Here's How Much You Need To Work To Afford Rent In Major Arizona Cities

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It's no secret that rent prices are increasing all over the country. Most Americans admit to spending about 25% of their income on housing expenses, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

SmartAsset determined how much you have to work to pay rent in major US cities. The website states, "To understand the impact on residents in these cities, we examined the number of work hours required to cover housing costs and the factors that determine their differences."

So how much do Arizonans need to work to pay rent?

If you live in Phoenix, you're probably shelling out somewhere around $1,100 per month for rent. The average estimated hourly wage is around $20.70. This means that Phoenix residents spend around 53.1 hours working to make enough money to pay for housing.

That may seem like a lot, but if you live in San Jose, which according to the study has the highest rent prices, you could be working 77.4 hours just to make enough to cover rent costs!

Click here to check out the full study.

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