All Episodes

February 1, 2024 24 mins

SMNTY talks about how they are doing.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, this is Annie and Samantha and welcome to Stephan.
I never told you proprection.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
I heard you, and we are here with another happy
hour just as a precaution. As you typically know, we're
not being sponsored by anything. If we were to mention

a specific company or a product, we're not necessarily being
sponsored by them. Who knows things can change in the future.
But you know, just to heads up a b we
are in a happy hour segment. So yes, oftentimes we
do partake in adult beverages, and if you happen to
be partaking with us, then we would say do it responsibly,

take care of yourself and make sure you follow what.

Speaker 1 (00:53):
You need to follow.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
So do what you need to meaning be careful with
a very serious face. Right right, that's the nanny and me. Annie,
are you partaking of things?

Speaker 1 (01:07):
I am? You kind of made like a mold wine situation.
I'm so cold, you can hear it.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
I cannot cold here.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
It's not but I see a lot of water before this, though.
I think the water chilled me.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
I was cold today too. I haven't used my heat
like it in a minute, and all of a sudden,
I'm like I need it.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
Yeah, I've got like, my get up is very funny.
It's very comical. I kind of wish you could see
it listeners, but I am. I've got a whole thing going.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Like I'm looking at you and I see is do
you have a down jacket I do instead of your
typical hoodie.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
Yeah. And then I've got like very warm, fuzzy pants.
And then there's like fancy warm shoes. I call them
fancy just because I know I only wear them for
special case since they're actually probably really cheap, but they
feel fancy to me.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
Hey, that's fancy, and you'd be fancy if you want
to be, that's right. I am being very, very very unproductive.
So because I'm unproductive, I'm like, I shouldn't be drinking
anything that makes me sleepy, which is all alcohols nowadays.
So I am sticking with my diet drink and don't

come at me about diet drinks. Look, I like it.
Leave me alone anyway. But yes, it's caffeinated, so that's
what I need in my life. Today I had actually
two cups of a cup and a half of coffee,
which is not typical for me. I only drink one
cup today. I need it. I'm telling you you already

know I'm not a bad procrastinator in general, but overall,
like some days I just can't and that today is
just one of those. I just can't, Like I can't
focus on anything. Thing is making sense. Everything is like
going over my head. Sentences are not forming. So I

think you can already tell by this episode where we're going,
and it's all out of whack. But essentially, what I
thought we would do today instead of doing aden wine
because I don't necessarily have a wine and we don't
always have to, I thought we'd do a check in
because I think we needed to do more of those.
I know we do those every now and again, about

every six months, we think about checking in. I think
we need to do more any because January was weird,
and today's February first, twenty twenty four, everybody, just in
case you were wondering, and it's the first of February,
and it is a leap year, so we do get
one extra day. However, for some odd reason, January just

felt so long, so long. So with that, Annie, how
are you?

Speaker 1 (04:00):
She took some I feel like this is like what
happened with Elmo on Twitter. Oh yeah, was because that
did not go well.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
That also went well, Like the two things were like.

Speaker 1 (04:13):
Okay, seems like it was cathartic for some for some, yes, yeah,
I think that. Uh. January for me it felt very
long but also very short. And I have been trying
to get some things done that I've put off for

so long and they keep getting pushed, which is mostly
my fault. But the month just kind of kicked my
to be honest, to be honest, and I had my
mom called me a couple of days ago and she

called me at like eleven PM and then she am,
and if you're like any or anybody, okay, that means
things died. This is the end.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
Something bad has happened.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
I talked to her last night. It turns out she
thought I had died because she couldn't get a hold
of me. And now I feel terrible. Oh no, yeah,
she was like, give me Samantha's number.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
I mean, I was just thinking, like, who could she
contact to make sure you're okay? It should be me,
I know.

Speaker 1 (05:28):
But I felt so bad because I didn't realize how
much time had passed since I last talked to her.
It was Christmas.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
Yeah oh.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
Yeah, yeah, but I know, like Yeah, so that's kind
of where I've just feel like I've been so busy.
I feel like all of the work stuff and the
stuff I kind of complained about talked about my last
happy hour of like hobbies that I love doing, but

just a lot of time, it feels like I'm trying
to control a lot of stuff, but the last stuff
is out of my control.

