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April 29, 2024 26 mins

Would you rather be stuck in the woods with a man or a bear? This hypothetical question went viral and exposed so much more.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, this is any and Samantha. I'm welcome to Steph.
I've never told you a prediction of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
And we are back with aday a Monday, A Nonday.
I put another and Monday together, So I just created
a new word. Maybe that's our new series word.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
Wow, Samantha. Oh, I have learned new Star Wars knowledge.
The Star Wars days of the week. One of them
is Banundai Banundae. So you're close to I'm close.

Speaker 2 (00:42):
So I'm calling this a Nonday, which is my Monday
mini because it's another Monday Mini.

Speaker 4 (00:48):
A Monday MANI I like that, and we're coming.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
Back to me making all of my Monday Mine's like
Samantha's social media corner, which I did. I feel like
that's my new thing now in which I just find
random posts and I'm like, yeah, we're gonna talk about
this because I find them fascinating. And also I have
a lot of questions and thoughts that I don't put
on social media myself because I am not articulate enough

to type it out on my phone.

Speaker 4 (01:21):
I can't stand it.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
I start to say, anyway, that's a whole different episode.
But I do need to put trigger warning content warning,
we are talking about sexual abuse, sexual harassment, we're talking
about all the violence against women type of things here.
We're not going into detail. I'm talking a little bit
of specifics and even like violence with animals. So put

that at the top. I know, intriguing, right.

Speaker 4 (01:47):
Because honestly, my TikTok has.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Been flooded with several things because the world is bad.
I think we had this conversation just with Bridget about
how all of social media does make me really really
really really really sad sometimes. Also, I did find a
new dog content where all they do I'm not really
sure the jeniter of the dog, but it's get types
of containers, brings it to its owner and then tries
to lay in it no matter how big or small,

and then falls out of it on purpose. It is
really proud of themselves. I really love that content anyway,
So that's the beginning. Enjoy is content that I have found.
But unfortunately the other side of that is there's a
viral video going around. I think it's I want to
say it's a YouTube video, I don't actually think it
originated with TikTok, and I was trying to find the

original video.

Speaker 4 (02:34):
But of course my short search. I'm sure it would
be easy to find. I didn't.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
It's essentially that whole situation where a person with a
mic goes randomly on the streets asking random questions to people.
So what billy on the streets has been doing? But
now it's everywhere and everyone does it, And sometimes you
have some really iconic answers, and sometimes you have really
problematic answers, and you start like, yeah, this is this

is society. But this one was asking people, specifically women,
would they rather be alone in the forest with a
bear or a man? And I have a feeling if
you're on social media at all, you know exactly what
I'm talking about, because it's huge. But if you're any
and you're not on social media, you have no clue
what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
Nope, this was the topic of discussion.

Speaker 4 (03:25):
When I said this to her, I just assumed she
was like, yeah, of course.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
She's like what what? Because I said bear man things,
she was like what. So I don't even know what
was going through your mind. I will say, in my searches,
when I was looking for like the original video, the
actual search results showed me that Chinese sun bears and
people talking about whether or not they thought it was
a man in a suit or actual yeah you know

what I'm talking about, which I have seen that that's
been a minute, but I was like, oh, that's funny.

Speaker 4 (03:54):
Those are the two results like.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
It, but specifically about women being alone in the forest
with whether it was a bear or a man. Of course,
there's a lot of discussion and a lot of talks,
and unsurprisingly, I think most women said bears and men
are unhappy. Of course, this is one of those situations,

not all men. Because there's also one new thing with
this of women asking their partners if their sys I guess,
or if they're in a heterosexual relationship. So we have
women with men asking them would you rather your daughter
be in the woods with a bear or a man?
And a chunk of them either have a lot of

questions or typically just like bear like straightforward, and then
when they are asked why, they'll be like, because I
don't want my daughter to go through some of the
things that they could go through with men, essentially, and
so so back and forth about all this.

Speaker 4 (04:56):
But you have a chunk of men sitting there going.

