Videos Show Massive 'Armageddon' Fireball In Sky Spotted In 5 States

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A video shared online shows the massive fireball spotted in five states that caused many to fear potential "armageddon" earlier this month.

The American Meteor Society, a non-profit group specializing in meteor astronomy, said it received more than 50 reported sightings in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi regarding a bright object described as being "like fireworks" that was present on July 14 at around 4:30 a.m. The group shared a video captured from the front yard of a home in Patterson, Louisiana, which shows the mysterious object suddenly brighten the early morning sky, though acknowledged that the "video may not be related to a fireball event" in its caption.

Doorbell camera footage captured by Jessica Jester Grabert and shared by KSAT 12 showed what appeared to be a massive fireball flying through the Alabama sky while setting ablaze.

"I have never seen anything like it at all. This was no shooting star. This was something much bigger and outstanding. I cannot even describe the spectacle it was," a witness in Alabama told Daily Mail.

A witness in Gulfport, Mississippi, described the object as being "incredible" and "very large."

"It was still the size of a car when it went behind the trees," the witness said via Daily Mail.

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