This Is The Spookiest Graveyard In Washington

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Spooky season is the perfect time to drop by a haunted place and see if those scary legends are true. Infamous sites for paranormal activity are graveyards and cemeteries -- the final resting place for all kinds of people. People often report chilling instances of weird noises, strange sensations, and even sightings of real spirits.

For those seeking thrills, Cheapism found the creepiest graveyards in every state. According to the website, the Black Diamond Cemetery is the spookiest graveyard in Washington!

This site has quite a creepy reputation across the state, thanks to various reports of visitors spotting swinging lanterns from dead coal miners on foggy nights, per the local newspaper Kent Reporter. A handful of historic mining accidents in the area fuel ghost stories.

"Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the Black Diamond Cemetery is a well-known destination for paranormal investigators," Cheapism added. "Built in the 1880s, it is the resting place for many miners, children who died from influenza or smallpox, and immigrants from Italy, Australia, Germany, and Russia. Visitors have encountered odd lights, smells, and mists."

You can find the three-acre-wide cemetery in Black Diamond, Washington.

Check out Cheapism's full list of creepy graveyards across the country.

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