This Is The Creepiest Place To Visit In Tennessee

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As Halloween draws ever closer, why not give yourself a scare by visiting the creepiest place in Tennessee? Thrillist searched around the country to find the spookiest places to explore in each state, from abandoned prisons and hospitals to vintage hotels and secluded spots in the woods. According to the site:

"No matter what scares you, your state has a place to freak you out. Whether you want to take a guided tour or a bone-chilling solo walk into the darkness, we've got the spots for you."

So what is the spot in Tennessee is considered to be the creepiest?

The Bell Witch Cave

Anyone who grew up in Tennessee or who is interested in urban legends knows of the Bell Witch, whether from personal experience touring the cave she reportedly called home or from stories passed around a campfire trying to scare your friends.

Located in Adams, thrill-seekers and paranormal amateurs alike can take a tour of the cave and nearby Bell family cabin. Check out the website for more information.

Here's what Thrillist had to say:

"In the early 19th century, 'Kate' the Bell Witch ghost, tormented the Bell family in Adams, Tennessee, residing in a cave behind their property. Besides pinching, pulling hair, and taunting their visitors with strange sounds, she repeatedly tried to choke patriarch John Bell. You can tour the spooky cave, which has been placed on the National Historic Register, and according to the tour guides, visitors have felt sensations of being pushed, touched, or held down by a heavyweight. The famous haunting even spooked Andrew Jackson when he visited: 'By the Eternal, I saw nothing, but I heard enough to convince me that I'd rather fight the British than to deal with this torment they call the Bell Witch."

Check out Thrillist to see the creepiest places to visit around the country and take notes for your next spooky road trip.

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