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December 28, 2023 8 mins

There's no full episode this week, but don't forget about our upcoming tour! We're doing live shows in early February in San Francisco, Sacramento, Dallas, Austin, and San Diego!

Grab tickets at! Also, check out Caitlin's upcoming screenwriting classes at, and buy Jamie's books, Raw Dog --

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
On the Bechdel Cast, the questions ask if movies have
women and them are all their discussions just boyfriends and
husbands or do they have individualism? It's the patriarchy, Zefph
and Beast start changing it with the Bechdel Cast.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Hello Bechdel Cast listeners. There we are.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
Caitlin and it's me Jamie and it's our end of
year bray ever heard of it? I have not to brag.
We have released I want to say, forty nine brand
new episodes this year, possibly fifty. So we are given
a couple weeks off every year and we usually like

to save one for last you know why, so we
can hang out and watch the Muppet Christmas Carol this week,
which is what we would normally do.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
It's what we're gonna do, that's right. So this is
not a full episode. This is just a quick little
us popping in to tell you we're not doing a episode.
But what we are doing is plugging the tour that
we have coming up in February. If you haven't heard,
oh yeah, we got a big year, big year ahead.
So in early February we are going on tour. We're

going to some cities in California and Texas. Jamie tell
them more about it.

Speaker 3 (01:21):
I sure will. So, yeah, we're going on tour at
the beginning of February. We are hitting San Francisco at
SF Sketch Fest on February first. We're heading to Sacramento
Lady Bird Ever Heard of It on February second, and
one of those shows has already sold out, So if
you didn't get tickets and you're in Sacramento, jump for

those other tickets now. February third, we'll be in Dallas, Texas.
February fifth, we will be in Austin, Texas, and then
we're gonna swing on back down to California. And on
February tenth, we will be at Wicked West in San Diego.
But here's the twist. We mysteriously didn't cover I think

the largest grossing movie of the year, which also happens
to be the largest grossing movie ever directed by a woman.
And so it's just interesting, and it is because we
were saving it for a tour so we could wear
cute outfits. It's the Barbie Tour. Yes, so we will
be covering Barbie. We're gonna be, you know, putting together
a big live show as if you've been to our
live shows before, you get the Bechdel Cast experience, you

get the discussion. But we also play games, we wear outfits,
we do meet and greets afterwards, we have tour exclusive
merchant posters. It's really really fun, and we're coming to
most of these cities. All of these cities except for
San Francisco we've never toured to before, so we're very
very excited. And yeah, except in Sacramento, where we're also

covering the Wolf of Wall Street for the second show. Right,
we're doing two shows. Everything else is Barbie.

Speaker 2 (02:53):
Yes, so yeah, so Barbie. And until quite recently, we
weren't sure what we were going to do in San Francisco.
We were kind of waiting to see if there would
be a guest confirmed, but it's official. We're also covering
Barbie in San Francisco. So if you already bought a
ticket to that show and you're like, what movie are
they covering, it's Barbie. It's Barbie.

Speaker 3 (03:14):

Speaker 2 (03:15):
And then the show that's not yet sold out in
Sacramento is the Wolf of Wall Street show, So come
on to that, come to all the other shows, go
on tour with us. It'll be a blast, and we
have an exciting year for touring coming up. Suffice it
to say, you might be catching us over sea gas

in the spray in the spring. Yeah, I mean perhaps
if you kind of live in or near the UK.
Huh huh huh, we're.

Speaker 3 (03:48):
Gonna possibly be there and like in more than one location.
So just think about that.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
Just think about it.

Speaker 3 (03:53):
And in the meantime, if you live in California or Texas,
get excited. We're very, very excited. Especially. I think Austin
has a special place in my heart, not just because
I love doing shows there, but because we had a
show sold out there for April twenty twenty and we
are finally making good on it. So we would love
to pack out these shows. We're so I know that

our listener base correctly complaints that we go to the
same five cities all the time, but we're only going
to one of those same five cities on this tour. Yeah,
so please come out. We would love to meet you.
We love doing the meet and greets, and we'll see
you Barbie's there. Come in your Barbie finest.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
Truly, and hey, if you want to get tickets to
those shows, here's how you do it. You go to
link tree slash Bechdel Cast, all the tickets are there,
and we're so excited to see you there.

Speaker 3 (04:48):
We're very, very pumped. And just because it's the end
of the year, we do this on the Matreon all
the time, Patreon dot com slash Bechtel Cast. Five dollars
a month gets you to bonus episodes a both that
access to almost two hundred back episodes. But we we're
just we're very we're very grateful to you, to our listeners.
We wanted to end the year reflectively.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
We had a great year.

Speaker 3 (05:11):
We had a really fun year. We got to tour
a little bit, We got to have a lot of
amazing returning guests, a lot of new guests, cover a
lot of I think today this year we got through
I think a lot of popularly requested movies more than
we usually do. We didn't force our will this year,
and I think that's beautiful.

Speaker 2 (05:29):
Yeah, good for us, and yeah.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
Maybe next year we'll be tyrants. Either way, we're just
grateful to have you here, and thanks as always for
being a listener and for I mean for gently educating
us as you have for years, seven years. We didn't
we never really like celebrate our anniversary. Yeah, we always
forget babe, we never celebrate our anniversary anymore. Well, it's

like right after Trump got elected. This the first time,
depending on when you're sneak to this, unfortunately, but seven years,
seven years of bliss.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
It's so true, and we're nearing also, I think five.
I'm not sure how many main feed episodes. It's wild
that we don't have a handle on this.

Speaker 3 (06:15):
We're too busy creating content, it's true.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
But I do know that we as far as the
number of movies we've covered, both on the main feed
and the Patreon aka Matreon, it's nearly five hundred. Wow,
can you believe it?

Speaker 3 (06:30):
And there's only five hundred and twelve movies, So we're
gonna have to figure out what to do now. We're
we're incredibly grateful that you've been with us for all
these years. Hands too many more And spoiler alert, we're
about to record the first episode of the year and
hit stars a green celebrity.

Speaker 2 (06:51):
Wow, who could it be? Is it the Grinch? Is
it wow? Camora from Guardians of the Galaxy. No, we
just covered that.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
It's Shrek, the only one we haven't covered for now.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
For now, but also wait posts and Boots movies, they're
a thing. It's true. I would like to plug something
really quick before we wrap up, which is my intro
to screenwriting class. Yes, I have a section starting on
January sixth, which is like such a normal day in history.
Nothing I don't think ever happened on that day, and.

Speaker 3 (07:30):
We canceled a recording that day. I remember because we're
like should we not today? I don't regret it. It
was the right thing to do.

Speaker 2 (07:37):
It was the right thing to do. But yes, I
have a few spots left in that section at the
time of us recording this. So if you're interested in
taking one of my screenwriting classes, I've got this intro
section that has a few spots, So head to Caitlin
Durante dot com slash classes for like the registration and

more details on that. But it's like Saturdays for eight weeks.

Speaker 3 (08:05):
And then for me get a copy of Raw Dog
if you haven't already, treat yourself. And I have a
new weekly series starting in March that I'm not gonna
tell you any more podcast, but a thrilling year of
content creations ahead.

Speaker 2 (08:21):
Wow, look at us.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
I have a wonderful New Year. Everyone celebrates safely, and
we will. We will Shrek you in twenty twenty four.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Oh my goodness. Okay, bye Shrek You.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
Then bye

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