Wisconsin Intersection Named One Of The 'Deadliest' In America

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When you think of a car accident, especially one that ends in a fatality, you likely think of high-speed crashes along an interstate or perhaps a busy roadway that sees a lot of traffic. However, many deadly car crashes in America actually happen at intersections.

The Fang Law Firm set out to see just how dangerous intersections can be, compiling a list of the deadliest in the country. According to the site:

"In order to understand the full scope of the issue, we worked with 1Point21 Interactive to examine 20 years of fatal crash data from the NHTSA [National Highway Traffic Safety Administration]. ... From 2000 through 2019, there were 159,394 fatal crashes designated as intersection-related. However, not all intersections are created equal and we found that it was extremely rare for multiple fatal crashes to occur at a single crossing. Consider this. There are about 15,812,406 intersections in the continental United States. Less than one percent saw even one fatal crash (147,000). Only 1,828 had three or more fatal crashes — less than .01 percent."

Surprisingly, several of the 15 deadliest intersections in the country are scattered around Florida and New Jersey, with three of Jersey's four spots determined to be among the worst. However, one specific crossing in Wisconsin found a spot among the deadliest in the country.

According to the report, the spot where S.R. 29 meets U in Shawano County is one of the worst in the country, ranking No. 30 overall with a total of six fatal crashes.

Check out Fang Law Firm's full report to read up on the country's deadliest intersections.

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