Speaker 2 (04:59):
That's so ridiculous, literally trying to say all these scientific
and I'm putting this in quotes facts about what bears
can do to people and this is dumb and how
would women even survive that this is someone one of
the commenters said brain rods and one of them said
internet rot and they just need to get off the
internet because they don't understand. And then at one point

they were like, yeah, and if they were put in
a room where it'd be with just a bear or
with a man, like having these scenarios just go completely
out of whack and getting upset that women are saying bears.
And even in the interview you have the women saying, well,
let me ask these questions and then just any depth

say yeah, bear bear, And of course we have this conversation.
Some of the reasons that we have said we being
women or marginalized people are saying, is bears attack out
of hunger or fear or protection. And this is from
what I gather, Like, so you know kind of what
to expect. So yes, you may die, you may die,

But the other thing is, but you also know that
you're just gonna die, Like that's not that's it, You're not.
I mean, you may be broken, you may go through
some things, for sure, but like as where men are torturing,
sexually violating and maybe taking pictures and posting, like, you know,

the level of public humiliation, as well as a fact
that for bears, like you're probably gonna get more sympathy
from a bear attack than being attacked by a man.
Or you're also more likely going to be believed if
you're attacked by a bear rather than a man or
you don't have to be publicly humiliated to tell your

story and petrified of retaliation of some sorts. And I
find that fascinating in that conversation because men are like,
but no, this is what happens to you. They don't
just they do bad things to your body too. One
dude just went as far as to say, like, oh,
you think men will violate your body, Bears do too.
Bears hump trees, they'll hump you. And I'm like, can

you name a case, Like, I'm sure maybe weird, weird
things have happened, so I'm not completely disregarding, but like
the amount of times that have happened, can you tell me?

Speaker 4 (07:20):
Of course that's not a thing.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
And then yeah, one of the reasons that women said
they were more scared of men is because if they
are rejected, if they felt like people were insulting them
or threatening them, or because they just don't like women
or anyone different from them. The example of the man
randomly punching women on the streets of New York for
no damn reason, literally seeing them on their phone just
side to punch them, or and or just because they
can literally just saying I just wanted to see if

I could again. I'm trying to really really think about
why the men are so angry in this situation. It's
one of those things in the level of like you're
getting defensive over something that either is really true true
and you're angry about it because you know that you're
that person that they're talking about, or this is that

whole alpha level of connection of like, well, you know,
bears and only men can be really fighting. Like I
don't know if that revenant has any kind of like
thought process, you know, Like in my mind, I'm trying
to really rationalize why they are so angry and why
they feel the need to like no, you're wrong, No
you're wrong to a hypothetical question that really is just

about society, right, Like I'm thinking, is this somehow challenging
men that men say. If men say I'm afraid of
a bear and a woman says I would rather be
around a bear, and somehow challenges their masculinity somehow. Yeah,
like I'm trying to go down that route. I think
I'm gonna have to sit quietly for that, and I
don't have the patience. Maybe I really do have brain rot.

Speaker 4 (08:54):
To go down that road.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
Of course, this came back to me thinking about the
statistics that we all know and we haven't checked up
on recently because I feel like things are getting worse.

Speaker 4 (09:15):
But of course we know that the statistics are going higher.

Speaker 2 (09:20):
Apparently to the ed app dot com they talked about
in twenty twenty three, there's a sexual assault occurs every
ninety three seconds in the United States. I think that's
about the same number as it has been. We know
that in twenty twenty three, eighty one percent of women
have a face sexual harassment in their life. Forty three
percent of men have a face sexual harassment in their life.

We also know that a majority of them don't report,
especially in workplaces, and the few that have reported now
maybe fifteen percent have something some kind of consequence. Weinstein
his case just got overturned.

