Georgia Named As State With Some Of The Worst Pothole Problems In The US

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Everyone knows the horrible clunk your car makes when it hits a pothole. It's a sound that strikes fear in all who hears it, as even a small pothole can produce a large amount of damage. In fact, AAA estimates U.S. drivers spend nearly $3 billion a year fixing damage caused by potholes. If you want to avoid this cost, you might want to keep reading.

QuoteWizard recently compiled a list of the states with the worst pothole problems, as well as cities with the worst pothole problems. Here was the methodology behind their ranking:

"QuoteWizard analyzed search data for pothole-related complaints and repairs for each state over the last year. The search index average is rounded and represents the number of queries in a particular state/location compared to other states."

As a whole, Georgia comes in as the 13th worst state for potholes in America with a search index of 17. Michigan grabbed the top spot.

"Michigan has the worst potholes in the nation, but Indiana, Rhode Island and Washington state aren’t far behind. Our team of analysts looked at Google search statistics over the last year. We found that Michigan has more searches for pothole-related complaints than any other state. Wyoming, Nebraska and Delaware have the fewest potholes."

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