You Need To Try This Popular Food In Georgia

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The top food in Georgia that you need to try will not surprise you, as it is recognized as a staple side dish by locals.

According to a list put together by Mashed, one food that you need to try in Georgia is grits. Possibly one of the most southern-style foods; Grits are actually Georgia's Official State Prepared Food. Since grits are made from corn and corn is a popular crop in Georgia, there is always an abundance of grits.

Here is what Mashed had to say about Georgia grits:

"Simple but wonderful, grits became Georgia's Official State Prepared Food almost 20 years ago, and why not? They may be humble, but they're a proud food. And dressed up, grits can be a surprisingly complex and fancy dish, too. As stated on the Georgia Secretary of State webpage: "Grits are bits of ground corn or hominy which constitute a uniquely indigenous Southern food first produced by Native Americans many centuries ago. Corn is a preeminent Georgia crop grown throughout the state. Grits can be a pure and simple breakfast dish or can be incorporated into gourmet cooking through countless recipes." And in case you're wondering, hominy is corn, it's just been soaked in an alkali solution that softens and engages the kernels through a process called nixtamalization. The more you know!"

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