Speaker 1 (09:59):
In New York.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
I will say Annie, I verbally like I outright cursed
at my phone and like threw it because I am
so damn angry. Of course, apparently this is going to
a new retrial, and the California cases are still in place,
and so he's still locked up for like the twelve years,

sixteen years, so he's still in jail. He's still locked up.
So that's the good news in this. But the level
of anger I have about that, I feel like that
is the new all men. You know how women will respond, Yeah,
not all men, but all men is now the and
the bears. I would rather be with bears. That's the

new response to this. And that's kind of that same level.
There has an alarmingly high uptick of family annihilation cases recently,
and I'm actually going to come back. We're actually going
to come back and do an episode about this because
I've very deeply disturbed by what is happening with this.
And maybe it's because social media is highlighting a lot more,

but I did look it up and in the last
two years it has says there there is an uptick
of men killing off their entire family for quote unquote
either domestic violence, reasons, rejection reasons, whatever, like so many reasons,
and I want to come and visit that there might.

Speaker 4 (11:23):
Be in no answers.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
It may be the same conversation we had when we
talked about true crime because we didn't build a few statistics
in there. But also we also know that there's been
an uptick of women killing their children as well in themselves.
So it's it's I'm very interested in what's going on.
I do want to just have this conversation, but things

like this is what it's like, the bear versus man.
There's statistics of transgender and queer assaults have always been
pretty high.

Speaker 4 (11:56):
We know this.

Speaker 2 (11:58):
We know that at least forty seven percent of transgender
people have faced some kind of sexual assault. Forty six
percent of bisexual women have dealt with a sexual assault.
We know that people who are disabled have been at
risk seven times more than any other group of people

for sexual assault and harassment. And then we talked about
the fact that the lifetime cost of each survivor of
rape is around over about one hundred and twenty two
thousand dollars one hundred and twenty two to one hundred
and twenty three thousand dollars in their lifetime, and the
fact that there's no compensation for that, or rarely any

compensation for that.

Speaker 4 (12:45):
Hurts hurts a lot.

Speaker 2 (12:47):
And when I was looking up all this conversation, I
did try to see if there was anything in the
news or anybody was talking about it outside of TikTok
or any viral conversations. And we have one columnists from
iNews dot co dot uk.

Speaker 4 (13:05):
Her name is Kate.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
Lister, and she had some thoughts about it, and I
wanted to read a little bit from her article. She
talks about the statistics of why maybe women are saying bears,
and so she says, let's start with the bears. Bear
attacks are highly sensationalized but rare. According to research published
in the Nature Journal, there are around forty brown bear
attacks on humans worldwide each year, and most of these

are when the bear feels threatened. Of these forty attacks,
fourteen point three percent were fatal. So I'm like, that's
just significantly low, anybody, Okay. Between eighteen seventy and twenty fourteen,
there were seventy three attacks worldwide on humans by wild
polar bears, twenty of which were fatal. And that's the

one bear that I hear people talking about being like, oh,
they're the most dangerous the polar bears.

Speaker 4 (13:56):
So there's that.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
Black bears attack and kill around one human per year
in America, and because of humans in crouching on their territories,
black bear attacks are on the rise in Japan.

Speaker 4 (14:09):
In crouching on the territories.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
Bears generally leave humans alone and will alter their behavior
to avoid us where possible. In fact, we pose far
greater danger to them than other way around. According to
Western Wildlife Outreach, fifty thousand black bears are legally hunted
in North America each year alone, while over eight hundred

polar bears are killed by humans every year. I don't
know if anyone is asking the bears who they would
rather be stuck in the force with, but I'm pretty
sure they wouldn't choose the man either. So I was like, yeah, absolutely,
as in fact, I saw an acquaintance of mine go
go legally hunt black bears in North Carolina and.

Speaker 4 (14:53):
It goes on.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Now for the men, male violence against women is incredibly
common and not sense sectional line nearly enough. On average,
two women per week are murdered by their partner or
ex partner. In the UK, according to the UN, fifty
five percent of all female homicide worldwide are committed by

intimate partners or other family members, at a rate of
five deaths every single hour. Their research also found that
most violence against women is perpetrated by current or former
husbands or intimate partners. More than six hundred and forty million,
or twenty six percent of women aged fifteen and older,

have been subjected to intimate partner violence. I feel like
that should be enough set this whole level. And I
will say this, the few encounters because I live in
the mountains of North Georgia that I've had of bears,
they are just as scared of me as I was

of them, and me yelling at them was enough for
them to run away. As where if we were yelling
at men. Hmm, guarantee that same situation would not happen.

