California Restaurant Serves The Best Burger In The Entire State

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Few foods are more popular in the United States than a classic hamburger. This dish is served at restaurants across the country, each with their own unique spin on the simple American delicacy. Wether you prefer to sit down and enjoy your burger all dressed up with bacon, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, sauce, and a side of fries, or order a plain burger to go, there is one California restaurant that serves the best burger around!

According to a list compiled by Mashed, the best burger in all of California can be found at Monty's Good Burger located in Los Angeles. Mashed recommended that first-time customers try the Double burger.

Here is what Mashed had to say about the restaurant that serves the best burger in California:

"How is a burger restaurant that doesn't offer meat so highly reviewed? Give Monty's Good Burger an honest try and you will no longer be asking that question. Even if you think you hate meatless burgers, a Double from Monty's Good Burger will change your mind. They take a burger patty made by Impossible Foods and house it inside of an artisan bun. Then plant-based cheese is added along with lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, and onions. By your final bite, you may have second thoughts about ever going back to meat burgers again."

For more information regarding the best burgers across the country visit

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