‘Creepy’ Porch Pirates Nab Packages In Broad Daylight In Texas Neighborhood

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Porch pirates aren't anything new. But a porch pirate who takes packages in the middle of the day?! That's ballsy!

A group of porch pirates were caught on camera following delivery trucks and nabbing packages in broad daylight in a Texas neighborhood, FOX 7 reports. A resident even said a package was stolen from his front porch minutes after it was delivered.

"Kind of brazen to be doing it in the middle of the day and especially in this neighborhood," Manchaca resident Michael Peach told the news outlet. He added that he "always kind of thought" Bear Creek Crossings was a safe area and it's a pretty strange occurrence, especially since "there are cameras everywhere."

"It was kind of creepy," Peach said about the surveillance footage he reviewed, which revealed these porch pirates would tail delivery trucks. "I mean, you would think that the delivery guy would notice, but, at the same time, I mean, they're busy trying to get packages out, so maybe they just aren't paying attention," he said.

After speaking with his neighbors, Peach found out that he wasn't the only one who was affected by these porch pirates. "I think it was about four or five people that said they had been hit in this neighborhood. And then over in the neighborhood next door I think 10, 15 minutes after ours, they said that they had 10 or 12 houses over there," he said.

Peach reported the incidents with the Travis County Sheriff's Office and filed a report online. "I just want whoever this is to get caught. I mean, if they're going to come out here in the middle of the day, not cover their face, let's put it on the news," he said.

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