Caught On Camera: Minnesota Couple Shares Video Of Porch Pirate

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While out of town, a St. Paul couple had their packages taken by a porch pirate, and it was all caught on tape by their doorbell camera.

According to WCCO, Ryan and Nicole Wynn said on Saturday (June 26), they watched as their packages were stolen live from their porch while they were visiting family in Texas.

The couple ordered the packages on Amazon Prime Day and planned to have Nicole's mom pick them up, but the thief got to them first.

In the video, you can see a man in a blue shirt walk up and grab a handful of packages. He then runs to his red car, puts the boxes in the trunk, and goes back to the front door to take the rest.

In an interview with WCCO, Nicole said, "It's pretty comical because the things he got were mostly child's toys, some swim diapers, toddler cups, drinking cups. I'm pregnant with our second, so some nursing products." She added that the big package that was taken was zero gravity reclining chairs for Ryan's birthday.

Ryan said he discovered that Amazon does not cover package theft. "If the suspect or this person hears this, they're not taking from Amazon; they're actually taking from good people that are going to be out the money."

The couple filed a police report with St. Paul police and said Amazon covered a few of the stolen items.

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