Chilling Video Shows Ghosts Running Across Gettysburg Battlefield
By Dave Basner
September 17, 2020
Gettysburg was one of the deadliest battles of the Civil War, with up to 51,000 soldiers and 5,000 horses said to have died in the 1863 fight between the Union and Confederate armies. It's no surprise that many visitors to the historic Pennsylvania site have claimed to have seen a ghost there and Greg Yuelling is the latest.
The 46-year-old went to Gettysburg with some family members to learn more about Civil War. They decided to tour the site from their car at night when he spotted a pair of eerie figures. He told the The Sun, "We were driving along one night and we started hearing noises, I heard things to the left and my uncle heard things to the right, and there was a fog, but the fog was weird, it was only in one patch, not dispersed. Then we saw these shapes moving in the darkness, they were the size of humans, one of them ran right through the cannon. It was scary, it was crazy. My uncle got so scared he rolled up the window."
It was all caught on the car's dash cam:
Greg went on to say:
"We went back and watched the videos over and over again, and then we blew them up on the big screen to get a closer look. That made us even more freaked out. It was really exciting, but I also got this strange, ominous feeling, like something was telling me to go back there. I couldn't go to sleep but I was creeped out, so I didn't go. I've heard people say you can catch videos of ghosts around there, but we were so skeptical until that night. I always questioned the validity of those ghost videos you see on TV, I was always pretty disbelieving. I believe everything now."Â Â
While Greg might be a believer, most of the people who watched the video on YouTube aren't. Many claim it is just some water on his windshield with one writing, "It's nothing more than a reflection from the headlights of his car reflecting back off the canons onto the water streak on his window. Look closely and you can see the streak of water a second or two before the 'ghosts' seemingly appear and they loop over the wheels of the canons in sync with the water streak. It's nothing more than that."
However, Greg isn't the only person to have filmed something at the haunted location. A few years ago, another apparition was captured on camera by cannons that look a lot like the ones where Greg's video was shot.
Of course, that video could be, and most likely is, fake. However, there is always the chance that these things can't be rationally explained and that ghosts walk, and sometimes run, among us.
Photo: Getty Images