'VERY NAUSEA INDUCING': 1,000 Pounds Of Fish Dumped Along Phoenix Road

Phoenix is in a smelly situation as at least 1,000 pounds of fish have been dumped along a road on the north side of town, reported AZ Family.

Among the water creatures that were dumped out were carp and gizzard shad. There were also boxes and trash. All of the waste was from a spearfishing tournament at Lake Pleasant that took place over the weekend.

The remains were dumped in the area of 15th Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road.

Brandon Klar is a resident who drove past the pile while heading to work. He said, "It looks like a big pile of carp, disgusting, rotting fish. Very nausea inducing."

According to Arizona Game and Fish, one of the tournament participants actually donated hundreds of pounds of fish to the Phoenix Herpetological Society. They shared some of the fish with the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center to feed to bears.

Arizona Game and Fish said, "Spearfishing is a lawful activity and an effective management tool for certain species of aquatic wildlife." The organization promotes ethical angling and responsible disposal of fish waste.

According to Police, if officers discover who dumped the remains, the individual could be cited for criminal littering.

Photo: Getty Images

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