Two Missouri Cities Named Among The 'Dirtiest' In America
By Logan DeLoye
February 1, 2023
Photo: Getty Images
It's time to talk about trash. Some cities are known for their sparkling cleanliness while others have piles of trash all over the place. There are two cities in Missouri that rank high on a list of the dirtiest places in America. To give these cities the benefit of the doubt, it is not as easy to control pollution in urban areas as it is in rural areas.
According to a list compiled by Lawn Starter, the dirtiest cities in all of Missouri are Kansas City in 44th and Springfield in 46th.
Here is what Lawn Starter had to say about digging up the data to discover the dirtiest cities in the country:
"City living has its advantages, but more residents usually means more pollution, more rats, and more trash. The problem is worse in some cities than in others. LawnStarter ranked 2023’s Dirtiest Cities in America following one of the trashiest times of the year, the winter holiday season. We compared over 150 of the biggest U.S. cities across four categories, including pollution, living conditions, infrastructure, and consumer satisfaction. Depending on where you live, you may want to buy some air fresheners, mouse traps, or a can of Raid."
For a continued list of the dirtiest cities across the country visit