Nebraska Destination Named 'Best Small Town' In The Entire State

Photo: iStockphoto

What makes a small town special?

Is it the charming little mom & pop stores and cafes that surround the quaint cobblestone main street, or the way the old church bell rings a few minutes late on Saturdays as the welcoming townspeople stroll under the willow trees and make their way to park benches with a good book in hand, admiring the local splendor in between pages? These desirable features, adorable quirks, and so much more lay the groundwork for the best town in Nebraska. While there are many lovely towns that populate the country, only a few are recognized as the best around!

According to a list compiled by Far & Wide, the best and coolest small town in all of Nebraska is Nebraska City. 7,202 people call this amazingly-unique town home.

Here's what Far & Wide had to say about the best, coolest small town in the entire state:

"It may look slightly like our nation's White House, but Nebraska City's white mansion is actually part of the Arbor Lodge State Historical Park. The former home of J. Sterling Morton, the founder of Arbor Day, is now a museum on 65 acres of land with an arboretum (of course). It's just one of many reasons to stop in this beguiling Nebraska town. And you thought there wasn't much to see in Nebraska. Tsk."

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