Loose California Cow Takes Tour Of Town, Smashes Tesla Window: PHOTOS

Photo: Getty Images

We know why a chicken crosses the road, but what are the motives of the other farm animals? An adventurous cow decided that it was time to leave the ranch on Wednesday to embark on a journey around Pleasanton. According to Mercury News, the cow was hit by a Tesla as it crossed the road. Neither the driver of the Tesla, nor the cow were injured during the incident, but the Tesla did sustain some damage. Photographs shared by the Pleasanton Police Department detailed the entire front window of the car to be smashed in. Mud present on the cow at the time of the collision was also spread across the front of the Tesla.

After a brief run in with the vehicle, the curious animal visited a local McDonalds. Police were called to the scene, but it was a local rancher riding a horse that was able to corral the cow back to its home. Spokesperson Teri Yan commented on the mission, stating that the police department does not own horses.

“One of the ranchers was on a horse, and that allowed him to get close enough. Our department doesn’t have horses available.” Mercury News mentioned that the cow was loose from 5:50pm to around 7:00pm, giving it a solid hour to tour the town.

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