Woman Continuously Struggles To Remove Squatters From Chicago Home

Photo: Moment RF

Karen Polk has been trying to sell her parent's house in Chatham since last September, but one very large factor is holding her back. When she showed up to the house last year, there were squatters living inside the home. According to WGN9, Polk is still struggling to remove squatters from the home nearly seven months after her initial attempt. Polk told WGN9 that a court date was set up to solve the issue, but none of the squatters showed up.

“This all started in September but we didn’t get a court date until mid-December. And that particular session, none of the occupants showed up. That’s just how the process goes. If they don’t show up, another court date is assigned.”

WGN9 also spoke to a squatter living in the home. The woman mentioned that she was given a fake lease as a scam, but fact behind that statement could not be validated. Burke, Warren, MacKay and Serritella real estate attorney Aaron Stanton said that situations similar to this one happen quite often and usually take a long time to remedy.

“It could take anywhere from six months to 12 months to possibly 18 months, if they know how to work the system and get delays in court. In the meantime, they are in your home.”

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