Crows Invade California Town & They’re Fighting Back With Lasers

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Residents in a California town are at their wit's end due to a crow problem.

According to KGO, thousands of crows have descended upon Downtown Sunnyvale leaving sidewalks coated with white bird droppings.

The crows have also been interrupting diners in outdoor patio seating and creating noise issues with their "cawing."

"When the sun starts going down, they come around," resident Frank Hampton told ABC7 as a murder of crows started their nightly routine downtown.

"You look up in the sky and it's almost like a planetarium," said another resident Scott Kilbourn. "Where you see all these dots up in the sky and it's just, I don't know, nature at its best."

The amount of crows is forcing city leaders to try a unique approach to keep them away from the downtown area: lasers.

"We've tried multiple things. In the past, we've had falcons, we've put reflectors in our trees, and nothing seems to help," Mayor Larry Klein told ABC7.

The city is using inexpensive green lasers to hopefully annoy the crows into leaving.

"It's far better than spending hundreds of dollars to spray wash the sidewalks every few weeks," Mayor Klein said. "Or spray wash Murphy Avenue because of that health risk."

"If we can just get them to disperse throughout different neighborhoods and not be in one centralized location, I think that'll be helpful for Sunnyvale overall."

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