Speaker 2 (06:10):
And uh oh, that is a problem when you know
that you can handle it yourself if you're doing it,
but if it's not something that you can control.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
Yeah, And I had to, like I had to hang
out recently with some friends where I was just like
I realized, Okay, you're really anxious. You are really anxious,
Like I could just feel it. So that's where I.

Speaker 2 (06:34):
No, that's fair. I feel the same way. I actually
had a birthday dinner over the weekend with some friends,
people that I've known for a long while, a few
people that i'd just met maybe, but like for the

most part, I know them pretty well, but we're not
close close. And I think I've told you this before,
and I've told other people, like I've come to the
point that I have become so awkward that I apologize
beforehand because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna say something awkward
or I'm gonna do something awkward or be really abrupt,

because I'm like, I'm done and I'll walk away. Which
also I accidentally have been hanging up on so many people.
I don't do the phone much, but when I say bye,
I'm like, by and just hang up. But then, like,
I realize every time I've done that thus far, and
I think it's mainly been with my family, They're saying
something extra but I've already hung up, and I'm like,

and I feel bad about that, but I'm like, but
we said bye, But this is that level of awkward
that I am like, I don't walk on the phone
for this very reason because I hate doing this, and
I'm like, hey, what also put to the fact that
I think my phone speaker is a little out of whack,
so I have to put it on speakerphone. I can't
do it just from like being a private conversation because

my mic is off, I guess somewhere and I'm not
paying for any phone anytime soon. But I was just like, huh,
I've gotten worse about this situation. But with the friends,
you know, like trying to get together with people. And
if you don't already know me, which is almost expected now,
if you've hung out with me in the last year

at all, then you know me well enough to know
that she's going to say something not necessarily offensive but
a little awkward or just abrupt. Is gonna be like
I just completely changed subjects out of nowhere, or think
something that I could pull it from my mind, thinking
that you've been we've been having this conversation when we
haven't type of level, because apparently all I do is

talk to myself. So in the story, so like I
realized I do this a lot. And so when I
was sitting with this group of friends already, it's awkward
because it's at a restaurant, a public restaurant. You're at
a table that's long, so you see everyone, but you're
not by the people who you know the best or

the like who you typically would talk with or can
talk with easily. So you're already arranged at a different location.
I already have it in my head that the people
next to me don't necessarily want to talk to me,
and we are not close in general, so all of
those things in play. I'm just sitting there like awkwardly

staring at the menu, doing my one liners, which are
typically kind of funny or awkward, which is my theme
in life, and we just move on and sit in silence.

Speaker 1 (09:35):
Like that.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
But yeah, that's essentially how that evening went. I think now,
maybe it's just because I was in a better place,
or I'm less anxious or less emotional sometimes, you know,
I feel like a is in turmoil. I just accepted.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
It, embraced it, and then I came home with it.

Speaker 2 (09:53):
I did it interaction. There's so much of that, and
I think, like my whole my I've always been pretty intense,
Like people get really intimidated by me, to the point
that I've had people be like, Okay, you need to
stop getting into these deep conversations with people, because people

get nervous when they come back around because they're afraid
that you're going to ask something and then they're going
to open up the floodgates and be like, why the
hell did I just tell you that, which happened a
lot like I would have these conversations with people and
in the conversations are like, I'm not sure why I'm
talking to you about this, and I'm like, well, because
I asked, and if you ask me, if you tell
me something, that's like when I say how are you?

And then people will be like, oh, I'm good. I'm like,
oh yeah, well what you've been up to? And then
it leads into this, to this to this. Then it
always goes down the track of whatever you might have
been dealing with. One time, I was like, if you
especially if you say eh, and I'm like, oh no,
what's the matter, what's happening? Like, I will ask and
I truly want to know. And it gets a little

intense for some people. And I get that, and I
get that, and I try to hold back as much
as possible. What's funny, though, is that my first question
with people who know me really well, and I say,
how are you? They all know I'm not asking for
a eh, fine, how are you? Like, I'm truly asking

what it is? And I think I told y'all that
I'm am a signal with a couple of my friends
who I don't talk too often, and we've talked more
and more because we have this chain, and I just
did a check in. I was like, hey, checking in
to see how y'all are doing. And the response to
for my friends was like, you always ask how we're doing,
but never say anything about how or what you're doing. Suspicious,

