Pat Sajak Facing Backlash After Tweet About Stay-At-Home Orders

While Wheel of Fortune has suspended production in the wake of the global pandemic, host Pat Sajak has been keeping busy on Twitter, but a recent tweet has a lot of people unhappy with him. In it, Pat gave his opinion on the stay-at-home orders still in place in most states to protect their residents from COVID-19 by slowing the virus' spread. He explained how he thinks it is hypocritical for people who are employed and pulling in a paycheck from their houses to suggest that anyone unemployed stay at home.

Sajak wrote, "When a disc jockey or a talk show host or a journalist who is being paid to work from his or her home tells people who can’t work, pay bills or pay their rent or mortgage to ‘Stay home and be careful because we’re all in this together,’ it’s okay to question the premise."

Since a major purpose of the stay-at-home orders is to prevent older residents, who are more susceptible to COVID-19, from contracting it, and because so many people have died from the virus already, the 73-year-old Sajak's tweet rubbed some of his followers the wrong way. They let him know it in the replies:

Those who follow Sajak are aware that he can get opinionated in his tweets. In fact, a few years ago he created a small firestorm when he wrote, "I now believe global warming alarmists are unpatriotic racists knowingly misleading for their own ends. Good night."

You can follow him here.

Photo: Getty Images

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