Experts Say These Toads Are A Deadly Threat To Pets In Florida

Experts and wildlife officials are warning pet owners about a nonnative species of toads. Why? They say these amphibians can be deadly to pets, according to NBC Miami.

Cane toads, also known as giant toads or Bufo toads, can secrete highly toxic substances on their skin. If a dog, cat, or other animals bite or eat them, it could sicken or even kill the pet.

"The typical frog not too much. The toads are the bad ones. They have the bad poison glands on their back and if the dogs bite them or lick them, they can get poison from it," said Alan Lewis, a veterinarian at Animal Medical Hospital in Davie. Dogs can suffer seizures, heart problems, and possibly death from just licking Cane toads, according to veterinarians.

These toads can be found in central and South Florida in urban, suburban, and agricultural areas, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. They can also be spotted in yards and near canals and ponds.

If you suspect that your pet may have toad poisoning, wash out their mouth and contact the vet immediately. Alan Lewis, a veterinarian at Animal Medical Hospital in Davie, also offered this advice:

"Rinse the mouth out carefully sideways, not down the throat. That gets the poison and anything that's remaining out of the mouth because it's absorbed right through the mouth. The earlier you can get them when the signs are still mild, like a little disorientation or drooling, the better the chance of survival."

Photo: Getty Images

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