Why do you want this information? How are you planning
to use it? And I know that sounds really mean,
but it's very much like ragging me because I don't
necessarily immediately respond, and typically because when I start asking
you a question, I will continue to ask questions because
I am honestly interested. I want to know, I want
to see how things are going. And then by that

end of that conversation, either that other person hasn't thought
to ask because they're so caught up in whatever they're
telling me, or caught up in thinking about whatever when
they were telling me, or time is ended and I
have to move on, like I've either left because I'm
like I'm don't stay for a long time anywhere. I'm
like MA, or you got sidetacked by another conversation or

something like that, or the reason the conversation ended because
you had to do something. And it's very true and
a lot of people, and my response too, is because
nothing big is happening. I really don't feel like I
have anything to tell. I feel like my life is
so boring, and I could tell you some silly stories

of things I'm dealing with, but in comparison to everything else,
it's not that big of a deal. So I don't
think I have anything to contribute. So there's all these
things that happened when I'm with a bunch of people
that I'm like, I have to figure out a balance.

Not doing well with that, And every time I interact
with people, I realized how unbalanced these activities or my
conversations really are, and I'm trying to figure out, like,
is there is there a way to really stop that.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
I don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
I have.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
I had a similar thing because I was like the
voice in my head was saying, don't say anything. Don't
say anything, You're just gonna make embarrass yourself. Just listen,
that's the best thing to do. But I was so
in my head about it. Yes, like it was weird,
and I was just like clearly fidgeting and anxious. I

don't know, he's only good friends of mine. I was
just something about it. I think because of COVID, we
are still a lot of us are still kind of
like trying to get used to okay with people again.
And I think that balance of because I Also on
the flip side, if I'm having a different type of anxiety,

I can't handle silences very well, so I'll just be like,
you know, this horrible hanging out and maybe nobody wants
to hear by that horrible thing that happened. An opposite direction,
I do both. Sometimes I'm like I will say nothing
about myself and other times I'm like, I'll tell you
literally everything you want to know.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
Let me trauma dump as they say, you know. And
just again, and we talked about we're talking about COVID.
Actually found out someone that I just recently saw family
member is has COVID. Hey, y'all, COVID is still happening.
Just a reminder, please still wear masks if you can,
because people are still dying down or here, check in,

check in. But the fact that it's still absolutely happening,
and we're not talking about as much. We know it's
an endemic and we know it's going to be here
for the remainder. But and I'm not saying that that
you know, whatever, whatnot, but we can't ignore the fact
that it still exists. It's still causing a lot of harm.
Just a reminder with that, Yeah, I am coming back

to the fact that interacting with people can also carry germs,
so many germs. Yeah, that's true, and we need to
be really, really cautious again. Yeah, as you alluded, is

an election year. We have so much to do. We
do want to come back because I know when I started, actually,
I guess it's about right, because it's about five years
and we had a lot of conversations about voting and
women voting and the marginalized community voting and what that
looks like and what we need to be paying attention
to and misinformation. We want to come back to that
again as well, because we think it's really important as

a part of the check in and what we talk about.
What we talk about with the intersectional feminism was happening
around the world again, that the US is committing war
crimes and it makes us sick, and we do need
to face that and have that conversation often the fact
that we in the US are watching have noted that
at least sixty five thousand people who have been raped

and been made to carry pregnancy to the full term
against their will with no help, That people who are
pregnant have been penalized when they've had miscarriages that we've
had seen so many cases that are happening right now,
people who are pregnant, who are in danger with their
pregnancy not being able to get the treatment they need
that is life saving. That is still happening, and we

have to have that deeper conversation as well. With that,
we also encourage you, our listener, to make sure you
are taking care of yourself, drinking the water that you need,
but not too much because apparently if you take too much,
it poisons you as well. So ay, be careful. People

who would drink gallons upon gallons of water, and I'm like,
just because of their own anxiety, that's what they do
is taking that And I get it because when it's something,
when liquid is near me, that's what I want to
do is just drink it all. But I was like, so,
y'all be careful, like it's good for you, but just
be careful as well as yes, take care of yourself,

give yourself time to read if you want, uh, maybe
don't do much TikTok because man, that that stuff could
mess you up. To social media can really mess you up,
So be careful with that. I mean, someone tell the
U NICKI minaj stop it.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Have you heard this beef at all? It's not cute.
There's a whole beat going on between some women rappers
and this doesn't have to be Let's just be friends.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
I'm just kidding, a hot mess. I like elbows, guys.

