Look Up, Texas: It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s Your Amazon Delivery!

Photo: Amazon

Look up, Texas!

Next time you order something on Amazon Prime, it might be delivered to your house via drone. That's only, of course, if you live in one of two cities that just launched the new drone delivery service.

Amazon Air is now live in College Station and Lockeford, California, FOX 40 reports.

"Our aim is to safely introduce our drones to the skies. We are starting in these communities and will gradually expand deliveries to more customers over time," said Amazon Air spokesperson Natalie Banke.

The new technology, which is working with the FAA and local officials in both Texas and California cities, allows customers to receive their packages from a drone that'll drop off their goods in their backyard. The company's goal is to deliver packages under 5 pounds in less than an hour.

Amazon Air is being rolled out — and when it's in your area, you'll be notified by Amazon!

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