Indiana Lake With Legendary 500 Pound Monster Turtle Up For Sale

For $1 million, a piece of Indiana folklore can be yours.

Nearly 44 acres of wilderness is up for sale near Churubusco, which is 15 miles northwest of Fort Wayne. The land is gorgeous and is advertised as a prime spot for hunting and fishing.

It also comes with Fulk Lake, which may or may not be the home to a 500-pound snapping turtle.

It has long been believed that the "Beast of Busco" lives in the 7 acre lake after the giant turtle was first spotted in 1898 by the farmer Oscar Fulk. There wasn't any proof of the beast and no one could confirm Fulk's sighting.

The tale faded away until 50 years later when townspeople said they saw the beast.

“A farmer, Gale Harris, was on his roof with his pastor. They supposedly saw a large turtle in the middle of the lake. He went and told some friends and they set out to capture this ‘Beast of Busco,'" realtor Justin Griffin told WPTA 21.

They said the turtle was a large as a dining room table and had a head as big as child's, according to Indiana Public Media.

Harris attempted to catch the turtle in 1949, which set off a national frenzy. Crowds and national media headed out to the lake. Professional divers and zoo keepers tried to find the creature with no luck.

The elusive turtle has since been renamed Oscar after the farmer who first saw him. Oscar hasn't been found, but his tale lives on during Churubusco's annual Turtle Days festival.

Photo: Getty Images

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