Bad Weather Coming For GA: Farmer's Almanac Predicts 'Hibernation Zone'

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Although this summer has been unseasonably hot, it might be time to start stocking up on hot chocolate, flannels and other winter essentials. The Farmer's Almanac has predicted most of the United States is gearing up to experience record-breaking cold temperatures, snow, rain and mush.

The first glimpse of winter is predicted to come earlier than it did last year, according to the Farmer's Almanac. December is expected to be cold and stormy nationwide, and an active storm pattern is anticipated to develop and stick around for most of the winter season over the eastern half of the country. On the bright side, maybe we will have a white Christmas this year?

The Farmer's Almanac declared the upper midwest a "hibernation zone," and predicts Georgia will experience "unreasonably cold and snowy" as well as "shivery, wet and slushy" weather. In addition, they said some areas could experience record-cold temperatures — 40 degrees below zero, to be exact. Here's what they had to say about the Southeast area in particular:

Areas south of the storm track (much of the Southeast) will see frequent storms bringing cold rains and a wintry mix of wet snow, sleet, ice, freezing rain—as well as chilly temperatures.

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