California City Named The 'Most Stressed City' In America

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Do you think that a large majority of citizens in your city are stressed? Stressful factors including (but not limited to) unemployment rates, housing costs, and traffic all directly correlate to how stressed someone feels on any given day. Despite a laundry list of positive attributes to offset the stressful factors, some cities harbor a more stressful environment than others.

According to a list compiled by Zippia, the most stressed city in California is Mead Valley. Mead Valley was also named the most stressed city in America! Zippia mentioned that, "The regular workweek there exceeds the normal 40 hours and the normal commute is 22.5 minutes."

Here is what Zippia had to say about compiling the data to discover the most stressed city in each state:

"To determine which cities were the most stressed we looked into the average number of hours worked each week, how long the average commute was, and determined the income to home price ratio. Using the most recent data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey for 2013-2017 and BLS, we ranked each city in America in the following criteria:

  • Unemployment
  • Hours Worked
  • Commute Times
  • Income-To-Home-Price Ratio
  • Percent of Uninsured Population

The higher a city ranked in any of these areas, the more stressed it was. We then took a closer look at each of the 50 states and ranked the cities in each state from most stressed to least stressed."

For a continued list of the most stressed cities across the country visit

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