The Best Steakhouse In California

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You deserve to treat yourself to a great meal! Sometimes, it's nice to get out of the house and enjoy food you might not prepare at home often. Steakhouses of varying star standards are scattered across the state, offering guests diverse steak dishes paired with baked potato, fries, salad, vegetables, and more! Some even prefer to wash their steak and sides down with a glass of red wine or whiskey. These locations will also allow you to choose wether you want your steak served rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, or well done depending on which temperature you prefer it to be cooked at. While there are many restaurants to choose from when craving an extravagant steak dinner, there is one location in each state known for serving up the best steak around.

According to a list compiled by Mashed, the best steakhouse in California is Osso Steakhouse located in San Francisco.

Here's what Mashed had to say about the best steakhouse in the entire state:

"California has hundreds of steakhouses that can tempt your taste buds. But if you're searching for the best of the best, head to San Francisco and visit Osso Steakhouse. While the food isn't exactly cheap, it's worth loosening your purse strings — trust me. This isn't one of the San Francisco restaurants where you find out later that its reputation is more style over substance. At Osso Steakhouse, you get big, beautiful pieces of meat in a setting with a charming ambiance and an attentive staff."

For a continued list of the best places to order a delicious steak meal across the country visit

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