Texas Couple Shocked After Rideshare Driver Does The Unthinkable

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A couple from Houston is shocked after a Lyft driver did the unthinkable.

Daniel Velasco's wife, who didn't want to be identified, ordered a ride shortly before 9 a.m. on Friday (January 6) — but when the driver arrived at their house, things went south, KHOU reports. It was all captured on a neighbor's surveillance camera.

Footage shows the driver getting a basketball from his car and playing in the neighbor's driveway. His shorts then fall down, exposing his genitals, and he's heard cursing as he continues to shoot hoops. The man also urinated on the side of the road and wound up urinating on himself, too. He's then seen going back into his car to change into a different pair of shorts.

Velasco's wife witnessed the whole thing and ran back inside to tell her husband. "She barges in and she's like, 'Babe! I'm shared!' She was trembling and crying to to herself and saying, 'Babe, what if I would've jumped into the car with him?' he said. Velasco went outside to tell the driver to leave, but he kept on asking if he'd like to cancel the trip.

After a back-and-forth with Lyft customer support, the wife's account was suspended after the driver said he was threatened by a gun. After Lyft got the full story, her account was reinstated. Velasco's wife still had to pay for the unused ride, however — and their basketball hoop was broken. "Lyft should make this right," he said. "The man shouldn’t be a driver no more. I mean I don’t wish jail or harm on anybody. Just… the man needs help."

Lyft issued the following statement to KHOU:

Safety is fundamental to Lyft, and the behavior described is disturbing. After conducting an investigation, we permanently removed the driver's account from the Lyft platform.

Lyft has the following written in their policy:

As soon as a safety incident is reported to us, it is our policy to immediately reach out to the rider or driver to offer support.
Both riders and drivers can report incidents to our dedicated Safety team available through a 24/7 Critical Response Line so that we can take action -- including investigating, removing users from our platform, and working with law enforcement when appropriate -- to help to keep our community safe.

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