Speaker 3 (16:10):
Yeah, it's true, because I feel like it's completely accurate
that the bear attack is so sensationalized. And I do
think you're onto something with the because I feel like,
for kind of the hunter type men, the bear is

like your top predator and so for people to say, okay,
I'd rather be with the bear. It makes complete sense
to me that men would be like, well, actually bears
are really really dangerous, well like totally missing the point.

Whereas a lot of I would say, largely women answering this,
who said the bear I actually reasoned out as you said,
Like they asked questions like okay, no, the bear, so
they kind of like really thinking it through and knowing
these dangers, whereas it seems the men just went right
to ignore why they would say that you're wrong because

I know about bears, right, I mean, it.

Speaker 2 (17:15):
Really feels like an office episode, yes about the black bear,
right to the point that you just sit there and
go literally one one, one person a year, like I
think at one point, someone else's statistics of like fifteen
people at most of in a year, and then the

amount of women that have died at the hands of
their partner is literally spaced out in a single day
like that. Yeah, it's like the amount of statistics and
the fact that men are so threatened by this question
yeah to the again like I don't know why this
is a go to for so many insecure men, is yeah,

and then ask them for help for what.

Speaker 4 (18:05):
Help from other men?

Speaker 3 (18:09):
It's a very It's like a very dismissive thing too,
because it's like essentially trying to dismiss why women would
say that, as in, you can't handle you don't know fear,
you don't know bears, right, But I wonder how much
of it is like they feel threatened to by Well,

if you're living with the fear of the bear every day,
then you must.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
Be stronger than I thought.

Speaker 5 (18:38):
Ladies, here's a statistic, and I I just needed to know.

Speaker 4 (18:51):
I needed to know.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
More men have been killed by ibears and women and
I just because like, so here's one, and I don't
know how outdated.

Speaker 4 (19:00):
Oh, this is twenty sixteen.

Speaker 2 (19:01):
So this is a Vox article in twenty sixteen about
attacks involving grizzly bears and occurring during summer. And it's
among fatal bear attack victims. They average age was thirty seven.
Of these victims, twenty one were female and fifty were male.
And it happened in deep backcountries with hobbies dominated by men.

So I don't because it's there in their space. So
that's a whole different conversation. But I did wonder, like,
in like campy situations, whether like who are the ones
going to antagonize the bear versus who are not. I
did see a video also of this group of people
and there were several young women getting a cub out

of the tree that they just wanted to cuddle, and
they're like, that is illegal.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
That's dangerous, that is dangerous.

Speaker 2 (19:51):
I think people were in so upset and I'm like, yeah, right, Li,
so lee the bears alone, dude, let them be. Yeah,
when they come into our Twitter territory and go go off.
They have had some cocaine apparently that could be a thing.
Can be.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
That's also pretty rare, but can be.

Speaker 4 (20:12):
I had to throw that in for a reference.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
Sound that disheartening, Uh, that this is that deep of
a conversation, and that the fallout as men being upset
and I think there are some human.

Speaker 4 (20:26):
Some girls and you're like, oh, that's not true. I wouldn't.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
I wouldn't pick a bear because then they like result too,
Like I would definitely pick.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
Ryan Gosling over a bear. Who wouldn't Just kidding.

Speaker 3 (20:39):
Well, again, that's when you ask the questions. But when
it's like just some random man.

Speaker 2 (20:45):
It's a strange person I have never met, and it's
just a dude that's just chilling and they're staring at me,
and I see it like, if I see a bear
and a man in the same distance, I'm not going
towards either one of them.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
To back out.

Speaker 2 (20:58):
Yeah, I'm saying from both of you, but if you're
telling me where in the woods and like, yeah, I
would rather like be able to play dead with a
bear hopefully, versus trying to run from a man m
hm and hide.

