Minnesota County Named 'Unhealthiest' Place To Live In The Entire State

By Logan DeLoye

February 12, 2024

Burger with potato french fries
Photo: iStockphoto

Would you consider yourself, and the general population of people living in your county to be particularly unhealthy?

Various factors including diet and lifestyle, exercise, quality of local healthcare, air and water pollution, and drug usage, all play a part in ranking the most unhealthy county in each state. Be it one specific lacking factor or a mixture of all of the above, something about this county gives it the reputation of being the most unhealthy place to live in Minnesota.

According to a list compiled by Becker's Hospital Review, the most unhealthy county in Minnesota is Mahnomen County.

Here's what Becker's Hospital Review had to say about compiling the data to discover the most unhealthy county to live in each state:

"The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute in Madison released their 2023 County Health Rankings, which examine health outcomes and more than 90 health factors at the county level. For the rankings, the organizations use county-level data collected between 2014 and 2022 to evaluate the health outcomes and factors of nearly all U.S. counties within states. The overall health outcomes rank is weighted 50 percent by length of life and 50 percent by quality of life, each of which contains individual measures, such as premature death, low birthweight, life expectancy, and frequency of physical and mental distress."

For a continued list of the most unhealthy counties across the country visit beckershospitalreview.com.

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