TSA Agents Find Bag Of Snakes In Passenger's Pants At Miami Airport

Photo: Transportation Safety Administration

Transportation Security Administration agents stopped what could've been a "snakes on a plane" situation at Miami International Airport. On Tuesday (April 30), the agency revealed on X that a passenger tried boarding an aircraft with a bag of snakes hidden in his pants.

Officers detected the strange inventory at a TSA checkpoint and called Customs and Border Patrol and Miami-Dade Police. The snakes were turned over to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Officials also shared photos of the two baby-sized snakes and the military camo print bag they were stuffed in.

TSA didn't say what happened to the passenger or why he had the reptiles in his possession.

This wasn't the first time travelers almost brought snakes onto a flight. Last year, a Florida woman was busted for trying to sneak her pet boa constrictor through a TSA checkpoint.

Then there were incidents where these scaly intruders found their way onto aircraft. Passengers on a flight leaving Tampa screamed after they spotted a snake slithering in the plane cabin. A U.S. Coast Guard member found a corn snake coiled under helicopter blades a few months ago. What made it worse was that he wasn't particularly fond of snakes.

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