Speaker 4 (21:12):
I've seen those horror movies.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
Me too, you know I have. Yeah. Once I I
was hiking.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
Alone and I was in a very remote place and
it was in North Georgia, and I saw a bear
and I was nervous, but I just it's like, okay,
just same, keep going. Then I saw a man and
he was just standing there in a very awkward pose

and he was stuck still and you just like watched
me go by, and I was more scared of him,
for sure. It rattled me. Like the bear. I was like, okay,
I'm just gonna like try to move on and be
cool and.

Speaker 4 (22:01):
Not don't panic, don't look at it.

Speaker 3 (22:03):
Just just go. And then after I couldn't see it,
I couldn't hear it. I was like, okay, I'm good.
But that man was I was like, I could be
so far from him and he could shoot me.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Like I don't know what he was doing, but he
was just it was creepy.

Speaker 2 (22:20):
Right, No, that's absolutely like, and when you hear a
rustling in the woods, I'm more scared that it's going
to be a man giant watching me, or or a
wild boars the mountains. They're pretty faster, they'll get you.

Speaker 3 (22:39):
Well, I think that's the thing though, was like, I am,
I don't want to mess with bears. Bears scary, right,
But I also I think that's kind of the point
is that if that's true, Yeah, then if the man
is scarier the random man.

Speaker 2 (22:59):
Right, And again a lot of them are like, yeah,
I could die either way, but I would rather be
killed by a bear versus a man.

Speaker 4 (23:06):
Yeah, that's that scenario.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
That's that conversation, like what's going to happen, I mean,
and as what's happened in Wisconsin, which I believe Shade
Robinson met a dude on tender and he dismembered her
and killed her with initial me and there's a conversation
about the fact that he may have killed other black
women and no one's caring, no one, no one until

like it came out like in a bigger conversation, no
one really said much, and it's not a very hyped case,
and like those are the situations like yeah, she took
a chance on meeting a dude in public, I belief
and died, and that we know more and more and
more of those cases, and it's kind of like we
this is that conversation that we're having of like what

did a poor woman? And if you've listened to true
crimes and so many things where they're like, you know,
like people are women are petrified. I you know, marginalized
people are super petrified about what's out there and who's
going to get them. And it's more often that they're
more afraid of a human being than of all the

creatures out there, except for the deep sea. Like if
I go into deep sea, then maybe I'll be more scared.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
Deep sea is scary, so scary.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
But yeah, I think that was an important conversation and
I'm I hate that this is a constant turnaround conversation
that I'm like wow, wow, like you just you refuse
to get it.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
Yeah, yeah, because I do feel that so many times
and most of my male friends have been very cool
about it, but you've just mentioned something and they'll be
like what really, Like, yep, that's just my existence. And
I feel like so many of these things just showcase
over and over again that.

Speaker 6 (24:58):
We are.

Speaker 1 (25:00):
We're here living in different worlds. We've got a long
ready to go.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
And then the amount of men who are getting boosted
because they just said, oh yeah bear because they quote
unquote get it. But this is minimum, this is this
is a minimum. Yeah, but I get while we're celebrating
because this minimum is really high compared to the rest
of the average here.

Speaker 4 (25:26):
It is.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
It is.

Speaker 3 (25:28):
Yeah, it's unfortunate because, like you said, it's also Yeah,
when a bear attack happens, you hear so much about it.
But every day to every day inundated with violence against women, it's.

Speaker 4 (25:41):
Like, okay, yeah, women start wearing these clothings. Thanks, don't
go out alone?

Speaker 3 (25:52):
Yes, oh god, well, I did not know this is
what we would be talking about to day. You well, dae, Yeah,
thank you for keeping me up to date on these
trends that I don't know about.

Speaker 6 (26:06):
That now is gonna go away. Tiktook us forever, goal
got a year, Yeah, one year. So listeners. If you
have any thoughts about this, please let us know. You
can email us STEPHANIEA mom Stuff at iHeartMedia dot com.
You can find us on Twitter at mom Stuff podcast,
or on Instagram and TikTok at stuff One Never Told You.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
We have a YouTube tube.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
And t public store and a book that you can
get wherever you get your books. Thanks as always too,
our super producer Christina, our executive producer Maya, and your
contributor Joey. Thank you and thanks to you for listening
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