New Poll Reveals Leader Between Trump, Biden After Both Secure Nominations

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President Donald Trump has a slight edge over President Joe Biden in the first USA TODAY poll released after both officially secured their respective parties' nominations on Tuesday (March 12).

Trump reportedly held a 40% to 38% advantage among respondents who were asked whom they would vote for if the presidential election were held today. Additionally, one in four respondents said they could possibly change their minds about their current choice once the election takes place in November, which includes 14% of current Biden voters and 15% of current Trump voters.

The poll included 1,000 registered voters and was conducted by landline and/or cell phone between March 8-11.

Biden did, however, see an increase in Americans reporting green shoots in the economy, which was the most positive assessment since the beginning of his presidency. Last month, an NBC News poll showed Trump had a significant advantage over Biden in terms of which candidate would better handle the economy and immigration.

Trump reportedly has a lead greater than 20 points in relation to handling the economy and a more than 30-point advantage on handling immigration. The former president also has a 16-point lead over Biden in relation to being competent and effective, a change from the 2020 election when Biden had a 9-point edge in a poll conducted prior to winning the election.

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