stays
on the road. But the closetat home is my wife's. Jonathan from
Deming, New Mexico, You're oneof my favorite artists. Please come back
to Passosin Well, Jonathan, that'snot a question, but I will be
back there soon. I promise you. I love you too, Buddy Mallory
from Henderson, Nevada. Where didyou play your first gig as Caane Brown?
I played my first gig at thecamp House in Chattanoog, Tennessee for
three let's just say like two hundredpeople will from Georgia, let's just say
that. Have you ever been vocallytrained? Are you self taught? I
actually just got my first vocal coach. Well we've done like what six or
seven lessons and he's really good andI can't wait to do more. But
mainly my whole career has been selftaught. So you can do it too.
Ari from New York City. Doyou recall the first time you saw
somebody create art of you and howthat make you feel? All right?
Being straight up honest with you,I have and the first one that I
saw was not good, and there'sactually one in Chattanooga that I'm very excited
to be a part of as well. But I get so many texts is
to say they did me dirty becauseit's just me on the wall and it
resembles me, but it is notme. But if you were an artist,
I will gladly one hundred tell youhow I feel. I have seen
some amazing work as well, thoughthere's some people that have done great.
Jenny from New York City, howdid you end up hooking up Miller?
I reached out to him on thefirst song for one thing right, and
in the second song he reached outto me, and I'm glad we did
it because both songs are bangers.Gianna from Buffalo, New York. Who's
the most famous person that you metthat was a Cane fan when it comes
to mine was I was playing thecelebrity softball game and I had an actor
come up to me and he said, you have to go say hey to
DK Metcalf. He just like heloves you, and I thought he was
bullshiting. And then I went upto DK and I didn't even say nothing.
He's just like bro, I loveyou. I'm a huge DK fan,
so I thought it was awesome.I don't look at myself as that
type of like, you know,any type of artist basically, but it
was cool just to see an athlete, a big name athlete, like my
music was cool. Scott from Australia. How many songs do you think you've
written in your life? I've neverthought about that. I'm gonna go like,
I'm gonna say, like a hundred, maybe more. I'm gonna say
a hundred. That's good. That'sa good question. Jennifer from Grand Rapids,
Michigan. Where do you keep yourawards? So this one makes no
sense. All of my old awardsare hung up in my uh Man cave.
All of my new awards are inboxes, so I'm looking at oldest,
c old accomplishments and not new accomplishmentslike my diamond record, like is
what every musician dreams of is justsitting in the floor, which it it
hurts my heart. Sophie from Franklin, Ohio. Can you still walk around
in public and go unnoticed? Yeah? Yeah, I do get I mean
I will randomly get noticed. Ittakes one person to just yell my name,
like they don't whisper. They justscream it or one person to take
a picture and then it's everybody's.Everybody all of a sudden knows me.
But yeah, I can walk around. Linda from Spartan, Missouri, miles
on. It is definitely a summersong. Your boys can be proud of.
Any new collaborations in the works thathe can tell us about, and
congratulations, can't wait to see yournew little boy. I'm excited for my
son as well. Thank you.I'm excited to see him. Uh.
Any new collaborations. I have onewith Jelly Rolled and I've told a couple
people about. I'm really excited forus. Uh. He's on my song
Haunted and just a song about havinga lot of stuff and still being depressed.
Hopefully a lot of people can relateto that. Kelsey from Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. What was yourfirst cell phone? My first cell phone
was a flip phone from Verizon thatI didn't know. It costs money to
send a text message, and uh, once we got the bill, my
mom said, why is this billfive hundred dollars? And I got my
phone taken and that was it.Thanks for watching My most requested live Ask
Anything Chat. Thank you Romeo foryour support. My new song is Miles
on It with my boy Mellow.Catch me on tour.