13-Year-Old Minnesota Boy Set To Graduate College

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St. Louis Park native, Elliot Tanner, is about to graduate college at the ripe age of 13 and begin a physics Ph. D program at the University of Minnesota.

According to KSTP, Tanner is receiving a bachelors degree from the U of M for a physics major and a minor in math. Though he is achieving academic successes so early on in life, he enjoys just being a kid sometimes.

“I suppose sort of my daily schedule is waking up, getting dressed and having breakfast,” Elliott told KSTP, “I like playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends. I also love to just play general board games as well.”

Michelle Tanner, Elliot's mother, said that she is not trying to speed up his childhood; rather, it is just his nature to learn at a quicker pace. If anything, the Tanners were not prepared for this financially.

“You don’t think you’re going to have to pay for college for a 9-year-old, let alone grad school for a 13-year-old. So we weren’t prepared for that part. We’re kind of scrambling trying to figure out his tuition.”

Elliot told KSTP that he plans to be a professor at the university when he graduates from the Ph. D program.

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