Conor McGregor Accused Of Rape At NBA Finals

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WARNING: This story includes graphic details about an alleged incident.

Former UFC champion Conor McGregor is reportedly accused of raping a woman while attending Game 4 of the NBA Finals at Kaseya Center in Miami earlier this month, according to demand letters obtained by TMZ Sports.

The letters, which were authored by attorney Ariel Mitchell, claim that the incident took place during the same night in which McGregor, 34, participated in a skit in which he participated in an on-court skit with Miami Heat mascot, Burnie, which included throwing punches that apparently resulted in the person playing the character being hospitalized. McGregor is accused of "violently" sexually assaulting a woman inside the men's bathroom at Kaseya Center at some point after the on-court incident took place.

The letter claims the woman was able to get McGregor off of her because she claimed she had to urinate before the MMA fighter allegedly forced her to have oral sex with him, grabbing her and pinning her against the wall in an attempt to sodomize her, TMZ Sports reports. The letters claim the woman was able to break free of McGregor's grasp by elbowing him, but left her purse behind, at which point McGregor's guards "held hostage" until she pleaded with them for him to return.

The woman reportedly left the scene and reported the alleged incident to local police. Mitchell said the woman is seeking settlements with McGregor, as well as the Heat organization and NBA in lieu of litigation, TMZ Sports reports.

Representatives for McGregor have called the allegations "false" and said he "will not be intimidated" in a statement to TMZ Sports.

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