Speaker 2 (18:39):
Y'all, I'm just kidding. I'm sad to Elmo. Help us out. Wow,
get your favorite snack. Indulge every now and again. If
you love dancing, go dance a little bit. Do your thing,
uh Annie, I hope you can remember what it is

to love your activity without feeling like it's a chore.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
Thank you, we'll make that happen. I did play the
Last of Us Toy Master? Did that go?

Speaker 2 (19:13):
You love it? X?

Speaker 1 (19:15):
Did you cry?

Speaker 2 (19:17):

Speaker 1 (19:17):
I didn't play this story?

Speaker 2 (19:19):
Well you didn't.

Speaker 1 (19:20):
But it has two new features and one is the
Lost level. Well, it has a couple of new features,
but the two main ones are like, one is the
Lost Levels, where you get to play levels they deleted
from the final game. That was cool. Yeah, And then
they have one that's essentially just like random encounters, so
it'll be like Elly and Dina have to fight through
this thing and then you it's sort of teared and

you get like different costumes and items and it's like
it's gonna take me forever. I can see why people
are spending hours.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
An hour's amazing because now you didn't stuffer so many
new things.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
I know that's how they get to though.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
Yes, but at least it it was just like a
little bit and just they changed the digital scaling, don't
you go.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
They did add the halftics, which is what so you
can like feel the fog and the rain what.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Okay, I have to come back to check in on that.
Check in on that. Also. We will also check in
on the possible bill that that lawmakers have introduced about
the non consensual AI porn because of the stuff that
came out with Taylor Swift, which I find interesting and
as maybe you've stated, would have been nice for this

to have happened a long time ago when it hurt
regular people, regular victims. But it took to being Taylor Swift.
Would you know, we love Taylor Swift here for the
most part. You know, she's got some great songs. We
are we use supporters. You go watch that football game, girl,
But that it took to this point, but at least

something maybe maybe hopefully it won't be one of those
things like the Kosa thing or any of that which
is obvious lee affront for government control. Wow, I sound
like a theorist saying that.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
But it's not wrong. FYI.

Speaker 2 (21:09):
I was a guest on Margaret Kiljoy, our friend, the
friend of the show who we need to have back on.
She's like, yes, let's let's give me back on who again.
She did the tabletop gaming and I want to hear
about that. I kind of wanted her to let us
know what this is about. But yeah, I was on
her show for two episodes about some pets women both
in Germany and in California who fought against the system

for their anti abortion laws and did some amazing networking
things y'all really cool that I didn't know about. You
should go check out those episodes if you get a chance.
Very fun.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
Yes, yes, are they out yet? Do you know? Yes?

Speaker 2 (21:45):
They are out now. They just came out this week.
Again that first of February. I guess your favorite one. Remember,
I cannot say Jesus realized area in front of the
way I'm saying this.

Speaker 1 (21:56):
I several times. Really, you don't like February.

Speaker 2 (22:01):
Because it doesn't make Why is that? Are there Faber?

Speaker 1 (22:05):
Anyway, that's the mystery. That's the mystery. Yeah. We also
have Allistrium mail coming up. We have one on an
update on online dating if anybody wants to send anything
in about that. But it also has similar issues with
the AI thing. And also I didn't get to talk
about it today, but I have a very long and
funny slash sad, slash annoying saga of my toilet try

and get fixed. Well, yes, but Samantha tells me this
is a trope and k dramas, But I've had some
issues with this toilet getting fixed, and I think we'll
just have to have an update about that.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
Specifically, dramas love their toilet humor.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
I don't know what.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
Toilet like. They love the toilet humor.

Speaker 1 (22:54):
I have to say it's quite comical, as annoyed as
I am by it, but it's happening now. How we
speak on trying to get it fixed listeners. In the meantime,
we hope that you are well. If you would like
to let us know, check in, we can be your Almo.

You can let us know. Yeah, if you don't know
what that's about, you can look it up. Let us
know what's going on, what you want to hear more
of anything like that. You can emails a Stephanie and
mom Stuff at iHeartMedia dot com. You find us on
Twitter at mom Stuff podcast, or in Instagram and TikTok

Stuff I've Never told you. We have a tea public
store and we have a book you can get wherever
you get your books. Thanks as always to our super
producer Christina, our executive producer Maya, and our contributor Joey.

Speaker 2 (23:45):
Thank you, how are you? Yes?

Speaker 1 (23:48):
How are you? We're trying to hang out r L
as well. We'll see And thanks to you for listening
Stuff I Never Told your production of my Heart Radio.
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